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Other urls found in this thread:

No thanks I use GOG

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>they limited it to 2000
Meh, I wasn't that deep in anyway even after buying the index

Serious question, what do steam badges/levels actually do?

but what benefit is there to level the badge to stupidly high levels?
I think this whole thing is stupid

Might as well asked what's the meaning of life

they increase the number of shit you can display on your profile

so I should just pump all the tokens into the discount and get free games then?
like I'm not actually missing out on anything at all other than my steam profile which nobody looks at?

also, more importantly, they make your profile rise on other people's friend lists
yes. the only bad thing about having a low level profile is having a low friends list limit

haha jokes on steam, I don't have any friends

want to be friends?



>more importantly
why is that even important? literally who the fuck cares

that wasn't me, please don't let this horrible user fool you

if you impersonate me again there will be consequences

>there will be consequences

Attached: there will be consequences.gif (352x288, 1.49M)

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That was me
This isn't me

>Mfw I went from level 25 to 50 in one hour thanks to this

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They make mad people who spent money levelling their profile

I don't know what this user's problem is but we're about to throw fists. I would love to be your friend

listen here, mate, I don't know what your problem is but I've got the solution in my fist and I'll give it to you if you keep this up... Right in the chin.

come at me, matey

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4 post trying to impersonate me, nice.

I would love to be your friend mate

So if I am not going to shill out enough shekels for 15k tokens, then I may as-well buy the badge?


I don't even know my original level but I think I gained ~30

>cheat the steam badge before now and you keep the levels
>any faggot late to the party is limited to 2,000


I've only posted once in this thread. How many copycats are there?

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fucking lost it kek

Find your own friend

like 9 by now

>all the corginigger bandwagoners being given a chance to escape their shame
no, make them face the consequences of being reddit

you better find it or make a new one or you might an hero soon

That user asked me specifically if I wanted to be his friend and you all had to come in and ruin it by saying no and I'm about to flip my blimmin lid off so don't you tell me about finding my own friends or you'll be finding your teeth mate

like after I knock em out of your mouth with my fists, yeah?

>be corgi
>wake up late
>buy a game and hit boost
>team explodes past everyone else

increases chance of booster packs dropping which you can sell for an amazing amount of 30 cents

What's the badge do?
I haven't understood a single part of this whole sale

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i paid like 10% of FTL 75% cut price with cards from other game
totally worth it desu senpai

I'm the that posted this
And you're clearly that user

More badges = higher profile level
Some badges can be leveled up = leveled up badges = higher profile level

So basically, all of this stuff increases your profile level and you get more booster packs to drop. That's about it. You also unlock new profile features, but it's shit like another showcase etc. nothing special.

I love you, a-user!

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I'm away from my computer, only have my phone, is there anyway to get results like without access to a computer?

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yep me neither, the only thing that matters is the $5 discount, but that's 15k tokens ($150, unless you can get more max tokens another way)

>14 year badge
>not even level 20

profile ricing and card boosters

Before this badge, I was like level 11 after 8 years.

can someone check if it still gives 100 exp per 100 coins?

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>steam levelwhore is a passcuck

I'll bet you belong to anime and Yea Forums groups too you disgrace.

you can now switch teams

>one month old account with one game
>lvl 30

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Based Gaben, my holes are now open again for Valve. Thank you for for lvl 100+ badge.

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oh ok
but those cards are worth pennies, they cant possibly getting their money back from those

just bought the badge
it gave 100XP

I'm at 15 years and I think I was at ~lvl18 before this grand prix shit

He's a man of culture. You should never pay for a solo games user

Is there a cap to the card pack drop rate or should I just get as many levels as possible?

He's funding your shitty habit here, faggot.


I'm at 13 and am lvl 23
Debating if I want to use all my internet points on badges or get the $5.00 off (I've got 14,700 coins)

Any way to change my team?

you need 300 more tokens lol

And I'll easily get them in the next three days - I've still got like 20k points I can't use from Warframe alone

>rules change every day
What a fucking shitshow

So I need to do this token shit everyday?
mean, that's a chore

>very cool valve very cool le reddit le doge kind sirs. lets rig this to win us doge cyberpunk for le reddit my good sirs
What the FUCK was valve thinking with this shit?

