Game has dual-wielding

>game has dual-wielding

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Other urls found in this thread:

why are they so close to the wall?

I did Kendo for like 10 years, there are a very rare dualwielders that challenge themselves to the task, and it is fucking hard.
The power of wielding a sword with two hands simply cannot be matched unless you have titan's grasps.


If the blade reflected how heavy and tiresome it is to wield it, he'd lose

>that guy who only use 1 gun

Attached: two-guns.jpg (1280x1440, 1.2M)

you can't trap a floppy sword between two of your own swords nor can you really block a floppy sword so this is retarded

Fencers are retarded.

You have no idea what you're talking about.
All swords, even a zweihander, are relatively lightweight. Blades are thin.
He ended the fight in one swing, dumbass. Most swordfights don't take more than that.

It clearly does, though. And two handed swords are much lighter than you think, and basically emulate a spear that is mostly the spearhead.

real swords are floppy

>foam sword means it works with a real sword

LMAO, same retards who think a foil is the same as a real rapier

not training with a real weight sword means you're not building muscle strength to actually use it to full capcity, its like a fatso that hasn't swung a real bat or axe and gets tired after 1 swing.

But when they are good, they are fucking hard to get through.

>t. Kendo for 2 years

>game developed after 2010
>literally zero effort put into the combat

it gets tiresome

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>i'll just wait for my opponent, who has a longer sword, to initiate. what could go wrong

Why are duels to the death illegal again?

>He thinks that's how I would dual weild

I'd prepare to deflect and at the last second skip to the left, holding his zwei down with my right sword and with my left cut the guys throat before he gets a chance to swing again.

How stupid are the larpers that they can't use common sense tactics?

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not that floppy

The government is anti-fun.

Seriously, it actually makes no sense for them to be illegal.
At least to me.

Nice theorycraft. So how much do you think a real sword weights again?

Your post is like the Yea Forums equivalent of a fat guy slamming beer and watching sports complaining about how he could do it so much better.

why didnt he just teleport behind him

So that I can read your retarded post.

Try making an argument next time user.

>a 1kg at most prop is the same as a 2.5-5 KG beast used for chopping spear shafts

Should I be able to kill anybody whenever I want?

Anonymous 06/29/19(Sat)19:49:04 No.468600000
You're a faggot. Quints don't change that. Stop embarrasing yourself. No (You) for you.


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How is that comparable to duels?

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So killing people whenever I want is bad?

The government doesn't want you to damage its property.


This is dope as fuck, but is this how duels really were back then? I'm guessing no.

Yes because there is no consent, there is no agreement to anything.
You haven't responded my question, how is dueling comparable to cold murder?

Swords are a gayass romance weapon that only rich royalty obsessed over.

Everyone used spears when it came to actually fighting.

If killing itself is bad you have to make a good reasonable argument why killing at all should be allowed.

t. lost to a swordsman

Many of those techniques can be cited in actual medieval combat books. Quick search for it will bring up a few of them.

Because two people should be able to decide how to live their lives?
Duels do not interfere with anyone's life by the way, before you mention that.
If you want me to explain why that is, then I am afraid I don't want to talk with someone so fucking retarded.

mordhau live action gameplay

*equips rapier*

*deflects stupid unga bunga club sword*

*stabs you in the neck*

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In short, whoever has the longest will win

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a zweihander weighed about 7-10 lbs or more
using a foam stick that probably weighs 2 lbs is not a good comparable

You could have found a better example than a silly clip from a show for women.

He cited a lack of mutual consent as the reason it was bad, or are you suggesting by analogy that sex itself is bad because rape is similarly considered bad?

This. Less people to brainwash into voting and less taxes. Even suicide is illegal.

I can secretly give somebody research chemical that changes his behavior enough for him to give consent to duel and it won't show on any drug test unless it's very specific and expensive one. Or I can falsify duel with paperwork and witnesses. You just essentially gave rich people permission to kill anyone anytime they want.

>deflecting unga bunga with babby stabby sword

mana was debuffed due to the armor, duh

netflix would never show a woman getting rightfully overpowered unless it was a sex scene to get horny virgins excited

The greatsword is my kind of weapon. medieval meta for hema type stuff.

>you can't trap a floppy sword between two of your own swords
you woudnt be able to do that anyway with real 2h sword and its momentum

People would probably strongarm weaker people into dueling them and then just murder them. I agree that two consenting adults should be able to fight each other until a person gets knocked out/is unable to fight

I think Texas legalized duels with swords. Or maybe it was sword open carry. Based Texas.

HEMA toy swords are made to the same weight as their steel equivalents

>1lbs object deflecting 10lbs object
sure sure

A zweihander weights 5 lbs. 10 lbs zweihander was not typically made for combat.

Your fully equipped school of Historical European Martial Arts is waiting for your Sir.

what is this? landwhale barbecue sausage?

I have a replica zweihander a professional blacksmith made for me. They are not 5lbs.

Only acceptable dual-wield is with a parrying dagger/swordbreaker

While y'all are going unga-bunga about the weight, the real key factor here is the length.
The zweihander prop sword is so long that his opponent can't even get close enough to touch him before the two-hander ends the fight.
This is why spears were the weapon of choice and not swords like video games would have you believe.
That, and spears are way cheaper and easier to make since you just need a pointy end, wooden or metal, at the end of a wooden pole.

What the fuck are you talking about? That doesn't make sense.
If that were the case then people would be able to do kill people no matter what.
Same for you, that makes no sense.

Pounds, you idiot.

Counterbased and defensepilled.

You just essentially gave rich people permission to kill anyone anytime they want.

They already do that you know, given a certain level of 'rich'.

Also, duels require both parties be equivalently armed and armored and have a set time and place, no rich person is going to try to assasinate by duel too many times for risk of inevitably running into that one autistic redneck weeb who 'STUDIED THE BLADE' while he was out partying and being a rich fuck.

