Can anyone tell me why everyone is so mad about the new pokemans game?
Can anyone tell me why everyone is so mad about the new pokemans game?
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Graphics are unacceptable for modern multi-million dollar console game.
they removed half the content for graphic improvements and it still looks like complete dogshit
Terrible graphics, less features, and costs 150% the usual price
They wanted all Pokemon in every game forever
They won't be able to transfer shitmons like Maractus or Lumineon.
Maybe because they are making it so you can't transfer over all of the pokemon. Ie their data won't be in the game and the excuses they are using are weak. Anyway I is basically a middle finger to pokemon fans who have been with the series a long time and game freak just doesn't seem to care.
This is totally the end of Pokemon! I'm going to miss my bro... Antlers! And Squillfish! Don't forget about Squillfish and Sunflower! W-well maybe it isn't my bro but someone I don't know somewhere I don't know likes it!
>Because they won't be able to play with their favorite Zubat if it isn't in the game. Like they won't be able to send the pokemon into the game at all even if it's not in the dex.
>animations are bad as always, especially for flying types
Fuck you Unown Q is a true bro
>can‘t take my shitmons with me
>tree textures on open world area where multiple high poly monster spawn look shit
That‘s it. People act like they changed the whole battle system or the whole fucking game. It‘s still the same shit (thank god)
It's main series and it's going to suck. It's not fair
In previous games you could only find certain pokemon in each game, but if you had a pokemon that wasn't in that game you could transfer it from the older game. You cannot do that now.
They had specifically claimed they made the new 3D models to future proof the games so that this wouldn't have happened. They made an application called 'pokemon bank' that lets you store your pokemon so that you can use them in later games. That service has a subscription fee. And yet if your favorite pokemon isn't on the list you can't bring it into the new games even though that was the standard they had previously set.
>multiple 3DS models spawning in a Switch game means that the textures are worse than an N64 game
You are an idiot.
First traditional pokemon game on a "console" yet it looks like ass and is supposedly limited by hardware
I want to hear your bullshit excuse for the ridiculous battle animations next.
I have no idea, it looks great for a 3DS game.
>billion dollar franchise making more money than anyone could ever possibly spend
>act like they are some small indie dev who just can't hire enough people to truly complete the games
Pokemon is literally the highest grossing franchise of all time. The games are their flagship product. It's crazy that they don't hold them to higher standards even if much of the fanbase doesn't.
>3ds models
>meanwhile some models have poly count of ps3 games
Moves got updated, some pokemon like machamps first one in the line got some new animations.
>b-but double kick
Flame charge, leaf blade, brave bird and whatever.
Its a shitty looking low quality game with a new cheap gimmick and the removal of old features as well as gimmicks. The cherry on top is that every pokemon will not be in the game.its the final insult pokemon needs a new developer
>brave bird
I don't give a fuck about keeping my Pokemon, but it looks like dogshit. Making your Pokemon larger is just retarded. Raids are a cool idea, but it's a cool idea executed by GameFreak.
So when its the best selling pokemon ever what happens?
It won't break 10 mil
Here's the 3DS version.
It won't. It will still sell well, but it will likely be among the lowest selling mainline games.
>claim you've gutted the roster to tweak the graphics
>graphics look no better than the ones in OoT
Apparently the video game industry is meant to appeal to delicate snowflakes or they get outraged.
If it sells really well Gamefreak will try even less for upcoming games since they just got confirmation that they can get away with anything even in their main games.
If it sells poorly (for Pokemon standards) Gamefreak will hopefully wake up and realize that they have infinite budget to make the next game better.
>shorter animation time
>more particle effects
>we see how it actually attacks the enemy instead of a small light and the pokemon showing damage animation on nothing
It Iooks too gay, chiIdish and feminine.
>and the removal of old features
Are you new to Pokémon?
That's some anime Kino shit
Yeah, the same models. That was the excuse why the 3DS games ran like shit, since they used "high poly" models in order to use them in the future for HD games.
It wiII seII weII. I mean, I think it Iooks terribIe. But I am stiII buying it after the fucking game drought we have been through on switch for the Iast year.
Can't you at least get it used?
>3ds tanks dramatically by showing 4 of them
>switch is ok with 5+ and no fps Drops
>has much much much more poly than every Model in another 3ds game
>3-3ds Models!!!
If I boot up a ps4 model on a ps3, is it the a ps4 model or a ps3 model?
>>we see how it actually attacks the enemy instead of a small light and the pokemon showing damage animation on nothing
You didn't really watch the second one after the first 2 seconds, right?
>>has much much much more poly than every Model in another 3ds game
No matter how often you repeat it, it won't make it true, Joe.
Gamefreak straight up lied about why they will not have the national Dex. They said it's because they want to focus on quality but the content they showed at E3 looks like a fucking PS2 game.
>bird goes up
>bird goes down
>flashy thing rushes with many dust clouds to pokemon
>small light
>animation ends
That‘s the gif. And in the game:
>you see opposing pokemon doing getting damage animation, while the bird is still on the same position and there is literally nothing.
Machamp a not so complex pokemon has like 12k polygons. Show a 3ds game
With the same
So they should hire them only to fire them?
Are you fucking blind or just pretending top be?