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I wonder what this little slut's up to these days.

>free game
>imaginary points that do nothing
Hard decision.

>allows people to pick teams
What was Gabe smoking?

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>Additionally, in an effort to balance team sizes for the event, we are rolling out a new random drop: Switch Teams. Once received, players will find it below the Attack buttons on their dash. Clicking this button will randomly re-assign you to a different team while also granting you 1000 more max points so you can complete quests and claim achievements for your new team.
RNG for free 1k points which will probably mostly be given to reddit dogs because their team is stacked.

seething turtle nerd lmao, REDDIT WE DID IT

>allows people to pick teams
>Randomly change team
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it?

Her dad died years ago, and her life has been steadily going downhill

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since when have the teams been changing? It's the last day of the races

yep, still 100 for every level

the last day of the races is july 7th

They added the team switching power-up today. Race ends on the 7th, you have till the 9th to cash in tokens.

the standings only show 5 days, but there are going to be more?

Ohhh shit...

>The absolute state of steam paypiggies

user, are you on meth?

just keep going, it’s indefinite
the question is how much does it affect as the level increases. might work like those korean MMOs like 0,0001% increments per level after lv.100 or whatever.
I’m sure Palm Desert would have confirmed a long time ago if there’s a guaranteed daily drop of boosters due to his massive level’s drop rate.

yes' they've been extending the list every day

She should put some brakes on her rig then

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damn, why is she in a wheelchair?

I spent real money on my levels. They were earned. Why should you idiots get them for free? If it was only one or two levels, fine, but that's unacceptable that you get 30-40+ levels for essentially free.

>people needing a rulebook to understand what is going on
>all the corgi bandwagoning
>the whole mess with the points
What a colossal fucking clusterfuck of an event.
Just put some jewish mobile game tier minigame that incentivizes people to check the sale daily, done.

Wait, how do people are leveling profile during the event? I thought it was a shit event and didn't pay attention to anything. It is too late now?

Go back to feeding your wife Peirce.

>he actually spent money on leveling up

>I spent real money
get a load of this goy

How do I do this?

>diagnosed with fibromyalgia

>I spent real money on my levels. They were earned.
They were bought, not earned. Are one of those whales that buys all the OP gear microtransactions and acts like you "earned" the spot of top player?

>I spent money on them, they were earned
LMAO tell that to all the people who also spent money on 1$ RPG Maker animu porn shovelware and managed to accumulate a trillion badges and cards they can sell for even more money and more 1$ games, in an eternal ouroboros of shit

>about to become a tranny

someone tell me how to level up with please.

That makes you sick but typically you're not wheelchair bound. I have something like it and I can walk, although painfully at times.

It tells people you have enough money that not only you don't care about games but so much you decided to spent hundreds of dollars on .jpg images that are 75 pixels wide.

Much like playing sports, if you are not running with this at some obsessive level, you might as well never have done anything in the first place.

So basically leveling up this instead of getting the $5 discount is fucking stupid unless you don't really care about savings and you have decided to take this to absurd levels like Palm Panic.

What’s your current level son?
Have you spent money in Steam before?

i think shes just one of those retarded nonbinary types or whatever. appears she's dating one though lel

it's a 'my body hurts disease' given a fancy name to make people feel sorrier for you. there's a similar name for being sleepy all the time, i think, it sounds terrifying but really it's just 'i'm tired' and again, it's to make others feel sorry for you.

>get 1 booster per week
>open it
>get 10 cents to $5 for nothing
not paid a cent for any games on steam and i own over 200 now.

My level is very low and I've bought some games.

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play any game you got on Steam and check up the options to see if there’s an entry added to the list at your profilename’s dropdown menu in the Badges option
if it’s there, just play the game for a couple of hours so it drops a few trading cards, then go to the community market and buy the others that are missing to complete the set
then a button will show up to combine the cards and you’ll get XP to level up.

I've not looked at this points shit at all but it looks like I can leave one of my completed Two Point Hospital levels up and generate points eternally.

Not a penny spent fuck all yall.

What's that to do with grand prix?

Can you still use Idle Master Extended or something of the like to grind money while doing nothing?

