CTR thread

CTR thread

I keep getting memed into 5th place by cunts that use their items over jumps

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Other urls found in this thread:


>clocked going over ramp
>spawn in front of ramp after falling
>too slow to make jump, fall again

just unlocked my main man fake crash and im pretty sure he straight up says "holy fuck" when he boosts

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The AI when you only have 6-7 players is ridiculously lucky at getting rubberbanding items too and should be disabled.

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Is there any way I can prevent Megumi's ugly fat mug from even showing up in my pit stop when she releases with her superior friends? She won't show up on character select if I don't unlock her right? I'd rather have my save wiped and play offline forever than have to be reminded of that blue-haired pig, that tag-along idiot who can't even dance.

>6th place in out of time online, getting ass kicked by item after item

>gets three masks in a row, makes it to first

>warp orb right on my ass before i make it to the blue fire turbo pad on my last lap

>keep reserves around tight corner and finish perfectly while hearing the orb right behind me

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Place your bets.

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Choose your fighter

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Why are Penta players seemingly godly in general
I'm no veteran but I think I stand a good chance in most races, but when there's a Penta it's just a lost cause.

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Penta players wish they were good, don't let their above average skill fool you and don't give those narcissists any credit

You mean the biggest jobbers in the entire game closely followed by Tropychads

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>Coco mains

Man, I hope I can pull this kind of shit off one day

Sure but they don't seem to be losing to anybody ever in my games
This is already my new favorite racing game but man are the skill gaps colossal

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Falling off the map is supposed to kill the slowdown effect and let you go free like in the original.

Not sure why it's not consistent


for the love of FUCK

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not surprised that vinny made that look a lot harder

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I'd be lying if I said either of them won.

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Ripper Roo is so cute, I'd play him more often if I didn't feel robbed of Pinstripe time

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That happens in the original. Don't hit that

I love him, I might have to swap out to Megumi as my main handling character next week but for now he's my favourite

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>comment section of another site which gave the game a positive review
>person asking if it's good and saying they're wary of the drifting and the difficulty
>I reply stating it is good and that drifting and difficulty are fine as long as you take some time to learn them
>person buys the game and regrets it saying the drifting sucks
>other person agrees and goes on to shit on every aspect of the game including graphics, track design, AI and says the drifting just doesn't work
This is legit the first time I feel old as shit and that bog-standard 90s games are too hard for today's average gamer to even comprehend. It sucks.

>nothin' purrsonal, kid

They probably expecting it to work like Mario Kart

Fuck them, I've been living the Mario Kart lie and I've been getting destroyed here, but I fucking love it and I don't know a racing game I'd rather play anymore.

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You'd think billy would be the one who mains Crash while Bloddy mains Joe.

>normlet is often at the top of the playable tier lists
based mimeplayers

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woo snagged bestkart on the shop just now. need more to unlock different wheels

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Just a tip for those who don't know but there is a shortcut just after the clock interior section that allows you to skip a good amount of area.

draw crash

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wish there were more paint jobs besides electron shit


i keep fucking hitting that spot almost every race at least once, and i still haven't learned

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Why the fuck she getting in bed after painting and not showering?


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I bought the game when it came out and I still haven't beaten Papu Papu. I remember this shit being hard but it's like the track is not designed to work with how fast the carts go. I can't drift or boost without hitting walls and losing all my speed. The fucker is constantly in front of me shitting potions along the only safe area to drive in and the plants seem to grab me even when I'm nowhere near the dirt patches. I can't even finish the first lap without being so far behind there's no chance for me to win.
I wish I didn't drop 40 dollars on this.

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I'm not sure what to draw him doing...

Play around the track in singleplayer, then refight him once you know how to cheese the track.

Learn the shortcuts and use them, because he doesn't.


pace your boosts on the pyramid, or don't boost at all
take the shortcut at the waterfall and then jump over the turn at the end

wish it were July 3rd

>autist beats everyone by a landslide
>third place can't even make it in time


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At the end of the track at that U-turn, you can instead use the ramp to go all the way to the left and ignore that U-turn altogether, given you have enough speed.

Same. I could do with less glowy "gamer" shit

1 entire hour to finish that fucking track
Get dabbed on vinny

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watch someone do it on youtube and try to replicate what they do

in general you want to try and get stuff from the crates that you can use to overtake the boss, as well as using all the shortcuts on the map

don't give up, you'll get better at it and when you do it's insanely fun

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>actually win a match
it was because everyone disconnected
why the hell is this such a problem with this game

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Is it possible to learn this power?

Shut the fuck up

It is for me.

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I wanna sex Coco

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Holy fucking projection

i totally fucking feel you man, im so frusterated at papu papu right now myself. i nailed the shortcut and that fucking hard uturn on the first lap once and he was already on by the top of the pyramid and then the spam and plants fuck me

>n. tropy autist enters the lobby
>everyone leaves
no coins for tropy mains

>digital tropy player enters the room
>proceed to wreck his shiit with default crash skin
know your masters

it took me 2 days to beat the castle track in adventure mode but I did it boys

Unironically git gud.

Are you okay?

