So nobody plays this? How hard did it flop?

So nobody plays this? How hard did it flop?

Attached: sinking-city-0.jpg (1200x675, 158K)

Other urls found in this thread: over innsmouth&qid=1561848951&s=gateway&sprefix=shadow over in,aps,160&sr=8-2

Lovecraft games are experiencing an inflation.
They're all the same and barely capture anything about Lovecraft but "muh squids".

That's all Lovecraft is now thanks to reddit tier developers and normies, muh squids and muh 20's detective.

But this game looks fine, a lot better than every cookie cutter indie game that is "Lovecraftian"

>lovecraft never mentions a squid or tentacle once
>all his games are dude squid lmao

Doesn't he vaguely describe something squid like? Anyway he's never really overt about it, but thanks to the memes that's all "Lovecraftian" means now.

People don't understand Lovecraft and think that his creatures/gods/monsters are just enemies in videogames for you to kill.

Lovecraftian monsters/horrors are not just stupid fucking NPCs. God I hate it

If you're so much smarter than everyone else, explain what Lovecraft is really about then instead of just talking out of your ass.

I am baffled by this too. Lovercraft in a nutshell is "you experience existential dread because your existence is just a dream of some gigantic old god floating in space". Where did the tentacles come from?

Dude Cthulhu is like a cephalopod and stuff. So like he must be the most important old one, so like everything should like totally look like him right?
Nigga sleeps all the time and ain't got shit on Yog'Soththoth, Narylothep, or Azathoth? Nah man he didn't get sent back to slumber by a boat, he's the big bad along side Hydra and Dagon.

What the fuck is a Mi Go?

>Where did the tentacles come from?
My ass

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Speak English, faggot

It has a certain jank to it. The game has good dialogue and the story isn't that bad, however the gameplay is bad and some of the choices that you make fall in line with SJW tier garbage. The shooting is bad, the loot is horrible since you can die and farm it, the topology and the map design isn't good, and there is nothing to do in the open world. Most of the NPC models are all the same, and other you cannot interact with nor find any good information about it's world. It's as mediocre as it gets. It's just a game to watch in a Let's Play than to actually play it since it's such a bore.

The best

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problem with lovecraft is that all his shit is impossible to depict
he's all "unimaginable forms" and shit
you literally cant depict the creatures he describes because just the silhouettes alone are too much for humans.

That's a half truth.

Then why do people still try to depict this shit if it's almost an impossible task? Are they stupid?

This is half truth. Many people don't know or forget/repeat the same drivel, despite the fact that he drew many of the monster. Not to mention he gave description of some of them. The problem isn't the depiction of the monster, the problem is the tone, proper slow progression, atmosphere, sound, etc, that most people cannot properly depict.

>some of the choices that you make fall in line with SJW tier garbage
What do you mean?

No, they just went insane after experiencing the cosmic horror.

There is a very subtle but still noticeable bias towards the Dagon people, depicting them as these poor refugees/real life comparison to modern political problems, that just want to be left alone in peace and "didn't du nuffin" attitude when it comes between helping them or siding with the locals/Throgmorton.

Where's my games based of the Dream Cycle stuff? Hell you could just rip off Persona games right down to the cat telling you to "go to sleep" and it would probably work.
Or some sort of Tomb Raider esque game that captures some of the horrors of "At the Mountain of Madness" or that one with the guys that swap minds with you from hundreds of thousands of years in the Earth's past.

Reddit hates Lovecraft because he was a racist tho

>muh tentacles
and this is why SCP is the only good modern take on these concepts, game devs are too NPC tier to think outside the box and come up with something interesting for once

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its because no one actually reads his books and just enjoys the pop culture surrounding them

>Dagon people
>poor refugees that just want to be left alone in peace and "didn't du nuffin"
Holy shit, are they high? They kidnap humans and sacrifice them to Dagon/turn them into fish mutants wtf

because he writes about fish people

>t. Never read any Lovecraft stories
Cthulhu's head is pretty clearly described as octopus-like in Call of Cthulhu

never read lovecraft, what are the essentials? I don't want to read any filler shit and my only experience with him comes from videogames which all supposedly do a fucking shit cunt job of it

Shadow over Innsmouth & At the Mountains of Madness are commonly mentioned as the best stories. Call of Cthulhu, as much attention as it gets, is pretty subpar

Idk what you're talking about. Gameplay is fine, nothing crazy good but serviceable. As for the open world there's tons of side content you scattered throughout the world you have to track down and find yourself, I'm always doing stuff on the side when I visit locations as part of the main quest.

Probably the best part of the game is the investigating and detective work, the game doesn't have a lot of handholding and has some neat features like libraries, police stations and newspaper archives existing in the world that you can visit and use to get information on cases.

It's really good for an AA open world detective game (mostly because it's the only one out there)

>SCP is the only good modern take on these concepts

Some old SCP yeah, but current SCP is 99% twelve year olds trying to out power level each other, and SJWs trying to out woke each other.

thank you based user

True patricians read the nightlands.