Based retard.

if you’re talking about leveling this event’s badge, just play the games you have and get the achievements it has. each cheevo will get you a few points. every hundred points you get one boost. each boost gets you points to purchase the racing badge.
it seems the event also retroactively contemplates previous cheevos, so you can just boot up an old game for 30 minutes and you’ll get all the points for everything you accomplished in that game

see the follow up post, I like to explain shit to people like they’re 5 when they aren’t being specific in their requests

I never cared about the badge bullshit and still don't care. But I'm well aware that a lot of people did care even though it's a stupid thing to care about.

Valve just did just nullify time, effort, and possibly money for those people who did care. Even if it's meaningless it fucking mattered enough to them and at one point enough to Valve to give them some stupid e-peen mechanic to enjoy.

There is something fucking grossly immoral here. You gave people a bragging mechanism for nearly two decades and destroyed it in the span of a few days and decided to not correct the mistake after acknowledging the mistake and even offering a possible solution. It's so fucked up.

yes, I’m also doing that right now

Went from level 18 to 60 all thanks to having every achievement in the binding of isaac.
Still have 15000 points left over to get the discount too.

reduce your fertility

You should start by joining one of the four animal teams.

You then need to build a pool of max points. Do this by either buying games or by completing the tasks on the checklist (play new game, review game, add 3 games to wishlist, watch a broadcast) for an easy 2,000 points.

Next you have to fill up the pool with actual points. Do this by playing games with achievements for at least half an hour each.

Next use your points to boost your team. This will give you tokens. Once you have the tokens it will let you go the the pit stop to let you spend them on things. Pick the badge. For every additional 100 tokens you put into it it levels up and raises your profile level too.

At what level do you get 1 booster per week?

The only steam badge that actually matters, you jelly newfags. Feels good getting preferential treatment with refunds and customer service.

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Where do I see the points?
Do I need to buy the badge or something before playing the games?

Fuck off with your e-peen bullshit, this narrative is retarded exactly because it conveniently ignores people who do it just because they want to get this shit for themselves, not to show off to others.
Some people enjoy hanging a bunch of shiny stuff on their profiles, just like people hang a fuzzy dice on their car or magnets on their fridge.

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Damn, I got 10 levels already. Thanks, Yea Forums.
How do I increase the maximum points limit?

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People bought the badge upgrades with their tokens. The issue is it's an OP badge, but people bought it fair and square. Yes, it was dumb of Valve not to realize the issue that would create, but they can't take things away from people who basically bought the badge with their tokens.

I was level 15 or something before leveling my badge.

It wasnt worth it, I didnt realise you could stack discounts let me get my points back gabe you fat shit

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I'm 50 and get 1 a week.

it's the same for everyone

how many tokens was that?

near the part where it tells you to boost, there will be a link about going to the Pit Stop. the point counter will show up there.
>do I need to buy the badge
no, the pit stop will show you all sorts of shit you can purchase with the points and the badge will be featured at the top of the list. see if you got 100 points, select it and that’s it. if you keep buying it again it will level up


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what games did you buy?

Enjoy your $20 badge.

I got those 57,000 points the first night of the sale without buying anything after playing tf2 for hours

Is there literally any reason to give a shit about steam badges or steam level?

What the fuck is that gonna do for me.

Doesn't do anything substantial. Most people use them for attention.

Yes, people pay a billion dollar company money to display a few pixels on their profile as a way of showing off.

Steam is cancer.

15k tokens is complete bullshit since they limit your daily ability to grab cheevo points from the 200,000 you get from doing half of TF2's achievements, so if you don't buy anything the whole sale you still wouldn't gain the allotment needed to redeem for the coupon.
Just get the badge and level it up endlessly.

more adornments to your profile, higher place in the friends list, higher odds to get boosters you can sell for a few cents

i don't know whether I want another -5$ or to buy levels

on the other hand 5 dollars for 30+ steam levels is such a good deal and I don't really even want to buy any games but then again i'm a paranoid nutter and keep my profile private even for friends so the only benefit i might gain would be slight rise in booster pack drop rate

I refunded a game this sale and still have my levels and badge level what the hell?
Isn't this like a major exploit i dont want to get banned.