The 3DS animation shows you the bird getting in flames., going up, straight down and crashing into the enemy pokemon.
Meanwhile the Switch shit only has the Pokemon getting it's flame coat and out of nowhere crash into the enemy and that#s it. Fucking hell, how the fuck can you so obviously lie when the evidence is right in fucking front of you?
>Machamp a not so complex pokemon has like 12k polygons. Show a 3ds game
USUM. 12k, the same as LetsGo.
More expensive, less content, shit graphics
>I wish every attack was a short film rather than just the fucking attack
Fitting that you're so obsessed with children's games, brainlet
I thought you made these up until I googled it. Why do people want every pokemon in the new game again? I'd prefer like 300 good ones anyway although I haven't played pokemon in a long time
People who play the game in depth instead of just rolling through the story with a team of 6 new mons invested a lot of time into stuff they won't be able to carry with themselves.
>doesn't know about battle animation options
Could've said that you never played a pokemon game before, zoom zoom.
We'll be able to transfer shitmons like Vanilluxe at least.
Pokemon models are stupid hipoly, amusin that they have low poly version for world with animations.... completely unused.
Message from Junichi Masuda:
>"We don't give a shit. We're going to sell millions of copies anyway LMAO"
Define "good ones"? Different people like different kinds of Pokemon, even the shit ones, and restricting which Pokemon are playable will inevitably alienate fans.
boomerniggers gassed literally when
Ni No Kuni was a better Pokemon adventure than most Pokemon games
>We don't give a shit
>Expects others to give a shit
Waifu mons and gen 1 only.
>the day will come when pokemon is on generation 12 and gen 2/3 mons are long forgotten and no longer in games
>almost like you never played the games to begin with
How is that crazy? Why would they voluntarily spend money improving a product if the consumer is already satisfied?
Not him but if you keep on adding new generations but offer no avenue for each batch of new Pokemon to follow what's the point?
Also Gamefreak are absolute idiots when it comes to type/stat balance in their games. There have been generations where the only good fire type pokemon are the starter/ traded from earlier gens. Ice pokemon have been screwed over to the point where only 3-5 good ones exist and constantly get rotated.
Something the Japanese don't have, a sense of pride in their work.
>Still has all Kanto mons in it because Genwunners are still a thing and must be pandered to
I never wanted so much to see a game flopping in my entire life before. If sw/sh sells well it will be the ultimate proof that mediocrity is profitable.
They're more mad at gamefreak than the game, the excuse that the Switch is more powerful than the 3ds so we need to cull pokemon for quality is the most retarded statement of E3. However, Let's Go was collectively mocked for being a casual remaster but now people are calling it an enjoyable game and it's rated highly despite the fact it culled hundreds of Pokemon. Pokemon fans say one thing and do another. Once the game is out nobody will give a shit about the cull and Pokemon fans will buy it anyway, GF could even use it as a marketing stunt when they re-introduce Pokemon. I cannot imagine somebody buying X/Y or Sun/Moon and then refusing to buy this unless they don't already have a Switch
If you don't know then you don't care and your input is worthless.
Sure, but it was garbage.
Lets go sold 10m.
Dropped like a rock from charts tho. If a new region sell less than that or almost same I'm sure that heads will roll on GF
iirc LGP/E sold around 10 million units. Still profitable but I doubt what they were expecting from the first mainline game on a home console.
They removed the one (1) good thing about the series: the Pokémon
Pokemon: Gotta catch some of 'em all
>I'm not part of the core audience but please cater to me anyway
wew lad please fuck off
>not even 40 million switches in the wild
>10 million copies sold
that's a 25% attached rate
Babies want to use their old pokemon. A bloo bloo bloo.
Are you fucking blind? The old one is a generic flashy move that doesn‘t show the pokemon. While the new one specifically shows the pokemon crashing to the other one, instead of short movie enemey gets hit by nothing. It‘s more natural now faggot.
>instead of short movie enemy gets hit by nothing
>meanwhile you can clearly see in the DS version the enemy pokemon being hit
You just keep on making shit up despite the evidence being right in front off you. I don't know why you do it, and I doubt I even want to know it. Guess some poketards really are retards who try to sugarcoat everything to not admit that their "friend" just takes a shit on them.
No national dex? No purchase
The third consecutive fuck up in a huge franchise usually is what kills it for good. We got Sonic '06 after Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog and now the Sonic franchise is an eternal joke, and now we will get Sword/Shield after Ultra Sun/Moon and LGP/E.
If you can tell it yourself, go preorder the turd GF will shit in your mouth. You deserve it.
Not trying to sound like a shill but I will buy Temtem only in spite of Game Freak, fuck them and fuck Masuda.
To be honest, the calling it "the first mainline game on a home console" will always be a big fat lie, it was just a half-assed remake with casualized mechanics to fool idiots and their nostalgia and Go players.
SM and USUM didn't have a national dex either.
>I will spite garbage by supporting garbage
Pokemon is way more than games mate. Also poke gacha is coming soon.
Pokemon go made like 15% of franchise revenue in 2 years. Just imagine what gacha can do.
Yes but you still could export the mons to game, isn't the case with SS, Also Lets go had data for all 900+ pokemons.
