>game makes you make a choice
Game makes you make a choice
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I snap the flute over my knee and kick the kids in their faces
Child C
It's going to change their life.
none of these provide a direct benefit to me so I'll keep it the flute in my hoard of rare items
B because it doesn't seem like they made it with the intention of giving it to someone.
it depends on who made the flute
B, C is being a cunt and A has a point but it don't matter cause she doesn't own it
The flute is not mine to redistribute in the first place, my opinion doesn't matter.
if a fucking child made the flute you can bet it'll play like shit so I'll spare the world of A trying to play it and let B keep it
Also is this some kind of litmus test for commies or something?
B teaches A how to make flutes. In exchange, A teaches B how to play the flute. C fucks off.
If a child made it, it's probably a complete piece of shit. Who cares who it goes to?
B is the only answer. you dont get things just because you know how to use them. C can get use the shittier flute from the orchestra for underprivileged youth
child B makes a second flute for child A so child A can teach child B how to play and they play together while child C fucks off because you shouldn't expect someone to give you things
Convince child A to trade something for the flute with child B, as she is the only rightful owner
Child C is a commie faggot and can go fuck himself
Just teach the three kids to be friends so they can share it.
How can anyone think otherwise?
B and C but only if he's white
it's a shit choice because they don't tell you where the flute came from
Hard choice i'd probably give it to child B but recommend giving it to child C as a gift since he's a poorfag
The flute belongs to child B but I've got another flute for the other two to share.
Put the flute in their cunnies and C can eat shit
Don't post if you can't read.
>C is literally just trying to steal the flute and trying to justify it by saying they're poor
I feel like their skin should be darker.
how do A and C think their arguments have any merit whatsoever
the forest
the middle one made the flute you fucking retard it says it right there
>they don't tell you where the flute came from
can you fucking read you ESL fuck? It said B made it
Child B made it you faggot it already says that
>game makes you make a choice
>you know it's politically motivated
>pick the one that aligns with your political philosophy even though the game is nodding to you that it's the "wrong choice"
>minus 100 karma/whatever
>achievement unlocked: The Dark Side
every time
also speaking of, why did karma meters last so little time? For a while it felt like every game had them.
A, because they can play, and I want to hear good music
B, can just make another one
C, doesn't get shit. A flute isn't going to help you when you're poor and hungry
yeah, but B is the trick answer, it’s the marxist pick, labour should give it away.
A is the capitalist choice since they supposedly know how to use resources and money better.
C is socdem
B since she made it herself
if there was a worker involved it would be a different story but it's all hers
Must be European
B keeps the flute, A can try to earn purchase it from B if she wants it. C can go fuck hinself.
B is the obvious answer. What if she made it so she could learn how to play?
Multi reply fag proving he has the brain of a koala once again.
B, if she really made it. Also, if B wasn't a dick and just offered to make one for A and B we wouldn't have this problem in the first place
Poorfags never appreciate gifts. They just try and guilt you into giving them something even if they can't or won't appreciate it. Never give someone something for free, it just teaches them that begging works.
fuck poor people
Inb4 user claims he was just pretending for (You)s
you posted the wrong version OP
Tell kids to fuck off and take the flute myself.
A is the only choice. A flute has no value unless it is played so B and C are literally pointless to choose. Why would B waste their time producing a good that will not be utilized ever. C can go fuck off with their handout culture.
Most laborers don't make shit at their own expense, they have an overlord that needs to pay for all the shit they work with and on
B, A can buy it if she wants to play the flute so much, C is shit out of luck, maybe become wood peddler and sell it to B
I beat the shit out of the three of them and keep the flute
Fuck zoomers.
Trolled! Too easy ;]
literally the only correct answer in this thread but cunny and smash has made everyone autistic
so you are saying the engineers that build our fighter jets should be the ones to fly them and not our trained fighter jet pilots? you must be european
give it to B and B sells it to A
fuck C
nah maybe the kid will figure out how to use the flute and become the greatest flutest
>Why would B waste their time producing a good that will not be utilized ever
How do you know B does not desire to learn the flute?
>I was only pretending to be retarded
I hate this argument so much. The possibility of this happening is near 0
They get paid to do that work you dumb homosexually challenged faggot
I meant where she got the materials you fucking retards holy shit get a clue
Just a theory, but I feel like most games with "morality" mechanics came out around the time of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, which is appropriate to the setting but translates poorly into other games.
I take the flute. None of the kids have the ability to take the flute from me, by themselves or as a group. They have no authority towards me or authority to appeal to, and if they try to take it from me by physical force I can easily dispatch of all three of them.
I would pick A.
B can start a business
C might never touch the flute after receiving it.
I get the flute, because I’m bigger and stronger than you and there’s nothing you can do about it.
This is obviously bait. None of the children are dependent on the Flute to survive. Nor can the flute be used to purchase politicians or sway the masses to believe your narrative. The flute is not a currency or a means of production. Also the flute has a nominal value that was produced by a single person instead of the result of generations concentrating their wealth and power in order benefit their offspring regardless of the offspring's capability or how deserving they are of inheriting their fortunes.
B. There is no other logical choice.
In after user claims he was just pretending for (You)s
Nah, it's clearly another person just pretending to be the same person for (You)s this time. You people are fucking pathetic
So B is the right choice
Give child B the resources to make 2 more flutes and give each kid their own
A-bsolutely bAsed
where the fuck else would she get the materials and why the fuck would it matter
nice save retard
If you own it, you own it. There is no such thing as "deserving".
b is the only choice really
a can play it yeah
Or a can teach it b
and c can go kill himself
yeah, but if you go to the site it’s explained there
also, the overlord manages shit, but if it were an industrial flute production he wouldnt provide the materials nor labor to make them, othet workers did
which is why A is the capitalist answer: the flute is my property because I know how to manage the production
She has not said anything or expressed any desire to so there's no point to base my choice on speculation.
God I hate this shit.
>NPC1 is doing retarded shit and getting in trouble with another NPC2
>NPC2 is CLEARLY being drawn as a horrible bad guy, almost always being drawn as a racist/homophobe/etc
>NPC1 begs for your help and acts innocent, despite the fact that they shouldn't be in this situation at all
>The game only gives you two options, ignore helping them, which is passive at worst, or sucking NPC1's cock and murdering NPC2 in cold blood
>Being passive and not getting involved makes the game call you an evil monster/villain by trying to make you feel bad as the "Innocent" person is punished by the horrible racist/homophobe
Fuck you Divinity 2.
>Literally defending stealing from a child
Based as fuck. Commies btfo.
Name 5 times that's happened in the past 10 years
A or c
A can play which makes use
B won't care in the long run just give her a dollar instead
C if you feel sad but he will have to learn the flute. If he is not going to play it then give it to A.