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no skill female needs to up the appearance that she needs disability welfare
don't be surprised if a large amount of women in 20 years who grew up being instagram or snapchat whores end up in wheelchairs because they are incapable of functioning in society once their looks escaped them

You can take things away if you refund them.

Unfortunately, I'm sure anybody can argue that they paid money, to boost their capacity, to earn tokens, to boost the badge. And thus you cannot simply refund them the tokens but the money they spent, which will basically be impossible to back-trace because this is Valve and they won't put in that effort.

It just fucking sucks what they've done to the people who spent all that past effort leveling their badges. To me this is just another grossly neglectful decision on their part just like literally everything they've done to their properties. I watched them utterly annihilate the Artifact marketplace when they allowed free drafts - that to me was the surest sign the game is never coming back, ignoring the fact nobody is playing it.

I feel like Valve hasn't done anything right in the past couple years. Every decision has been actual shit. The only reason why it doesn't feel bad is because everything they have is built on a foundation of excellence so all these incredibly shit decisions don't feel like they have an impact. But every fucking decision has been bad.

you better stop while you can get away with it, refund abuse is easily caught

That's a very large capacity, you probably bought something expensive just before the sale.

why are you wasting your points on badges instead of those discounts

i've saved 15 of the queens finest

you have to spend money

I like numbers go up and more numbers go up that way
yes I legit think that way

because zoomers dont play games they just want cosmetics nobody cares about

>Valve keeps changing the rules of the event and giving free capacity as an excuse
>Almost 30k capacity, maybe i will get a second discount if they give another 2k capacity for some reason
>Saving up tokens to use at the last day, either 2 discounts or 1 discount + 13k badge
>Valve limits it for the people who were waiting
What a fucking joke of an event. They cant even say it was an exploit, it was obviously intentional, they just didnt expect levelfags to be so autistic about other people getting bigger numbers.

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valve employee: "i can't believe people spend thousands on stupid shit like hats"
valve employee who came up with profile levels: "that's nothing, watch this"

I only bought 3 cheap games during the sale and put all my tokens into the badge. I don't plan to put too much more effort in, but I gained a free 30 levels.

$5 for what though? Some space on your profile that'll most likely use for stupid shit?

Save your money.

Gives people a feeling of superiority over their steam friends. Now that the system has been completely trivialised and anyone can get a high level without much effort/money they are freaking out.

Personally I only did it because i wasnt gonna get the 15k threshold anyway.

Yeah you are right I shouldn't risk it.

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Makes you go to the top of friends and group lists. They took inspiration from ancient Korean MMO level inflation to keep the mentally ill whales competing for the top slots to remain relevant after the card market peaked.

you know those people who have a filled out steam profile and are inevitably furries/trannies/gay weebs. it's for them, not sensible people.

I already have too many games on my hands, just let me please my retarded brain.

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the discount is a fixed value, the badge’s levels grant you salable boosters for the entirety of Steam’s lifetime.

I'm 76 and I get 1 every 5 months.

It's easy. Just use games you have achievements in already

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>spend years working on my profile to get my level
>worst sale event in history comes along
>people reaching the same level as I did in one day because of a fuckup on valves part
>'well its ok because people like it lol'
I'm beginning to see why people are moving to epic

>Steam is cancer.
Why is Yea Forums so reluctant to admit this?
Steam single handedly invented most of the trends that killed videogames, or at least single player games.

Because you can get cash easily. What you can't get easily is Badge Levels, which you (typically) cannot buy for cash. Right now is the closest we've ever gotten to being able to buy Badge Levels for cash. So on some level it's somewhat reasonable that Badge Levels are worth more than cash.

I'm aware that cash is always the most valuable resource.

Better than wasting the free game on a game that is only £12

Why do you put so much stock in steam levels? Why would changing stores fix anything?

how'd you do that

I want to have a big epeen

are you playing games? You have to have 10 hours per 2 weeks, same as the old level 10 before badges and shit to be eligible.

Just give the people who were already high level something else special so they can stand out again. Like a limited badge or a special title.