The functionality of the National Dex has now been rolled into Pokémon Bank. When you use Pokémon Bank with one of the compatible games, there will now be an option on the menu (accessed by pressing the Y button) for 'Pokédex'. When you open it, any Pokémon you've caught or seen will be registered. You can do this for all 6 Pokémon games compatible with Pokémon Bank.
>last generation of pokemon announced
>its set in kanto 80 years later
>gen1 boomers are now 90 years old
>masuda is cyborg
>I now derete every pokemon but gen 1 pokemon
>only gen1 mons were canon
But you can still use ALL pokemon in it.
This only works if the public at large recognizes those games as fuck ups. Only diehard pokemon fans, the sort you find in abundance on /vp/, regard all the recent games as bad, and to them the series is already a joke. Regular people just see every pokemon game as another pokemon game, no different from all the others. More people may be aware that there's a schism of opinion surrounding LGPE, but the majority think nothing of it or were in favour of it because of the nostalgia points.
They still made assloads of money considering the budget but it was funny watching all discussion drop off after a month. Shiny Hunt Weekend on /vp/ kicked LGPE fags out for their ultra baby shinies and their own thread could never get off the ground.
What's the trick? I need to know!!
Pokemon never exactly had big budget, the largest pokemon game still get nowhere in terms of content with like FF or even SMT.
Masuda did the best he could the keep the franchise on portable consoles for as long as possible to avoid having to produce big budget games on home consoles. But now the portable console market is dead and he believes he can still keep the series low budget even though the home console market is way more demanding.
After 2 generations of doing the bare minimum, Gamefreak decided that even the bare minimum is too much.
Pokemon threads go in the /vp/ containment board and are off-topic in Yea Forums.
They said they struggled a lot with XY and nearly gutted pokemon from SM.
I still wonder what the fuck they do to never remotely improve in terms of development pipeline or even coding,
Monolith soft had zero experience with open world games or HD and did just fine with Xeno games.
Something about not having all the Pokemon and the shitty graphics
>I still wonder what the fuck they do to never remotely improve in terms of development pipeline or even coding,
It's a mix of incompetence and refusal to hire better people.
>We don't want be the pokemon guys.
>Can't do shit without pokemon money.
Nintendo should had kicked then way back when pokemon company got created.
they're basically like a entire studio holding a everstone
They removed features and said they did it to spend time polishing everything else. The graphics look like shit, the animations look like shit. So people are asking what the fuck happened to the polish.
their A-team is working on this apparently
People are gonna buy the game anyways. I don't think anyone cares when most normal people are going to casually play through the game once and catch whatever happens to look cool. Yes, it's lazy to not include all the Pokémon, but only autistic players are super distraught about it because they can't transfer over their level 100 Rayquaza.
If they had said this was essentially a reboot then would the DEX situation had less sting?
>Entire game is a single village.
But have you seen their games aside pokemon? Every single one of then range to meh to utter mediocre.
We still live in east Europe.
Nah, people were mad about Ruby/Sapphire too.
BW had a brand new batch of 151 pokemon and just that for main game, even then you still could import old ones.
No excuse mate.
>Regular people just see every pokemon game as another pokemon game, no different from all the others.
Depends on what you mean by "regular people". There's a lot of people with no real interest in Sonic who also don't think of him as a laughing stock and just see him as that old video game character that's still around.
Anyone with a passing interest in Pokémon knows that there's been increasing dissatisfaction with the games, even if they don't personally agree with it. USUM was a "meh" follow-up to SM to pretty much everyone, Let's Go caused quite the divide between fans and the Sword and Shield thing is the biggest uproar the franchise has seen so far. It's not really the same as Sonic, but I can see where that user's comparison comes from.
Pocket Card Jockey was pretty fun.
user you realize the core audience are KANTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOfags and the children who listen to them
It looks like shit, go back to your containment board
why do GameFreak keep thinking that anything not Pokemon they make is going to sell?
Right, but not having the national dex isn't the reason why some Pokémon will be missing from Sword/Shield.
They have to hope so otherwise people will keep thinking they got lightning in a bottle with Pokémon.
How much tembo sold? I'm sure that most games they released were demoted to eshop release.
My man, all pokemon data is there in game and even movelists got updated on USM. People are complaining about SS because only regional dex mons will be available.
Basically making service like bank or home worthless.
GF is both cursed and blessed with Pokemon. By the looks of it, they clearly want to move on to other games but at the same time they just plain suck and need their one-hit-wonder game to actually make them some money.
So basically denial.
Firstly, developers purposefully disallow transferring old Pokemon to these games while still charging for online/storing services.
Secondly, these games will come out right after two cash grabs. Ultra SM introduced about as much as normal DLCs while costing $50-60. LGPE reintroduced Kanto for the fifth time while also reducing the numbers of features from previous titles.
Thirdly, these games already look lackluster. Big, empty fields. Relatively bad graphics. Unimpressive gameplay changes.
Lastly, fans are thirsty for anything that's not a fucking mobile game or a main game. Ambitious Pokemon spin-offs are things of the past.
People were mad about Ruby/Sapphire having only 200 Pokemon.
People were also mad about not having old Pokemon available in the campaign in Black/White. Still, these games allowed you to transfer your Pokemon.
