Do you talk to your friends? You do have alot.
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i have 7 friends, I know all of them closely, op. so yes
i do
I have like 180 or so, I treat it like a contacts list not a friends list. I only regularly talk to like 15 of them who are my actual friends.
im alone
I'm only friends with my actual friends and my roommates
I don't at all. When I do it's because a) Its a scammer
b) It's for an item trade
c) It's for them to call me a shit spy, kek.
>Your friends: 0/290
I have two, one of whom I haven't regularly spoken to in five years and the other I've never spoken with.
There are only two people on my list, and I don't think I've ever talked to them on Steam. There used to be another guy I knew IRL. I gifted him a copy of Terraria for his birthday 6 years ago, but he never logged in again to claim it. I ended up retracting the gift 5 years later and giving it to some rando on Twitch instead.
I sure do
I have 7 friends, I only talk to 3 of them. The others never talk unless I message them first
I have over 200 friends and don't talk to any of them.
Just like real life, I have no friends on steam.
I don't talk to any of them
17 isn't a lot and yes I do
I play games with them too
with avatars like those I wouldn't talk to them either
They're all decent human beings I just never go on steam except to occasionally play TF2 on Fridays and Saturdays.
37 friends, know most of them from real life so if I talk to them its on discord, and then a few people who were nice in payday 2 so added them, played a for a couple days with them and never spoke again
I made the mistake of adding people from Yea Forums, I ended up blocking and removing him, but apparently he didnt get the message so he made another account to try and see why I blocked him. I try to be nice but too many spergs on here.
how do you make friends on steam? all of the people on my list are irl friends who barely come on anymore.
>Do you talk to your friends?
>You do have alot.
I basically talk to one person on Steam and I mostly lurk in a discord that everyone from a forum I browsed for like ten years migrated to.
just tell him why, block him and then remove him. it's too easy
I have like 27 on my friends list, one or two are secondary accounts, and one of them is my girlfriend. I talk to absolutely none of them, I'm always in Invisible mode. I really don't care about having "friends", never had good experiences with them to begin with.
most of my steam friends are also on discord and skype. I don't really talk to anyone using the steam messenger anymore.
i don't even login, why would anyone use steam for chating.
I only have 1 steam friend and he's a canadian with autism.
is he me?
I have a bunch of 'friends', but i only talk to one.
One day I'll do an exodus but I'm too lazy.
Is your name Nigger Dan?
I only have my IRL friends I see semi regularly on my friends list
>tfw no friends
Is your name Astro spelt backwards?
yes to both of these
I don't talk to people on steam, I just collect profile comments
one of my friends calls me astro
how the hell do you do that. tell people to leave a comment or make your profile so weird that people can't help but leave a comment.
My first steam friend died. Terminal illness. At xmas. 10 years we played video games together. Always set aside a weekend each month for it. Gifted me my whole wishlist before the end. I dont want to play game anymore. Not alone.
I just post in random groups
only got 93 comments on my profile so far though
I have like 25 friends and actually just talk with 1, but I know 3 of them and casually chat via discord... Idk why I even have people whom I don't even play with, but I don't wanna be rude or something and delete them, should I?
>trying to stock up on some new steam pals after my old one killed themselves or got social lives or some shit
>join some discords for games i like (thanks for the tip, Yea Forums)
>actually kinda working out
>people suddenly mention their ages
>everyone's like 17 or 20 tops
>leave server forever
i cleared out my steam friends list because all they wanted was to do gay erp with me and send me pics, and emotionally manipulation me and rarely saying "hello" or asking how i was.
sounds kinda hot.
I have 1 (one) friend who I've known for 10 years and they are all I need
everyone is nearly 30 in the only video game discord i'm in, maybe you just play the wrong games
I delete them if I don't talk to them in like a week. If they're people I know irl, I'll delete then when I fall out of touch.
All the friends I have on Steam I made from begging so not really. I'd feel like kind of an ass if I got rid of them though
i dont have any
Most are IRL friends so yeah, pretty close but was friends with some Estonian guy. Used to be quite close but just kinda naturally drifted apart.
I don't want to hang out with those toddlers nor do I suspect they want to hang out with some old fart like me.
it felt sort of fun until you realize they don't care about you, they just care about your ass n dick and likely copypaste the erp things they say to you from a conversation they had with someone else earlier. impersonal junk is not hot. i'm worth more than that
That you are, user!
how do I get friends like that
t. 4000 "friends"
Fair enough I guess, I'm 25 so I can relate with older dudes and people that are 18-21 so it's a nice middle ground.
be gay and like anime or furry cartoons
I only have 20 steam friends all of whom I talk to frequently since I know them IRL. I doubt you even have any IRL friends.
add me up losers
I discovered that for me there's a hard limit where people are so young they're still in high school and live with their parents. That's a child and it's both uninteresting and bordering on improper for me to hang out with them.
i have a couple of close friends which i talk to rarely nowadays and not on steam, the rest are people i know from a certain forum or real life acquaintances, last time i got a message from any of them was a couple of days ago when one of them got hacked and i got a scam message
i don't even know what i'm supposed to talk to people about so instead of trying i don't even bother
Ive only had a handful-ish. Even then, we're mostly just gaming buddies, or acquaintances, not actual friends I think. No one really wants to talk to me unless they want to play those particular games or happen to be on discord at the same time.
I really only had 2 friends. Had to remove one since I was demoted to orbiter instead of actual friend.
Now its just the one Norski that is too normal to play games on the regular, being as busy and gregarious that he is. Might just be that hes too nice to come out and say he doesn't wanna play though. Hard to tell.
>that name
no thanks
add me up loser
you seem unkind and not very approachable and for all i know you could be some sort of spy
that'd be a no from me. politeness is an important factor for me.
add me up loser
you called me a loser twice now. Read my lips... no
add me up loser
>520 days offline
>last game played in 2016
add me up loser
add me up loser
add me up loser
No I haven't signed into friends for 6 months and just appeared offline all this time. I'll probably go online once a year on new year's day and that's it.
Best thing I did last year was removing every friend I didn't talk to. Now I have two people and no fucks given to what games I play anymore. No one will bother me because I'm not playing L4D2 for t he billionth time with them.
add me up loser
add me up loser
>apply to all three of those things
>still no frens
you LIE
add me up loser
add me up loser
>tfw I dont want to hang out with young folks because they'll find out what a looser I am
feels bad
yeah, i'm thinking you're a cool dude
add me up loser
There is not a single person on my friends list that I don't know IRL. I prefer to be a silent, faceless goon in online games that helps people when it's convenient, but otherwise keeps people at arms length.
Antisocial, even on the internet.