2000 levels not 2000 xp
You need 200k points to get a lvl 2000 badge
They are just limiting it for the most autistic of the autistic who were recycling CSGO keys for super high levels (pay $2.5 in game for a key, gets 250 points, sell the key for %2.4, effectively buying 250 points (2.5 levels) per 10 cents

Wow this nigga is retarded

Devaluing high levels, steam is cracking under pressure from epic and making decisions that people will hate

No I think them learning the lesson that a big fat number means nothing is more valuable.

do discounts stack? can I use 2 on 1 game

They stack

>mfw its going to be harder to tell who on my friends list is autistic because now everyone will have high badges
I guess I can still whos autistic by the people who spend points on badges instead of discounts.

collecting shiny badges takes a lot more effort and cash than acquiring common ones, it also doesn’t offer as much XP so it’s a goal specifically meant for people who want something else

they should have retard permanently branded across the top of their account

>now everybody on steam is over level 50
they actually managed to cause inflation of steam levels this is retarded

like Twitter’s blue checkmarks?
just treat the number of the Steam Level as an Autism Level. problem solved

The fuck? I am 70 and get one a month MAYBE.

>6 showcases
I have no fucking clue what to do with all these showcases. This is too much to deal with at once. I can feel the power flowing through me and it scares me

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I have like 180 friends on Steam, and most of them seem to be the same level. The few high level ones are higher level, but everybody else is pretty much the same and under lvl 40

>caring about steam levels
my steam level only advanced because i'd take the opportunity to craft badges using card materials that cost literal pennies every steam sale and sell the cards. but then faggots stopped paying so much for seasonal trading cards, so i stopped doing it and now steam didn't even do the seasonal cards.

>steam is cracking under pressure from epic
More like whoever created the grand prix badge was an idiot who should've set the value of a badge to a much more moderate level. Maybe they accidentally typed a few extra zeroes onto its values because they were an intern.

>Now the rarest accounts will be accounts that have the lowest levels while still having a large amount of games tied to it
>mfw I actually have a rare account now

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friends, I just realized I hadn't been getting tokens for a while
what am I doing wrong? did anything change recently?

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>I'm beginning to see why people are moving to epic
Who the fuck is doing that and why would anyone do that?
>I hate Steam so I will move to a store that has 30 games and is worst than Steam in every single way

just don’t repeat shit and you’ll be fine

What level of Steam account is generally considered autistic?


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>he is a bellow-20 levelet

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I opened one once and got a platinum card that I turned into 5 bucks.


>implying that is anything worth noting after this level inflation crisis
imagine being under level 40

jealous whiners would say 30, but it’s normally around 50 and definitely at 100

as long as there's no super abusers it's fine by me
first day there were people who got steam level 25000+ when the current max is like 4300
they got several billion xp off this event

If you mouse over the emoticon, you will see I already put DUDE there.

Literally who gives a fuck about a number on what is essential a Myspace profile,

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shiny cards from animu games usually sell for 5 bucks or more

G-Guys i feel some hentai on my back

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>jealous whiners
KEK Your one of the autistic people, imagine thinking normal people care about badges. Anything over the normal 5-20 level that you can get to by just using steam and by games is autistic.

I’d say it’s when you start paying real money into it, so probably once it goes beyond 40. Though like that user said it’s harder to tell now since you can get tens of levels in minutes now.

serves you right, redditfag
I’ll never forgive normies for ruining doggos for me

It's a game launcher, literally nobody cares what your profile looks like.

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How do you get the grand prix badge anyway?

If you dont have enough token for the 5 dollars discount its worth it for the higher chance at getting booster pack and selling them on the market. Thats the idea anyway.

they cap the max number of friends you can have on steam I think each level you have increases the cap by 5 it's really stupid

>them learning the lesson
not going to happen

fuck off reddit

Otherwise her roast beef pussy lips would sag down to the floor. How a child had such a horrible looking vagina is beyond me, guise.

A booster pack sells for what, 50p?

I've had a Steam account for 12 years and am level 18 by doing basically nothing, so more than that is bad.

you can easily get to 30 if you’re not a normie who only got like 10 games or so.
specially if you have an account for two years or more due to all the events
in fact, you can get to level 5 today for free if you have a single game in your account

how do i get big points fast

>do to all the events
Yeah thats why were talking about non autistic people. If you use steam normally and arent a sperg who participates in events you will float somewhere around 10-20. Right now on my 14 year old account with 465 games im at level 17

depends on the game, it’s usually the mainstream shit like Borderlands and Skyrim that ends up being dirt cheap.