>removes the entire point of the series for no benefit which essentially makes it a painfully mediocre rpg
>Pokemon is way more than games mate.
Right, but it's the main series that's at the root of everything else. It's every new generation that provides the pokemon, characters and gimmicks that the merchandise and spinoffs are based off of. If you don't take proper care of the roots, the tree will die.
RS had to wait till GC games plus remakes.
Different time, but if GF trying to pull that bullshit in 2019 they can go deepthroat a cacturne.
imagine how good the game would be if it were made by a western team and not the retard nips who are too comfortable in their paycheck
Right, but all of that isn't because the lack of a national dex, because SM/USUM as we've mentioned already.
Don't forgive Gamefreak's bullshit as a japanese thing. They're just fucking retards. Plenty of nip companies could do a better job than gamefreak. I truly can't even think of someone who WOULDN'T do a better job at Pokemon.
so why not pass the torch to someone who would give a fuck about the series?
As an old fan, I honestly couldn't care less about the national dex(I never knew transfering your old fav mons into a newgame was such a tradition apparently) and it shouldnt even be that surprising since anyone who's played more than 1-2 gens know just how lazy GF can be.
What annoyed me was having a tiny bit of expectation that there would be some standards, that the first mainline gen on a home console wouldn't look like complete shit. Nintendo's other big IPs are giving their A-game like mario odyssey and BOTW but GF just does not give an iota of a fuck.
GF have 1/3 of IP. The rest is split between pokemon company, Nintendo and creatures.
To tell them to fuckoff Nintendo would had to buy the rest of shares.
>Why don't they just give away their golden goose?
>hyped up for years as "the game that'll make people say "this is what i've been waiting for!"" and specifically for longtime fans
>it's going to be tossed out with nothing but apathy behind it and does the main thing that'll piss longtime fans off
But isn't TPC technically Nintendo? And yeah, buying the rest of the shares wouldn't exactly be cheap, and they certainly aren't gonna let the only thing that makes them money (and a shitton of it, while we are at it) go that easily.
Because GF is the one-hit-wonder of gaming. They tried to make other IPs but they often turned out forgettable or dead on arrival, most people can't even name their non-pokemon games.
So they make mainline pokemon games begrudgingly because it's the only thing they'll make that can sell.
Outsourcing to more competent and passionate is the no-brainer solution but GF is deadset adamant on never letting that happen.
Yes, TCPI have like 80% of shares in hold of Nintendo. But TCPI exists because Nintendo didn't wanted be the pokemon company, so they have ton of freedom compared to rest of Nintendo.
The main spark was the autistic transferfags wanting to transfer all their previous pokemon (800+) so they can have their living dex and act like their favorite pokemon loves them. It's fucking pathetic.
But despite the cuts (which every sane developer would have done eventually) they still continue to use the shitty 3DS pokemon models and animations. They still have fixed cameras and random encounters for the majority of the game. They're still using retarded npc animations (walk one direction, turn 90 degrees like you're on a fucking roomba, then continue walking). The textures and mapping is all garbage.
There's no hope in both gamefreak and this fanbase. Just burn it all down.
>most people can't even name their non-pokemon games.
Sparkman, I think they were responsible for the Yoshi puzzle game, Tumbo, that's all I remember
I'm not even a big fan of the series, was more curious how their first main console gane would be like since they no longer had the excuse of "portable console's limited hardware" and boy did they fuck up.
Calling this an upscaled 3ds game would be far too generous. There's apathy and then there's being completely devoid of fucks to give.
even /vp/ shit on this guy, lol
im a hardcore pokemon fan and have bought every single game up to ultra sun and moon. i will not buy sword/shield. i didnt buy lets go either.
gamefreak sucks
>and this fanbase
I just want more games from the spinoff series. Mainline has always been horrible
This is one of my biggest problems with new Pokemon games. I get that they're baaict kids games but why is everything so smooth and soft and gentle. Really wish Nippon style would go back to the classic 90s jrpg design philosophy. Reminds me of that Cloud meme comparing the Chad features to the new onions ones.
You see, that wouldn't be a problem if cuts were followed by a genuine improvement of the game and its graphics. Meanwhile what we're actually getting is the old engine of 3DS games with the same models, textures and animations, but with fewer Pokemon and for 60 dollars instead of 40.
Also, these games will still sell 15 million copies anyway.
Stuff like SMT rotate the "mon" cast due thematic and setting, also the game don't force you to get attached to something and just fuse the damn shit. I'm not going say digimon because games have budget of a dollar menu and digmon evos are massive clusterfuck.
Pokemon have no such excuse because most of groundwork is already there and the damn motto of franchise is catch em all.
Nah, it's gonna sell worse than gen 7. No way is it outselling smash
>Also, these games will still sell 15 million copies anyway.
They won't. Let's Go sold 10 mil after Japan got mad and refused to buy it. Now both Japan and the west are mad.