Don't listen to the other retard, his best stuff is most definitely Rats in the Walls and The Case of Charles Dexter Ward

I'm waiting for the Switch port.

dreamquest of unknown kaddath

game doesnt come out on pc till 2020

You are so tiny, so fucking insignifant. Nothing you can ever do will ever matter. To cthulhu and co you aren't even a mouse, not even an ant, you're a speck of dust on the leg of the ant.

I just went on to amazon to have a look and over innsmouth&qid=1561848951&s=gateway&sprefix=shadow over in,aps,160&sr=8-2

is probably jsut the best bet right?

The Haunter of the Dark is my favourite, there's a great reading by David McCallum on youtube if you like audiobooks

>squid on the cover

he did
>Above these apparent hieroglyphics was a figure of evidently pictorial intent, though its impressionistic execution forbade a very clear idea of its nature. It seemed to be a sort of monster, or symbol representing a monster, of a form which only a diseased fancy could conceive. If I say that my somewhat extravagant imagination yielded simultaneous pictures of an octopus, a dragon, and a human caricature, I shall not be unfaithful to the spirit of the thing. A pulpy, tentacled head surmounted a grotesque and scaly body with rudimentary wings; but it was the general outline of the whole which made it most shockingly frightful. Behind the figure was a vague suggestion of a Cyclopean architectural background.

Yea Forums typically recommends the purple Barnes and Nobles book

I get what you're saying - but it does seem to be everything he's written so I can just ignore the squid

EPIC exclusive thats all you need to know

Call of Cthulhu's first few hours embodies Lovecraftian the best.

Most modern games don't run on my piece of shit computer.
That's my reasoning at least.

>(mostly because it's the only one out there)
So it's shit.

CoC Dark Corners of the Earth still remains the best Lovecraft game as janky and unfinished as it is.

Attached: CoC Hotel.webm (400x300, 2.91M)

no user because popular culture typically perceives lovecraft as "the squid dude" the mere existance of squids or tentacles in relation to a work of lovecraft taints it's very essence.

In other words: Ignoring the squid accepts the common societal mistaken archetype of lovecraft being the "squid dude" therefore ignoring his actual themes of cosmic horror and- AHAHAHAH did you actually read all of this? REALLY? ohh noo... OH NO NO NO

The Reanimator series is almost comedic with how absurd it is, good for a laugh.
Cool Air and Rats in the Walls were really good short stories.
At the Mountains of Madness was his longest one and kind of divisive, but pretty high quality.
The Horror at Red Hook is great for stroking your /pol/ penis.
The Whispers in Darkness and The Colour Out of Space actually kind of spook me, having grew up on the fringes in areas like that probably helped though.

At one point you can literally sperg out on the apenigger to stop being a bigoted against the fishfags

I hear there's a lot of faggots and trannies in this game, is that true? Looks good otherwise

Just go for this one and the follow up. There's decent readings on Audiobook too if that's more your thing. The guy who narrates Darkest Dungeon does a ton of readings for Lovecraft's stuff.

It was good until you become a doomguy

>go on amazon to find complete lovecraft because britbong
>they all have squids on the cover

I'll just read the wiki synopsis

In The Sinking City, hardly any of the monsters have tentacles, and are instead mutilated human corpses bastardized by fear, paranoia, and infections. So the whole "squid bro" argument falls flat

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I'm listening to Dunwhich horror right now and there are tentacles mentioned.

>he was racist
I love him now
@OP, game is pretty boring. Atmosphere is somewhat decent but glitches and bugs are everywhere and ruin the immersion. Also the combat is dogshit. Feels like a low budget game

Nah, sunken city is actually pretty good. Don't listen to these faggots.

read the books you lazy brainlet

dude its all free online in the most obvious possible source you could think of

That's like saying the first airplane was shit.

Is Lovecraft pretty easy reading lads? want to properly get a taste of his horror but also a brainlet

I know, but honestly I hate reading off a screen. Love a good book in my hands.
If I'm sat in front of my computer I just end up playing vidya or watching tv instead

not really
his stories are short but he's pretty verbose

not him, but i never learned how to read. plus its gay.

no. he has pretty drab prose and makes use of devices that by now are tired clichés. read it if you're historically curious but don't expect anything remotely mind blowing.

>Feels like a low budget game

Yes, because it is. It's an AA game, not a triple A game. It's similar to Eurojank. You'll find a lot to like, but a lot that, had they testers and money, could have been greatly improved.

I mean it literally is a low budget indie game. For a site that prides itself on hating AAA moviegames you guys sure really do hate anything new that it's perfect while praising old janky shit to high heaven.

