What vidya fanbase is the worst?
What vidya fanbase is the worst?
Your favorite game's fanbase.
the frog posting one
Yea Forums's "Yea Forums" board
Shev is better
Life is Strange's, Undertale's, all the tumblrbait games basically.
It's a match between frogniggers and wojakniggers.
Any indie game you can find will have a shit tier annoying fanbase, as for AAA companies I'd say CDPR or Bathesda as a whole, game wise I'd say Smash. Not that any of them are bad, their fans are though.
Undertale followed by Melee.
Smash is the worst fanbase on Yea Forums. Not even joking, go out to the catalog right now there is always a guaranteed 4-5 up every minute. Every other game that gets posted non stop after a couple of weeks gets pushed to /vg/ by mods, but for some reason this game is able to break the rules and gets no regulation by mods thus being spammed non stop over and over. And all the threads boil down to is "whos going to be in the game!!!?" never any gameplay discussion. Its pathetic
People who complain about frogposters are worse than actual ones
kill yourself, frog.
Wow, this reply really changed my perception on this whole dilemma! Please, shower me with more fantastic arguments
I'll shower you with this
*unzips dick*
Blizzard specifically WoW. This is indisputable imo
Damn, it took this long to get to the best post.
jesus christ this. I loved both games but their fandoms need to be rounded up and shot like pigs, LiS's is somewhat harmless but I've completely removed all traces of undertale from my life from vicarious embarrassment
Sony or Sekiro
Modern gaming, period. Gaming has been shit for a long time now and started going downhill as early as the mid-90s.
>posts sonic shit
I don't know, but Bully has one of the best.
League of Legends, nothing can top EUW trash.
Street Fighter
Dark souls, mobafags
Anything popular with DeviantArt/Tumblrinas, things like Undertale and the like big contenders are also super autistic fanbases like Sonic.
sonic's fandom is legendarily worse that probably anything else on the internet on art and degeneracy alone but I had that image handy and it conveyed my emotions well enough
You bother asking on Nintendo dick riding board? It's clearly without question Nintendo but all of you love your portable 240p toy so of course we have to say Sony.
>Until Dawn
>I was literally afraid to buy this game.
>The Order
>As a neutral gamer, I knew not to listen to the press and nor youtuber reviews (who didn't play the game)
I need more of this shit.
Dead by Daylight, CS:GO, Rainbow 6 Siege and LoL.
Whatever game dumb frogposters play so FIFA, Call of Duty, Fortnite, etc.
Literally any fighting game that isn't MK or Smash has the nicest people ever in their fanbases, you're tripping
t. primordial boomer
in the current year it is smash
I'd say fortnite but they are thankfully quarantined on normalfag social media
only people who hate frogposters are leftist retards still btfo by trumpler
MGS and it's autism. Nowhere near the Sonic fanbase, but it does manage to attract weirdos and shitheads like YongYea and PythonSelkan.
Also, that BiBo poster who keeps samefagging as multiple people, trying to force the shitty macro as a meme to death.
>MGS fans
Ha good one.
Without a coddamn doubt, Nint0ddlers.
They're the redditors of vidya.
Fallout NV. No idea why people still discuss this shit game 10 years later.
Never understood why frog post is considered a bad thing here, they aren't even close annoying as wojak posts
That hurted...
>The needle tears a hole, the old familiar sting.