>chopping more than half the total roster of pokemon
>ruining long time players' multigenerational progress by gatekeeping shword with that select set of pokemon that get in
>the previously "future proofed" models taking "so much effort" that resulted in shallow games like X/Y/SuMo aren't used
>the wild area is a vast area of basically nothing, acting as a large hub connecting the hallways that have the game's substance
>inexcusable graphical quality from a company of this calibre
>catering towards casuals since the introduction of Go!/Let's Go PEe
yes the past games have slowly catered more and more towards casuals, but the jump from Sun/Moon to Go! and PEe is a much bigger jump
>lamest gimmick of them all
that should be enough but there's more
There hasn't been a single generation of Pokemon that launched with fewer than 15 million sales. Considering how Go revived the interest in Pokemon, how strong shills are and how little fuck your average Pokemon purchaser actually gives, there is little chance these games will sell visibly less than Sun/Moon.
I personally don't bother transfering and I don't act like that's a major part of these games so this doesn't affect me either way but I think most of these autistic fans could excuse it if they actually put effort into the models and animations. See webm related.
>Considering how Go revived the interest in Pokemon
SM undersold XY. Not by a lot mind you, but not even the push from Go could make it sell more. LG did even worse than that. Granted, the games still sell several times more than they have any right to so it'll still probably be top 10 or so, but i'm predicting 12mil or so
>the games will sell anyway
I'm curious about this. Are most of these sales from the casual player/parents who just dont know any better or care? Or do GF have their fans by the balls so hard that they'll buy it anyway despite all the bitching?
We can only hope that these games will flop(by pokemon standards) and send a message that they cant smugly half ass a product and expect success...who am I kidding?
>BR is one of few games where wailord can have the canon size so Genius sonority shows this right off the bat on top of demonstrating graphics and effects.
>Now they are just a bitch to GF.
Not surprising considering people probably got burnt out with ORAS.
>Or do GF have their fans by the balls so hard that they'll buy it anyway despite all the bitching?
There has never been a backlash this big for a Pokemon game so we don't know until it's all said and done.
wish there was a "Thread belongs to /vp/" option so you faggots would go back
A lot of pokemon players are generally addicts to the series. The sort that play no other RPG and probably defend everything because they cant imagine not playing the games. I don't know how big the games are with kids these days.
Personally it's sad the state the games are in, they've been on a decline for over half a decade now
80k dislikes and a good chunk of those will probably still buy the games. And that's out of 10million sales (minimum). This isn't gonna faze them.
Remakes always underperformed compared to main games and judging by the relations between DP/BW and XY/SM, the debut games on the newest platform are the strongest sellers. I think it's safe to assume we're looking at a game that will reach the typical numbers in the long run.
It's both.
I have little faith in this fanbase. Game Freak has been getting away with more and more with every game since gen 5 ended and apologists always found an excuse for whatever bullshit they pulled.
Pokemon have fleeting demographic, which why anime keep ash status quo and games do same garbage ass tutorial every time.
TPC was jointly by Nintendo, Gamefreak, and Creatures to make managing a brand owned by three separate entities easier.
Adding back in the National Dex would in turn also bring back the Pokemon to fill them up. The removal of the Dex in SM was also fucking bad.
This shit again?
>They keep removing good, old features
>Cut half the Pokemon out of the game
>"We can't put 1000+ Pokemon in a Switch game" when a 3DS game easily fit 800+ Pokemon
>Models straight up imported from a previous game
>"Less Pokemon = Better animations" Attacks like Double Kick, the robotic Character movement etc. look very lazy
>Graphics suck ass, trees look like theyre from Ocarina of Time (N64)
>Shitty new gimmick (Giant Pokemon), old gimmicks are removed entirely
>Kanto/Gen1 pandering
>"Balancing the game" when op Pokemon are still not banned in specific battle types
>If you transferred your Pokemon to Pokemon Home, you need to monthly pay for its service or your Pokemon get deleted. If they dont appear in Sword/Shield, you'll need to pay until Gen 9 comes out
>Flaws are easily overlooked, like Dynamax Steelix suddenly popping into the screen
>Gamefreak are focusing their workforce and attention on their new game "Town" instead
I know some people who hate the decision but will buy it just so they can stream it online for views, that or they're one of those competitive meta game autist who cannot get away from playing the VGC
And since this is the age of mobile gaming, many parents will forgo getting their kid the expensive console+game when they can just play games on their phone/tabs that they already own, so maybe that may factor into sales as well.
I assume this much, for every teen/adult who move on from this series, there's a dozen new kids starting the cycle in their place
>>Gamefreak are focusing their workforce and attention on their new game "Town" instead
This is ticking me off more than anything. I mean, one thing is Nintendo blackhole the entire monolith staff for zelda which is a bigger IP, while XB2 got a bit gimped due outsourced it turned out just fine on top of that Monolith had ton of experience with other games.
But GF is very known tho be incompetent and their games never had big attention or got praised that much with sole exception of pokemon. They are basically being stupid for a gamble that everyone know they going lose.
>put more resources into the game where the only notable thing about it is that the devs are prioritizing it over the only thing making them money
10/10 strategy cant imagine how this can fail
>Gamefreak are focusing their workforce and attention on their new game "Town" instead
The funny part is that Town still looks pretty underwhelming, especially when compared to something like Ni No Kuni.
>They keep removing good, old features
I keep reading this but what features were actually worth getting ported over? Only one I can think of is walking pokemon and soaring. I liked PSS but I'd rather have seamless multiplayer like Journey.
I guess a new battle frontier would be nice but that's an end game extra. They could come up with a totally new idea for an end game battle facility and I'd be down with that.