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>touching means the fight is over

there is no P in lbs you nigger, what a retarded fucking measurement nomenclature

>dude i just got impaled in the chest but i can still win!! i fight for my friends!!

cringe weeb

this guy drowned a few years back

*steps out of the shadows*
*tsk* pathetic, it's clear that you've merely adopted the way of the blade.
*puffs cigarillo*
i would teleport behind him using the right sword and chop his torso off using the left one.
come back once you have become a worthy opponent, untill then
*steps back into the shadows*

You blacksmith is shit and doesn't know what he's doing.

>present argument retard
*presents argument*
>th-that doesn't make sense it doesn't count why would it count?
The only shame is that you have the right to vote.

>1 sec google
>libra pondus
>derived from latin
the only retarded nigger here is you


I can secretly give somebody research chemical that just kills them and it won't show on any drug test unless it's very specific and expensive one.

Not sure if that sword could get past chain or not without a thinner point. Definitely not a coat of plates.

Pick one

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It's Latin you cultureless cretan cuck, it's from LIBRA, the basic roman measurement of weigh (this is also the origin of the zodiac sign of the same name.)

Swords are a meme weapon to begin with. Swords do literally nothing to an armored target, it was all spears, pikes, maces or hammers that could actually do damage to an armor clad knight.

or 2

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> Large tranny slashes downward
> 3 full frames of movement later, she's readying for another attack
> Cut to tiny bulldogfaced lesbian
> Large tranny sword is now back where it was at the end of her first swing.
So when did the quality of this show start to really slip? I stopped watching after the fight between the mountain and that one bisexual dude from Dorn.

You have to. If your opponent has a longer weapon they will always, always be able to strike first. If You have a shorter weapon your only choice is to react.

>All swords, even a zweihander, are relatively lightweight.

Dude you are so fucking dumb and you don't even know it. The ease at which swings his foam dildo is not comparable to swinging a 1m long bar of steel

so this is the kind of people pretending to know what they're talking about in all these threads

>People in the background laughing their asses off

Attached: laughinganimegirls#503.jpg (284x160, 10K)

Mordhau is fucking goat

How the fuck have you lived your life without ever seeing the abbreviation for pounds before? I mean legitimately, how??

It's cretin, you hmong unless you have something against Jorgos and Nikos

>have to google the shitty decimals he uses every day just to figure out why it's called "lbs"
typical amerifat nigger

season 5, then it became the most absurd trainwreck in the last season

After Joffrey died


Hoe can a post be so cringe and so based at the same time


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fighting the water demons to protect that kid

Break stick in half, only get 2 stick
stick win everytime

I believe it.

Big ax girl's delicious thighs


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Goddang when will I be good at drawing like that?

Women are not strong enough to effectively wield a bow made for war. Ive seen a beastly woman kill an elephant with an 80lb compound bow and that's like the lowest possible draw weight for a war bow. And a compound is far easier to shoot than a longbow or a recurve or any other historical bow because it requires no strength after full draw to hold. True war bows are around 100 too, and thats a lost cause for most men, let alone women.
I hate this meme of giving women bows as weapons. Women are much more suited for spears, longswords and such.

Trap is foolish. Use both to brace and redirect away from your core.

Fucking longaxe niggers are always terrifying on the approach because it's a gamble on whether you can out muscle em on the first exchange to close in

None, they all have shitty generic armor.

Mass 2–3.2 kilograms (4.4–7.1 pounds)

You fucking retarded fag. Sorry its not 20 pounds like in dork souls.

jun_(seojh1029) or じゅん (Jun)


too bad there wasn't anyone there with a katana to fuck that guy up

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To be fair, these guys in OPs video really suck. Faux Claymore user is using the most absolute basic fucking moves

based x 5

Axe waifu, clearly.
I want to run my hands all over her armour-clad waist and hips.

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>Sorry its not 20 pounds like in dork souls.
No, but this is

I did fencing in college. I liked it because the chicks were hot and when they pulled the masks off and shook their hair out it made my dick hard. The only dudes in the club were nerds so I got passed around like a slab of meat, it was awesome.

Attached: fencing-shanaeva-team.jpg (600x395, 30K)

But dual wielding is SO cool! Look at these guys doing it!

Attached: dual wielding.webm (400x400, 1.82M)

Nice forearms fagget.
Why are mine so wimpy, I swear I do train them

>olympic fencing
AKA suicide rush your opponent because only first touch matters.

It shouldn't be surprising that a longer weapon beats a shorter weapon.

The point is however that rapier and dagger as well as sword and buckler can be carried in civilian self-defence scenarios while the two-handed sword can't.
It's like arguing that pistols are useless because assault rifles beat them most of the time.

>Block overhead Strike with main gauche
>Opponent dominant righthanded fighter
>Riposte with main blade to the left

try 5-8lb max
"never overlay thy selfe with a heavy weapon, for nimblenesse of bodie,
and nimblenesse of weapon are two chief helpes for thy advantage"
- Joseph Swetnam, 1617

fuck is this shit?

You know nothing about fencing.

What the fuck is that CGI? What the fuck is that slow-mo? What the fuck?

Dex fags are the cringiest good lord

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>Swords do literally nothing to an armored target
You're supposed to thrust them where the armour doesn't cover.

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Shitty sequel to 300

Olympic fencing is glorified tag with tv antenna and is far removed from the fencing tradition that spawned it.

that isnt even my final form, thats only after like a couple of months

I certainly bumped into the girls in the club quite often, so sure. Whatever.

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a shitty sequel to 300 that no one knows about because it was literally that bad

basedest of the based

>Olympic fencing is glorified tag with tv antenna
It is not
>and is far removed from the fencing tradition that spawned it.
No shit retard. Its a sport


This looks like some low-budget music video shit

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They would probably be more equivalent to how we see the skill of tier 1 operators today though right? I'm sure your average peasant or soldier wasn't employing those techniques

>No shit retard. Its a sport
So you admit it has nothing to do with actual fencing and thus not relevant to this thread?

