Here's your patch bro
Here's your patch bro
what the fuck were they thinking
it makes my dick hard
They were not thinking just like how Nintendo doesn't think. Fuck Nintendo
See They were thinking about robutts.
That's good because if you don't make love to her you will never see your flying mount again.
>No attempt at aesthetic design at all.
Blizzard really has gone to shit.
They don't have robutts though, they're nuggets with prosthetics
What the fuck has Nintendo got to do with WoW?
Its honestly sad to see blizzard fall so hard, like watching an animal slowly die.
Rent free and I don’t even like Nintendo
one fucking job
I found pretty amusing that someone at Blizzard thought people were talking about amputee porn bait when they said they wanted mechagnomes instead of the robots at Ulduar.
Why are people going apeshit over these things?
Yeah, how did they fuck this one up?
It's the feminism for wheelchair fags. Some shit about "able-ism" or whatever the fuck nonsense.
See I thought it was just gnomes with robotic arms but I clearly wasn't thinking about the feminist angle to a fictional race.
Normally you wouldn't and shouldn't, but the designers sure as shit are.
Im going to assume people wanted to play with the mechagnome the game already have instead of fucknuggets
why didn't zuljin get a mechagnome to fix his eye and arm
Did they say that outright?
I guess they figured robots wouldn't work because they don't have blood, and most quests involve the character bloodletting in some way like the Troll WotLK quest.
>Did they say that outright?
They don't need to, it's the same tired old song and dance. People clearly wanted to play mechagnomes and instead some purple haired faggot at blizzard said "ahh yes i know just what to do".
blatant awful disgusting fetish bait
That's a pretty bold statement, but I guess I don't care enough to argue otherwise. So what's the feminist angle behind the Gilgoblins?
>my niece is a quadruple amputee we should make a mechagnome that she can self insert into
>i don't like what i'm hearing so i'm just going to internally reject it
>I don't like what I see so I'm going to create a narrative that it's a feminist agenda without any proof
>i'm going to create a narrative
Nigger do you live under a rock or something? It's been YEARS of this dumb shit over and over and over again.
have sex, dilate, etc.
Have we got to this point where we've seen enough of feminist ideas in games where it's a complete conspiracy now? Are we boycotting Cyberpunk 2077 or are we going to be complete hypocrites?
>b-b-but Nintendo
Never change Yea ForumseoGAF
Why? Cyberpunk makes a point of saying "this shit is degeneracy". It doesn't put it on a pedestal and act like they're good things. Cyberpunk is redpilled as fuck.
Letting the player be able to choose to have limbs missing or be gender fluid is putting it on a pedestal you dumbfuck. You have to know that CD Projekt Red has it's own bluehairs putting this shit in the game. Only difference is they're unapologetic about it and Yea Forums has a sunken cost fallacy with CDPR that they have to create the narrative that it's actually redpilled and not just degenerate shit.
>or be gender fluid
This isn't a thing you stupid fuck. And no, in cyberpunk it isn't a case of just "removing your limbs", it's cyberware, it's vastly beneficial considering what it can provide you, unlike just fucking prosthetics. Even then though it's not put on a pedestal because it fucking ruins your body and can lead to cyberpsychosis.
Maybe you should go back to faggotera where you got all these notions from in the first place.
What's important is that Blizzard ruined everything yet again.
How do they fuck this up? People want power fantasy. Not the incredible amputee adventure.
Being genderfluid has been covered in the media, so it is a thing. You can make a tranny. And if your arm doesn't actually do anything, it's a prosthetic. Every robot limb in cyberpunk is a prosthetic, the useful shit is in their heads.
>WoW players are also Nintendies
explains a lot
I clicked on this thread thinking it was spore
>Let's just give the entire market to Square Enix.
>Good idea
>Being genderfluid has been covered in the media, so it is a thing.
>"some faggots at kotaku said so!!!!"
I'm starting to pick up some bait vibes now, nobody is this fucking stupid.
You just know some bluehairs are working on it.
>Have seen zero art of them with all their limbs off in cocksock mode.
Good, let's keep it that way.