Mario Maker thread

Mario Maker thread.

I have a puzzle/platforming stage called Bob-omb Battleship. It plays around with On/Off switch mechanics and Bob-ombs.


Also, I have another course called Blooper Blasters, a more traditional level -

Attached: D-Q99R0U4AA_yNe.jpg (1280x720, 277K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: D-M-kqRUEAAhwRF.jpg (1280x720, 162K)

Need feedback on this new one:
>SMB1.5: 1-3 Seesaw Stroll

my other levels:
>Super Shmup Bros.
>SMB1.5: 1-1 Goomba Valley
>SMB1.5: 1-2 Koopa Cavern

>Work For That Snack!
A puzzle level where you need to get a mushroom, and the mushroom needs you too

not found

Alright I just uploaded a new stage. It's pretty short, but fast and (imo) fun.
The entire stage is about the idea that you have to get the most out of cannonball salvos to get from airship to airship. It's rather forgiving for the most part though, I'd rank it as "normal" difficulty.

Would love it if someone felt like playing it.

Attached: airshipassault.jpg (848x537, 184K)

>posting your own courses in the OP instead of keeping it neutral

Attached: 1558664246172.jpg (345x373, 21K)


Just a short standard level involving goombas.

New Stage!

1-3: Algae Pond F5S-F75-LGG

Made this one to try and incentivize players to explore the stage. Think the rust has shaken off finally. Previous two stages:

1-1: Start of a New Journey V61-WT5-DPG
1-2: Seesaw Tunnels YT8-LYV-Y8G

Bit Crusade 3 is the sequel to the two full games (1-1 to 8-4) I created within Mario Maker 1, reminiscent of traditional Mario levels. Meant to be played in sequence as an adventure game, starting at the 1-1. There's secrets to find, alternative pathways and other goodies as well. Try to find all 5 red coins hidden in each stage to access the super secret bonus room at the end of each level.

Now that 1-3 is done I'mma bounce around the thread and play some stages to break from making. Play mine and I'll prioitze returning the favor otherwise I'm picking them out at random.

Also I'll be making webms of stages or bits I really like

Attached: Lakitus Bolero.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

The best part is that the code in the image is not the same as in the OP post


Is there a way to put a progressive power-up in a ? block? Like, if you have mushroom, it gives you fire flower, and if you're small you get a mushroom.

I hear Biden has been posting nothing but Obama's courses today.

fuck, HN at the beginning, not NH

I made a vertical castle level, I'm pretty happy with it. I tried to make it fun by giving the player small puzzles for each step of the climb on the first part, then varying on the second.


Nevermind, figured it out, hold down on a power-up and select the mushroom icon on it.

Re-uploaded webm related so I could change its name. was me.
>Code: M6T-BWT-X1H

I think medals are calculated by global rank. If you're not earning stars faster than everyone else, your rank might go down. I was looking at the top creators, and some of them straight-up plagiarized popular levels from Mario Maker 1.

Attached: March of the Ant Trooper.webm (1280x720, 1.94M)

Shilling my levels because I'm absolutely shameless

Icy Caverns
Spiky Jungle
Muncher Desert

Also, post Nina fan art! I can't find any for some reason

Attached: 1561786890273.jpg (680x898, 79K)

Reposting since it originally had a typo in the last thread and nobody had a chance to play it. Some feedback on it would be greatly appreciated.

Attached: 2951.jpg (416x416, 67K)



One of my stages is still at a 0.3% clear rate.
It's an extremely simple and straightforward stage, too. Just needs precision.
7 jumps and you win, anyone here up to the task?


Skylandia Castle
Just finished this one
any feedback would be cool.

there's a secret subworld somewhere

Attached: 1534890590426.gif (256x244, 459K)









posting my level in new thread: WBM-K6L-YNF

It took me 3 hours to clear it to upload but that's just because I suck

Snow Fields, Fire Plants - PTD-3KL-6WF
Thwomp Desert - 7NT-PHW-3DG

I've encountered two really great levels in endless mode so far. One was themed around going inside of poison filled pipes called Pipe Maintenance I think, the other was a well made find they key adventure in a forest called Forest Adventure. My Switch isn't around to post the codes, but just in case an user here made them, I hope you see that I enjoyed them.

Hey, guys. Thanks for the tips and help with previous courses. Finished one.

Jr's Play Palace. Defeat his newest super weapon.

Attached: 200px-BowserJr_BISDX_Point.png (200x178, 49K)

Can you play all endless modes at once?
Say, I take a break from my infinite easy mode endless mario and go play some expert endless mario but don't lose my easy mode endless progress?

Know what I mean?

Attached: 38275.jpg (503x478, 150K)

PC3-0QK-98G I made a really crappy level. Only play it if you want to eat a dick for 40 seconds.

Why are 70% of all easy stages flooded forest ones?

Only a very small percentage of the player base is not shit. One of my levels has around 500 unique plays and only a 12% win rate, despite being designed to be easy with lots of power ups and no pits.