A if you care if it is used to it's fully potential
B if you are a retard
C if you want to improve someone.
user, look at the faggot you're replying to and take a close look at the image they posted.
Nice fallacy, it’s not a matter of who should fly it it’s a matter of who actually owns it
B can give the flute to A to use if she wants but it’s her flute
Witcher 3 does this shit too.
Well why the fuck else would she make the flute, dumbass?
Trick question, if child B made it, I had no right to take it from them in the first place.
The question should be.
>After stealing child B's flute, who would you then give it to?
Because it was never mine to give.
The question itself is already set up in a pro socialist manner.
I'll give the flute to child B as long as she lets me suck on it after she uses it.
Last kid standing gets the flute.
two girls share the one flute and swap spit and the little poor boy is forced to watch but not touch
Fighter jet pilots don't own the jets.
B obviously. They can choose to keep it to learn to play, or sell it to A and C as compensation for their labor and materials.
that i've given a kid a flute and they've become famous for it?
A and C get the valuable lesson of "just because you want something doesn't give you the right to take it", which for some reason has fallen out of favor in today's society.
she could have stolen them for instance
She hasn't sold the flute.
B made it, A should buy it, C should get a job
That's what I thought faggot you better make shit up.
A capitalist
B marxist
C social democrat
>game makes you plot a course
what the fuck are you even trying to say retard, the issue here is ownership. the flute was never purchased, there was no transaction, the owner of that flute is child B because she produced that product. knowing how to play it is fucking irrelevant.
good b8 tho
video games
>>After stealing child B's flute, who would you then give it to?
Bingo. The question assumes that seizing their flute is a given.
To make this about VIDYA, that's exactly what happened to Tetris. The government said "This is our game"
>I can't play it but it would improve my life immeasurably
How does this make any fucking sense
Obviously B. It's hers by default and her prerogative what to do with it. Its "intended" purpose is irrelevant as she decides the intent.
those are all real people
B because A is a special snowflake that cant do shit for herself and C is a communist scum and should be shot on sight
I'm surprised more people didn't come to this conclusion first. People don't seem to mind authoritarianism much when they are the ones benefiting from it.
Fucking commies choosing anything but B
What kinda poor bitch looks at a flute and says "I deserve that because I am poor".
B is the one who made it and who it belongs to; C can fuck himself and A can get her own damn flute if she's so damn good at playing it.
B because she's the cutest.
Conceptually, it should go to Child B, the rightful creator of the flute. However, the reference for the flute should be available to both children. With Child A's experience with playing the flute, an overall better flute could be created, as she can derive the best sound for the flute from the reference. Child C can use the reference to also create his own flute despite lacking knowledge in either respects, which would regardless improve his standing.
This is why video game copyright is a cancer.
Aesthetics are all that matters in life.
yeah but it is a flute made by a child, not an industry
Child B made it, there she's the owner and can do whatever the fuck she wants with it. If Child A wants a flute she can buy it or make her own. Fuck Child C, how the fuck is something he can't even use going to improve his life?
The worst part is that usually NPC1 is committing a crime, like stealing from NPC2.
Apparently it's ok to kill someone on the sole fact that they were mean, even if someone is literally trying to steal their shit.
is it really that far gone?
is divinity 2 any good?
B should keep her flute, A should buy her own flute and C should take advantage of government services that allows him to acquire his own flute. Everyone is entitled to the sweat of their own brow, however it is ignorant to assume that everyone's lot in life is the same and can be satisfied by the same means.
I would've bought a flute for C if he hadn't implied he deserved it for being poor
good things come to those who don't expect it like a motherfucker
>give the flute to Child B
>strongly advise her to sell it to Child A
>beat Child C with a mop handle
child C is literally a pirates mindset
What everyone doesn't realize here is that A isn't saying she should get the flute because she's good at playing music. She's saying that she's the best at sucking dick and hinting that she's going to give you an incredible blowjob if you give it to her.
From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
If B is the only child who knows how to make a flute, he should teach the others how to make more, everyone gets a flute at the end, everyone worked for it.
"why is there only one flute just make more"
go back to sucking bernies shriveled cock if there were enough materials more would already have been made
I will keep it because it is my divine right as king to ensure peace among my subjects.
I guarantee you Child C cries about under-representation in video games he never plays.
B unless B has a contract to hand it over to someone else.
Preferably B teaches C how to make one, C makes two, and pays A with a flue to teach both B and C, so then they all have one adn can all play flutes, and C gains a talent that can make him money to improve his situation (Creating music, teaching others, and making flutes)
>>give the flute to Child B
It was her flute to start with. You took it from her.
post your solution before reading the rest
game costs 2 dollars
next question
If you like being lit on fire literally all the time it's pretty decent
i'd give it to A if it was a boy, we all know chicks suck better than they blow.
Fuck A Marry B Kill C
It was poorly worded by saying "who are you giving it to" but the intention is that there are three children fighting over the flute and you are the arbiter who decides who gets to have it, not necessarily that you stole it from someone and give it to someone.
Its B's flute
wtf are these options why are we stealing from children
>le ebin racism xD
>d-do I fit in now?
Incorrect. B made the flute with her own time and materials. The fact that you have it at all says that it has been seized from her before the question is asked.
I've got a better one
>There are two factions, we'll call them Tenants and Hobos
>The Tenants live in this nice hotel, running water, lights, clean sheets, all that jazz. The Hobos live in the sewer.
>The Hobos want to be let into the hotel, but the Tenants don't want to let them in because the Hobos will skip out and murder everyone.
>The player has two options, either convince the Tenants' landlord to let the hobos in, where about a week later, the hobos skip out and murder everyone
>or just massacre the hobos and get the local DJ call you a racist prick on-air.
Fallout 3 was fucking dumb.
This, everybody worked to make their flutes, and since A is the only one that knows how to play (suposedly), he should teach everybody. So at the end not only everyone gets a flute, but they know how to make them and how to play.
He fits in better than you Resetfaggot
>next question
so much confidence and yet you are 100% wrong ¯\_(ăƒ„)_/¯
1+0.5x=x is incorrect, the problem at hand is 1+0.5x=y
>not breaking the flute into 3 pieces and giving them all a piece of it as punishment for bothering you with this shit
Gotta teach kids to solve their own problems.
It's good at the start, but it gets worse the further in you get. The first act is great, second is pretty good, third is shitty and then after that it feels horribly rushed. I'm pretty sure that the only reason why it got such good reviews is because most people/reviewers never even played past the first act. Also, the writing is pretty shitty in certain spots, especially anything resembling romance or "Edgy" characters.
