The sun has fallen out of orbit with the Earth and is going to collide in 5 minutes. You have two shelters to save your life. One shelter is filled with
A. Cawwadooty kiddies
B. Gaylo faggots
C. c0unT3R sTriKE eDGeRs
Make your choice Yea Forums
The sun has fallen out of orbit with the Earth and is going to collide in 5 minutes. You have two shelters to save your life. One shelter is filled with
A. Cawwadooty kiddies
B. Gaylo faggots
C. c0unT3R sTriKE eDGeRs
Make your choice Yea Forums
>The sun has fallen out of orbit with the Earth
uh that's not how it works
>inb4 "sun can't fall out of orbit" posters
I choose the shelter without the other people in it
>within one second of each other
Like clockwork
what even IS a cawadoody kid anymore, grandpa? that series is pretty much dead, same with halo and cs
>One shelter is filled with
Uh okay I'll take the shelter that isn't filled with all those gamer kids
fartnite faggots like you then
op is dumb
Gaylo faggots so I can fuck some handsome twinks.
B because I get lots of fuck buddies at least
What kind of CS edgers. Are they oldfag 1.6 players? CS:S? Or GO?
Yes it can. Why do you think its up there?
Gaylo faggots is win/win, you are making this too easy
i get to survive AND fuck and be fucked by twinks
I go for the other shelter. Also, thanks for posting this, it's a classic.
if the counter strike edgers are the ones who play 1.5/1.6 then those I guess. I'll be living alone in the other shelter for those 5 minutes.
what an early 10s tier thread
well the sun does orbit the barycenter of the solar system
neither. no amount of bunker will save us from a collision with the sun.
>the sun has fall out of orbit with the Earth
>not parrying the sun for 0 damage
Fucking n00blets
Damn imagine NOT actually being in before "sun can't fall out of orbit" posters
B. Maybe I can find someone cute.
Thanks, but I got my bases covered in case the sun falls.
I choose B. Time to celebrate and suck some cock!
don't get mad at me because you're only like 28 and are already THIS out of touch
This. Even in hard times men can get pregnant
d. stay above.
C. for the banter being at least lit