There's a tooltip I think when you select forest saying you can raise the water/lava for this level!

not encountered a single automatic stage yet

Attached: Untitled.jpg (643x352, 47K)

Is there no way to make a hidden ? block with more than one coin in it?

That stuff probably takes a while to make

Easy Mode is actually hilarious
It's so funny to see the kind of shit kids build.
Like you try to understand what they were thinking or why they thought this would be good or funny.

Reposting from last thread because it was archived immediately after I posted

My level, Siege of the Mountain: HD1-QJ9-W5G
Short level. Honestly, I don't think its as good as my other level, but might as well post it here.
Now that I think about it, I could have made it feel more like a mountain climb using verticle sub-areas, but too late now. I might do a remake in a while after I get better at level building

Here are my stages from oldest to newest:


Please let me know if you try any of them, and tell me what you like and dislike!

Gonna play this one next

This stage has a great start, I like the concept you're rolling with but it kinda falls apart towards the end, gets kinda muddled with no clear direction on which path is optimal, I had fun though.

Attached: SORRYMASEN.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

Seesaw Stroll’s beginning is kind of a hassle when dying and restarting. Feels more like a transition to another part of a level where you’d find the check point. Also feels a bit short. But the auto scroll part was pretty fun though.

Yeah you can, I have a suspense normal run right now as I'm playing easy. Perhaps someone can tell me, how does the game decide the difficulty of your level? If it's based on pass rate, doesn't that mean the hardest mode will just be an unholy mix of kaizo and troll levels and not worth touching?

tfw can't make a grassy level like this

Attached: SuperMarioBros3Map1-2.png (2816x896, 27K)

Bounty Hunter
There’s not enough love for pirate ships.

Reposting and also trying to go through as many of yall levels as i can.

Made a precision kaizo level. Meaning its all very difficult jumps and controlled movement of falls, jumps, and running. Not standard kaizo you see with shell tricks or anything extreme like that. Warning the level is extremely difficult and based on my mm1 dangerous cliff level that i think only one japanese guy was able to beat through the games lifespan. Just please dont boo it because its hard, its meant to take probably 1000 tries to win. Oh and its snow themed


Here's my first try at this, it's a vertical level with lots of springs and bouncy mushrooms.

Attached: baby arm.jpg (903x558, 43K)

I wish you could give ground multiple skins like you can with Semisolid Platforms

Reposting my Metal Gear Solid Map
Its from the intro of MGS to the Revolver Ocelot fight

Incase some of the shit wasn't obvious
Monty Mole is Meryl
the Galoomba and the Beetle are the DARPA Chief and Baker, the Thwomp is FOXDIE

Attached: metal-gear-solid-ps1-big.jpg (1637x1394, 765K)

I know that water levels kinda suck, so i tried to make an actually good and enjoyable one. Tell me what you think, Yea Forums.


Attached: 3c84ei0o7cjz.jpg (600x300, 47K)

It's a mixture of clear rate and some calculations based on how long people spent to clear it and how they died and stuff. It's NOT "just" the clear rate, although generally speaking yes a level with a 1% clear rate will most likely be in super expert, but it might also be in expert.

And yes super expert stages obviously have low clear rates for a reason. Either they are bullshit with hidden dev exists, genuinely difficult or complicated puzzles no one wants to bother with.

I want to make a section of the level where you have to spin-jump on a bunch of spinies to get past, but I don't want my level to get boo'd into oblivion by little kids who don't know how to spin-jump or what its for. How do I make my level teach this idea?

Could benefit from a mushroom, I think it borders enemy spam, and a powerup could give players the confidence to continue and not ditch the level.

>tfw if we went back in time and removed almost any random official smb and smb3 level, then uploaded it for the first time on super mario maker, it would be 0 plays 0 likes 0 comments forever forgotten

Speaking of skins, whatever happened to this?

Attached: image.jpg (1920x1080, 162K)

Use tracks to make a Z, so people know what button to press.

There are indeed goombas, and thwomps too you tricky dicky

I'mma get caught up on yours next, I dig that you're making a series of levels too.

New Level
Bomb-Omb Battlefield

Previous levels from last thread
Winter Exhibition

First Cave (based on cave story)

Forest Trail

I spent gorillion hours perfecting this level:

Forgotten Forest

Please give it a try.

Attached: jungle_ruin.jpg (900x603, 177K)

>1-1, Start of a New Journey: V61-WT5-DPG
First level material, didn't wow me.

>1-2, Seesaw Tunnels: YT8-LYV-Y8G
Like the split paths and vertical scaling in this one, just wish there was more to it. A goomba here or there would go a long way.

>1-3, Algae Pond: F5S-F75-LGG
The most developed of the three, no coincidence. Your ideas are stackin on top of each other now, and I could only find four of the five red key coins. Liked it.

Attached: THIS IS AN OUTRAGE.gif (200x200, 63K)

good fuckin question. I like that version of underground better than the current and would like to choose between the two

No fuckin clue. Alike the old design of the Twisters seen in the reveal trailer, probably just some shit they changed late in development.
Where's the TCRF people on Mario Maker 2? There's probably tons of cool unused shit in there, like the Splatoon shit in MM1.