I would definitely not suggest buying it, if you're interested, pirate it. The first two acts are actually pretty long, so you can still get some decent enjoyment out of it at least. My thoughts on the game are just horribly ruined because of how bad the game was by the time it ended.
I like being a necromancer
Child B. Its theirs, they made the damn thing after all. Child A thinks because they can play it, they should be entitled to someone else's property, and Child C thinks because they're poor they deserve something just for existing and tries to guilt trip you into it.
Also if the 3 know to play, they can make complex music together, they can do harmony.
This is progress.
i dont think its that so much as people just take the question at face value rather than exploring the implication that you as a third party have any right to decide
Following: x = 1 + (x/2)
C is saying "you should" and I don't like it.
Take it and keep it for myself. They're children, what are they going to do? Incidentally, that's also my solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict, the "no state solution." You just tear everything down and pave over it.
See, this is the right answer. It makes the decision between A and B much more meaningful.
C is still a communist fuck. I give him the flute first, multiple times until his skull breaks.
Vibrations in the rod are compression waves that move along it a LOT slower than the speed of light.
get fucked retard
How do you know you have it? It's asking who you WOULD give it to, assuming you had to make the choice, not who you SHOULD give it to, which assumes you already have it and have to make the choice.
Child A could easily be holding the flute for ransom, but you being the potential arbiter in this case have been asked for you input.
Whichever kid can afford to purchase the flute deserves it the most.
But I don't get to decide that though, as the adult it's my role to keep the other kids from trying to steal it from the kid who made it since it belongs to them, that's as far as my involvement should go, to keep the peace.
If A or B want it they can trade something for it, they shouldn't try to take it by force they've already crossed the line and have to deal with the consequences, otherwise you only encourage them to try to keep take things that don't belong to them.
Put me in the screencap
Give a man a flute and he'll flute for a day. Teach a man to flute and he'll flute for life.
>there are people on this board bothered by racism
Child B literally says "I made the flute" in its first sentence. Are you illiterate?
this isn't a question
who would give the flute to?
you sure dont
The game costs $1. That's its price.
Did she though?
I feel like the farmers who made the wood for the flute deserve equal ownership.
Left actually looks closer to DD to me.
A, the purpose of the flute is to be played. we describe something as good as something fulfilling its purpose. We say a engine running is a good thing, or a more qualified candidate getting a higher position as good also. So a flute being used by a flute player is the good thing to do
B, because it's her fucking flute.What's the point of making something if someone else can just decide it suddenly doesn't belong to you.
If A or C should get to use it it's up to B to decide. Why does C even want a fucking flute if he doesn't play it nor show any intent on learning, but want it just because.
B should get it.
If A can play so well then she already has one.
C could have another one if B makes it for him.
B it is the her property, she might have made it to become better at playing like A.
this is what some jewniggers actually believe
No way fag its
>Child D should get the flute because Child D has a cannon pointed at you and the other kids and will set it off if you don't hand it to him
>Child E doesn't nit want the flute, for he allready saw it and made a copy of the flute. sometimes the copy sounds better.
eat flute
God has ultimate ownership over all things. If these children have a problem with that, take it up with the almighty.
Nobody gets the flute, I break it because there is no value in treasuring material things to the point of fighting over them
B, duh
It's not mine to give, it's hers
Hey now, where do you think this wood comes from.
It should clearly be returned to the Earth and serve as nutrients for trees.
Dismantle the flute into 3 different parts so they have to put them together and take turns to play it.
imagine having such an selfabsorbed asshole as a grandfather
No, A is Fascist. B is Socialist, C is just welfare
Next time read a book dumb nigger-faggot
For what purpose was B making a flute if they can't play it, and why am I in possession of the flute B made?
you sure would love seeing them take turns playing the flute wouldn't you
And where do you think the Earth comes from? God. It's only God who gets to decide who gets the flute because the flute technically belongs to Him
>1+0.5x=x is incorrect, the problem at hand is 1+0.5x=y
then B and C can listen to her play while I fuck their mom
Child A. The other two can fuck off.
>implying it won't end in a Mexican Stand-Off
>the problem at hand is 1+0.5x=y
It would be better written as:
x+0.5x = y
Let x = 1
B should get the flute, i don't know why i took it from her in the first place.
But damn no sympathy for C? I would rather give C a flute over A 2bh, if the entitled cunt already knows how to play the flute then it means she already has a flute.
Child A. Why have something you can't use? Why keep something you made if you're not going to use it at all?
Actually, it's a catch-22 in which ANY of the answers can become a justification for socialism.
Child B made the flute, child A can buy the flute from her. Child C should get a job.
the answer is not enough information given
These are God's children, anything they own is owned by God.
>so you are saying the engineers that build our fighter jets should be the ones to fly them and not our trained fighter jet pilots?
No but they should be the ones to decide what to do with them. Obviously they will sell them, but more money will go to the workers that built them.
From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
Everyone benefits if they work together.
>If B is the only one who knows how to make a flute, he should teach the others how to make flutes, and if they work together they can make it faster.
>Everyone worked for their flute, so everyone have a flute now.
>A is the only who knows how to play the flute, so he shoud teach the others how to play the flute. Now everybody knows how to play the flute.
>At the end not only everybody owns a flute they make, but everybody knows how to make one and they can make more complex music (harmony) if they play together. Its a win-win-win situation.
Why am I the one who gets to choose who gets the flute if B was the one who produced it, thus was in possession of it the moment it was finished.
Did she give it to me to decide? Then I can make whatever choice I want and her sob story is meaningless.
If she wanted it, she wouldn't have given it to me to make the choice of who gets it.
The scenario is retarded and can't happen because B both wants the flute and was the one who created it, so how the fuck doesn't she already have it?
What are B and C going to do with the flute? B can make more flutes and C can fuck off.
Child B's motives for keeping her self-produced flute are irrelevant. The flute is hers.
D: learn to share little niggers, B made it so it's her, A can use it, C can stick it in the ass in free time.
B. If they made it, I don't see how its even mine to give away.
A can fuck off, make your own flute
C can fuck off, make your own flute
>not liking Black
What a fucking gay boy.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Ayn Rand
Divinity 2 is terrible. Do not believe peoples lives that it's the best CRPG ever.
I have never played a game before where I started out loving it and by the half way point absolutely loathed it to the point where I only finished it out of spite just to say that I did so assholes couldn't claim I didn't play some magical good part of the game. Fuck that.