Is fencing popular among women?

women aren't suited for combat period, even the biggest fucking Helga in the unit is inferior to even your sub-average combat soldier.

the margins aren't even close, women in combat is fucking insane and the fact that politics is pushing for it to happen is crazy to me, such a handicap so people can feel good thousands of miles away.

>"What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in Navy Swordsmanship" the thread

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>tfw game of thrones was still enjoyable at that point even though a decline in quality was already noticeable

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Yes? I never said otherwise, its not real fighting besides the parries and maybe the footwork a little.

>unga bunga sword
Zweihander takes more dex to use than some faggy rapier

The only kind of people who'd get training in swordsmanship would be knights and other nobles. Peasants wouldn't usually carry a sword and if they did, they'd have no training to speak of.

No, because the purpose of a duel was to let god decide rather than the individual skill or equipment, which is why people were typically equipped in the same manner. A duel between an armoured man and an unarmoured man would not have taken place. If anything, this is sort of "what can you do when you find yourself attacked by an armoured man" type of last-ditch attempt scenario. However, even then it's not very plausible because the armoured man has no reason to use his sword like that against the unarmoured man - he'd be better off using it regularly because his edge can harm him.


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You would try, but he would be able to get the zwei up in time to deflect and then there would be you know, the rest of the whole battle.

Fencing manuals were often written for an aristocratic or grand burgher audience, but they were typically written by people with a common, often clerical, background.

To be fair, the whole purpose of that scene was a demonstration of the technique and for that it's pretty effective. If you imagined the other guy also had armour, it wouldn't be to far off.

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my dick is floppy

This, but unironically.
Also, I would literally teleport behind him
gg no re

but what would you do when your opponent teleports behind you?


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teleport behind him

>tfw only watched the first 3 seasons and some of season 4
>tfw came back and watched most of last season just to shitpost on Yea Forums because the quality was taking a kamikaze nosedive at that point.
Most patrician outcome desu

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Politicians and bankers would be getting killed 100 tines a day if it where legal to challenge them.

>Inb4 someone complains about the attacker not resisting.
The purpose of the video was to demonstrate how half-swording can be used in defence, it's not sparring.

Motherfucker if a sword is heavy then nobody would use it. Literally its prime function is to be thin and fast.

Heh, another normie falls for my hologram

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gif related

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>was about to roast you but saw a moderately built body
Keep training. You look good.

nice, i'll give you my 4 though

>those veins


>realismfags that use an unrealistic sport to portray something realistic

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No they weren't. Swords were cheap and common in most time periods, peasants could easily afford a sword.

Swords were so ubiquitous that they were the only kind of weapon that had laws for and against them - poor kingdoms even required every household to own a sword because the ruler didn't have the means to maintain an army, so the people were relied upon to defend themselves, defending the land by proxy. A few rich city states where the ruler had his own private guard and a big dense city sometimes restricted the kinds of swords one could carry within the city walls. Just like modern day cities with all their gun laws (and a shitload of crime despite them) while the countryside is lax on guns and shit is comparatively much more peaceful because everyone is spread out and the law abiding citizens are packing.

Spears in "actual fighting" were common among the rich states, not the poor ones. The weapon itself seems cheap to make, but the logistics of cutting, transporting and shaping good hardwood was almost as expensive as doing the same with iron, only with different parts of the process being more costly than others. You think a 2+ meter long straight shaft of hardwood was easy to come by? You don't know shit. You try and make your broomstick or pitchfork into a spear and you aren't going to last long.

Spears are weapons used in specific conditions - in formations with other types of weapons, tactics only an organized army with a numbers advantage could muster, and/or in very specific locations where the spear's advantages and disadvantages are accounted for. A few gate guards can retreat to the inner walls and stand their ground very well. A random clusterfuck of poor guys with short sticks in the open or some chump trying to defend the front door of his house with a spear is not going to do anyone any good.

Most "actual fighting" is started with a shitload of ranged options, there's a wall of spears, then everyone takes out swords and polearms.

good shit, I'll miss stannisposting and bobbyfags

HEMA is the most realistic depiction of medieval combat that exists.

the sex scene was so bad

roast me for what?

Attached: why yes I end my fights in one blow, how could you tell.jpg (2157x841, 775K)

i really need those hands wrapped around my throat rn

>foam swords
>no armor except helmets
>realistic in the slightest
Okay brainlet, whatever you say.

Not at all, a realistic depiction of medieval combat would be a shitload of dudes learning to use a spear, and another shitload of dudes learning to use bows. 99.999% of HEMA dudes just use two handed swords or a sword and shield.

absolutely blessed get

To practice situational awareness.

everything about that movie was terrible

Idk man, he also used a "No country for old men" frame. That combined with the quints makes me think he's a swordgod.

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Dual-wielding (if you're not a chuuni tryhard) is something you do for the challenge.

the swords weigh just as much as regular ones

1) mirin
2)fuck you


Show me a depiction of medieval combat that's more realistic. I'll wait.

I'd just bring a gun.

Because it, functionally, legalizes murder.

Police find a man dead on the floor from being shot or stabbed with the weapon in the hand of another person.
He says this was the outcome of a duel but yet no one else saw this occur.
So what do they do? Do they have claim to say the duel was legitimate or not?

Just comes off as the 'porn' exception to prostitution. We criminalize prostitution, but if you plan to release it on your pornhub she's just an "actress" you paid for her role.

>dude with biggest piece of foam make all the others crumple up and flop around
this isn't how swords work and isn't reflective of a real situation jesus

just regulate duels
if you don't file the paperwork and have the duel recorded and have an appropriate officer of duels as a witness then its not a legit duel and its murder
ez pz

t. american

Not that I want duelling to be legal, but you do know that duelling had laws right? There need to be witnesses for the duel to be legitimate, including same very specific roles (Judge, medic, etc.) as well as a bunch of other conditions, before it'd be legal.

