Is this the closest game to perfection?

Is this the closest game to perfection?

Attached: gow.jpg (2400x1625, 1.47M)

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Obviously fucking not

hijacking this thread for actual (near) perfect games

>Yoshi's Island
>Dark Souls

Hijacking your hijack
>Metal Arms: Glitch in the System

Attached: 1560368643804.webm (582x520, 953K)


I'd like to hijack this and mention that The Last Guardian was the most absolute ludo I have ever played

Hijacking your hijack that you're hijacking
>Gothic 2 NOTR
>Deus Ex
>System Shock 2

>Gothic 2
Redpill me.

>Crazy Taxi
>Yakuza 0
>Metal Gear Solid 3

GOW shits on any of those.

fuck yeah metal arms - loved the praying mantis suit in multiplayer that could fly. memory is hazy on that lol

combat sucks

>Gow shits on Crazy Taxi

Attached: 1558796588065.jpg (436x399, 79K)

>Redpill me.
Best open world game made by 20 germans in their basement almost 2 decades ago.
Here is a review of the first one, which is also great, but G2 improves on it it every way.

>Crazy Taxi
Thats the one offends you?

In love with the graphics and atmosphere, will need to give it a go.

no u

>movie shit

fuck off

you unironically hate video games

Bloodborne and Chrono Tirgger are the two closest to perfection.

Yes. Crazy Taxi's one of my favourite games.

>you unironically hate video games
No, but I hate tasteless memelords like you.

Chrono trigger is boring as fuck. Bloodborne is great but never awed me.

This is the same faggot attitude that keeps action movies from winning Best Picture. Like actually just sitting down and enjoying yourself without being objected to a black man coming to terms with his own sensitivities or a period piece about a woman's struggle is something to be ashamed of. Big robot fights like in Transformers have their own art.

Some of us just want to dick around and have fun. There's no such thing as high-art and low-art - God of War isn't better than Jet Set Radio just because it makes an attempt to be deeper. The game should speak for itself under scrutiny and it clearly doesn't.

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It holds up. One of my all-time favourites, sequel never.

Have sex.

What the fuck are you on about?