We /epicstore/ now or what?

>reach level 30 after years
>event happens
>drop all my tokens on badge levels
>level 74
>immediate regret since it feels like cheating
how do I refund my badge

play games with lots of achievements that can be easily acquired

yeah I agree. I was level 28 or something and then I without knowing got to level 35 just from leveling this badge. It feels cheap

Discount and badge level are the only good reward anyway. The rest is ugly emote and 1000 token's background.

I was on Steam for 12 years before I found out that levels went higher than 10 and that there was an entire subsystem that was tied into all sorts of autistic bullshit I'd always ignored. The whole thing is so weird, like finding out there's a colony of gnomes living under your porch after growing up in that house your entire life.

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they were going to add a refund with the nerf but reddit complained about it too much so they didn't add it.

if you think events are hard you’re just lazy or never bothered to even try, almost all of them require you to simply click on some shit once per day.
>that ratio
that just means you’re ignoring or selling your cards. or if you never got nay cards, that just means you’re hoarding a bunch of unplayed vidya

Where are you guys seeing the option to switch teams? I can't find it on my page

just make new account and rebuy all games

Because Yea Forums is now shittid central and shittid is filled with Valve apologists.

The reaction to Epic alone proves how far gone Yea Forums is. It was not that long ago everyone was calling Valve completely worthless hacks.

and the backgrounds are ass
I’d definitely get the retrowave one but it has a rainbow in it and I don’t want to look like I’m following the gay fad everyone is jumping on

make every slot QP Dangerous Shooting


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what are the actual chances of winning wishlist prizes

>using basic features is now autistic

yeah, or Huniepop, Neptunia, something like that

How exactly does the boost shit work? I finally figured out you didn't need to earn achievements and just left a few old games with a ton of achievements on them running and banked like 20000 points. I spent like 4k of them last night which was my max capacity, but now I look at the meter thing and it says 4922 boosted/9922 max points, but it's not letting me get and use any of the other points that I have leftover even though I'm pretty sure I did it like at 10PM last night. Does it reset every day at 1PM like with the other sales, or is it actually a full 24 hour wait?

The weird thing is I can totally understand dumb bullshit in video games that you get obsessed with just to show off. I got into cosmetics for TF2 and Dota 2.

But this? It's a number. It's a fucking integer on your profile. 33, 71, 24, 44, who cares? Does it do anything?

I feel like there are people who just get obsessed with this stuff that there doesn't even need to be a goal. You ever go to a casino and see how many of the games seem to be catered to people who just want to endlessly pump money into machines with zero interaction or anything? I think it's like that.

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>Caring about events
>Clicking on shit for points
>Caring about pointless steam cards
Your autism is showing more and more. You are literally the type of autistic person im talking about.

With 15 years old badge you should be old enough to not care about that badge. Faggot

I spent all 20,000 on badge levels and am just now realizing this was a huge mistake. Should have just gotten the level 1 badge and spend the rest on discounts+chat emoticons

no one got the rates, it’s all just a shit lottery over the top 3 winning teams

I’ve seen quite a few people here get prizes, so I’d say it’s more than your average contest but don’t get your hopes up.

>Index is not available in your country message

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Can we use the discount to get games for free?

Does Valve just randomly add the game to your library or do they email/message you a confirmation?

>one click per day is autism
either you’re a caveman, a third worlder who counts the minutes of allowed internet access or just pretending to be retarded while spending a lot more time clicking on other shit but it’s different because excuses

They message you. Not sure how though.

It's a sad reminder that WON is still dead

yes, 5$ games get zeroed out at the cart if you apply the discount

I guess a majority of the worlds population is autistic since mobile games where you just tap things for points have billions of players.

i thought it increased your friend list cap

Ok continue basking in your autism clicking things over and over for your points that give you a different graphic in your steam profile.


if it’s like the other events they’ll email you

Yes and that and even higher tier of autism than collecting points on steam.

you seem quite upset over something you supposedly don’t care user

Why are there autists in every thread bragging about having a Steam account for over a decade and having a Steam level below 10? Nobody cares that you go out of your way to avoid every single Steam sale and event.