Up and Down Mole Mountain
Mole gimmicks, slope gimmicks, and three hidden 10-coins.

corrupted crags guy, your level was pretty good; fumiko, your level was alright too

tfw booing some obvious kids shitty stage
heh get rekd

Attached: pepino.jpg (640x640, 79K)


First course ever, have no idea what I'm doing but I felt this was a fun challenge

thanks for the feedback, although it doesn'tlook like it I spent many hours designing that level tweaking the scrolling section over and over to make it feel fun and fair (although looking at the clear percent, I think I made it too easy in the process...), I guess I forgot to improve the start of the level to better fit with the pacing of the rest of it. Oh Well.

Did you find the 10, 30, and 50 coins by the way?

My first level ever, any tips and criticisms would be welcomed since I had fun doing this.


Like how Donkey Kong Country 2 teaches you to use animal abilities. Create an area where the spin jump is needed to pass in a safe environment, and spell out L/R with coins.

Just finished this one. Scary puzzle action.



Please give my level a shot! I put a lot of time into play testing to make sure it plays nice and smooth. Should be a tough but fair challenge that is, above all else, fun. SMB 1 style, have to find 5 red coins in each half of the stage to finish.

I'd appreciate it if somebody gave it a like to get things going, since apparently the levels don't go into the pool until you get your first like.

Kawamommy pic nr

Attached: 1557195634475.jpg (706x1000, 542K)

how the fuck did someone do that in 9 seconds

Here's an Intense boss course that's meant for multiplayer versus, but it's a good challenge solo.


Make sure to use the arena to get around quickly

>a good stage in easy endless
well that's something new
some guy made a pinball machine with seesaws and thwomps where you try to make shells hit specific blocks

no risk of dying but kinda cool

give me your traditional courses anons, I dig me that classic mario shit

I mean, easy isn’t bad if it’s fun. People like winning, it leaves a good impression of the level if they have fun and can win. Also, some of the decisions punish reckless play, like losing Giant Mario if you run forward and hit your head on a goomba that would be easy to see if you wait a bit for a platform to come better into view, but the level still being completable if you lose Giant Mario. Also yeah I found the coins.

>someone leaves a drawing comment on one of your levels

Attached: tenor.gif (498x276, 1M)

>made a stage that I'd say is no more than normal difficulty at best, if not on the verge of easy
>people can't do it and say they need checkpoints here and there
man... the stage is only like 40 seconds long to begin with cmon

Attached: 554124.jpg (600x600, 43K)


It's a short coin hunt level. I try to keep things balanced but they always end up being too easy.

>Pipe Plaza
Traditional level using a bunch of clear pipes.

OP bumping their own thread only works if you space the posts out by at least 10 minutes. It's been that way since 2014 on all boards.

i made a don't-touch-the-floor level if anyone wants to play it

yeah I might be overthinking it, it's just that I noticed the 1-3 level has a noticeably higher clear % than the 1-1 and 1-2 levels.

I really like the set up with riding the skull boat to the temple, but there wasn't much to it outside of spin jumping a bit. Maybe adding moving enemies to spin jump off of would have rounded it out.

bretty gud

>red coin level
>no safety coin

1-2 and 1-3 were both great. 1-2 utilized shell kicks to great degree and I really like the layout of 1-3, alternate paths and hidden shit make me rock hard. Nice job!

1-3 is where I started to get my groove back, I'm a bit out of practice from MM1. and with all the feedback I get once I finish all 32 stages I'm gonna tweak them all and re upload them with the changes. Thanks for playin them!

I'll play yours next after a quick snack

Attached: SMB 15.webm (1280x720, 1.89M)

I liked this a lot user. The end was pretty tricky but I like how it basically showed you how tp use the z spin thing to do it all. The theme was solid too, especially the pyramid.

>1-2 and 1-3 were both great
glad you liked them user!
does this mean 1-1 was lame?

Would appreciate some feedback, made a course with the purpose that you could fit it in a Mario game.

Made my first 3 levels, first two are easy but the Castle one is harder than the other two.

Night Fleet: 9TP-NSB-S2G
Fridge Ridge: 7BQ-QR7-DJF
Flicker Fortress: 3XG-PWP-VPF

I've been playing Mario Maker 2 for 15 hours straight
I think it's time for some rest

I know it sounds petty, but my only complaint would have to be the giant shroom being a context sensitive powerup.

Killing bowser makes the rest sooo much easier. Good level bruh

Took me a while to figure it out but I liked it!

That was me yesterday. Had never played the first on Wii U so this is my first experience. Good or bad it’s just fun to play Mario. I’m 150 levels down in course world and the vast majority(while being mostly Yea Forums levels) have been pretty great. These threads have been awesome and I’ve been playing pretty much every level that gets posted when I’ve got the game on.

What are some ways to make sound effects play only once? Besides putting it in a ? Block. I want the Gloom one to play when an enemy appears but not every time the player steps on that tile.

You HAVE gotten a 30+ level streak on expert endless right Yea Forums?

Can't you put it on the enemy?