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>just slice my fuckin hands up

Thank you for this post. I needed it.

God of Man pls go

Why not go workout yourself, it feels great.

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Again, those swords are weighted to replicate real swords.

That was exactly the issue france was having with duels, there was a law that required witnesses but all people that dueled were basically thugs so it didnt work.

Thanks for proving you've never used a sword besides your weeb stick

Holy fuck this get

Attached: 5.jpg (600x600, 56K)

You arent as big as you think you are. Also gloves are for faggots.

2 is most realistic

suck dick dude weight =/= floppiness

It'd be a shame if someone took all your powers now wouldn't it?

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cringe but redpilled

too much effort

There's a dude on Youtube who beats up a tire with a sharp sword and doesn't cut himself.

This is so incredibly amazing

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imagine how rusty her swords would get because she was too much of a jew to buy a proper sheath

post arms

>You arent as big as you think you are
where did I say that I'm big though?
Gloves in my case are a requirement for long term training.
It's effort but it pays off, just got to find something that feels fun and lets you workout your body at the same time.

i hold sword like this

Attached: main-qimg-8b344af2f64b437992b355bafc205b94.jpg (555x376, 116K)

>grown men playing at swords is retarded
No shit

Just draw bro, it worked for me :)

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The naval might of Classical Sparta obviously, dumb historylet

OP's video isn't an example of HEMA. This is.
Yes the swords are thin, but they still weigh about 3 pounds which are average for longswords

>get light tap on the leg
>both stop

Yeah that's not how sword fighting worked

I don't know dude, I think if I just sliced your leg you'd stop too.


Sometimes I walk my kids to the play structure at my local park and see some LARPers practice their swordplay.

My daughters will ask me what they're doing and I just say they're being massive faggots.

Ok I use cleaner words, but the message is the same

>not Sea Peoples
think before you talk you piece of shit

Attached: Sea-Peoples.jpg (513x445, 66K)

bruh if you got your leg sliced like that the shock would make you freeze for a second and then you would be dead

Looking like those *teleports behind you* fedorables. But you look serious. Good job man.

This crap looks like the equivalent of the overhand grip of a rifle

nice ass

>All swords, even a zweihander, are relatively lightweight. Blades are thin.
This is not true

Bible Black

This is what happens when two fully armored men face off each other with just a sword.

Thing is, this would never happen. If they were gonna face someone in plate, they'd bring proper weapons for smashing plate guys. War hammers, bec du corbin, etc.

At least he knew how to use his resources unlike the blundering idiot you are.

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Why is practical armour so much hotter than titty plate shit

Lots of places have mutual combat laws
Death causes a lot of problems though. That's how you get feuds, and feuds are bad for societies.

The point of the webm is to build a practical strawman, not to actually test things. Also iirc that came from a video where a bunch of newbies picked whatever weapons they wanted and went against well trained guy.

Most zweihanders weighed between 2 - 3 kilos, above that was relatively rare. Swords are thin.

Based and weebpilled.

OP's video is HEMA they're just using nylon swords instead of steel.

Nice get

the thing is 2m long and 9.9kg, you can't really swing it around and not be serious


Not if we're both wearing armor

It's from the movie 300: Rise of an Empire, a movie set some 500-700 years after the supposed Sea People. Dumb historylet

So which shiity mobile gacha game is this?

...Asking for a friend.

those movies aren't even remotely realistic shit stain and I doubt they had a half naked woman in their ranks so eat shit and die fuckstain, keep repeating yourself dribbling more puke and drool all over your stupid inbred ass

I can fix that ;^)

If we're wearing armour, we're not gonna be fighting like that.

Women should still know how to defend themselves though. And for a woman that means having the best weapon suitable for them. Pistols and rifles today, spears and longswords back then.


And yet we make modern infantry carry 100lbs of equipment

Doesn't matter if they're "accurate" or not, the movie is still set during the 2nd Persian invasion, including Spartans and Artemisia (in that webm) a Carian, during the 5th century. The Sea People are late Bronze Age, some 600 years before that. Learn your basic history before posting, you dumb historylet

Finally someone with some common fucking sense.

The spearsucking on Yea Forums ever since Lindybeige put out those handful of videos has been insufferable.

I have an eternally crippled knee that will do a full dislocation at the slightest provocation and stress.

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>tfw it takes twice as much DEX to aim with a zweihander, and four times STR to weld it properly, and it takes tactic to swing it.

A zweihander bearer outnumbers your skill in all the fields you think you're superior.

It's like comparing a Disgaea character to a Final Fantasy character at max level.

Out fucking numbered

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modern soldiers can handle it
honestly can't wait till we get proper functioning exoskeletons, i wanna see mini tank soldiers

I have a cheap ass stainless steel replica of Raiden's HF sword which I bought on a whim because I like wasting free money, weights about 10 pounds or so, how do I train with that and what youtube channels should I follow to start training.

Gloves are for smart people, blisters are for faggots.

>being a melee cuck
>mfw I'm fucking your maiden while destroying your army with trebuchets/catapaults/cannons

Artillery wins battles, faggots.

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That sucks real bad, man...How did that happen?
But it's people like you that are an eternal pool of motivation to go out and enjoy my own body and it's wonders.
People like you can only dream of the freedom and options my body offers me daily, it's a colossal waste to not go out and enjoy them.
It's one thing to be crippled like that, but it's even worse to not be crippled but live your life like you are.

>Stupid anime bullshit.
>Smug grinning the entire time.
Girl power fantasies are lame.