I remember reading one short about two dudes that went into a catacomb or something, one guy went down the other stayed up and the one guy obviously gets eaten alive or something, but the other guy is still in denial until some voice comes out of the catacomb saying "YOU FOOL, I HAVE EATEN YOUR FRIEND"

felt like a parody honestly

BloodBorne is the be all end all lovecraft horror game, it's both that AND the literal best game ever made

nothing can top it, fucking hell the moment you get insight and you see those fuckers on the buildings you've been running around for hours, the fucking unease is something beyond this world, nothing can top that, the way it's set somewhat in the past and how people who live there can't do jack shit about any of it, the way they are hopeless against it and how it rapes their lives and town, vidya is perfect setting for it, no film or book comes close

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It's got a great foundation that I hope they build on in the future. Fuck the dumbasses who expect everything to be perfect.

>sunken city is actually pretty good.
No. Don't listen to this fucking idiot.

>I mean it literally is a low budget indie game
Then why do they charge $60 for it?

It really isn't. Bloodborne isn't a horror game, it's an action game and you can casually murder lovecraftian deities for shits and giggles with a sword.

Don't get me wrong I love the setting and atmosphere but it's just not good cosmic horror.

The cost of a game is not related to its budget.

>bloodborne isnt a horror game

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Retard here, what is cosmic horror and is it actually scary - is it mostly just existential shit?

Because it has the same amount of content as most AAA titles? Are you fucking retarded or something?

lol, it's the hardest soulsborne game, nothing casual about it

goddamn normies are insufferable


see I don't know if I'd be into that then, I suffer existential dread all the time and think there is genuine horror to be had but you lose me at the imagination of a space god

Cosmic horror generally deals with horror that is far and beyond what we can comprehend, or what makes sense, in our world. Things that, for example, can affect the nearby world by simply dreaming. Creatures that exist in multiple places in time while being a single entity. Learning there is a fate worse than death (I forget the name of the story, but it was a creature that, when it absorbed you, made you live out your worst fears, so it could learn).

TLDR: Things that can't be comprehended but that are inherently bad for our survival.

>Mankind is insignificant and small
>There are beings which exist outside of space and time and reality which are so bizarre and divorced from our understanding of anything that they defy every natural law
>They are massive and scary and huge and completely incomprehensible to us
>They are older than the universe itself
>There are evil, violent and animalistic cults of humans who worship these beings as gods, and are trying to bring them back to inflict hedonistic and violent madness upon the Earth

THis is a personal favorite story of mine:

it's sad all it's reduced to now is dude squid lmao CTHULHU yaaaas!!!

>enemy runs fast at the player while screaming


bruh this is so lovecraftian duuuuddeee

Cosmic horror is about entities who are so far beyond human comrehension that even looking at them breaks the human mind. They should be able to destroy any single human with a mere thought. It shouldn't even be a contest, if bloodborne was a lovecraftian horror game you'd be hiding like a little bitch quivering in fear.

it is horror by sheer fact of it being horrifying when you first encounter them.
dont tell me you didnt feel absolute dread your first time through yhar'ghul. bloodborne is obviously an action horror game,

that.. sounds stupid desu

>it's not 'Lovecraftian' unless you're hiding likea little bitch quivering in fear
Then fucking Lovecraft wasn't Lovecraftian. You act like this is a superior understanding of Lovecraft but it's just as reddit as the tentacle shit.

Nope. It is canon that just images of old gods can drive people insane. If Bloodborne was lovecraftian, then Moon Presence, Orphan of Kos/Kos herself, would make your head explode the moment you see them.

is that even true? homeboy fucked up cthulu with a ship, imagine a nuke to the face sure he cannot be killed but every billion years or so send him a thermonuclear faceslap and we good

Lovecraft games are reddit-tier bastardizations of Lovecraft material generally
it went epic store exclusive to boot because they fell for the lie that Fortnite zoomers buy games. Tim paid for every copy sold himself, nice guy.

I know that's the story, and they represented that in-game with the frenzy stat and needing insight to progress. Either way this Lovecraft gatekeeping is retarded, are people really that impressed by this depiction of the metaphysical? I don't know why you guys care so much.

That's literally the entire point of lovecraft's horror. The idea that humans are tiny insignificant specs who are meddling in cosmic affairs of such magnitude that our tiny pea brains can't begin to comprehend how fucked we are.

He got it from his interest in astronomy as a kid, staring at the stars and realizing the sheer magnitude of the universe and how meaningless his own existence was in the face of such immensity.

The whole ship thing is Cthulhu not really giving a fuck about this era of the world and going back to sleep rather than 'being sent back to slumber because le ship to the face.'