1-3 definitely your best one yet, nice to have a water level that's actually fun


Treetop Trouble. As opposed to my other stages in this one theres no rails. Its all Mario movement. Let me know if it was fun!

Last repost from the night

So this level ain't perfect, but it should give you a good idea of how precise weight management on the seesaws can be. Not my level, but here, SMB style.

>Swaying Swamp Launchers: LBH-49L-3HG

Attached: Yup.gif (370x246, 984K)

Oh, no. I'm not falling for that.

which course are you referring to, 1-1 or 1-3?

Id say second half is a little too enemy spammy

I'm like halfway through creating a level but I'm losing motivation to finish it. Should I still upload it as garbage or just start over?

Desert Treasure. Collect a certain number of coins, avoid enemies, and stay on the seesaw.

Bonus points if you get the reference.

Nice concept! Level design made sense as soon as I saw the elevator. I dig it.

Whats the best new music theme and why is it SMB3 Snow?

Since I don't want to keep spamming I'll just say The seesaw one. Great level, nice layout and design but I almost felt cheated not being able to get to all those coins. I see that you put in another coin path for those without the giant shroom but what can I say, I'm petty.

Does the game come with a pen or not?

This one might be a bit hard.

Attached: playma.jpg (512x328, 21K)

It does, but not in the US.

Nah, I already played it and its good too, I had mentioned it in a previous thread. Followin your ass, would like to see where you take this.

Thanks man! I love water levels and they've always been among my favorite to make

Made a Pokemon Gym themed level, has 8 sections, each with its own theme. I think it's pretty challenging, but I'm new at this so let me know y'all.

Pokemon Gym Rush



Lonely Mushroom want to play with you



Is this too easy or too hard.

>skipsqueak jaunt
I already love this. So much charm.

Sadly no. I bought a two pack of Meko styluses solely for this game. They're pretty good. Ten bucks gets you six different tips to try.

T7J-DJM-SNG: My first level, I need feedback about it because I want to repeat the concept but better.

RDY-PSP-TNG: this one is a Zelda-like level that I found in youtube. Is very fucking hard and can get tedious to repeat the beginning so many times until you figure everything out, but is very well designed

My course percentages let me know you guys must suck at mario, or they show up for normies.

good thing I didn't go with my original idea then, it'd probably have made you mad. As I mentioned in another post, I went through loads of design iterations for 1-3 and spent many hours on it (even though the end result is a short and relatively simple level) - originally, I was going to block that pipe completely if you didn't have the big mushroom.

So many things about 3D world piss me off
>spin jump is fucking garbage but you’re trained from NSMB to think it’s a good idea (it never is, it kills your forward moment and stops you from being able to wall jump)
>long jumps are literally only useful in scenarios tailor made for them
>Goomba AI is totally different from every other Mario, they fucking stop walking for a half second when they see you which makes jumping on them obnoxious
>the hold down for literally 1 more block of jump height thing it borrows from Mario 2 is retarded and I never remember it exists
>the physics in general are totally fucked, the amount of time it takes you to get “half” P-speed and full P-speed feels way off and the animation forbeach is really distracting, and the way momentum affects jump height is different from other styles
It’s like not even remotely the same as every other game but the levels get mixed in. I’m not surprised the games sold like shit.

I gave it a like.

The spin jump is good in its own way, it's just not the same as the NSMB jump

I've been noticing it's rare to find someone who has level conditions in their level. I would've expected tons of people would be using them.







Excellent puzzle level user, the bill blaster bridge was tricky but not too bad once you get the timing down. Got the claw bit at the end on my first try thought I bet it was partly luck. Nice work

Ooooo I'll give it a go, I love water levels.

h-how do I copy and paste things?

Attached: 1559846244515.jpg (337x290, 56K)

The ending is already there from the start.

I have yet to find one scenerio where the twirl is better than just jumping normally. Like it fucks your momentum so badly it’s not even good for distance, and I swear the fact that it stops you from wall jumping has killed me a hundred times already. It’s only second to that absolutely retarded goomba AI.

It requires you to not have a check point which can be a bit off putting.

Please play my magnum opus.


Attached: 1548130325322.gif (651x758, 1.95M)

or I would if the code was right

I'll try yours in the meantime

Use multi select to highlight the area you want to copy, then switch to copy and drag the highlighted area to where you want it to go









Oh, that's pretty significant and understandable then
I didn't know that because I personally haven't touched the feature yet

Can’t you go infinite on Easy and Normal endless mode? I gain more lives than I lose on average.
Does it slowly up the difficulty over time into Expert and Super Expert territory or is it just an endurance/autism contest and people already hit 999?

>Tilting Trouble Temple: SWD-KV1-60G

Not my level but it's definitely one people will wanna go fast on. It's got a 7.6% clear rate, so for you guys you might put that at "sorta hard".

You can check who's in first.

It's better for momentum, literally levels based on it

These threads are literally the saving grace of Yea Forums

That's my stage! Thanks for playing, user
Here's the ID if anyone wants to play it: Y1B-W2J-90G

Attached: 1552102621389.png (467x341, 272K)

Is the top pipe on Mario Needs Money supposed to be a trap? Or am I too stupid to find the way out?