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>not being immune to pain
stupid mortals

Catapults and ballistae were rarely used in field battles. Artillery of any sort was never a factor until gunpowder, and even then it was delayed until cannons were smaller

Sadly it was genetics, my father had shit knees and mine are even worse. As a kid they would pop out all the time, about as much as you'd expect a kid that age to be scraping their knees. But because I was young they'd always pop straight back in and no ligaments would tear or anything. But then when I was 15 it happened again, and this time the kneecap shattered, three big-ass fractures. I needed surgery and about four months of treatment and physical therapy just to walk again, and now for the rest of my life I've got bolts in my knee to keep it held together, and aging ligaments that get torn to shreds every time my knee pops out, whether it be from some cunt kid at the grocery store ramming me or just slipping on a puddle. I hate it so fucking much, and every time I wish they would finally decide to just cut my leg off and give me a peg leg. It would be less torturous than the real thing at this point.

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>As a kid they would pop out all the time
sounds like it should have been treated when you were a kid

Is tour father Robert Griffin the third??

get gloves if you are going to be serious.
Find a nice big open space and swing it, feel your body and learn through doing.
Try to be practical in your swings, try to be as fast/strong as possible, try different angles. Try to be safe and if it's a heavy weight for you not to over do it.
Muscles take a couple of weeks to do basic adaptation, joints and ligaments will takes months and upgrade/repair much slower.
Something to keep in mind when you are doing training that involves building up and stopping momentum of objects.

My motto was always that if you aren't doing it very often then you don't need gloves. But for anybody doing things regularly you will need gloves to keep the skin on your hands.
At some point I did sword training and my hands wore down to literally bleeding tier because the handle material was rough and the speed at which I was swinging always meant small amount of movement at the start of the swing, thus after hours the skin would peel off like with a cheese greater

Because artillery has never been overrun

My dad was a Navy corpsman. He always suspected something was seriously wrong with my knee, but my mom convinced him I just played too rough as a kid, and doctors never bothered to look at it too closely so they never noticed anything especially abnormal. Even now my surgeon tells me my knees don't obviously LOOK like there's something wrong. Like, no indicators they would constantly dislocate. They just do.

zweifags BTFO

because modern soldiers arent engaging in primarily melee combat, they move from point A to point B and use firearms. Getting into a physical fight is rare, it obviously happens but not very often.

Is your sister named Mary?

His name is Cass
I don't have a sister, just four brothers. Two of whom I didn't know existed until I was 18. that a fucking cid from ff7 cosplay

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Mary Poppins

well, i'd prepare by checking those digits

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user, stop. You're hurting me.

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a wha?

Judging by the art. I imagine it's an atelier game


Ah finally, an intellectual peer. Just when I was beginning to get lonely up here in this tower of intelligence.

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sorry i took a gamble, thought it might be stupid enough to cheer you up

I actually did laugh, it's okay. Thanks.

Has Yea Forums forgotten?

>sees western art
>reads it like weeb shit
Imagine being this retarded.

Why are you so gay

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But mobility in essence of war should always be superior to firepower no?

It's why Navies and Air powers decimate Armies.

Think about it
British Empire conquered the 7 continents as a Naval Power and was what kept Napoleons grand armee from ever touching the isles.
Spain did the same in the new world with their armada
Spartans fell to the Helenic Navy
Nazi Germany could not touch the Brits as a Army centered power.
Russians got BTFO by Japan because their Navy was trash in the early 20th century.

Its cause they can mobilize and move faster than any army or foot soldier. Theres not terrain or mountains to cross. No bridges to build. They have infinite mobility.

If anything we should make our infantry men be able to be all terrain. Jetpacks. Power armor w/e. But it needs to happen. Think Mobile Infantry

she would be dead the moment she spun

Spinning yourself is a legitimate combat tactic. It confuses your enemy.

>Bald guy named Hagel in it

Just what series do you THINK it is?

Thank you for the chuckle been awhile since the last stupid comment.

do a backward stab to his stomach, the first strike was a faint, looks at his gets, his a professional. the last thing that naive fool is going to see is the side smirk of user as he fel the last beats of his hearts.

Yes, Navies are useful when you're completely surrounded by water like England, Japan, Greece, or the Caribbean Islands.

If you're say, Mongolia fighting China, or Poland fighting Germany, then the navy isn't very useful.

>Not using two katana

Attached: 6a31733042fd752d8468d46e84691141 (1).webm (800x436, 1.72M)

my current weeb level only allow me to wield one

Based and dexpilled faggot

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That only works because everyone else uses lightweight swords

Katanas would instantly break against European weaponry.

>tfw wanna work out but just feel that it's boring as shit
I need to break out of this shitty mindset.

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cid from final fantasy 7, he flies airships and uses spears. you look more like his movie version.

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>game doesn't have cavalry

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Still. Imagine if our troops could move like in tribes ascend. Just a quick hit and run. No one would be able to stop it

>Fiction: Rapier flawlessly deflects heavy weapon and the wielder can just waltz over to the enemy's side without any problem
>Reality: The one with the rapier would be fucking dead, or at least have one less hand and a nasty as fuck wound

Cinema is wonderful, but god damn does it drop reality for style.

Euro swords weren't that much heavier or tougher.

Music helps a lot. Actually doing something that you find exciting or fun also helps.
I suggest both to make it a memorable, fun, productive time.
P.S remember, if you do this your body will produce different chemicals which make you feel different, thus it should help you get out of the mindset.

lol, not intentional in the least, just normal clothes and just a metal rod with some taping over it

I wanna say something to people who dont get Kendo/Fencing.

The armor aside from the head does nothing.

It does hurt, especially after a few hours.

Nothing adult has a rubber tip, its a flat metal tip in fencing with some give since its usually an electric sensor, its still a small point going into you. Saber fencing is hardcore and its getting whipped by metal.

Kendo, while flimsy as well, its still a small point being stabbed into you. That said fencing is a lot more serious imo since its actual metal and the armor is nothing more than another shirt. Top Olympic fencing is actually extremely insane.