This whole N. Tropy player (especially when he's in Blanco form) reputation is hilarious to me.

thanks too ever fulfilled my request last thread.

They (and along with platinum paint job) are the most difficult things to unlock in the game.

I am good, but I'm not fucking obsessed with perfection

You will be once you get a taste of it

platinum paint job a bit less so if you do easy mode

Then you will lose and always lose.

It's already confirmed that we're getting more paint jobs in the next update.


>CTR token race in dragon mines

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>can't get ntropy because save will corrupt
fuck you lucky niggers

>CTR tokens on onside station are in the middle of long jumps and the same color as the track

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Noob here as well, definitely suck it up. I'm probably no better than you are so far, but I know this game gets more fun the better you get. Even when you blow past everyone else, that means you're going fast enough that the track itself is now your biggest opponent. Once in a while, I've hit the zone and felt what it's like to hold the blue flame for damn near a whole lap, and I don't think there's really a better feeling to be had than speeding that wildly and finally finishing before my fingers give out.

Unrelated, but original CTR fags, I am utterly sorry for any implications I may have made ever that Mario Kart is even comparable. Really wish we could get some online Yea Forums lobbies though so I could lose until becoming a god over the pubs like MK8.

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>Everyone (correctly) praising Coco's two-tone tummy in her beach skin
>Nobody pointing out that it also hugs her butt cheeks and she shakes her ass real good
Blessed skin

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>Android Alley vs Dingo
>People actually voting for Dingo

There is actually a bonus for Weekend at earning coins?

it's 5am but I've still 4 gem cups to go and an oxide fight

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>mask can't drive through android alley train
what the hell beenox

>DNF a lobby
>Next race get spun out into a wall at the first set of crates and a Penta gets an early shortcut

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i've been getting 300 - 500 today when normally i've only really seen 40-60


Waiting until July 3

Yeah, Ive been getting Over 300 coins per race and Im being playing for more than 3 hours


Is it bad to be listening to this while racing as Crunch

Weapon crates are anti-skill and ruins USFs. Weapon-free mode when?

I can't beat the game in hard, the difficulty spike is too much

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>wow im finally in first place!
>oh a rocket just homed in on me and sent me back into first place and I coudnt do anything about it
fuck this game and fuck kart racers

>and sent me back into first place
Damn, what a tragedy

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>tfw you get hit while on a speed ramp

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Does it make me shit if it's a struggle for my life to beat Oxide on some of these tracks? He's impossibly fast. Also are SF and USF speeds the same for every class type?

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>Someone gets a clock at the start of Hyper Spaceway right as everyone is going over the ramp

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>setting up for landing the big shortcut
>all your momentum immediately sends you offroad

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>back into first place

how far in did you get?

i had to really step shit up just to beat crash cove but once i started to "get it" it most tracks were a breeze, now i'm at the 3rd world and starting to get my shit pushed in again, also got stuck on papu for about an hour

keep practicing user

yea mystery caves seemed kinda fucked, I think you pretty much have to take the beginning shortcut on the 2nd and 3rd lap

>Implying I know about shortcuts
Well guess it's time to learn all the trade secrets

You're better than 80% of the players. Make sure you drive between the turtles, and obviously don't lose SF. If you really can't beat him, try using a speed character if you don't already.
SF speeds are different. USF speeds used to be the same in the original, I don't know if it still holds true in the remake.

mid air clocking is the worst

A bit of question about relics, if i immediately plat all of them, do i still get the sapphire and gold paint or i can only get plat paint from that?

the shortcut is right on the left through the stalagmites, you need to keep a boost up to go through it since it's rough terrain
also SF speeds are not the same for every class but USF speeds are

You get them all

You get all the paints

Pinstripe the faggot literally cheats almost two hours and I can't beat him

this is now a Megumi r34 thread

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Alright thanks

U can do it mate.

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Are you serious? Anyway, all of these bosses depends on how to beat them at the first wave of weapon box, if you get a tnt, restart, if you get 3 missiles, use them sparingly and manage your USF carefully

Nani the fuck, i guess cocofags are gods now

>coco poster
Opinion discarded

Now you're on my time you little skunk! Give me your saves!

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i want her to kill me

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Huh, I beat him on my very next run and didn't even use the shortcut. Only barely though, I'll improve that time later but gotta clear the rest for now. Thanks anons

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I saw your mistake in the TF2 thread.

You're getting patched on the 3rd!

You cant discard cold hard facts.

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>retry Mystery Caves CTR 3 times because can't find the C
>it's blended in with the lava
>have to do Tiger Temple CTR like 6 times because never get items to open the secret

The only thing awaiting you is getting Tropy'd by a Cold Hard Crash in a loading screen dammit

Now we all just know you are shit player

Mystery Caves is just taking every corner as tight as possible and keeping SF up from the second turbo pad after the starting line.

Why didn't you use the beaker for the shortcut?

so can I finally call myself a good player , I did it all in 1 day too.
did all CTR oxide time trials then piece of shit tropy took my global save

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>Just did Tiger Temple
>after the tunnel I got 3 potions on every single lap

Weird stuff

is there a better feel?

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No, HAS is a god-tier map for boost gods