I assumed I was buying the flute from B but if that's not the case then B gets the flute.
please take note of the amount of fries and the different sizes of the cups or you will not be able to solve this one ;)
>can't happen because B both wants the flute and was the one who created it, so how the fuck doesn't she already have it?
that's the point
this is a veiled representation that puts you in place of the government
define socialism
x = 1
y = x + 0.5x
y = 1 + (0.5)(1)
y = 1 + 0.5
y = 1.5
It's $1.50.
t.never created anything in his entire life
Damn is Yea Forums dying? Usually these bait threads hit 300 posts in a half-hour
>Why have something you can't use?
Why DO you have a penis?
they're children
B is easily the most logically intelligent of the three so she knows she's right
>give flute to C and tell him to run along
>let A and B play with my skin flute
Now everyone wins.
B, but is the best answer
B made the flute so they should be the one deciding what happens to it. Maybe if the other kids didn’t try to steal B’s flute she could’ve helped them make their own.
B, and then she can sell it to A. Never to C, he can get fucked for all I care.
>liking black
how does it feel to be retarded?
Capitalism is the solution here.
You purchase the flute from B, and your choice of who to give it to is your own damn business.
the number of experts in the world has a chance to increase
Anyone who doesn't pick B is a low IQ mongoloid
Giving it to B is communism, not capitalism.
They should be the ones to decide tho, not the adult, but you can give them advice.
A doesn't need a flute
B. There's no real reason to take it from them. Under a capalistic mindset, she paid for and made the flute, so she owns it and should be allowed to do what she wants with it. Under socalism isn't it hypocritical to seize one's labour as this is what they criticize business owners for? It works if you think socialism is muh everyone else gives me free shit, but fuck em.
Child C has the worst fucking argument I've ever heard since squeenix tried justifying adding a sports bra to nu-tifa
Child C should never be allowed to vote or hold political office of any kind.
It's capitalism if you bought it from her to give to who you choose. Communism is taking the flute from B to give to A or C.
Keep crying, gay boy.
We know 2 fries are 2, but we don't know what 1 fry is. These are symbols, same as algebraic letters.
No, giving it to A is communism.
>From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.
you cant just take someones work and put it for sale without their consent, even if she gets 100% of the profit
>A and B work their ass off
>C don't get to do anything and end up with teaching and a flute
Nice winwin situation
This, mutual aid is the answer.
If everybody owns it, knows how to make it and knows how to play it, they will progress.
a lot of commie bashing from people choosing B. you guys are great and not fucking stupid
Under a socialist mindset she owns the means of production (the wood to make it, the tools she used to make it, etc) so it's hers
It is neither capitalist nor socialist
Government owning and redistributing all product however they see fit in an attempt to create economic equality
The reason I framed my response as your answer can "become a justification" for socialism is because the person who prompted you can either 1.) explain why A and C make sense under socialism or 2.) explain how "unfair" choice B is
Give the flute to C so he fucks off somewhere else
Rape A and B
what if she buys it from herself, with the money she makes from the sale
>all these people picking B
your parents made you and since you have not managed to pay for emancipation your parents own your ass and should be able to do with you whatever they want
fucking libertarian shits
the flute only really belongs to B
Yea Forums is the fastest board on Yea Forums.
Pay up, sluts.
Better question
>A designed the flute
>B provided the materials and labor needed to assemble the flute en masse
>C was in charge of distributing the flute
Who owns the flute?
The one in the middle
Give child B a dollar in exchange for the flute, sell it to child A for five dollars, curbstomp child C because communists disgust me.
I take it for myself, problem solved
Far as i'm concerned it will greatly change Child B's Life showing that an adult will steal from them.
Give it to Child B, then let them decide what to do with it as its their property.
I'm assuming that I could buy it from her rather than taking it. Socialists and communists always present you with an idiotic conundrum to prove their point. First of all, why do I start out as a fucking thief in this scenario?
Nothing wrong with that, because C WORKED to both learn how to make the flute, and how to play it, and it having a flute and knowing how to play it can lead to progress in the music they will be creating. Not everybody had the same needs, but everybody wins, both individually and as a comunity.
what ESL fool is selling me this game?
parents should own their children, by natural right
A: Capitalism
B: Fascism
C: Communism
Friendly reminder that if you think A or C is the correct answer, it means you're a communist
That's what I said. Taking it away under socialism is hypocritical.
But you forgot
>Children D-Z actually used the materials that Child B produced to make the flutes to begin with
look closer, the last one is missing a single fry
Good thing a flute doesn’t have human rights :)
A because B cant do shit with the flute
i take the flute for myself and tell the kids to fuck off
you big strong man with muscle, they little girls, you decide
it represents might makes right, the ultimate rule
I fucking hate these things.
B made the flute so it is her property and can do whatever she wants with it.
Also with 3 people knowing how to make flutes, you are improving the production.
>Game makes you make a choice
>Game also goads you into making the "right" choice.
shit analogy and youre also a retard. In what world is a flute and a human even comparable objects?
divinity 2 or divinity Original sin 2
we can't do anything with the bottom one so this leaves us with
it's impossible for us to find out what a small drink (s) is
if we claim it's different to a large drink, this is unsolvable
the following will be made with the assumption that s=l, otherwise it's unsolvable
10+2b=20 ---> 2b=10 ----> b=5
Three men are fighting over a McLaren. Who do you give it to?
Person A
>I should get the car because I know how to drive.
Person B
>I made the car to sell it, you daft cunt. You can't just take it from my business and hand it to someone else! Bloody hell, you daft wank-
Person C
>I am the poorest and would be the most improved by receiving a free McLaren.
It still supposes that I'm a thief. Why would I take B's flute in the first fucking place?
>your choice doesn't matter
>only NPC you like kills themselves no matter what you tell them
>Government owning
Stopped reading there
Socialism is when a work place is a democracy. It has NOTHING to do with the government its self, the government is only a tool to end capitalism.
Have you ever read anything in your life , or does all your information come from Youtube videos?
still B
Yes. She also said she provided the materials for it.
Why the fuck do I have to choose who gets the flute?
How the fuck did I come into possession of the flute?
otherwise a & c gang up on her
you keep the chaos and violence away
Tell them to figure out how they can all benefit from sharing the flute.
Explain that it belongs to B, but if B hides her talent from the world, then it’s no good either.
Have a serious telling off session privately and individually with A and C how the world owes nothing to them.
Tell all of them that if they can’t get to some compromise about this without me, they are getting punished.
>Socialism is when a work place is a democracy
Child B gets the flute, but should make more flutes for the other kids given the get something in return
>Socialism is when a work place is a democracy.
t. dumb zombie that thinks game dev unions should be a thing
B is marxism though
Anyone who says A or C is a commie fuck who needs to eat a bullet.