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I can't fucking belive people spend fuckton of money to lvl up their steam level, and now this. Is it even legal

it’s some bizarre form of counter-bragging
>yeah, I’m sooo above all of this shit, look at me, I got nothing! I’m so cool!
their endgame is attention seeking, just like the people they criticize

>uses steam
>buys games he doesn't need to "level up" his profile
The absolute state of this board.

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friendly reminder that Steam-shaming is a psyop from Epic shills

>like finding out there's a colony of gnomes living under your porch after growing up in that house your entire life.
what an accurate summation

How do I get more points?

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Yikes samefag

Buy video games with real money.

I don't help out pointlets

thats wrong, im

prove it or you’ll just look like a whiny newfag who can’t stand different opinions

Steam shaming has been around for longer than the Epic store, nigger.

play a game where you unlocked achievements for half an hour

pls respond


>different opinions
just level up autists trying to make cool low level people seem as bad as them lol

I don't normally brag about it or post about it at all but I always think it weird the amount of muh high level profile bragging is done. I've just never been interested in the events and can't fathom why anyone ever would be.
Also I have many friends who have the 500+ games thingy on their profile and high level profiles because of the community stuff they did. I can flick through their game hours and work out that most of them they haven't played, some are only played for 30 mins or another time clearly not long enough to actually finish the game.
As someone who finishes almost every game I buy and regularly replays my already existing library, I just find it weird the amount of people who hoard virtual videogames or acquire games they have no idea of whether they're going to play. One of my mates bought a game because it was on sale, and only after buying it watched the gameplay trailer and realised he wouldn't play it. He didn't refund it either, it's just going to sit in the library forever.
It's normally done in counter to profile bragging by saying "I don't know how you could ever actually give a shit about your profile level"

of course, but Epic has a lot more to gain nowadays than GOG and others in this aspect

impeccable bait

How much your discount coupon on your currency compared with USD ? mine just $2

>cool low level people
just proved my point, you chimp

I got my points from playing a game for 30 minutes. I'm playing other ones right now but it doesn't show up on the event page?

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>everyone makes fun of my low level
>now people bragging about being low level

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I wish i could get a badge but since I dont play any of the games in the event I have nothing is there another way to get points?

what point
>how dare people brag about being cooler than me
get over it nerd

Just open any game for 30 minutes.

Isn't it relative to overall regional pricing? It's 5€ for me because almost everything uses $->€ conversion.

WOW I have 3000 points now im almost the highest level on my friends list so now I get to be admin and boss people around on our CSGO Fan group!

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Seethe more, levelet.

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i have not gotten a booster pack FOR 2 YEARS. Someone tell me what the fuck i'm doing wrong.

currently level 32 incel.

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there's a difference between "hard" and "pointlessly autistic"
>that just means you’re ignoring or selling your cards
yes, that is what non-autistic people do, they play video games instead of wasting their time with trading cards

Do they have achievements?
Did you play for more than 30 minutes?

Not on my currency, its only 25K IDR which if convert to USD is actually less than $2, if its $5 for every currency it should not below than 70K IDR

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>how dare
nice strawman bro
enjoy being a hobo, hang a sign on your neck saying how proud you are, I’ll enjoy the show

Oh it just showed up now. Thanks user.

Are points the same as tokens?
Is it okay to use my points on boost, or should I save them for somrthing else?

My own clone.

You only get tokens from using your points to boost

Spare the melodrama for something worthwhile you pearl clutching bitch.


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nope, just boost
the other options are just gimmicks that won’t make significant effects in the overall mechanics of the race

Is the $5 code even worth taking? I'm not really planning on buying anything this sale anyway unless they can be stacked

It can be stacked, but you'd need to spend like $300 just to get 2 codes, not counting the bonus points you start out with though.

>muh autism
the more you complain, the more you seem obsessed over the people you call out for having the same behavior
keep digging


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Wtf's a showcase?

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>muh everyone who replies to me is the same person

Based Gaben granting me all these free levels

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Use Steam Achievement Manager. Lock all of your achievements, launch a game in the background for 30 minutes, exit it, unlock all of its achievements. You'll instantly gain thousands (for Kingdom Come: Deliverance it maxed out my 19800 points).

That's what I've been doing for my badge.

How much money did you fucking spend during the lunar sale to get a point cap that high.