ZL/ZR to swap between multi-select, copy, and standard.

Not So Scary Boo Bros
Nighttime SMB1 haunted house, very easy (I think). I'm not super proud of this one but it's a decent time. Nothing stressing puzzle or action-wise.

Water Water But None to Drink
I posted this in a thread earlier. SMB3 desert with swimming segments. Mostly linear and probably has too many coins, but this is my first course in SMM2 and some more feedback would be great. (I know there are too many coins, I'll be fixing and reupping soon.)

>Normal high score is 595
So yes, it is just an autism contest, it doesn’t get harder over time.

I suck at mario so it was hard for me lmao. 84 deaths

So you're gonna race to 999 then.



Got 0 plays on my first 2 levels help me out. The second one is a little hard

This was a pretty fun stage, gets a little mosh pitty towards the end but nothing I couldn't handle.

I'd make that blue pipe at the start a bit higher though, you can jump right into it and end up at the locked door right at the start and that may disorient some players since they're running backwards. Aside from that its solid.


No problem, it was pretty damn fun.

I'll try yours too

Attached: nice.webm (720x405, 720K)

What was more surprising to me was the people going infinite in Expert, that’s genuinely difficult unless you’re an aggressive skipper.
Also I think the people at the top of Super Expert are skipping until they get a course they already know and can beat, there’s no way that 42 is legit normal play.

I've been trying to make traditional levels, but something about them always feels off. Anyone else feel this way making their levels?

Its only been one day and your pathetic Mario Maker 2 threads can't even keep up with reaching 500. Maybe you need to go back well back to /vg/ that is.

I know the steam sale sucks this year but no need to lash out at others, user.

Allowing skipping in endless was only gonna end one way.

that's not a full code bro

my bad

Can't make out the level's name cause it's in moonrunes, but here's one.


It's got a baffling 4.2% clear rate (really?), and it takes roughly 30-50 seconds to beat.

Anyone notice some of the enemy hitboxes are ridiculous?
Mario's spine can overlap a Thwomp's spikes and it's fine, but his foot grazes a goomba or the tip of a piranha plant leaf and he dies.

Oh shit completely forgot about that, maybe we'll get different theme styles in an update?

Attached: 138741843523.png (453x427, 216K)

Fix my shitty level's low winrate Yea Forums. I wish there was a way to reupload a second, more forgiving version without losing the original one

Attached: shameful shelling.webm (1280x720, 1.58M)

fuck. HQD-9JR-1NF btw

Wall Jump to Victory!

Someone play my Autistic course pls

Attached: HandmadeWarpedCoati-max-1mb.gif (277x280, 883K)

Really great level user, one of my favorites so far. Gunna go fap to Kawamommy now.

The total lack of curation is going to kill this game for me faster than the original. At least 100 Mario Challenge awarded Amiibo costumes so there was SOME reason to put yourself through that torture. I really hope they get a new Mario Maker Bookmark up and running. It was nice being able to bookmark all the levels in these threads and run through the batches. I remember I suggested it and some user whipped up a Chrome extension that recognized Mario Maker codes let you bookmark them with one click.

Attached: m3053l2mzk631.png (522x767, 187K)

Here’s one about staying hydrated, Mario goes into the desert and turns into a skeleton man, plus a shitty hidden secret!

Attached: 77DB97AC-00B6-4E02-9292-925B4E66BC87.jpg (567x319, 43K)

this goes on way too long without a checkpoint (after the first checkpoint), I gave up in the end

Spin to Win: W82-W9Y-MQF
Just uploaded this level. It focuses on platforming challenges that you need to use the spin jump to complete. A little harder than average, but not too difficult.

How much bonus content does Toadette have?!?
I had to grind for half of the last 1k she asked for (Super Hammer), and then it turned out that wasn't the last at all.
Do I really need to complete Frozen Rain another thirteen times?

Not too bad, the
challenge is there, though I'll admit its not too hard to cheese the first part if you jump on the snow blocks. Tough boss fight

Try mine They (i tried) to make them fit that bill.

The Boo Bros one is kinda difficult with the darkness and not really being able to predict what hazards are ahead until you've already been hit by them, like the shoe goomba near the checkpoint. The wiggler one was quite good, I like how you gradually upped the ante with each water room. Water wigglers was a idea I played with back in MM1, scary ass motherfuckers under the water.

I'll give it a shot

Alright thanks for the feedback. I like making hard levels but I guess its a bit much. Ill probably add another checkpoint then reupload

My First level.

Loving the game so far, too bad I never got the 1st one on Wii U.

Attached: 1561304846174.png (1355x1148, 1.69M)

ok cool, it was well designed just felt like a gauntlet. I did get to the bowser jr fight (which is presumably near the end?) as the furthest I reached after 3 or 4 deaths, but once I died there and was sent all the way back I called it quits.

The curation is way better than the first game.

I'd love if someone gave my first level a try, it's hard to find a balance between too easy and too difficult for novices.