>A is actually capable of making use of the item
>B made the item, but has no desire to put it to use
>C just wants you to feel guilty, but is poorly worded and just sounds like passive aggressive begging
A is correct. It is more reasonable for A to use the tool than for B to hoard it and C to be a greedy little fuck. C would probably just sell it to a pawn shop for some booze to give to their drunk unemployed wife-beating dad anyway.
You can't take the flute away from child B you fucking psycopath, it's hers. Child C's life won't even fucking improve for more than a day, he can't play, he can't pay for lessons, he'll make retarded sounds, he's better off making a garbage can drumkit than playing a flute.
Have lots of full nude, bareback, hardcore sex with all of them.
Secret Option D: Might Makes Right
Just let them fight each other, and whichever one is able to beat up the other two can keep the flute.
I then shove the flute up my ass, with the knowledge that publicly masturbation has no moral down side and the law is a spook. I am the creative nothing, master of my own realty.
do you want me to bring up the dictionary definition?
Why do I have the flute to begin with, if B made it? She must have already given it to me. Why would I return it back. Either keep it or give to A, no other choice makes sense.
I'd fuck A and B. Whoever takes it up the ass first gets the flue.
Depends on the context. Did she make it for a wage/her job? If so, then it is marxism. If she made it independently for herself personally and some fuck is trying to take it from her than it's the opposite.
>smug green text with no substance
maybe they were fighting over it and you stepped in because you're a responsible adult.
Why am I suddenly the government?
A and C are still beholden to me, asking me to take B's flute. I would pay her for it, and ask if she could keep making flutes for me to buy.
If people want flutes, then B can have a happy life making flutes and living off her labor. People don't consider that capitalism can also be fair. Maybe she make very good flutes and can live better than A or C combined.
Communism doesn't consider the market and it's why communist systems completely break down.
Maybe her flute sucks and nobody gets to play the flute.
imagine thinking you can change your chromosomes
it says they're fighting over it, so i assume that you took it from them and asked them to explain themselves before deciding
You're assuming that you can't do anything with a flute except playing it. Child B should be able to give or trade it away at their own volition because they invested time and effort into creating it. Also, you should consider that child B probably wouldn't have put in the effort to make the flute if she knew it was just going to get taken away.
naw homie you're missing the supply chain
B teaches A how to make flutes, in exchange A teaches B how to play the flute. A then used the knowledge of flute making to and their knowledge of what a flute player wants to open a flute making factory where low skill, poor labour, c makes a single part of the flute all day.
B because it's their private property unless they sold or gave it to one of the other two.
It doesn’t say B gave you the flute, just that the kids are fighting over it. You simply decide who keeps it and break up their fight.
Well at least his grandpa was smart enough not to be a tranny.
B, the other two are niggers.
A can pay for it if they want it, and C can rot in the slums
Yeah, the real solution is that B charges A enough for the flute that she can afford to give one to C as a charity or at a discounted rate.
You just see 3 kids fighting over a flute, take it away from them and ask them what's going on. What's so hard to understand
You aren't the government you're a court of law
No. Taking the work of one person and redistributing it to people who had no hand in its creation is Marxism.
Also child B should see the demand and sell the flute between the two kids giving it to whoever can give them the most. After that make another flute to sell to the last kid for the highest price they'd be willing to give for it, and then finally making a last flute for themselves
B simply gets the flute.
People are being so fucking PC in the thread that they don't clearly recognize B being Asian. It would be more blatant if A and C had blonde hair instead of red.
A = communism
B = capitalism
C = leftism
All at once = socialism
I want to go to whatever establishment you work at.
>Please give me all of your products for free, as I know how to use them and thus deserve them.
>A child who doesn't know how to play the flute made it.
Get the fuck out of here. This is a trick question. Nail all three to a cross.
No, ensuring that workers own the means of production is Marxism
>at a discounted rate
nah, make him pay for the flute in installments
Have C do slave labor such as getting more materials instead, then B could open up a flute shop to the other kids
>Take flute from B
>Child refuses to create anymore as there's no point, her skill and labor went unrewarded
>Give it to C
>he becomes a slave to the handouts, dependent on someone giving him free flutes whenever his breaks. god help him if the state ever runs out of flutes.
>Child A has no flute to play and nothing to do, has no choice but to watch and get upset with the outcomes of both child B and Child C
I'd unironically give it to C. Best life lesson for all 3 children.
fuck these passive aggressive faggot kids
If you agree with the 1st amendment then you should be fine with unions.
Yes it is
your welcome ,next time don't forget it bitch
C = 1 + C/2
2C = 2 + C
C = 2
She could sell him a second-rate flute that had a manufacturing defect or something.
>forceful redistribution
B. That's how American society works. Anyone who thinks it's the socialist ideal is a delusional retard.
>b-b-but i put the pickle on the bun why does mcdonald's get the profit instead of me?!?!?!?! we're totally catering to A in our society!
McDonald's gets profit from you making your sandwiches because you signed on to do exactly that. You agreed to give them the revenue you generate from the burgers you assemble. If you don't like that, then you're free to make burgers on your own and employ yourself, you just won't have McDonald's helping you get ingredients or efficient tools or original recipes.
C doesn't even make sense - the flute wouldn't provide any benefit to the child so it doesn't even work as the utility maximization example.it's meant to be.
Did Child A somehow learn how to play the flute without owning one?
Fucking greedy bitch is just trying to add another one to her flute hoard. She should be the last to get it.
>B: Fascism
wtf im a white ass fascist pig now
B is actually pure capitalism, if she said she would keep making flutes to sell to A and fuck C. The fuck does C need to play a flute for? Work to become a doctor or something. We need more flute players for what, exactly?
He could sell the flute for money or he could self teach himself how to play to flute and make money off that
Offer to sell it to child A on behalf of child B and split the profits.
C would sell the flute immediately and you bloody well know it.
>I made the flute and provided the materials for it therefore it is mine
>calling anyone else a dumb nigger
>If people want flutes, then B can have a happy life making flutes and living off her labor
unfortunately Flute inc. is outsourcing its flute manufactury to underpaid asian kids and is selling them in the market for 1/10 of their real value leaving B with no option but to become another slave or starve to death because no one is buying her shit at full price.
>A = communism
>B = capitalism
>C = leftism
>All at once = socialism
Please explain why you are a fucking retard?
Communism IS leftist! If by left you mean 'welfare' then thats apart of capitalism. B is communist, if is was Capitalist the person B workers for would own the flute and she would have no say in what happens. If she is her own boss then it can still be socialist. Also A is Fascist. There is no capitalist on here because we don't know if there is any greater enterprise going on.