Marathon Infinity is the only game to actually capture the feeling of cosmic horror

The entire game would have to be basically instant frenzy the moment you try to fight any of the old ones. It's a decent adaption of lovecraft/cosmic horror to the action horror genre but it's not genuine cosmic horror.

desu when hunter faces moon presence he is not a human at that point, having snacked on three umbilical cords of great ones

are you implying you can kill all entities that appear in bloodborne? or even that orphan of kos is in any way shape or form easy to beat? he's one of the hardest final bosses in vidya and the only reason you kill him is because he's a babby

Yeah, I just think that's pretty minimal. I don't know what people are begging for when they say they're dying for a real Lovecraft game

if they got rid of the combat it would be better

the kkk is shoehorned in at one point

It's sad that you think it's been reduced to that.

no vidya comes close to bloodborne when it comes to lovecraft, it's not even a contest

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That's stupid though. Even though instant frenzy is narratively canon to Lovecraft, it'd be a waste of the scene and wouldn't at all get into what Lovecraft was about. You don't just turn the page and your guy is dead, you get long slow burns describing a feeling of dread from a distant entity beyond comprehension, and strange terror from the way that bleeds into what you DO comprehend. Bloodborne did that better than any instant brain pop.

not to mention the hunter turns into a fucking slug at the end, the whole concept of a fate worse than death embodied, he won but he lost everything and has to live out eternity as a monster and a fucking snail

uh sorry if it doesn't make me literally kill myself when i see it then its not true lovecraft


That's lovecraft and cosmic horror in a nutshell. Puny human brains can't (and shouldn't) understand the vast and horrifying cosmos. Please elaborate on what you think lovecraft should be.

I think combat should stay in but it should be more mystic shit, like if you've read any of William Hope Hodgeson's short stories about a supernatural detective, he sets up an electronic pentacle to protect against supernatural manifestations and deploys stuff like human hairs on barriers and doors, taking photographs, ect. The guy has a gun and he uses it too but it doesn't really do anything.

>becomes a god in the end
>he lost everything and has to live out eternity as a monster and a fucking snail

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Shill this game to me.

user you're clinically fucking retarded. Let me again restate. None of that matters, because the game treats horrific cosmic entities as "bosses" to be conquered just like dark souls or any other action rpg.

That is the antithesis of cosmic horror and the antithesis of lovecraft. shut the fuck up and go back to playing with action figures

mate he's a fucking slug, the price was too high, he's not fucking hercules he's a slimy grotesque monster

you could say the exact same thing about tolkien, doesnt mean his writing isnt kino

so in your dum dum mind only a walking simulator would be a 'true lovecraft experience', shut the fuck up please

is this an indie game getting more attention than it deserves because of epic chingchong store shills?

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his stories are short but he's verbose

>Please elaborate on what you think lovecraft should be.
Eh, it is what it is, either it's literally Lovecraft's story, or it's more of a thematic glossing you can make a really good game like Bloodborne or tell a bigger story in.
If I were in charge of a Lovecraft project though, I'd go for severely mesmerizing and challenging high octane audio and visual stimuli that really might not be enjoyable. For me I'm always disappointed you can't really live in these characters' heads as they go up against these impossible ideas and images. That's the appeal of Lovecraft, and it's sadly by definition impossible.

well i'm saying if they got rid of the combat they would get rid of a lot of the looting crafting shit as well which is also dumb.
but i like your idea so maybe the looting could stay if you have to get rolls of film and shit

also the game has a lot of copy pasted bullshit building layouts. you can be in a non hostile area with people roaming around, go in a building to the side and you are fighting fucking monsters in a tiny copypasted apartment#423562. you can run out and the monsters will follow but no one reacts to it or interacts with the monsters.
it's very fucking jank. the boat mechanic is meh too. very limited.
the deep diving sections could be a lot better too. they are essentially just underwater tunnels to the next cave.

decent story, but the animations and combat are really shallow. The main character also doesn't even react to whats happening around him and looks bored with everything and Wylebeasts are literally just filler for the game.

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>by now are tired clichés
>by now
Well there's your problem

I know you are being ironic but that's how it actually works. Ebrietas is an old god and humans looking at her should kill themselves, according to Lovecraft.

>great atmosphere
>unique setting of a city sinking into the ocean
>dank ass 1920's setting
>open world lovecraftian horror detective game
>investigative work has depth and requires a bit of thought, if you want to track down a criminal you check records at the police station, if you want to find info on an ancient book check library records ect..
>open world city but it's not traditional AAA ubishit
>plenty of side content but it isn't just marked on your map you need to read clues and find the address on your map then mark it

forgot to add. so with copy pasted bullshit everywhere, the open world feels like its just a bunch of dumb nonsense. though i like the map system and its less handholdy

>investigative work has depth and requires a bit of thought,
Go on
>open world city but it's not traditional AAA ubishit
So its fully open without towers?

I'm saying that if you want to use this term 'Lovecraftian' and gatekeep it so bad, then you're just stuck with really minimal prose that writes around the most basic idea of cosmic horror. If you're going to be so technical as to excommunicate Bloodborne from the genre, then fuck Lovecraft, because Bloodborne is better than Lovecraft, his little stories about how scared he could get aren't much.

No, I'm saying an ACTION HORROR GAME cannot be a COSMIC HORROR GAME because ACTION implies you can KILL enemies instead of AVOIDING them.

Tell you what, since you're a pleb I'm going to do you a favor. You clearly have absolutely zero clue whatsofuckingever what cosmic horror is. The best cosmic horror book ever written is also the first one. The Nightlands by William Hope Hodgeson (the guy who inspired lovecraft).