I keep hearing about the "GF's A-Team is focusing on town", is it truly case? Because if it is, that's some disgusting mismanagement right there.
And as someone who heard the hype about XBC2 and was extremely disappointed by its gimpiness, this pisses me off too. I was a huge monolith fan while I'm indifferent to the zelda series so it sucks that theyre stuck focusing on a botw sequel while their own IPs(and potentially new ones) are held back because of it.
>GF's A-Team is focusing on town
DPP ball effects, joint avenue, friend safari.
Also they removed some QoL stuff from 3ds games.
they said something along the lines of "we have a side team called Gear Project which has more people"
>And when shit goes south when all the fans get upset and call you out, just politely tell them to "fuck off because the game will sell well, no matter what"
genius, right?
Didn't SM pretty much have joint avenue?
Todd Howard goes to bed at night wishing he could pull off what Masuda does
>Gamefreak are focusing their workforce and attention on their new game "Town" instead
>he fell for the click bait article title
it was Join Avenue with all of the point to it killed
>proprietary currency
>none of the shops were useful aside from a shop that leveled up pokemon but it had a LEVEL CAP for leveling
>online hub that you have to wait in instead of connecting and doing whatever while waiting
>no friends list
Hopefully this is the best timeline and both the new pokemon and town will flop while the latter will only be remembered as the suicidal business move of a game that shot the world's biggest IP in the foot.
Reason #1: Not having every pokemon transferable in it, done simply out of laziness
Reason #2: Shit graphics
My one hope is that nintendo eventually just buys up pokemon in general and makes someone like HAL develop the games or something. Fucking any one of their devs would do a better job
I mean the slogan is "gotta catch em all"
>I'd prefer like 300 good ones anyway although I haven't played pokemon in a long time
The new games since Pokemon X and Y have added under 100 each generation, with most being sub-par or below.
Todd probably sees masuda like some kinda super hero lol.
>wanting HAL to have to put up with pokemon fans
don't be mean
Holy shit even the limited shit that was a handheld shits all over this trash we're getting
Man, i just want the games to be good again. I dont care if they take 3D Zelda amounts of time to make them, I just want some sort of quality.
>Walk with Pokemon
>Pokemon Fashion Show
>Underground Gems
>Hidden Bases
>Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall Seasons
>Version exclusive content, like Black City & White Forest (Pokemon Black & White)
>Trainer Finder
>Shaking Grass with rare/powerful Pokemon
>Horde Battles
>Boss Pokemon Battles
>Wild Pokemon encounters in a 2vs2
>Pokemon Dream World
>Asshole Rival
2D Pokemon games had a lot of post game content too:
>Battle Frontier
>Pokemon World Tournament
>Secret Champion Battles (Like Trainer Red)
>Unlocking more parts of the region with stronger Trainers & Pokemon (Like in Black/White)
>Exploring very hard dungeons just to find a Legendary
>Very hard puzzles with good rewards (Like the Regi Trio puzzles)
They are gamefreak now, most of GS got absorbed after PBR.
Agreed, always liked doing that. I guess that's why I put down SM a lot faster than XY.
No Ampharos and no Regis
I didnt get this from any clickbait
1. GF are shirt on staff
2. They are also working on "Town"
3. They themselves said that a large portion of the staff are working on Town instead of Pokemon
4. Town has better graphics, animations etc despire not having a proper name and a release date
I bet Todd has some sort a shrine in his closet dedicated to the man. Some secret button shit.
Imagined being absorbed by a talentless company, and then not even being able to put your talent to use because they're so deep in nepotism you're not allowed to handle anything important.
Any developer would literally kill to make a mainline pokemon. Anything they pump out will make GF's stuff look like an even bigger pike of shit in comparison.
Seriously, even pic related made by genius sonority made 13 years and 2 console generations ago blows everything seen so far from sword&shield right out of the water. Thats embarrassing and just shameful
It's a roll of the dice whether or not any given new game will even let you rebattle trainers in this fucking series. Sometimes they bring back features but make them WORSE. Festival Plaza was worse in terms of interactivity than Join Avenue, but also worse in terms of functionality than PSS, and in USUM they added Battle Agency to it which is the Battle Factory from the old games in premise but, again, worse. USUM also tried to make the obnoxious RotomDex more useful by giving it Roto powers, which were functionally the very useful O-Powers from the previous generation but INFINITELY worse.
What I don't understand is how it took this long for people to get mad. You could tell it was a low-effort low budget cash in turd right at the initial reveal and it took months for people to get mad.
If it sells poorly there is also the chance that they will just delude themselves with the narrative they have already been going with. That kids dont want to play normal pokemon games, they would rather have easy cell phone based pokemon games. GO seemed pretty harmless but in retro-spect it truly showed GF how little effort needs to be applied to cash bank from their brand name. Honestly user I dont believe there is a victory for anyone hoping GF will go back to putting effort into their games. At least not the kind of effort that a company with their name and product value they hold. Young kids and fans that only play the games for maybe a month or so don't really see the decay of Pokemon. Whether these games do well or not, GF has no incentive to try harder if they get fans sucking their dicks no matter what they do.
and the sad thing is that Town is going to turn into some boring bullshit like Fantasy Life
Frontloaded sales are impossible to stop, but soon as reviews are out it going have quite negative impact on long term sales, which are important for Nintendo because pokemon do move consoles.