Child A. Git gud or fuck off.
in my head canon he was the reincarnation DiĂ³genes
>The state allocates private property based on the demands of the state dictated through a command planned economy - the state decides that all of the flutes should belong to the flute players
>The workers own the means of production, so the flute belongs to her since she owns the wood and the tools to produce the flute
>See A, except the state decides to redistribute wealth instead of flutes
All 3 are communism. You're all communists, LOL
Give it to B. It's her property.
Bad analogy, B in OPs exemple doesn't want to sell the flute
B keeps the flute and sells it to A. B gets money for making the flute and A gets to play the flute. C dies in a ditch and the world is a better place.
>B = capitalism
no, under capitalism she'd be paid a wage and the flute would belong to a corporation
Auction the flute back to them and profit off their dispute, then leave them to do whatever they want after I take off with the cash of the highest bidder.
The whole thing makes no sense which is why we decided not to use the system of rules the image is governed by. It's not that fucking simple. Communists think in absolutes. It makes it easy to kill another person that way.
B can still be socialist if the workplace is horizontal. But other wise your right.
Not a single argument was made
"um I disagree because i'm a dumb fag that cant read , ill just type smug green text, XD lol Yea Forums is my secret club house I get all the jokes. "
>my materials (capital)
>my work
>made by myself
>"b is socialist!!!"
The image is not clear on whether our role is equivalent to the government or a corporation. Are we the employer of B trying to sell the flute or are we the government trying to settle who owns the flute because A or C tried to steal it from B?
B made it, B its the owner.
Tell A to buy one and C to work to buy one.
B, obviously.
Someone took it from her.
Both capitalism and (orthodox) socialism would agree with B btw since there's no disagreement over the question of property when the worker owns both the labour and capital.
Nigger, common laborers don't produce the materials they use to make shit in factories. B is the capitalist choice since that little girl presumably fucking BOUGHT the wood she used to make the god damn flute. That's also why the shit people who work in factories produce, doesn't actually belong to them, because they didn't themselves BUY the fucking material they are making stuff from, instead the material was bought by the fucks who own the factory, and they are also BUYING the labor of the workers in order to produce useful things out of the materials they bought.
Communists are fucking retards that should be gassed.
>would belong to a corporation
>"I provided the materials for it"
can commies go one post without exposing their stupidity
This user got it.
you really are a dumb nigger after all
All options are communist simply because you (the government) are making the decision instead of either the private parties or the judicial system
When was the last time a jet pilot made his own jet?
>the heavily telegraphed "right" decision: unique rewards, extra quests and huge discounts
>the wrong decision: a paltry sum of loot, a string of autofailed quest lines and every moralfag in your party now hates you
Capitalism - pay child B a pittance for the flute then tell everyone you made the flute and start mass-producing copies of the flute that nobody likes because they're obvious shoddy reproductions and but a shadow of the original flute, but because you paid child B a pittance for the rights for the flute, they can no longer make the flutes people actually want. They start trying to create oboes and clarinets instead, but since you've flooded the public consciousness with flutes and they don't have enough money to advertise their new products to get the public to try them, their products fail and fade into obscurity, liked by only the lucky few who cared enough about finding something better than your shitty flutes to try them.
Fascism - take the flute from Child B and give it to child A because Child B isn't an aryan. Then gas child C for being a ginger
Communism - split the flute into three pieces, and give one to each child in order to ensure complete fair and just treatment of all comrades. Throw children A and B in the gulag when they point out to you that you've made the flute worthless and nonfunctional and done nothing to alleviate their previous issues.
She made it for her own purposes, whether decoration or sale it hardly matters. There is no grounds to take it and hand it someone else without an accepted compensation.
With your dumb logic, it's a bad example because a McLaren isn't a flute, so it's not the same.
>It makes it easy to kill another person that way.
No thats a power thing, every economic system has resulted in unjust death. Not that it excuses it. Its a power thing not inherent in the economic philosophy.
Natural order always wins, might makes right
Yes but the question wasn't
>A giant company that buys a shitton of wood and the tools needed to make flutes hires girl B to make flutes
>Girl B personally made this flute
Communism says nothing about personal belongings, it deals with ownership of private property and the means of production.
Then I would give it back to the rightful owner, B.
Better than the alternative.
>MC responds, "Now why would I do that?" and you're reprompted to make a decision, continuing this until you pick the "right" decision.
It doesn't matter because in the end it all comes down to having to pull the flute out of my ass.
>all these pansy fucks choosing B
I don't give a FUCK if she spent ALL YEAR making it, if she can't git gud with it then she doesn't deserve it. Let A put it to use, let B have it only when she can learn to play it, and tell C to go fuck himself. Fucking brats.
Child b has the resources and ability to create. They’ll move and and probably forget about it. Giving it to child c would improve their wealth by an impossible measure even if compared to everyone else it’s nothing.
Child B will go on to create more
Child A will procure a flute in another way since ideally they could sell their skill with the flute.
Child C may actually grow from their impossible position due to the flute. Anyone who can analyze a situation would pick C.
What the fuck are you talking about? Nowhere does this situation say anything about the means of production. It also doesn't say that any of the kids are workers or that business is involved at all.
A is the fascist answer
B is the capitalist answer
C is the communist answer
So in this scenario I took a flute of a kid that made it? ie. the actual owner
>partying with moralfags in the first place
this is the future you chose
>Communism says nothing about personal belongings
>it deals with ownership of private property
>game makes you make a choice
>it's not actually a choice at all since you either choose to do it or choose to not progress the game at all
>you make the only choice it allows you to make
>game starts calling you a bad person for not choosing the option the developers were too lazy to implement
God is a product of our collective unconscious minds. We should shatter the flute into exactly the amount of pieces required to disperse it to every living, conscious entity on earth.
>Nowhere does this situation say anything about the means of production.
No but it does talk about B's labor and she does own that. What is made justly belongs to the maker.
Based. Casuals are disgusting and deserve to be purged, A should have the flute.
all options are communist because you are acting as the government interfering in business
Why would child B create anything when it will just be stolen from them by an authority?
I read about this once.
You threaten to break it into three equal pieces and give them all a part of it. The one that says "no, give it to other kids to share" is the one who deserves it...maybe this only works with babies, or two women.
those two are different, yes
personal property =/ private property
not him btw
my kid > a relative's kid > the white kid > throw in the garbage
>the flute is impossible to learn
shut the fuck up commie
Thanks for the facebook engagement
From the Communist Manifesto
>We Communists have been reproached with the desire of abolishing the right of personally acquiring property as the fruit of a man’s own labour, which property is alleged to be the groundwork of all personal freedom, activity and independence.
>Hard-won, self-acquired, self-earned property! Do you mean the property of petty artisan and of the small peasant, a form of property that preceded the bourgeois form? There is no need to abolish that; the development of industry has to a great extent already destroyed it, and is still destroying it daily.
