Japan does lesbian it fine...
Western studio does lesbian Yea Forums screeches like someone killed their favorite game...
Japan does lesbian it fine
Yes, and?
no lesbian is fine
yuri is fucking garbage. and so are you, yurifag.
Because Japan focuses on the cute and fluffy part while western media focuses on politics and gritty uncomfy shit
Japs do it purely for fapbait and its really obvious
Consider this:
Maybe there would be no need for screeching if western studios made some quality lesbians
>japan does lesbian
fetish pandering, degenerate
>west does lesbian
"community" pandering, degenerate
difference between them is that the japanese ones are niche and the faggot weebs here eat it up and the western ones are pushed as a gestapo-esque "if you don't support this you're an enemy of the state" social norm
Fly is such a god tier artist. Too bad his anime flopped hard.
put it in context: would you rather watch:
>2 super idealized cute girls have delicate passionate moments of sexual tension and action with the only conflict being typical romance shit
>2 ugly roasties deal with the societal pressures of being different and hating on the rest of the world for not agreeing with them.
yuri is different
I really, really like yuri.
Me too
That's because japanese design yuri characters like the image you posted. meanwhile Western studio design lesbian and non-lesbian female like pic related
yuri is cute
One is done with unrealistically cute girls for the purpose of giving teenagers a boner. The other is done with realistic, ugly girls for the purpose of pandering to
In my experiences Yurifags just keep to themselves and are A-OK or are extremely obnoxious shitters who get their panties in a bunch over ships that isn't their preferred, and/or are the people who offer Resetera takes on Twit/v/
>Japanese lesbianism
>cute girls doing cute things
>western lesbianism
>two manjawed dykes tonguing each other in a trailer while the game's director gets on stage and makes a speech about taking down cis hetero privilege and waving a rainbow flag
gore is okay
sex is okay
homo and gay is okay
girs love is bad
i want to forget this truth, let me enjoy my blissful ignorance!!
Uniroinically yes. Get on board or fuck off somewhere else.
Correct. You won't be successful in shaming anyone here for taking this stance.
>get their panties in a bunch over ships that isn't their preferred
That wouldn't happen to be one particular yurifag would it?
Most yuri fags are fine. Even some /u/niggers don act like obnoxious faggots. It’s typically tourists, newfags and their rotting tumblirina infectio that have freak outs and shitposting about non issues.
Nah, there's more than just ACK I've noticed. I'm a normalfag on Twitter and people really don't like it when you don't post canon.
Lets not kid ourselves. Shipfags in any genre are typically fucking retarded and ruin threads.
>girs love is bad
only if its cute and anime
its ok when its by a group of freaks and pushes a ""progressive"" agenda
knowing the difference can save your life
>Japan: makes them cute
>West: makes them fuck ugly and annoying and when you complain about it the screech about oppression
Its like shoving ugly annoying girls in your face is more annoying when compared to seeing cute girls going cute and lewd things togather
Once again it boils down to the objective truth.
But Western creators would just as readily shove ugly 2D characters in your face too.
Mostly because Japanese media often fantasizes and romanticizes them while Western dykes are often one on a list of token characters injected not for the audiences pleasure, for a valuable story purpose, or simply for the sake of having more types of characters, but as a political tool with which devs can evangelize to the player or which directors use to evangelize to their audience about their personal political activism. People get tired of activism a lot more quickly than they get tired of fanservice.
west does it for political reasons and sjw brownie points
japan does it to make dicks hard
Cute and no politics
Intentionally ugly with politics
Why is this so hard to understand?
>Japan makes something
>all female characters are visually appealing
>West makes something
>all female characters are ugly goblinas, because attractive women make feminists feel insecure
Japanese does attractive yuri, western devs do unnattractive, purposefuly ugly so that its not seen as there for the "male gaze"
Western devs are cucked beyond belief.
Yuri is sexy, pure and cute (CUTE!). Western lesbians (see TLOU2) are political, manly and unattractive.