Why does Yea Forums hate Cuphead so much?
Why does Yea Forums hate Cuphead so much?
Says fucking who?
yeah I enjoyed cuphead but it was hard
Yea Forums here, I love Cuphead.
I love cuphead. What is their epic idea?
Dlc when
Too fucking lewd
Why do you make shit up?
Nobody cares about it.
I fucking love this gif god damnit
You could’ve just made a cuphead thread. Why did you need bait?
a black nigga with a switch came up to me during testing* and played cuphead coop with me. it was fun inb4 zoomie zoom
(it was testing for sophmores and juniors only, so seniors are stuck in study hall all day if they ride the bus)
Because it's on everything but Playstation and that makes Sony Ponies seethe
Because it was a critical and commercial success.
Deservedly so.
Get out
How long did it take you guys to 100% the game? I feel like it should've taken longer.
I could only beat the first island.
is there any point using a charm that isn't smoke bomb? Finished the whole game using it and never felt any of the other charms would have been remotely as useful.
hotdiggedydemon made halfway decent art for once?
>"You are a cutie... I am not sure if I should catch and release!"
>burps up ghost pirates
what did they mean by this?
back to faggot
10 Hours. It wasn't a very hard game at all and finished it in a weekend. Hardest boss was easily Expert mode Bee Queen and Airplane Clock Bird guy.
Dragon was overhyped garbage. Only scrubs couldn't beat him easily.
I enjoyed Cuphead but it was one of the hardest games I've ever played and I think the only game I ever didn't finish due to difficulty (stopped playing at the casino boss)
And this is coming from someone that enjoys platformers and did ironman on all Super Meat Boy worlds, beat all N++ expert stages, etc.
You did all of that but couldn't beat fucking cuphead? Some n++ levels are fucking nightmares.
How the fuck do you struggle with Cuphead but ironman Super Meat Boy? Requesting achievement pic.
Yea Forums hivemind is really a casual who hates vidya.
Prob never played it and if did certainly didn't beat it.
We can't stop winning bros
Well not all the secret levels and requirements and all that shit, because I mean that's like next level difficult and takes many hundreds or even thousands of hours. I did all the levels for Achieve Enlightenment (so all regular and legacy levels + expert rows iirc)
Cuphead is just a really difficult game, I did enjoy it though
I've never played it before aside from the art can someone tell me why it's worth playing? I avoided it because I expected it to just be another meme game like Bastion
Stop falseflagging resetera tranny
Boss and level design are good, tight controls, fun, good challenge, good music + art style, multiple weapons and abilities
his art is pretty good
I said aside from the art
Same reason why they hate fighting games.
>that pudgy belly
it's going to the right place alright
Personally I never liked the 30s/40s cartoon style.
Is this gore or rape?
I bet my two cents it's been delayed, the game didn't show up at E3 2016 despite having a release date that year and it ended up being pushed back.
>tfw chapter 1 of the Bendy sequel will be out before Cuphead DLC
not pudgy enough desu
hey bro im 19 its legal ;)
We don't. We just hate you OP
Game sucks until it's on a Sony system, simple as.
It's both.
Yea Forums likes Cuphead though.
Calamaria is FAT
Skip it. Try Fallout 4, Fallout 76 and Anthem. Those were made with your kind in mind.
games with good 2D graphics get hate if they aren't pixelshit
Where the fuck did you get this impression?
post dragon
I already tried f076 and got a refund