Defend this, Gamefreaks...

Defend this, Gamefreaks. Explain concisely and without emotion how the switch can play games like BOTW or Xenoblade 2 which look 1000x better than what SwSh has

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Because fuck you, you'll buy it anyway.

botw looks like shit too

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botw and xenoblade 2 are both also ugly as sin, although that still doesn't let swsh off the hook.

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Attached: Breath_of_the_Shovelware.jpg (1920x1080, 245K)

Attached: Breath_of_the_Shovelware_Princesshit.jpg (1920x696, 135K)

Damn... It's like I'm really playing BotW.

friendly reminder that breath of the reddit would have looked like pic related if it stayed wii u exclusive.

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I kind of doubt it.

dialate redditard