Korok seed korok seed korok seed korok seed korok seed

>korok seed korok seed korok seed korok seed korok seed
>korok seed korok seed korok seed korok seed korok seed
>divine beast
>korok seed korok seed korok seed korok seed
>>repeat 3 more times

What the fuck do you do in this game?

Why the hell does Yea Forums praise this shit so much? Why??? What am I missing here?

Attached: 220px-The_Legend_of_Zelda_Breath_of_the_Wild.jpg (220x356, 30K)


I wonder when you're going to get tired of making daily botw shitposting threads.
I mean, you're the only one talking about it nowadays.

have sex and stop taking videogames so seriously.


This, it's good but Jesus already it's not some masterpiece

That's not true, Yea Forums treats this game as a masterpiece, so does critics and every other website

it's the highest rated game in the past 20 years

>falling for the zelda is good meme
good job guys, we caught another one

>Yea Forums treats this game as a masterpiece,
Pretty sure only op thinks that. From day one we had people, who had actually played it mind you, saying it was good but not 97 good often listing real criticisms.

Was actually going to 100% this then I realized you had to collect 900 of those retarded seeds lol

Imagine being so disconnected from the game you're shitposting about that you don't even know that BOTW has quests

>BOTW has quests

>please go kill these monsters for me
>thanks heres some milk even though you already have an inventory full of food



You do not need to do a SINGLE Korok seed. You might as well describe , ario sunshine as
>blue coin
>blue coin
>blue coin
>blue coin

He hasn't played the game user

>two and a half years later
>still living in your head
>rent free

breath of the wild is an incredible video game and i actually started a new game from scratch when i heard about the sequel

>please give me some meat
>okay, here you go
>thanks heres some rupees

>please make me a cake
>okay here you go
>thanks heres a silver rupee

>please lift this chest out of the water
>okay here you go
>thanks heres a silver rupee

>please give me 5 lizards
>okay here you go
>thanks, heres a worthless monster item

>please give me a rushroom
>okay here you go
>thanks heres a diamond

>please make an elixar for me
>okay here you go
>thanks heres a butterfly

>please give me 10 flint
>okay her here you go
>thanks heres a ruby

Attached: 9447c134adac3bc1c9c28c52673b213a--legend-of-zelda-link.jpg (236x201, 8K)

Why are the side quests so fucking shit in this game? This game could have been a 10/10 if the side quests were good

>quest involves doing a thing in the game world
Wow what a trash game.

The shrine quests are all great and there's plenty of them.

That's like, 90% of all side quests in any game with them.

You talk to a person and give them an item. that's the most unengaging boring low effort quests ever.

How are you actually defending this shit?

Are you fucking kidding me? Have you even played the witcher 3? Literally every fucking side quests has a unique character and a unique story attached to it with actual tangible things to do that are unique to that setting.

No two quests in the witcher are the same, meanwhile EVERY quests in BoTW is the exact same garbage

fuck you retarded faggot for defending this shit fuck you dumbass

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>other games do it so it's okay

I don't disagree but people that like games with nothing to do in them will just post 'days since' memes. There's no point to this thread.
The game is fundamentally a shallow sandbox with no toys for little johnny.

You dont just give them an item tard you have to go get it by doing stuff in the world. It's the most fundamental gameplay system that exists, being given a goal in the game, doing the goal and receiving a reward.

Ah I see you're one of those niggers who plays games for the plot. Back to the ps4 bud.

Giving them so fucking monster parts that you got 10 hours ago isn't interesting or fun.

Most side quests you accept will already be completed because you already have the items on hand

>Literally every fucking side quests has a unique character and a unique story attached to it with actual tangible things to do that are unique to that setting.
So what you're saying is that to be a good side quest it needs to be one of these Plus some obnoxious story padding.

yes i need plot in my game or what's the point?
What the fuck is the point of exploring a world if there's nothing in it?????????

story is important, i don't give a fuck about the reward they give me, there has to be something interesting to do with the characters.

learning about the characters and the world more is the reward ITSELF

You are supposed to do them while you're going through the game, not after you've already played 100 hours. The rewards are not meant to be end game gear, you get that stuff from devine beasts and hyrule castle.

>having good characters and story in a game is bad

>yes i need plot in my game or what's the point?
This is why we have the ps4, for people like you. Why even concern yourself with switch games when the games are not made for you and there is a different console expressly made for you?

So the only point of nintendo games is to jump around collecting coins like mario?

alright, if that's what you think then I guess you're right. BoTW is truly a masterpiece

Nintendo games have always held the notion that story is secondary to gameplay. Multiple times Miyamoto has expressly removed the story from games. It's a different philosophy and if you don't like it that's fine because there are different consoles with different philosophies. You don't have to play the switch or switch games.

>story is important
That's the single least important aspect of a game.

Then why even have a story in BotW? Why have zelda be in danger?

Link should just be jumping arounding and climbing shit because it's fun, not because he needs to save zelda.
Why waste resources on cutscenes? Why have voice acting? Why have side-characters in the game at all?

Why didn't nintendo just throw all the story out the window?

>Why waste resources on cutscenes? Why have voice acting?
There's barely any of that in game as it is.

>Nintendo games have always held the notion that story is secondary to gameplay
Remember when this wasn't always a Nintendo thing?

Why have it BARELY in it at all? Why just have ZERO in it?

Why it is so bad to have story in video games? What's so wrong with having interesting characters and story? Why do you guys treat it as some ultimate gaming sin?

I only killed one divine beast (the one in the gerudo desert) and it was god-awful. I got ahead of myself apparently, so I had to leave the area and do a fuck-ton of shrines to get more hearts and kill it. Once I became aware of how grindy and futile this felt, I dropped that shit.

The world is massive but feels dead as fuck. I don't know if I somehow skipped some of the story or maybe skipped a province, but there was nothing really indicating me where to go or what to do, so I stuck to exploring and doing shrines and that got boring quickly.

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>Why it is so bad to have story in video games?
Because too much of it breaks the flow of the game. Realistically it should just be short and sweet not long and drawn out.

>complaining about optional content

grinding shrines ain't optional son

Story doesn't belong in video game.s Go a read if you want that filth. Infact, I dislike BOTW because it has cutscenes, even if they're optional. Cutscenes are a cancerous tumor. Their mere existence will forever be a detriment, no matter if you can skip them or not. They have to be ripped out of the medium for the industry to be salvaged.

Showing any lenience or approval of story in video games just opens up the way for hipsters who want movies.

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Yes it is, outside of the tutorial ones they're all optional.
You don't even need to do them for a fast travel point.

Oh boy, ACfag vs anti-BoTWfag. Who will win.

Reminder as we draw ever closer to BotW 2, we'll get more and more of these threads as autist prepare for mass suicide when the inevitable 100/100 drops.
Just reminding you that BotW is the game of the decade and only the sequel can dethrone it.

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wrong website

botw has the cutest zelda so it is best