Cool level but
>Go down pipe at the end
>Puts me all the way back at the start

Autistic or no, that was pretty fun, nice little elimination challenge.

This was decent for a first level, lotta enemies but theres enough space to deal with them and not have it be a hassle. Nice jorb!

Aight, time to get cracking on 1-4, lotta good levels you guys all posted, keep it up!

Attached: SMB3_Raccoon_Mario_flying.gif (104x120, 11K)

30 lives isn't enough for super expert. You don't get to commit to challenging but engaging levels because it can take one level to take all those lives out. Should've been like 3-10-25-50 or something. Would make trying to get 1ups a bit more rewarding, too.

I like this level. Its difficult but fair, aside from that fuckin thing right after the spike/spring tunnel in the pipe.

A bit chaotic, and the top of the flagpole was a bit of a cocktease, but otherwise, not half bad.

Here is my level, Crushed


Yeah bowser jr was then end. Any advice for my other level? Still got 0 plays HSM-DGB-SWG It's definitely easier I think, just a fun themed level

thanks anons!

Ignore this one. I re-uploaded it with sounds/coins as


How do I make these fun so people will play them?

Not half bad but is it possible to get to the top of the flag? Was trying for a bit to get into the tube to no avail.

what the fuck user, fucked up.

it is, you need to take the top path with the clouds after the ramp, and you can go into the tube while on the last cloud.

Which one of you fuckers drew a crying Koopa on my course I'm laughing my ass off right now

Attached: 1554999067140.jpg (510x798, 221K)

>Level has dev secret.

>Dev has a level secret

>Secret has level dev.

I'm focusing on making levels that feel pretty close to a real Mario game, so if that's interesting to you give these two a look (working on a third, might go up tonight?)

Pesky Pipes (SMW, Ground/Sky)

Snowtop Summit (SMB3, Snow)

Is it just me or are the 3d levels and controls a complete turnoff?

desert bus

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Post it and the dev exit so we can laugh and boo it

How about you eat a box of dicks?

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I put a hidden door in mine that takes you right to the end. The rest of the level is actually impossible and if you miss the hidden door you can't go back

>how do I make this fun?
Step 1: Kazio blocks aren't nearly as funny as you think they are

post it nigger.

Mario in... The Land of Giants!
Level with two branching paths each varying in difficulty, the top path leads to a secret final boss. Also, pay attention to the placement of the floating koopas and goombas

Get A Life
Puzzle solving autoscroller/obstacle course based around saving your 1up mushroom. The later half is really fun imo and took a while to get working correctly, just make sure to not rush through it.

really good for a first level, really liked the part with the shell turning the blocks on and off
flicker fortress kinda kicked my ass, especially with some of the tight platforming going on

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Give me the level code so I can boo that shit.

>every single mii from Sweden has been a muslim
Sweden really did die, didn't it?

Jumping into that block is how you land on the next note block. Avoiding it will make you fall

Was going to make an ambitious, open world course. After making one section I was amused at how retardedly hard it was for being so short. I'll probably finish the full thing eventually


Spent 5 hours making this course. Only play if your not a pussy and up to a challenge HL0-48H-9RG

Fun but I totally cheesed the part with the red pipes just walking at the bottom

Fucking post it then, you goddamn idiot.

Do you guys pick a different character for course world? Is there anyone who uses Toadette besides me?

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how the fuck is everyone so terrible? everything has at most 15% clear rate

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kids, and people like me who are bad at games made for kids


A simple puzzle level. I'm still new to making levels.

Reminder to dislike any:
>dev paths
>hidden star search
>kaizo blocks
>SMW 1 kaizo jump level
>SFX spam
>pick a pipe
>sniper enemies
If it's just a mediocre level ingore it, if it's automatic tag it

>mfw I find secret sub-levels in some of these stages
Whoever does this, thank you. Doubly so If you put special shit in them.
It scratches an itch not even mainline Mario fully appeases a lot of the time, I love going back to levels and finding cool shit.

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t. shitter who can't mario

I'm gonna finish story mode ASAP, then back to levels.

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>thinking shit like hidden blocks and random guessing requires skill to avoid
Its literally bullshit trial and error, it doesn't matter how good you are, you could be a TAS level god of Mario and still die to that shit.

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I wish there was a way to see what paths people take. I like doing stuff like hiding "high powered" power ups in these areas (Cape Feathers, Propeller Hats, Yoshi etc) but can never tell if anyone ever actually finds it.

No idea if you’re here, but just completed sulfur ascent. Fantastic level that makes you use quick thinking. That 3 spring part was great. Could use ONE mushroom, unless I completely missed a hidden one. Great level! Code for anyone who wants to play it KMX-BJX-0TF

why is this one so popular

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Sorry that I disliked your autistic spam level kid

Because its at the top. Popularity begets popularity.