Learn 2 fence, its a very white and fun sport.

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Is he okay?

Did he died?

He wasn't even trying
He should be twirling around

It's not that rapier can't be agile, but movies always portray them wrong and thus it always make them look retarded PSSSHHH nothing personel kiddo tier.
That webm in particular is retarded

>Actually doing something that you find exciting or fun also helps.
Got an example? I got the music part down, though I should invest in some ear buds since headphones just end up falling off.
I do have an old wooden kendo sword sitting around from my dad when he practiced, if that's what you mean.

It's not a rapier, it's a smallsword, or at least it's designed to look like one, it's about half the length and weight of a rapier

Attached: smallsword.jpg (1194x181, 56K)

That's not a rapier, that's a small sword.

>was about to say "it wasn't so long ago"
>realize dark souls is 8 yo

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I wonder if Etika's met him yet.

checks out

>not teleporting behind your enemy

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peasants don't own armor
nobles don't kill other nobles, they just capture them for ransom.

Most of your hand grip is on the flat of the blade, and the actual cutting power of the edge comes from either the force of your swing, or the slicing action (imagine how you cut meat with a knife at the dinner table; you saw at it, you don't just press downward hoping the blade with fuck the meat up for you).


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>armchair martial artist
I wish I was still that young and gullible. Nice get though.

>Got an example?
Of what workout to do?
Shit nigga, play videogames or watch anime/movies and get inspired, then replicated that in a practical.
I climb castle walls while listening to price of persia music.
Did sword training with DMC music
Did parkour(the practical kind where it's an obstacle course run and not the gay kind where you do flips in one place and get nowhere) while listening to assassins creed chase music.
You get the idea, find something you find "awesome" or fun, or exciting, then do that, in a safe and practical manner.

>I do have an old wooden kendo sword sitting around from my dad when he practiced, if that's what you mean.
Those are safe and your chances of snapping your bones or ripping your tendons or dislocating your joints is as minimal as it can get.
Either practice based on feel, or look up stuff, then go and practice it and variations of it. The only way it's fun if you actively think on how you are doing, try to be faster, more precise, last longer and so on.
And don't worry about "technique" too much at the start.
Both your mind and body and very "shapeless" as you flail around like a retard, eventually your body will get stronger and your mind will feel the bodys movement and it will improve naturally, the same way people naturally develop walking.

>Kills you from 2 meters away with 400,000 year old tech

Fucking swordfags lol

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>people shitting on duel wielding
you guys have two weapon fighting right?

why would the god of dubs bless pents on this fucking peon

last note, the difference between a dipshit that sucks at it, looks like a retard and gets no results and a person who get results out of it, is merely the motivation/discipline to repeatedly train enough to get results, so whatever you stick with and try to improve, is what will unquestionably improve.

Wow, such engaging combat styles. I wonder why devs don't go for realism

Everyone on a medieval battlefield is going to have some kind of armor, even if it's just a helmet. In the later medieval period even the poorfags are going to be pretty well decked out.

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John Clements is a notorious charlatan and basically the HEMA equivalent of those guys at McDojos who blow air at people and they pretend to fall over

>tfw moments like this were in service to season 8

You DO realise that the foam dildo he's swinging around has a heavy core and weighs as much as a real sword, right?

Oh, THAT'S what you mean. I thought you meant something like doing bicep curls while playing an RTS with your freehand.
But yeah, I appreciate the advice user. I'll look into getting something done tonight and try sticking with it.

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>8 years ago people were reminiscing about the "good ol' days" of Dark Souls
This gives me a wierd sort of feeling.

>I thought you meant something like doing bicep curls while playing an RTS with your freehand.
Thats....a bad idea. Like trying to shit into your sock at the family dinner, tier.
Either enjoy vidia, or go do some physical activity that's fun for you.
Don't attempt to multitask like a woman.

Also that deer looks fucking happy.
But yeah user, whatever you do, make sure it's fun for you, or something you find desirable. Motivation and a positive feedback loop are quite vital for people to keep doing things.

Oh yeah, I know user. Don't worry, I was just faffing around there.
Thanks again for the advice though, for real.


Attached: black douglas peacefully participates in easter worship.webm (900x506, 2.92M)

>tfw Syrio Forel was based in the book
It kinda hurt watching this, but who ever that fucker is, he's right. Syrio just needed a sword.

Nobody's trying to smack their swords together, that just damages the blade and accomplishes nothing. Thinking real fights did that is pure anime logic.

Oh my god you sound like so much fun. Good combo dude.

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The kid he was going to fuck on an island.

how are they gonna arrest you after you fucking speed run life

you need to get some jeans that fit

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>manly tears something something

>working out in tight jeans
why would anybody do that?

bless this post

S-shut up autists

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definition of based retard

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nice made up fantasy story my dude

i want to fuck spear girl

Say it again, I DARE you american pig fuck.

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>Thanks again for the advice though, for real.
np, heres a bonus for you

Attached: prince of persia music intensifies.webm (640x480, 2.91M)

the tiddies

>European weaponry
Which one? A katana weigh almost similar to a two handed European sword. Also, what kind of idiot breaking their own weapons?

Weeb shit copying weeb shit that was probably copying weeb shit.

>I got passed around like a slab of meat, it was awesome.
lying faggot

ITT: Retards think swords weigh 50 pounds.

hahahahaha nice bait/edit, here's your (you)

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I'll try to explain it in terms you understand. You know how some dude stumbles into your dorm's Smash tournament drunk off his ass and spends all his time cracking jokes and having a good time and then goes home with that one girl who isn't the hottest girl around but she's kinda cute in the tomboy next door kinda way and you kinda had a crush on her but kinda didn't but maybe you'd really like each other but this dude just goes off and fucks her and then she introduces him to her friends and they all start fucking?

