Is the 3DS version any good or should I stick with the GBA?
Is the 3DS version any good or should I stick with the GBA?
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Literally SOUL vs SOULESS. Stick to the GBA one.
get it just to experience nuMario&Luigi in 60fps
I haven't played any of the remakes, but they just look so awful. It's like they sucked the soul right out of it.
the bis remake is literally better
That game was souless to begin with.
Only Superstar Saga was truly good.
The new one his honestly fine. The SOUL vs SOULLESS thing is a meme.
It plays WAY better and is better balanced.
That one's a little more iffy, because literally the ONLY difference between the old and new is the graphics. SS is strictly better because they fixed a lot of the balance problems with the first one and the UI is better. BIS is literally the exact same game in the new graphics style.
Fuck off. BIS was the best one
I like it and I have a fondness for the original, I don't know, wasn't too hung up on the graphics change (though I miss the sprites).
if it's the same game just with better graphics then yes that's literally true
Only vorefags say that. The gimmick was stupid, not funny, playing as bowser was just clunkier and the puzzles were shit.
Musically it's still not even 10% of what made SS good.
Absolutely stick with GBA. SSSDX isn't the WORST remake I've seen but it NSMB-ifies some aspects of the game. They also trashed a lot of the music.
What about the Paper Mario games? Any of the 3ds games are good? I have no way of playing the N64 one
Can you stupid fucking cunts please actually define the differences instead of saying fucking soul and soulless like fucking children who learned a new word and want to use it? Please, for the love of god, just answer questions sincerely for once in your god damn fucking lives.
I just finished it, and it really isn't soulless. The music is awesome, and it's 60fps 100% of the time. Would recommend playing with headphones if you decide to get it. The Bowser's minions mode is actually way more interesting than I thought it would be too.
Only thing is that I thought it was a bit too easy. If you've played the original, this one's kind of a cake walk. That probably goes for replaying the original too though. Equipping Great Force kind of breaks the game for a bit.
Was really hoping they would finally include the cut cameos from other series' that was intended to be in the original, but they did not include it.
Overall, it was a lot of fun, and I'd recommend it. Not a perfect remake, but if you liked sueprstar saga, you'll have a good time. Definitive version of the soundtrack though.
3DS Paper Mario is actual garbage. 1-3 are masterpieces.
>Can you stupid fucking cunts please actually define the differences instead of saying fucking soul and soulless like fucking children who learned a new word and want to use it?
The biggest difference is the graphics and music. The UI also got a slight readability boost.
There's also a couple balance tweaks that only a turbo-autist would actually notice, that makes the difficulty curve on the new one a lot smoother
>Paper Mario
What's the third one? Super Paper Mario?
If so, then yeah. PM1 is great, PM2 is fucking awesome, Super PM is different but still fun, and Sticker Star and Color Splash are borderline unplayable garbage.
Ye, 3rd one is Super
GBA. The sprites are too endearing
stick with the GBA
Being rather generous I’ll say Color splash does everything right except for the gameplay which is a big thing to screw up with
I'd play the original, I watched a comparison recently and theyre both pretty good, but there are a few edits and 3d models
wait... wait. THEY MADE A REMAKE? I literally must live in a cave or something goddamn I never knew
the plot was really boring though
>Everything right
>Except gameplay
So you admit its garbage?
>better graphics
pseudo-3d pillow shading isn't better. also the music in particular took a bad hit.
This was definitely a bait thread to get the same soul vs soulless argument going
This version sounds like it'll be a grower for me. The beginning is undeniably worse but the slower piano part slaps on this one.