This time GF can't really get away with third version adding everything back because people do have big expectations for pokemon games. Specially after BoTW and Xenoblade 2 having massive world.
The excuses are what gets me, especially the ones about "time constraints" and "we want the new pokemon to get some show time", like what the fuck do they mean? Last year they released a super normie genwunner pandering reskin to tie into the normie genwunner pandering phone game as a shitty cashgrab. Also, idk about anyone else but I've definitely used the new pokemon that came with each new generation on my team. Hopefully if we ever get Gen 4 remakes they don't shit the bed as hard as they did with this, was kinda excited until I saw the limited pokedex thing and dynamax.
Because low-effort low budget cash in turd is typical for Gamefreak. There were people making fun of how graphically poor the games looked, but cutting more than half of the pokedex is a new and unexpected low for them, and it's caused people to boil over with frustration at this shit fucking studio and stop accepting all the other ways they've been trash over the years.
Nintendo has a real fucking problem with this too.
>we will never get a real paper mario game again
Gamefreak don't want move away from their comfort zone of handheld games. Sure a lot of smaller companies also don't but they still manage to get their shit straight and utilize the tools available like UE4.
Only reason that Nintendo can't just slap them is because they have a share on IP.
Paper Mario is made by Intelligent Systems, which is pretty inconsistent as far as quality goes. If anything, AlphaDream should have a go at making a new Paper Mario, their Mario & Luigi games are pretty good.
I just wish that gamefreak would stop the "X would like to send out Y. Would you like to change your pokemon"? Because that's fucking stupid. Why would you automatically give the player an advantage? Fucking babby game fuck off I've been playing since GEN 1 stop this babysitting fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. All 1-10 year old japanese kids should just die for pokemon to not be pandering to literal babies aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
It has been going on a slow decline since the 3DS generation began and has been upsetting people little by little. SwSh became the point of no return for a lot of old fans.
>XY had the excuse of being the first 3DS game, with Megas being a huge hit or a miss for everyone
>ORAS even as a bad remake of RS (instead of Emerald) still has a good bunch of features, but pisses fans off with the removal of Battle Frontier
>SM brought actual boss battles into the series with Totem Pokemon, but unskippable cutscenes made the game almost impossible to replay. Still enjoyable in its own right
>USUM made SM look like an early access game, Ultra changes are shit and barely noticeable, almost no reason to buy it if you had already played SM, also comes one year after the first versions while still having locked areas
>LGPE is the worst remake ever, PoGO shit shoved into the game, boring remixed music, worse animations than in 3DS, unexistant postgame other than fighting Master Trainers which is one of the stupidest ideas ever. GF gives the excuse to wait for 2019's game
>SwSh is announced, E3 happens and Masuda throws a fucking napalm into the fanbase. People are now fucking pissed off, fanbase gets completely shattered into pieces and Masuda is physically incapable of being the embodiment of horrible PR
When I hear of a new paper mario game sometimes i get all excited, but then i remember after a bit of browsing what they did and I get angry
>and Masuda is physically incapable of NOT* being the embodiment of horrible PR
You just KNOW gamefreak is retarded enough to screw even the Pokémon that make it in
Just change to Set, user. I agree it shouldn't be the default at least.
It's hilarious that this generation, everyone else is bringing their A-game to the table and GF pulls the genius 4 dimensional chess move of splitting their already small team up(while not hiring more) and making the majority of them(and talent) focus on their indie passion project level game instead of the biggest IP in the world.
The people who had expectations for tge new mainline pokemon game are already disappointed.
You can disable it on options mate.
Gamefreak said they did had zero faith on Switch doing well, I'm pretty sure those lazy cunts were salivating for news of a new Nintendo handheld. Which isn't going happen since they merged both of handheld and console division.
>Shield looks too much like a model
Too boring. Bubsy ironically looks interesting.
I don't say that very often.
Set really should be the default option. If people want to make pokemon even easier, the psychological effect this would have on people is that same as selecting easy mode.
>Pokemon will sell like hotcakes because it's Nintendo's CoD
Its crushing to think we will never get another Thousand Year Door like game. But even if they did attempt it, its hard to know if it would come close to anything it use to be. Mario's image has become so locked up that everything tends to be redesigned to be as close to the official character designs and style as possible. Mario bros 3, Super Mario World and even games like Super Star Saga all had a look completely unique to their games, but after seeing the way the New Super mario bros games and Super Star Saga remake, im pretty confident there would not be as much creativity as their use to be if Paper Mario returned to its RPG roots.
Even CoD fell out of favor.
This is the best summary of it.
ORAS gets me mad because really they barely created any new content. Outside of character skins and a few new megas, they already had a map layout from the orginals, they reused X and Y models and the online system. We didnt even get a Battle Frontier like they did in SSHG, it was literally copy and paste from X and Y as well. XY definitely had problems no one doubts that, but it was an okay first step into 3D and all they had to do was keep building on that and ask themselves how they could improve it, but ORAS pretty much showed they were content to just rake in money with minimal effort. SM had great ideas but pretty much all were mishandled and as you mentioned, unskippable cut-scenes meant there is no way someone who dislikes the story is going back to play it again. LGPE wouldnt of been so bad if it was just a little game for pokemon lets go fans but its become apparent that if it was up to GF we would have nothing but GO related games and no mainline pokemon series games.