That's what it's like for varsity athletes when they go off to college and join an intramural team of some sort that isn't football. They do just well enough to fit in with the die hard nerds who are really into it while just hanging out and having a good time hitting on girls and cracking jokes about how much they suck at whatever it is they're attempting to do, like fencing, when they're actually performing at an acceptable level. It was like that for me when I joined the swing dance club in college.

Because you secretly like men?

It is genuinely boring. I see it as a chore. But it's still worth it in the end to not be trapped in a filthy decaying bloated carcass. Basic mobility is the worst thing to lose but when you get it back you feel like a real human bean again.

>Swing katana
>slo-mo is broadsword

have sex

>this dude just goes off and fucks her

Attached: Ohma goes nuclear.jpg (848x1200, 374K)

>sword is braced against a solid block

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Rise up gang green gamer, you didnt need that veronica.

Bottom text

So how come in the bait .gif, where the slo mo clearly shows they're using a european sword, breaks it?

I hope this is bait

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>At some point I did sword training and my hands wore down to literally bleeding tier
you just proved why you should use gloves faggot

>you just proved why you should use gloves faggot
Yes? I was agreeing with that point and provided my reasons as to why I agree.
Are you okay user?

>olympic sport
>in case of a tie the winner is determined by coinflip.
What the fuck.

>I'd prepare to deflect and at the last second skip to the left, holding his zwei down with my right sword and with my left cut the guys throat before he gets a chance to swing again.
>How stupid are the larpers that they can't use common sense tactics?

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why are you alone in the woods larping Highlander, you weirdo?



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I find it a more fun way to workout than a lot of alternatives. After you swing around a big hunk of metal, lifting weights in a gym feels too neutered.

why would I ever make my pitchfork into a spear when I could have a pitchfork phalanx instead

>tfw get gold medal thanks to a coinflip

>he flinches when the sword comes

did the poorfags sit around together and complain about the richfags with sweet medival battlestation setups?

>yfw this isn't even sarcasm
>this is genuinely how olympic fencing works

>Muah Thai Gifs

Attached: 1558495724774.gif (512x807, 434K)

Epee is the fucking shit. Nothing more satisfying than reading tempo and getting a toe tape.

The chicks at fencing are always hot too, it's basically hours of squats. Wish there was some good epee fencing in Tokyo, I fucking miss it.

sweet disarm at 2:35

>used for chopping spear shafts



flails are a meme and were never used outside some fringe instances.

The only swordsman in this thread. He is the 600k Samurai.

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I fucking love the hound, best character in the show along with Bronn. They were great in the books too but the hound was really brought to life in the show.

nice bait

I appreciate the effort but all of these are just plain wrong

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He probably made it heavier on purpose just so he could convince you agree to the price settled.


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Without boots on the ground to actually hold the ground any military effort is fruitless. As much as Germany could not touch Britain, Britain could not touch Germany either and without aid from America and Russia WW2 would have been a stalemate in favour of Germany.

>that axe girl

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>10 years

How did you get started,I've been meaning to for awhile

>Spartans fell to the Helenic Navy

What happened is that the Persians paid for the Spartans to build their own navy, which then defeated the navy of the Athenian led Delian League. The power of Spartan was beaten on land by the Boeotian League.

Damn, that doesn't look safe, I guess you got balls of steel

I challenge you to block a sword that big with anything less than a sheild.

Why don't you just teleport behind him? Also checked.

>not a single cutlas


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unspeakably retarded horse shit like this is why i still come here after all these years.
well played

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hah jokes on you she rejected me already in this scenario.

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fencing is dumb because if unclothed with real blades, most of the time both of them would die together

nah, it's about knowing what you are facing and knowing what you can do and being realistic about that
for instance I knew those wobble back and forth, and to some extent left and right so I could prepare for it.
never been injured doing that kind of stuff, and there is a good reason for that
most important part is gradually increasing the difficulty as to not make a miscalculation of the difficulty and your own abilities.

Attached: prince of persia music intensifies within.webm (640x462, 2.93M)

>Be fumbling retard with blades and swords
>WIth a simple pistol and even a bow in my hand apparently I have high Accuracy and Precision
How the fuck does the brain work?

lol why did the guy leave his sword arm out like that wtf

Dark Souls 2 did dual wielding right AND better than DaS3
Yopu can't prove me wrong

>He doesn't just use a good ol' wrench or crowbar to fight
>Not keeping a hand open for grapples

Why wouldn't he just mikiri counter it?

Duels are consensual, dingus

>I see you brought a gun to a wrench fight

It wouldn't make sense for you to be swinging around a 20lb+ hunk of metal during an actual fight. You'd tire yourself out, especially if you had to fight multiple times in succession like a battle.

how do you even get your forearms like that? Isnt it genetic?

Swords aren't heavy dawg. Not even warhammers are forbiddingly heavy, cause they're practical tools that are made to be used.

>its to show it can be used in defense
as a martial artist this shit always annoys me.
>b-but I COULD have done this!
you don't prove shit unless its against a resisting opponent. Yeah in magical land my sword touching yours causes you to drop it and forces you to twirl around into my arms so i can slit your throat. In reality, that doesn't happen. Its just a shitty demo technique.

I'd put one in my mouth, the other in my ass and then spin around really fast

Time under tension, wristlet.

Okay but all martial artists drill technique outside of sparring vs. resisting opponents. You could just as well say boxing pad work is a "shitty demo technique."

Stun baton master race

>how do you even get your forearms like that? Isnt it genetic?
yes....genetics...that must be it

that looks like bullshit, it looks like any sort of flail that makes contact is a point, despite being absolutely impractical as an attack

Bullshit, I held a zweihander replica and it wasn't even heavy, even a manlet could swing that shit around like a lightsaber.