Now I want you to read the book and tell me if there were ever to be a game adaption of the book, whether or not it would fit within the spirit of the book and cosmic horror to have the player be able to defeat "the watcher" entities.

Why buy?

Epic exclusivity killed it. I can’t wait until the post-Mortems on how shit these all sell

It's personal preference. For example this user gave another example and he's right, but I like the clichés that Tolkien uses so I don't mind them.

The fact you can’t invert look on that game kills it for me

Yeah the world design needs some work. I think if they ditched the totally open world aspects and went for more of a dark souls quasi open world interconnected world it'd be pretty cool.

I actually love how bored the protagonist is, it's fucking hilarious and one of my favorite things about the game.

Attached: 1D99360D-CD81-41D6-BB2B-F4DA4E40CFFD.gif (500x272, 1.95M)

How I wish for this to be a bannable offence.

Who cares? What is the point of lingering around great media inspired by your author, and insisting it doesn't belong because the cosmic horror is told from a third person perspective? The character in Bloodborne is a transcendental one, they take on the fruits of crazy arcane mad transformative science to gain insight and literally transform into a cosmic entity. Every other character in the entire game is insane due to what they've seen. Who fucking cares about this technicality where you can't have a human turn into an old god? What is the value of instant-explosion mindfucks when they weren't even prevalent in Lovecraft's own writing? Who fucking cares?

We know exactly what you mean and we think it's retarded. We know what cosmic horror is, we just reject your nitpicky bullshit because we're true fans of the idea who know how to enjoy a AAA Lovecraft game without becoming a technical bitch who has to lie to himself only he understands one of the most common and simple horror themes in video game media.

Basically detective work consists of collecting clues at the scene and from witnesses/persons of interest and then combining them into deductions in your head. You can also in certain places use your supernatural powers to see into the past and watch past events unfold to give you more clues.

The world is open but it's all within a large city. So you're restricted to streets and certain buildings. There's basically small sections of city above water connected by flooded sections you traverse in a boat. You can also use a diving suit but I'm fairly certain that's limited to specific locations.

obviously it can because bloodborne is both an action horror game and a cosmic horror game, you can't kill all entities, you have to avoid enemies, you can only witness some entities and you can kill some with stipulations and explanations, it can be argued that you only kill lesser ones and you get juiced up before facing them


I had never heard of that story before, it was very good, thanks for sharing

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He's just a baby, he'll grow big and strong

Lovecraft is about the inexplicable. Asking us to explain it just proves it's too deep for you.

We fucking know, and we don't care. First of all, Bloodborne has entities like that, and secondly it literally doesn't destroy the cosmic horror ideas and themes that make Bloodborne a Lovecraft game. Your technicality is too specific, Lovecraft never sat down and wrote 'the future cosmic horror author bible', he's just a guy who wrote fantasy about his terror, and then people picked up from his ideas and went with them. Your taxonomy is irrelevant, it doesn't add anything.

ah yes, the story of the Yea Forums cosmic being that wanted to hear some djent

How the fuck is it too specific? It literally fucking DESTROYS the entire premise the entire thing is built on. Cosmic horror is not horrific if some dude with a rusty cleaver can do some fancy flips and kill them. The orphan of Kos would stand ZERO chance against anyone with modern weaponry. The US army could clean house with all of the "cosmic horrors" in bloodborne without breaking a sweat.

It's not fucking scary because if a single human can slaughter the entirety of all the monsters in yharnham, there's literally nothing to be scared of. You can kill the gods and become one of them. Bloodborne is a cosmic power fantasy.

ummm sweaty bloodborne isn't technically a true COSMIC HORROR game because there's a level up system and none of the lovecraft characters ever leveled up, look it up, not one of his works mentions leveling up as a concept

You are being le troled. U mad. Lole. Ex dee.

Cosmic Horror, the unknowable, the unexplainable.

It's not just squid monsters.

Why do normalfags ruin everything they touch?


Amnesia was a decent game in the spirit of Lovecraft. I admit that gameplay wise, it was pretty lacking, but it captured the lore and atmosphere of one of his short stories perfectly.

Cosmic horror is not horrific if some dude with a rusty violin can do some fancy plucks and contain them

Bloodborne MC isn't really all that human. Game exists in a metaphysical time loop. Every character has been driven insane and every waking moment is about the consequences of their interaction with the unknowable Old Gods. Bloodborne is third-person cosmic horror. You see the horror death and insanity from the perspective of a budding Old God. It's basically about Cthulu's dreamed-up son traveling through a ruined Innsmouth after they all killed themselves

Except it does, insight literally drives other characters in the game insane.
Your player character is an exception because they were chosen by the moon god and the dream which grants all sort of weird properties. Like you know, coming back from the dead over and over again when no other character can.

more like the CHINKing city lmao

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It's on my radar. All the reports of janky gameplay and bizarre decisions is giving me strong Deadly Premonition vibes, which I enjoyed.