COD is doing downhill for quite a while. Pokemon have ups and downs but somewhat remains consistent in terms of sales.
even when CoD sells "basly" it still sells gangbusters. Even when people were outraged about Infinite Warfare the normies still bought it in droves.
I can't even remember the Pokemon I used in Oras, the entire experience was painfully forgettable for sure. I liked Sun/Moon and XY though I don't get why everyone is acting like Pokemon has been in some steady decline and I doubt they are culling Pokemon "just cuz lol".
>when your games are devoid of any real content but its okay because you dump all of the old legendaries into a magic gloryhole and talk about how hard it is to throw ultra balls and spam spore for 60 separate legendaries
>He thinks that legendaries are available ingame.
Ton of new ones are just available via events or transfer, the ones that actually are available to catch are fucking shiny locked for zero reason.
Have you not heard what oras/usm did?
>criticism over this game is just muh grafx and wah every single pokemon isn't in
I wasn't a big fan of SM but that was mostly just because how much I disliked Lillie and it didnt feel like an adventure when I was dragged from little flag to flag on the RotomDex. I'de say there is some worth to the argument of decline in the series, but I think its because of how mediocre a lot of the 3DS games felt. 5th gen left on a pretty good note, with the story of the 2nd games being heavily changed, more then any sequel games. Most people who hate 5th gen tend to say they at least like the 2nd games and it was a strong foot to come off of before 3D. So far 3D hasn't really dont anything to justify being 3D. Most models look okay, but they are all lacking bright vibrant colors like the sprites, which isint helped by the fact that most pokemon barley move at all, which leads to the question of "why switch away from static sprites, if your just going to make the models just as static" I still remember playing pokemon battle revolution on the Wii U and looking at the 3rd and 4th gen models and animations, imagining how cool it was going to be when we had a full fledged 3D game with these energetic 3D fights, and as its stands, I dont think we will ever see it.
ORAS handled them to you like candy, but honestly mega fug ruined everything. And Ultra beasts aren't leg pokemans.
The new mechanic comes off as lazy, the wild areas look about as barren as OoT Hyrule Field, and generally everything just looks poorly made. But no, let's just strawman everyone into being whiners because they dont like what's been shown.
>im content with games with less content then previous installments that were on inferior hardware
>not only that but I dont feel that a company with such a massive brand to their name should have to try and push themselves to make the best quality product they can because it makes other people mad
I know this is bait, but its upsetting because so many people think like this
XY was ok but very frontloaded. I remember when the game was leaked, the user who was posting his progress on /vp/ claimed that it took him a huge amount of time just to get to the second gym, but after that the rest of the game just went by in a matter of hours which disappointed a lot of people. I actually liked SM's campaign, the difficulty was a big step up from past games because of Totem Battles, while USUM actually balanced the game around the Exp Share so it would actually leave you in similar levels to opponents and wild Pokemon after reaching Ula'Ula, but after beating the games, the postgame is very devoid with only legendary hunting being the only worthwhile thing to do, and with USUM it even felt offensive because they could have created a whole new world with the Ultra Dimension, but we only got some pretty empty hallways. Good luck wanting to replay them because I hope you enjoy those unskippable cutscenes every five minutes.
>though I don't get why everyone is acting like Pokemon has been in some steady decline and I doubt they are culling Pokemon "just cuz lol"
Because it has. B2W2 is widely considered as the peak of Pokemon with the massive amount of content it got. Even since they moved to 3DS, the games have felt incomplete, barebones and overall too handholdy (they give you a fucking Lati for free in ORAS after Flannery, c'mon). Now with SwSh they're removing so many mechanics brought from past games, lying about cutting Pokemon in exchange of balance and better animations when they're the same ones from LGPE which were already worse than those in USUM and Masuda then just comes and gives a non-apology which only throws more fuel to the fire.
it will sell 10mil+
stay salty
There is so much more shit you can complain about so I'm not sure why it's just the dex that are getting people so bent out of shape
I know it will. That was never in question
>Yea Forums bites bait this obvious
is this seagull alright?
who cares, seagulls have it coming
BW games got bashed because they were soft reboots, I mean, region had 151 new pokemons for main game, while you still could transfer the old ones on post games they were a bit barebones in content, also region is pretty much a straight line.
BW2 fix ton of shit, isn't flawless but step on right direction, but GF prefer listen to retards on top of their usual incompetence. Cue XY.
holy shit what is this
What are the odds that the big public backlash will have any effect at all? Nintendo can't just quietly sweep a mainline pokemon title under the rug like they did with federation force.
the only who getting fired is the woman who designed incineroar.
What should have been.
0%. Let's Go still sold 10 million and that scrapped out a lot more.
I would be fine with shit graphics if it had all the pokemon, attack skills, like 12 gym leaders, pokemon league, contests, and some end game content.
It's Pokemon Battle Revolution, a side game where you can transfer pokemon from Gen 4 games and having them battle in high quality. It's from 2006.