Need item to proceed

>need item to proceed
>didn't pick it up
>can't go back to pick it up

Attached: 20190630_000803.jpg (280x353, 50K)

> Item falls outside the playable area due to a bug

Attached: 91FeJlCYxrL._SY445_.jpg (316x445, 39K)

get troll

are all games that pulled this crap point and click adventures?

>you can sell item that you need to progress the story for money
>can buy it back later

Attached: thinking.jpg (801x653, 49K)


>feathers and metal item contribute the same weight to the inventory carry limit

>devs intentionally implemented softlocks throughout their game just to fuck players up

Attached: 32908107602.jpg (960x585, 90K)

but user steels heaveuh dan fedders

Enjoy ban ?

>random encounter
>has a spell that zeroes out the entire party's mp

Attached: nerd.jpg (640x352, 19K)

>game sells you wa'ah
>but you can literally drink wa'ah for free

> Are you sure you want to throw away "Incredibly Important MacGuffin"
* Yes

Attached: cot.png (561x575, 426K)

what did i miss?

holy shit limmy is PACKING

>try to kill jester

Attached: 1561245443489.jpg (552x500, 235K)

>limited inventory
>equips and key items clutter the majority of it

In my first blind playthrough of Cavestory My close to autistic need to comb every possibility for loot and items led to me managing to save Curly without even knowing I would have to. My curiosity also led me to the true ending.

There is a zero chance of you getting true end blind on your first playthrough. Why lie?

You underestimate just how hard the stars aligned for me. Not even my brother who watched me pull the plastic off the game earlier that day believed me. I'm the kind of madman who will gladly comb the previous levels simply because I got a new gun. I even left the guy who fell behind because I was thinking about it gameplay-wise and just kept going thinking "eh, he'll be fine."

jump the casm

I think this is justified if you know that item is a key item
Otherwise this could be total bullshit if you dont remember who you sold it to

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