Not if they are required to beat the level, I fucking hate that, fuck dev blocks especially
Just random, out-of-the-way things that you can find by finding ques throughout the levels

That's what I do with mine. Even if they don't really amount to much cause of the 3-up cap in endless per level but it's still nice to be rewarded for exploring the environment.

people play it right away because it's the most popular, and then like it because they're used to liking everything that isn't unplayable garbage

I have two courses.
970-D70-GDF is a short course about jumping on Koopas
FTN-NBW-41H is a course where you ride a platform and try to avoid obsticals. I’m thinking about making a harder version set at night.

So what's the deal with Toadette recently? She's having prominent roles now
remember when people called Rosalina "Nintendo's Lighting" because she appeared in stuff besides Galaxy

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This level is absolutely garbage. Why does it have so many likes?

Fun. I like the theme

>have been working on a level for 10 hours now
>barely 4 screens, and it's mostly scenic too
>want to scrap half of what I have because somehow it just doesn't click
I'm never finishing this am I?

The Goomba hop was kinda tricky since he spawns in right when the platforming gets tricky. There isn't any real incentive to fighting Bowser Jr. and the Lakitus kinda make it easy to skip over him. Still really fun level I like the final fight and the tornadoes.

Take a break and maybe draw it out on paper to help.

Both pretty easy, but fun nonetheless

They want a female player character, but Peach must remain a damsel in distress for their plots. Solution: Just use Toadette.
Honestly, I'm okay with that. She has somewhat more personality than just a Toad.

Koopa level is mediocre, I barely had to do anything to win.
Jungle level is genuinely fun and has a nice aesthetic, although I may just be partial to the SMB Jungle theme. In future consider blue platforms: They don't start moving until the player steps on them.

Goomba Pound Factory:

Goomba's are being manufactured into goomtein powder! Help save them from this nightmare. Try to find the secret path with Goombalina's assistance.

I will be playing levels posted in this thread, feedback on my level would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

I unironically like toadette

Wait, you can actually do that?

I was pretty happy with it on paper and on screen until I started playing it and bumped into a slight obstacle. Somehow fixing it seems nearly impossible without ditching a chunk of level and not fixing it can take the flow out of the entire level if people happen to get there with the wrong timing.

how do we feel about speedrun courses?

Yeah, drag a Mushroom over whatever Power Up you want, then place that in a block. If they are Super Mario, then they get whatever powerup you started with, otherwise they just get a Mushroom.

Fine as long as they aren't 1 second precise

She's 100% ending up like Rosalina. They'll just leave her by the curb for some new female character later on.

I just made one for the first time, usually I'm pretty lenient on my level difficulty so it's kinda fun to get out of my comfort zone.

I made a car course if anyone wants to try it out, it's not extremely lenient but you are allowed mistakes. I think it's enough that it should be exciting as long as you are mildly competent at the level.


how do i play as luigi/toad in story mode?

I decided to make a Superball themed level and it spiraled out of control.
It's really long, but to my knowledge, the only ways to permafuck yourself are to kill the bo-bomb with the star, and to dig a hole by resetting a bo-bomb repeatedly.
Gonna be going through the thread and checking out some levels that didn't get any attention

If its what I think it is, it was made by SimpleFlips specifically to fuck with Vinesauce Joel (also known as Vargskelethor) because he did a full playthrough of Desert Bus on stream.

Was inspired to make a themed level in the traditional mario style (no farcical mario maker type bullshit).


>that 30 year old boomer playing Mario

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This level great, the story you told was fun and the gimmick of the level was really well executed. Though for some reason I was having a ton of trouble getting through the switch puzzle before the key door. I'd get to the red platform and the switches swapped again? I couldn't quite figure it out so I just went super fast for the record.

>play through long, difficult level
>die tons of times
>finally get to the end
>locked door
>there was no key anywhere in the level
>can't go back, softlocked
>key was in a hidden block above a tight jump

Attached: kak2.png (480x480, 424K)

>it's a slow meandering snake block level

A couple simple levels I made. They are technically, I haven't played 1 in years and never made many levels then so in a way these are my first.

Jungle Squid Migration
Sky Mushroom Forest

Attached: mm.jpg (936x702, 35K)

>keys in hidden blocks in obscure places
>keys in hidden blocks during tight platforming sections
>enemy spam with only a small window of opportunity to avoid that you pretty much have to guess
>enemy at the other side of pipe/glass pipe that hits you as soon as you get out
>! Blocks that fucking murder you if you stomp on them with no indication of a trap
>All of this is a trillion years away from the last checkpoint

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How long is too long? I always enjoy long levels but Im worried I'm overdoing it.

In my experience, levels like the are improved by using coin trails to highlight jumps. The level's lenient enough time-wise, but one of the deathsprings is unavoidable if you don't take the previous jump really early.

Theme was a lot of fun, and the final challenge with the pounders hitting the switches was built up to nicely. The True Ending being only 30 coins would be really frustrating if I came across the level in one of the endless challenges.

YPL-QG5-LCG Made a beginner-friendly level going over the jump mechanics in a NSMBU level, give it a go.

I personally don't mind if a stage is 2 max areas long, as long as theres checkpoints and it's not like a pure auto scroller.