>Or do you mean the modern bourgeois private property?
>But does wage-labour create any property for the labourer? Not a bit. It creates capital, i.e., that kind of property which exploits wage-labour, and which cannot increase except upon condition of begetting a new supply of wage-labour for fresh exploitation. Property, in its present form, is based on the antagonism of capital and wage labour. Let us examine both sides of this antagonism.
>To be a capitalist, is to have not only a purely personal, but a social status in production. Capital is a collective product, and only by the united action of many members, nay, in the last resort, only by the united action of all members of society, can it be set in motion.
>Capital is therefore not only personal; it is a social power.
Marx literally says he is okay with B, lol
>B is the capitalist answer
>C is the communist answer
B is communist or capitalist based on what economic philosophy B follows. C is welfare, which can exist in any economic system.
Look out your window and tell me the socialist shithole the west became works
I would love to see a game where the "good" options are actually less profitable than the "bad" options. If you're bad, you get more XP, gold, and loot but your party dislikes your decisions and you're exploiting people for your own gain. If you're good, you selflessly help people and make the world better but less EXP and less loot means you're going to have a tougher time because you are truly being self-sacrificing.
And pray tell, where does the line between "personal belongings" and "private property" lie?
>B is the capitalist choice
no it's fucking not retard, B is simple artisanship and it has nothing to do with capitalism, on the contrary it was killed by it. If B was capitalist she would have bought a factory (investing a capital) and then exploited the labour of the people working in it in virtue of owning the means of production.
OPs picture is 100% a trap, all answers are all part of the communist manifesto
>acting as the government interfering in business
What does anything in communism have to do with the government interfering in business. (other then ending them). When did business ever come into it in the first place?
That's not correct. The image states that giving it to C will "improve his lot of life immeasurably", so we can assume that he does make use of it to do so in some way.
Unless less you want to argue that child C doesnt know for certain that it will, which is changing the premise of the question.
Welfare is communist
Buying materials and tools is still investing capital.
>Hiring someone to do shit and giving him/her money in exchange
And this right here, is why commies are fucking retards that should be gassed.
B is literally self-ownership you commies
>seizing the means of production is not interfering in business
B of course since she built the fucking flute
you sould like one of those retards that can't tell the difference between turkish and turkic
But this is the correct version.
>communism is one thing
>what is small business
ok retard
This thread is incredible.
>What does anything in communism have to do with the government interfering in business.
Do you not know what communism actually is as described by Marx, Engels, and others?
"Immeasurably" could mean fucking anything, because even this retarded image can't explain how a child who can't use the good would benefit from it, or to what extent. i.e. it can't be measured.
obsessed goyim
If B made the flute it's B's. If it is currently with her the discussion is over, taking it away would be theft.
If I was given the flute B made and asked to decide it's mine and I do whatever I want with it. I'd give it A and have her play music. C can fuck off.
>three children fighting over a flute
>give back to rightful owner
This is minarchism which is a bit far, just a bit, from communism.
Doesn't work. You would have to remove the fact that B also had the materials.
B is literally marxist, ownership of ones labour.
Because like in real life the worker makes the product and possibly provides the material. However where this falls apart is that they did not obviously think of or own the flute and was most likely told by the current carrier, you. Which is capitalism.
I'd give it to A, but it sounds like the flute isn't mine, it's B's instead. So I give it back to B since it's her property.
>alright so here's how we should separate income tax percentages based on weal-
>D bought the flute from B
>this is bad somehow
B you cunts
Private capital is a thing under capitalism. The child created her own capital with the flute. Under communism she could not provide her own materials because all the trees and means of production would be owned by the sate.
Holy shit do they not teach high school kids about the retarded ideas of Karl Marx anymore? A huge part of communism is the government having total regulatory control over businesses in favor of the workers, so that the business can't actually make any profit off of the labor of its employees.
>Welfare is communist
Welfare was invented by capitalist so communists wouldn't cut there fucking heads off.
B obviously, it's her fucking flute.
>paying someone money to make something for you = jew
So if I pay someone to build me a house, then a couple years later I decide to sell it, I'm an evil kike?
If it's made to appease communists how is it anything but communist?
Ah I see now, so C is actually capitalism
>income tax
>(other then ending them).
>(other then ending them).
>(other then ending them).
lol seething antifaggot detected
Because she was told to because it's profitable, however she would not give over the product because in her mind, the sale to either A or C should be her profit alone.
Bibi appeasing commies means welfare isn't commie thank you based smart user
>Wikipedia entry literally says "socialism"
>Socialism being what was envisioned as the precursor to communism
Let the kids figure it out themselves.
>ending them
Nigger are you this retarded? The state uses them to produce goods and services.
I've lost track. Which one is communism, again?
Id give it to B because it belongs to B, but B should give it to A
only correct answer btw
The flute should be cut into thirds and each child given one piece.
C because he's a boy
x = .5x +1
2x = x + 2
x = 2
>give flute to B
>kick C in the face for being poor
>let A play with my skin flute
everybody wins
a and c
Wait so these A and C assgoblins just rolled up and took someone's shit?
Fucking B what the hell?
Keep the flute. And tell them that if they want it they will have to take it from me. They will fail at first of course, but since I will remain in the same area they will be able to ty again and again. Over the course of a month long montage they will at last manage to take it from me, and due to their experiences and various attempts they will have learned teamwork and basic combat and I will be able to send them off on their quest to beat the demon lord.
marry b, fuck a, kill c
>need tools to work
>the only one affording said tools is mister Goldstein
>mister Goldstein will let you use his tools but his keeping 90% of the profits
>you have literally no saying in this because it's either that or you die starving so mister Goldstein can exploit you as he pleases
kys corporate cuck, keep giving money to people who do nothing but be rich enough to buy shit.
B. Any choice but B is socialist bullshit.
All of them, its a trap. if you pick one then the poster shows some excerpt from the communist manifesto and says "SEE YOUR A COMMUNIST TOO!"
Name 1,345 games that do this
C is socialism. Communism wants everyone to be poor.
B is communist bullshit as well, read OP's post is a trap
B is a filthy casual. Just because she worked hard at making it doesn't mean she deserves it if she sucks. Might as well give Dark Souls an easy mode too while you're at it, you fucking faggots.
So I should be given to some nigger who was too poor to make and raise his own kid?
Says who? you are currently in ownership of the flute, if you can defend and hold your new property from the hungry eyes of others then what logical reason is there that it is not yours? Laws, morality, social stigma? All spooks.