So, is the Sopranos ending Lovecraftian? I mean, I felt dread and horror the way the cut to the unknowable at the end.


yeah, and as a viewer you were totally powerless to prevent it. Lovecraftian by any proper definition I'd say

Game gives the players the ability to choose.

Eldritch horrors do not.

You know what's Lovecraftian? Seeing a chinese person and writing a story about the arcane cosmos entering into your skull and forcing you to kill yourself while the entire county turns into eels just before the world ends. That's fucking Lovecraftian.

No, you are all evil gatekeepers. Only MLP:FiM is truly Lovercraftian. Just look at their bulging eyes and other horrid deformities.

Game literally just fucking came out.

Doesn't help that "Lovecraftian" is right up there with "Kafkaesque" as an instant do not buy warning.


Attached: Knock Knock.png (300x300, 46K)

Game has
>good atmosphere
>great detective work
>shit combat
>open world does more bad than good for the game
that being said, finding locations on your own from the clues you get is fun

Attached: TSCGame-Win64-Shipping 2019-06-29 22-54-43-63.jpg (1920x1080, 172K)

>no dream quest of unknown kadath game

P.t is the only good cosmic horror game. Despite it taking place in a hallway.

The trailer was kino.

crazy shit so nuts you can't even tell what it is

If only the game lived up to the trailer.

Downloading it now, in the mean time here are some modern Lovecraftian games that I think got it right:
Hunt: Showdown
Pathologic 2

I keep thinking about what a good lovecraftian anime would look like.
It has a simple premise: a group of 5 mercenaries with cyborg enhancements (except for a cute girl) fly around the galaxy visiting different planets to kill a target. On the background, however, they are being chased by some form of eldritch terror that slowly begins to increase its presence and capacity to manifest itself among them. Their adventures would include going insane, wondering where is the line between human and robot (because of their body enhancements) thus starting to doubt their own humanity, and just glancing at the empty of space from the ship and getting depressed about it. But the cute innocent pilot girl would always give them hope.
The basic idea seems fine to me but then I have no idea what the actual lovecraftian elements would look like.

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Im.playing it, I like it but it's pretty much a walking simulator. There is combat but it's not very common.

Not enough human sacrifice and sex cults

Yod have to define what is humanity and what's not to get anywhere.

>that being said, finding locations on your own from the clues you get is fun

Yeah that's one of the things I liked about it too..

In "Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath" there are a couple of different creatures that feature tentacles. Zoogs are small furry creatures that eat cats and have tentacles on their faces. Later, Moon-beasts are mentioned, which instead of where a head should be, is basically a mass of pink tentacles (pic related). In the Dunwich Horror story, the creature has multiple tentacles/pseudopod protrusions that writhe and extend from it's body. Cthulhu, as others mentioned, has basically a squid head. The Shoggoth mentioned in "At the Mountains of Madness" is described as a constantly shifting, undulating, bubbling mass with extending pseudopods that constantly form and unform. Here's one description used:

>"Formless protoplasm able to mock and reflect all forms and organs and processes - viscous agglutinations of bubbling cells - rubbery fifteen-foot spheroids infinitely plastic and ductile - slaves of suggestion, builders of cities - more and more sullen, more and more intelligent, more and more amphibious, more and more imitative! Great God! What madness made even those blasphemous Old Ones willing to use and carve such things?"

There various fish-like descriptions of other things in Lovecraft's work, such as Dagon being fish-like as well as the people living in Innsmouth mentioned in "The Shadow Over Innsmouth."

Attached: Lovecraft - Moon Beast.jpg (620x479, 50K)

The audio books by Wayne June are actually Kino go fuck yourself.

In a future where cyborg enhancements are normal, nobody would ever question their own humanity. If everyone you know has always had robolimbs and brain implants why would you ever think that you are inhuman for being a cyborg?

For two reasons:
>you are still born a pure human
>not everyone will actually have cyborg enhancements, it'd be reserved to the rich
Cyberpunk settings that let everyone have enhancements are absurd.

>>you are still born a pure human
Oh, the naivete.

>not everyone will actually have cyborg enhancements, it'd be reserved to the rich
Not necessarily, that would be absurd. Just like any other technology it would become cheaper and more accessible over time. At a certain point you would most likely be stigmatized for NOT being an enhanced human.

I'll list some of the more prominent ones as well as general length of the story based off page length in The Complete Fiction publishing of his works.

If you want heavy-Cthuhlu Mythos stuff:
>The Call of Cthulhu (short, about 25 pages)
>At the Mountains of Madness (novella, about 80 pages)
>The Shadow Over Innsmouth (about 50 pages)
>The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath (about 80 pages)

If you want stories with minimal to no Cthulu-mythos connection:
>The Colour Out of Space (arguably his most mature and best written story - 23 pages)
>The Rats in the Walls (17 pages, contains a cat named "Niggerman" that is based off of Lovecraft's real-life cat of the same name - regardless of how that makes you feel, it's one of Lovecraft's better stories)
>The Case of Charles Dexter Ward (about 100 pages, but worth the read)
>The Whisperer in Darkness (about 50 pages)
>The Dunwich Horror (about 35 pages)
>The Horror at Red Hook (about 18 pages)
>Pickman's Model (about 11 pages)
>The Music of Erich Zann (7 pages)
>The Temple (about 11 pages)
>Dagon (5 pages)

All the replies to this post are meme tier shittid crap.