No such thing as too long, only a mood for short levels and a mood for long levels. Tag your shit properly and you'll be fine. Unless you're copy pasting sections you already did just to make it longer, then that's just filler.

Buzzy Battalion

Ice Cave Eruption

Tower of Treachery

Please tell me how to improve.


Tried to make a more difficult stage that was also fair. Tell me if there's anything wrong with it or ways to make it better.

>No such thing as too long, only a mood for short levels and a mood for long levels
You're wrong but cheers for giving good moral support.

pretty good tutorial. It's somewhat hard to read the comments sometimes because of how they fade, and I think it would work better without the enemies

Peach has her own unique physics, so putting her in games is a pain since you have to account for the fact she can float and if you remove the float people bitch about her, so no Peach allowed. They need a female player character, so they just shoved in Toadette since she was never playable before so they could just make her a copy of Mario's jumping physics and abilities and nobody would bitch about it. Now it stuck and she's the official generic player 4 character.

Thanks for playing and the feedback, I think I know the spring you're talking about. The car momentum is surprisingly adaptable and I ended up being able to save myself 90% of the time anyway so I ended up keeping it. Maybe not the best decision.

The coins are definitely a great idea though, I've barely touched them at all in Mario Maker since they don't have the traditional value they would in a real Mario game. I'll have to think about how to best use them though, I feel like part of the fun of this kind of course is reacting and trying the best jump timing you can think of.


Tried something less bullshitty and more puzzle/platformer

Thanks! I'll keep that in mind when I do another tutorial level.

Thank you so much for playing it! This is such awesome feedback, I'll adjust the switch puzzle to prevent readability issues. I was actually afraid of this very thing. I'd love to play your levels as well if you have some to share!



Is there a point in scattering red coins across the level for a secret exit/bossfight? Or should I just include it in the normal level since no one is gonna go through the bother of collecting them.

How do I select the rotten mushroom?

1-ups in night themes, I think.

How do I turn on night theme?

If you place a sun you can turn it into a moon, and from that point on the night theme appears in the course theme list.

such a weird way to unlock. Thanks

Can someone tell me how to restrict the camera so it doesn't move? I've seen multiple maps where players make a lot of small rooms with fixed camera position so you don't have to fill in a bunch of walls.

Had me stumped for a while. Good job man, I enjoyed it.

The shroom might be restricted to certain themes. Not sure which.

If there's a straight wall completely cutting off Mario it stops the camera.

To my knowledge, you need a column of solid blocks from the bottom of the level to the top.

Some folks like it, I do it for mine. In every level there's 5 red coins scattered throughout the stage, and a locked door leading to a fun or neat bonus room right before the end of the stage. I think it adds some replay value in case you missed some on your first run and it encourages exploration, and a good number of people have found them all going by the comments they leave. Secret boss is a neat idea actually.

What do the different color pipes do?

I highly appreciate the feedback. My other 2 levels have been complete trash and I'm considering just sticking to puzzles. Thanks again!

Item spawn rate of whatever you put into them. More arrows means faster spawn rate. Also aesthetics.

I made my first stage, I did it with VS in mind, is very easy considering the levels people usually make, check it out


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Please play my shitty level.


No offense but the level is kinda hot garbage, too much enemy spam and stuff going on.

Whats the block limit this time around? I want to make a huge level but feel like theres still a low limit.

Levels are generally well designed but very hard which I like. Only complaint is the ghost level it was annoying to go through the first room every time indeed. Also it took way to long to figure out how to maneuver the ghost but maybe I'm just dumb. I could only beat the bomb level

I made this ghost house when I was schloppy drunk. It's not too bad, considering. It's kind of a one challenge per room deal. KF5-XNY-SFG

Clearing my own creation was a pain in the ass
but here it is

Bowser In The Night Sky

other levels are in this post

Course not found

Made a short course. It’s my first one. Plan on really spending some time exploring all the possibilities of the creator tomorrow.

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Could Kameks make the goalpost disappear before?

Don't think so.
I'm still waiting for someone to make a course where a kamek destroys the goalpost and you spend the whole level chasing it down.

Poison Paradise


I really liked the zombie shrooms in story mode and how they always chase you so I made a stage that's filled with them. It's pretty short

Is her hair meant to be a mushroom? Im curious if her name is meant to be something like Mary-O


Thanks for telling me at least. I got worried it'd be too easy otherwise, but I probably got carried away with the Bullies on the second phase.

>tfw I put it in a secret boss in my course but then completely deleted because who the fuck is going to bother
>these comments just made me regret it

Man, I don't feel like altering and testing it from beginning to end again after having worked on it all day, fuck that. I will leave it for my next course.

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Thats it you guys made me buy mario maker 2

Oh sorry, mg shitty eyes. It's XSG


its worth the system alone user

Desert/Castle Theme

Generic SMB Level

Now this is podracing.

I spent a lot of time on this one,
It's a music level, didn't know how tedious they could be to make
there is one jump to make in the beginning


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You've got a great eye for level aesthetics. Plays and looks fantastic.

My first stage was somewhat of a success last night. 2.36% clear rate. Try your best, anons!


Thanks man!