Do I always need to spend more cash to get more boosts and shit? They said I would be able to get more points with my cheevos in a day, except that shit didn't reset at all.

You know capacity and points are different right? Most people can easily earn more points than their capacity can hold. It's capacity that's hard to raise.

>i-it’s totally not me!
>captain faggot is here to save the poor user from lack of arguments
pick one

Not like it matters.

It all depends on how much of a paypig you were in the last sale and this sale. Most of us have like 100k points just sitting there doing nothing that we cannot claim because our cap is small. Once you use points up to your cap, you can no longer get any points. Its fucking retarded.

That guy was samefagging earlier and got called out for it so he is trying to save himself.

my points capped out at 14000 and now I cant use any more points

Besides the 2k worth of checklist tasks isn't the easiest way to earn capacity to spend money in the sale? That seems the way it's designed at least.

This sale is confusing. Do you actually have to spend money or play games to level the badge or can you cheat? I hope people aren't forcing themselves to play garbage or spend money just for a badge.

I think they count purchases between the lunar sale and the summer sale too, but I also bought a lot of games during the sale too.

Attached: steampurchases.png (429x537, 23K)

The media/paparazzi won she's thin again

you need to play your games since it pulls up your achievements to give you points

How do you even upgrade your cap? Mine's sitting at 32k but I can't redeem cheevos so it's fucking worthless.

How many points per achievement? Most I have is like 80 in FF 9

>How do you even upgrade your cap?
open your wallet goy

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Here's a fun game to play:
Go to your profile page and click one of the top 3 friends on your page at the bottom right. Now from their page, click one of their top 3 friends in the bottom right, and so forth.

Keep doing this and see how many people it takes to find pic's profile

Attached: stack.png (973x226, 155K)

Imagining people like this getting mad is the only reason im bothering redeeming shit for levels.

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It just kept looping between the same 2 people when I did the highest, but got it in 7 when choosing a random person in the top 3

It isnt 5 dollars for every currency.
Hues get 2.5 dollar discount, but capactity itself is significantly cheaper if converted to dollar (about 200 capacity per dollar)

Gaben, please. You shameless bastard.

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>st4ck hasn't even participated in the summer event or even the lunar event
>doesn't even have the full pillar of community badge yet

So does he care about levels or not?

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Took me 3 clicks. Impressive.

At level 4578, I think he cares JUST A LITTLE.

>Didn't even bother with this shit
>Somehow have 14k points

sweet I have a rare account now.

Attached: stem.png (1902x1266, 1.66M)

He's like a multitrillionare who has so much shit that he doesn't even care about how to make money anymore. He probably get like 10 card packs a day just playing with himself.

Your friends list makes me wonder how many people actually took advantage of the badge and if so how many levels did most people gain from it?

you're account is shit just kidding hope you're enjoying ror2 I am

> tfw I'm the highest level for all of my friends

it's like having lots of posts on Facebook I guess..? valve drones use steam like a social media platform with the store aspect being secondary.

I dont like it.

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Wew, only 3.

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whats rare about it? Level 19 is fucking nothing thanks to this shitty event. Rare is 150+
Also fuck this trash event. None of these levels feel legitimate since I know only the top 2 had levels that high before the this trash cheat event. FUCK STEAM FOR RUINING STEAM LEVELS

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>jessi slaughter is almost 10 years ago
Holy shit.

that's a shame hopefully you'll grow to like it

Only took me 4 clicks

Attached: stack.png (1108x277, 200K)

It's not rare to have lvl 150+ if everyone is 150+.

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Nice censoring fag

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thanks fren

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>click top friend
>click his top friend
>that guy's top friend is my top friend
>infinite loop between the two
what do I win

It's disgusting that people can even be that rich while others are barely scraping by. Imagine having so much money you spend it on fake trading cards.

six degrees of separation and whatnot

That's the secret paradox ending, enjoy.

if i already have achievements on games do i just need to launch it to get the points?

Launch and keep it on for 30+ minutes.

Let the game run in the background for 30min

it says ive already reached my max, how much is that

wait im not even at my max but its saying i am

do you know how to use a toilet

Wrong country you stupid burgercuck

4 clicks

holy fuck
Why would someone do this?

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