He only wrote in pulp so his stories were short and they were almost entirely just stories of people going insane to completely unknown things, but that's irrelevant because its the way he wrote the pulp which was so good, without ever telling you whats happening you get a endless sense of dread as to what is happening and even when everything goes wrong you still have no idea while still being scared. Its the complete opposite of for example King who tells you exactly what the horror is and shows you the horror, Lovecraft never reveals what horror was but his writing style made you feel it anyway which is why he was amazing. The whole Cthulhu Mythos is a bunch of fucking DOGSHIT and completely goes against his actual stories. Much of what you now think of when you think Lovecraft is just water, tentacles and cultists because thats what popular culture took from parts of his stories. Many of his stores took place in common 'adventure' topics of the time, think Indian Jones type areas, forest/jungles/ancient civilizations but some stories were also in totally normal cities (albeit maybe a tomb) and not total clusterfuck Silent Hill type ones where everyone is mad.

His actual stories don't explain what the terrors, horrors or dread is. The whole Cthulhu story dragged the unknown into the known and turned it into a giant weakpoint in his writing.

As an addendum to this: When we get to the point where people are accessing the internet and making calls through brain implants rather than external devices, it isn't a stretch to assume that children would be given some sort of implant at birth.

I've actually read Lovecraft. There's the aspect of existential scifi-leaning horror, yes, but people who claim it isn't also about adventuring into spooky places and fighting random monsters are just plain fucking wrong.

He didn't write books, he wrote pulp and short stories. Each one can be widely different from the others so its hard to pin down any handful of stories to read. You could read all his works in a week, they were only 10 to 100 pages long which is nothing.

Pretty sure there are some books which combined all his stories into one, just grab that.

The problem with Lovecraft is like only 5 people have actually read him and everybody else just knows the memes.

Why do so many s o ys love lovecraft when he was such a hardcore racist?

I got the purple covered one from Barnes and Noble that this user linked: It has everything. The one that you linked has approximately the same page count, so I'm sure the contents are the same. I personally prefer the purple hardcover. Plus it has one of those ribbons attached to it that you can use as a bookmark. Classy stuff. You really can't go wrong for $15.

they have less than a surface understanding of Lovecraft, all they need is their firmware updated and they'll switch to hating him

That hotel scene of him barricading the door, going to the adjacent room, and exiting through the window is almost exactly how it's described in "The Shadow Over Innsmouth." Definitely a good video game adaptation.

I'd wager a disproportionate number of Yea Forumsirgins actually read Lovecraft
Outside here, that's way too generous an estimate

Playing it right now. The city is massive which is nice and it encourages exploration and fighting in danger zones, but the melee attacks are ass. It's also kinda nice in that it doesn't do a lot of handholding in regards to where to go next, you manually have to figure it out and pinpoint it on a map. However, like many projects before, you can tell they set out with lofty ambitious goals and implemented a lot of mechanics to add variety, but didn't flesh them out properly. It's a 6 for now.

There will always be people who have nothing, literally starving to death, especially when population increases exponentially
Of course, fictional settings can be anything, including a society where hunger is over and everyone can indeed afford all sorts of technology, including cybernetics, but that makes for a bad cyberpunk setting in my opinion

The Colour Out of Space is probably is best story. Whisperers is also really good, but I too live in a rural area, though not in the South.

>bruh there's a spooky monster but don't ask me to explain what it is or what it looks like because it's just too fucking spooky
Quality writing

Nice thread

Attached: 1548032849127.png (438x327, 354K)

They tend to be short, but he is verbose and will likely use archaic words/spellings that can make it difficult to someone that isn't familiar with them (e.g. he spells jail in the Old English way of "gaol" and spells shows as "shews."). If you do start reading his stuff, be prepared to Google handy to look things up. Lovecraft has certain favorite words or phrases that it's best you learn or you may get lost at times if you try to power through it without learning.

Yeah, that was one of his earliest works. The Complete Fiction of Lovecraft's work orders his stories in chronological order. His first 5-6 stories all basically end in a similar way, and it's usually written in all caps like that as well. It's a shame, because some of these stories would end just fine without the needless final all-caps final sentence.

>muh reddit
>pretending that liking Lovecraft isn't NPC shit to begin with.
Lovecraft was just an autistic faggot who was jealous over losing women to the BBC.