A is a dipshit that gets everything she wants. B is a dipshit that talks about her parents' money and handicraft as if it was hers. C is possibly lying, but he's the only one who won't get to coast life as an overgrown child so he gets my empathy.
reality :
>tools cost a fucking arm
>have to repay/maintain/change/upgrade
>cut from salary
>still make more than in communistan because i'm not a low skill worker
its a half way point, a compromise, most of the workers would rather live safe with ok level jobs then fight a revaluation. Its a stepping stone.
Yes, if C was under communism he wouldn't have to beg for one. The surplus that already exists would not be restricted to the need for money. Have ever communism cant fully exist until we have better robot technology, until then the best we can do it socialism.
This guy is a faggot but he explains it very well.
I give each of them a vuvuzela and set them upon Amartya Sen.
If the situation is actually so that there is only a single monopoly owned by hostile outsiders who are exploiting your folk, then the solution is to fucking kill those parasites, not abolishment of private property.
B obviously, anyone who says otherwise is a thief and should be put down.
Capitalism=the individual owning the fruit of their own labor
B made the flute and even provided her own materials for it, so she deserves to be able to do with the flute what she wants.
>everyone throwing C under a bus due to shit beyond their control
Nah, you guys are right that B should keep it, but it should go:
>B keeps it
>Teaches A and C to make them
>Lets C keep the failures
Unless there's a matter of the cost of materials, in which case B just teaches A, C watches and gets whatever failures A makes.
Why do they all have large pink eyes and brown eyebrows?
A and B are inherently in the wrong for being pampered little shit girls.
I invite A and C to suck my rank, veiny dick if they want B's flute so fucking much. If there aren't any takers, then I just keep the flutes for myself, because B's obviously too much of a soft bitch to retain her own property.
is this option J?
>Teaches A and C to make them
It's obviously B. A beggar doesn't have the right to have anything he wants just because he's poor.
Don't be fooled by the cartoon portraits.
Child A = jew
Child B = white
Child C = nigger
Do you seriouslly equate child be to a car manufacturing owner? Child B is literally the factory belt worker, would you fucking give your produced cars to your factory belt workers because they produced the labour?
B doesn't owe either of them an education. Maybe they can persuade B by offering something in exchange, but ultimately it's her prerogative.
I saved a porn pic of that.
Capitalism would be this
>B owns the flute and rents it to A to make music for C
She also obtained the materials dumbass.
>There is no need to abolish that; the development of industry has to a great extent already destroyed it, and is still destroying it daily.
Gullible pinkos once again are completely unable to discern jewish intent and deception. What Marx means by this statement is that what a communist state does with this personal property no longer matters since the capitalists destroyed it already, ie "the evil capitalists destroyed your private property long ago, there's no need to give it back now."
giving the flute to c
giving flute to b
giving flute to a
keeping the flute and kidnapping a to play for you at home
>Child B is literally the factory belt worker
No she fucking isn't as she fucking produced the tools and materials from which she made the fucking flute HERSELF.
Factory belt workers don't produce the stuff they are making shit from.
answer is 22,14
incel detected
Friendly reminder that B is a commie choice as well, as the whole question normalises the fact that governments have the power to expropriate and redistribute at will.
The correct answer is option E. Not to get involved.
Are your referencing the USSR?
not the institution but the profit seeking end of it, there for its not a business. If the government nationalized Amazon tomorrow it wouldn't be Amazon because there would not be a capitalist end to it, (unless it became a state capitalist venture) even though it might still have the same name.
What you think that upper managers actually go out of their way to supply and log down material transport?
That is done at the workplace by the workers or management.
>due to shit beyond their control
You know this how?
They're children. They own nothing. They know nothing. A barely started her classes, if at all. B had her dad make her a flute and she's lying for bragging rights.
t. single child and potential beta
>Communism wants everyone to be poor.
as if an idea has a will onto its self
Jackie Chan
>From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
Literally a quote from Marx.
This is ALL COMMUNIST, im disgusted.
>the real flute was the friends they made along the way
>this low IQ commie trash trying to make shit up with his mental gymnastics to incriminate kid B with his semen slurping ideology
absolute cringe how is this thread still up
>americans need to invent names for the order of operations so they won't forget how to do it
Split into three and give one third to each child. I'm going Old Testament on these fuckers.
No, but what they do, if their job is related to the supply chain of the company, is handle all the god damn paperwork related to the financial transactions etc that are involved when company A buys raw materials from company B. They have an important fucking job without which the fucks working at the factory belt wouldn't have any fucking raw materials from which to make shit in the first place.
you guys are an embarrassment
Chaotic fucking neutral.
stop that
>not kidnapping all three and creating a loli slave market
Take the flute and drown the 3 little shits.
fuck, marry, kill
Every single choice.
The question shouldn't be, who do I give it too, but why am I even getting involved in the first place?
>abolishment of private property.
no one wants that, communism is about the state owning the means of production so there is no Goldstein in between taking all the profits simply for owning shit, socialism is about distributing the wealth in a way that gives the chance to people to buy their means of production without Goldstein having a monopoly.
Child B should keep the flute, Child C can fuck off and be poor somewhere else and Child A can play my meat flute. What do I win?
wow bro nice analogy
how many hours did it took you to think of it?
Because B just making flutes and keeping it to themselves for no reason leaves no room for progression. Sure, B can fumble with learning to play it themselves, or these three can do things together so they all gain something from it.
So I forgot to add "A teaches B to play" as payment while C can either watch or try to follow along if cost of material isn't an issue here because if B is going to teach A in return for A teaching B, then there's no reason to keep that education entirely private.
Of course it's beyond their control. They're a hypothetical poor person. They weren't created with a reason for being poor, they just are in this case. Even if they were real, a poor child usually isn't responsible for their poor status.
Okay you semantic-arguing faggot. It's an interference in enterprise. The state is interfering with the girl's private flute crafting by seizing it.
doctors all over the world do the same shit for other things. Oh Oh Oh To Touch And Feels A Girls Vagina And Hair, for instance, for the cranial nerves.
B can always sell the flutes to A and ask her if the flutes need improvements in any way
So the real answer is "B should have had it all along"
So if B were to have lost the flute, and you happened upon it, then giving it back to B would be the most just choice.
>Caling people low IQ while walking into a trap
>j-j-just pretending
Except in communist russia it was the fucking kikes who ran the government you commie fuck.
Choice between communism and capitalism is a false one. The third way in which both commies and kikes get gassed by fascists is the only way forward.
As if ideology has relevance outside of its peddlers' intent.
>communism was made by goldstein
>please take note of the amount of fries and the different sizes of the cups or you will not be able to solve this one
didnt read that part till after
see pic
the problem was literally made by a commie for communism to solve
why not go New Testament and create two flutes out of thin air?
no it says it right there, she aquired it trough shilde D