Yes, but then when it comes to actual sparing you basically stick to
>punch guy in the face and don't get punched back

For example. the main thing would be shit like standing grapples (fuck if I remember their weeb names) I've only done basic takedowns during actual sparring like armbars or a simple judo throw, I'd never actually try one of our super autistic joint lock techniques, because the moment you start, yeah you might fuck up their wrist, but they have another arm open to bash your nose in.
Same thing with jiu jitsu techniques, people see it in MMA, but in reality you can just pick someone up (180 pounds isn't that much for a full body pickup) and just smash their neck into the ground. I've simulated it because with a guy twice my weight and I'm hardly the strongest guy around.

Sure you can do the fancy stuff if you're flexing, but I'd never consider anyone who shows off those moves as "real" self defense to be serious (see akido). They're moves you pull to flex on people, or in the case of jiu jitsu, to abuse tap out rules in mma.

why doesn't the guy in full plate just fucking zerg rush that fat guy's dumb ass

>those digits
>that autism
yeah, i'm thinking he's based

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it sounds like you'd have a much easier time with a shield

>when the steel is only folded 999 times

lmfao what are you doing hopping around the woods for user

Last one because it looks cool

based and mall ninja pilled

probably having fun user

>I saw a woman kill an elephant
>b-but there's no way any woman ever could possible kill a person!

Either way, not all boys were gigantic war bows. Smaller bows, such as those you normally see in fantasy settings had their use cases as well. Calvary bows for example were much lighter than a war bow. In fantasy settings as well, you're not seeing girls running around with gigantic bows, you're seeing them with lighter agile bows that would be useful against lightly armor opponents. The part where armor doesn't work just applies to every weapon in the setting cutting through armor like butter.

The last time armor worked in the show.

Huh I saw plot armor working quite well on the last season.

pretty based

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ok, the last time real armor worked.

I wait for this version more than the real one.

>ill try spinning, thats a good trick

haha why the fuck is podrick there? or is that meant to be gendry?

Afro where do you order your costumes from.
Yes i know you are reading this you fucking faggot.

doesnt get anymore based than that

quints of truth strikes.

Navigavi on twitter

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#2 all the way. She has the least amount of belts

1 & 6 are absolutely the most patrician taste out there, if not you're a faggot and have absolutely poor taste in women.

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Why are practicalfags so insecure? Not a single bikini armor around and your still talking about it.

cringe but also based and autismpilled

If I had a single wish I'd permanently wish away the existence of all ranged weaponry. Imagine armies and police forces running around with swords like the olden times.

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There's no such thing as swordmastery, because anybody who did have any practical training or experience in sword play still got fucking killed in 2v1.


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Part of the mastery is recognizing and not running into fights you cannot win, duh.


But sword/spear + shield could be considered dual wielding, since you use an object in each hand. By having a dagger + rapier you're mostly using the dagger as a shield replacement to deflect

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>game has giant axes
>but no giant two handed hammers
All I want is to smash shit.

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Considering his lack of body fat the dude is actually pretty big. You would be surprised how fat can make your arms look bigger when you lift.

Also generally short sets of high weight make muscles that are large. If the guy does long sets with a more moderate weight it wouldn't produce huge bulging muscles.

Learn your shit

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>he doesn't practice Historical European Martial Arts routinely
Come home, White Man.

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Wish there was a Hammer, so I'll go with the Axe or the Glaive.


>zwei guy goes for leg hits
>braintards lean down to try to block instead of just trying to dodge

I was actually looking at this earlier I'm the week and intended to start soon. Any advice?

>jrpg writting

>duels to the death under restrictions is the same as killing people at random
Imagine having such a low iq.

Just go, people are friendly and will lend you gear. It will allow you to try out weapons.

based retard

>smiling POW in the bottom left

>spin moves
Is there a single situation that would benefit from whirling around like a faggot on ice skates?

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Fucking based

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because it's pointless, I legit can't see the point.

exquisite bait and digits


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This fucking videos are always the same
>first dude barely touches the other dude
>other dude completely stops moving
>first dude starts to do a fucking fatality
So fucking dumb.

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Suck on those quints, newfag.

Does something like this actually happen in the show?

OK all am saying is what would be the possible counter if you used a axe that was twice your size and spun around with it like a fucking beyblade, you would be fucking unstoppable because you have everything, speed, power, force, range and invincibility.

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Fire crotch is most practical, Green crotch makes my dick hard, but asian bitch would be the best choice. Primarily because her sword is a fucking box cutter, so snap it and marry her 2ez.

stop posting image for ant

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Longer range is pretty much always better. The only reasons to go for shorter weapons are non-combat related such as concealment, ease-of-carrying, laws, weight, etc.

Because things don't work that way in real life. A semi-competent swordsman with a long weapon can quickly move his weapon and hit you before you can get in range.

>In fantasy settings as well, you're not seeing girls running around with gigantic bows, you're seeing them with lighter agile bows that would be useful against lightly armor opponents.

You'd see them running buckets of stones up to the tops of walls so men can drop them on the attacking enemy. You'd maybe see them murdering prisoners or enemy wounded.

Dual wielding fucking MURDERS your wrists. It's so hard to actually deflect swings and not just have your blade come back at you.

t. I've boffered in Uni

This has to be the most retarded thing I have read in this thread. No one in their right mind would assume that when speaking of dual wielding anyone would mean anything but wielding 2 weapons instead of a weapon and a shield. Are you really this fucking stupid?


How fucking hard it is to use google instead of swinging your dicks at each other?

Halberds > Spears > Swords > all that meme shit



no he can't, be quiet

Gotta go with the redhead on this one

Oh and absolutely the flail girl.

Because this is a play fight and not how things actually went.

The concept is the same, and that's why it was done by pasta eaters, the dagger is used to deflect incoming attacks and occasionally to strike the oponent (a shield would still be better, but can't be worn as easily and even a buckler is a dangling "plate" that's not as comfortable as a dagger) whilst the rapier is for attacks.