Which is the only good part of his work anyway. Lmao at everyone trying to seem cultured by showing reverence for Lovecraft, one of the shittiest writers of the last 100 years. I'm willing to bet 90% of anyone in this thread has never even read any of his work, I'd say a good 75% of his stories are just 20 or so pages of buildup followed by AND THEN I LOOKED AT SOMETHING THAT WAS SO SPOOKY AND SCARY THAT I CAN'T EVEN DESCRIBE IT HERE AND THEN I WENT CRAZY AND NOW I'M IN A SEWER OR SOMETHING

Don't forget that after the ship passed through him, Cthulhu reformed almost immediately afterwords, as though it made it no difference that a ship passed through it's body.

yeah stopped playing when you had to stealth and go rambo at the same time while fighting one billion respawning fishermen

>Which is the only good part of his work anyway. Lmao at everyone trying to seem cultured by showing reverence for Lovecraft, one of the shittiest writers of the last 100 years.
> I'm willing to bet 90% of anyone in this thread has never even read any of his work
I'm willing to bet you haven't read any of his work either since you seem so keen on using the pop culture method of critiquing his work.

Attached: 2394809238092385.jpg (800x800, 258K)

Wow dude you own House of Leaves, you really are the authority on 7/10 literature.

Why does it matter when William Hope Hodgeson was an infinitely better writer who came BEFORE lovecraft, was untouched by lovecraft's gay nerdy autism and is unruined by normies?

What the absolute fuck is "the pop culture method", do you even know what you're talking about?

I have never read Lovecraft books, but from the descriptions of the other anons here it sound like when you look into a really disorganized hoarder house, but instead of knickknacks and objects it's horror.So much horror and unknown that your eye doesn't have a reference point for the individual parts so it kinda unfocuses to the indescribable whole.

>What the absolute fuck is "the pop culture method"
Because a shit ton of his stories aren't like that and an even bigger portion of the ones that are somehwat described in that manner actually go into an actual description of what they saw. Only retards who haven't read Lovecraft think that 75% of his stories are like the Unnamable Fear.

>tfw when still don't own House on the Borderland
life is suffering

True. How does a game dev depict sweat trickling down your back or your neck hairs rising or clenching of your teeth when you are on edge? An insanity meter? Get outta here with that shit.

I don't know what to tell you pal, I've literally read everything he's written in the order that it was written. It got better as he went on, but it never got good, and it was still plagued with literally that problem. His first 20 or 30 stories are almost unreadable because they follow that formula to a T.

>I've literally read everything he's written in the order that it was written
As have I, and I'm saying you are either a hyerbolic faggot or a lying shitposter.
> His first 20 or 30 stories are almost unreadable because they follow that formula to a T.
Name them.

>Put your literal who game on the shitty store nobody uses
>Complain when it doesn't get sales

Attached: 1350594293765.jpg (500x500, 109K)

who is complaining? they already got paid

The Tomb. Dagon. Beyond The Wall Of Sleep. Polaris doesn't follow the formula but it sure is fucking stupid. The Transition has this so bad it's almost like a joke. The White Ship. Holy fuck I'm genuinely almost just listing all of his stories, I've omitted like two that don't fall into this, I don't know why you wanted me to make you this BTFO

Fuck "The King in Yellow"
That start was so strong, then it just became French artist love triangles. Why is it held to such a high standard past The Repairer of Reputations part?


>epic exclusive that is supposedly kinda janky
gee, wonder why it flopped

I tried playing it, but performance is terrible.

>The Tomb
>the Transition
I'll give you these
>Beyond The Wall of Sleep
Both of these describe exactly what they fucking saw and the only reason the narrator commits suicide at the end of Dagon is because the creature was following him.
>Polaris doesn't follow the formula but it sure is fucking stupid
Why did you bother listing it then?
>The White Ship
You are just throwing out shit. The White Ship doesn't follow this formula at all.
>Holy fuck I'm genuinely almost just listing all of his stories
You've listed 6 you chucklefuck.

>Why is it held to such a high standard past The Repairer of Reputations part?
I think most people only hold the first 3 stories in high regards. I've never really seen people talk about the last couple.

That's generous.

the hyper zoomed in FOV is driving me absolutely nuts. The only fix i've found only seems to work on non pirated versions of the game.

>The only fix i've found only seems to work on non pirated versions of the game.
What's the fix?


That's from the SCP manga, it's a very short version of the 2480 entry. I recommend watching this instead:

niggers, and I'm not even joking

There is literally no way to convey the "unexplicable" or the idea of "going crazy" or the fear of getting yourself into some "ancient cosmic secret" and the paranoia of maybe knowing too much into a videogame.

How long is the game? Something I can beat in an afternoon?


Nah it's pretty long. I've put a bunch of time in and been doing side content plus the main story and I'm maybe 40% finished the game.

Sure there is.
Read books of forbidden lore to increase your understanding means also progressive hallucinations and new paths opening. But also makes you more receptive to the dangers of the world. On theother hand not doing it means you can have some difficulties later on. Or not.
Artificial limits on what you can do because as you go crazy you develop negative quirks such as an obsession with some numbers or being repelled by some normally useful things.
Twisting the experience of the player depending on choices is something games are capable of doing really well. Potentially even better than books or movies.
It does not have to be fish malk talking to stopsigns and incomprehensible dialog.