Why do you buy games you don't play?

Why do you buy games you don't play?

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so i can show off to my steam friends i can buy 60 usd games whenever i want.

Because I used to impulse buy like a fucking retard consumer thinking I wanted or needed the game but ended up just letting it collect digital dust in my library.. Sometimes I wish I could part them out to others, but no way in hell any online platform will allow this.

you must be so cool

I have long since lost interest in all things that used to bring me joy.
However, I still remember the feeling games used to give me, so I keep buying them on the offchance that they might give me pleasure once more.

I've never bought Skyrim.

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I don't, but I have two 4TB hard drives filled with games I didn't buy nor play.

isn't there something like refund for never played games? then you can give them money to buy games they want

still if you decide to buy a game you should play it for a while

During sales I buy stuff because throughout the year I dunno what I'll want to play. It's easy to go overboard though and buy a bunch of shit I'll never play. As sales have gotten shittier over the years, I've impulse bought less so it works out I guess

then you know what you should do

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>"special" edition

Buying shit makes me feel better for a while.

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people got it for free if they owned normal skyrim
its in my library and have never played it aswell

You can't make me buy a game I'll never play, Todd.

Special Edition was given to everyone who owned the original game for free. Even though we played skyrim, there's no reason to give a damn about the gimped special edition.

Because when I bought them I wanted to play them, but then when the time came to actually play them there were other games that were more interesting.

In the case of Skyrim, it's because I think that it's a garbage game not worth playing, but for $5.00 I was willing to give it a chance. It failed.

When games are dirt cheap I buy them if I think I might play them in the future.
I rarely do and I have to force myself to play them just to justify the money spent

>Buy a game
>Play with it less than 2 hours
>Refund it
I just don't want to lose my money...

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The anticipation of hitting the high usually only lasts long enought to get to the main menu. Once I have to learn new systems I just get tired and give up.

This is also a issue. If a game doesn't feel amazing (which they never do) I just refund them before it is too late to do so.

well, in that specific case it's because I didn't buy the game, just got it for free

I have 400 games in my library. There is no way in hell I will ever play them all. Aside from that I really still only have two purchases I regret.

because i can afford it

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That's actually really high considering special edition was given for free to those who owned the original skyrim on steam

I honestly don't know why I have 2 skyrims on my steam. Always used a fresh repack to make a new modded hell.


Fuck, I do this all the time.
>buy game
>play it for 20 minutes and never touch it again
>buy another game for the high
>play it for 20 minutes and never touch it
>just spent fucking loads of money on games I'll never play

>buying games

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They gave that to everyone for free.
Why play a worse version of skyrim if you already have the good version?

no these two words just don't fit together user.