Why does Gordon get into that cage? What did he expect to happen?
Only reason the player choses to do so is because of the level design, it's the only way to progress for they player. Lorewise, it's not the only way Gordon could choose.
Why does Gordon get into that cage? What did he expect to happen?
>Why does Gordon get into that cage?
Because HL2 is a piece of shit tech temo masquerading as a "game" and the main feature it tries to sell you is shitty prolongued rail sequences where all you can do is look around and Valve will force them down your throat any chance they can get.
>Lorewise, it's not the only way Gordon could choose.
Elaborate. Gordon seems pretty stuck in this situation. Either ride the comfy coffin or jump to his death.
that sequence only lasts like a minute, maybe less
Maybe he could just hang on the fucking bars of the cage without literally locking himself in it?
turn around and go some other way, it's not like the citadel is only a corridor
all things argued, he's a PhD graduate. You'd think he'd find a way around with his ridiculously superpowered gravity gun. But i digress, it's just a plot vehicle to put you down conveniently infront of Breen and have him monologue at him, much as i like the character. Another failing of HL2 whereas 1 would more or less let you move at sanic speeds at pretty much all times.
He doesn't get the super gravity gun until riding the thing.
Gordon has poor grip strength and flexibility, hence why he doesn't climb anything in the whole game. Plus you can see those cages go pretty fast. Very dangerous.
Go find some PhD graduates and get them to play the level in question (without cheating) and see what they figure out.
That's 55 seconds longer than it should be, and the "game" is absolutely fucking flooded with sequences like this.
>Gordon has
Gordon has a technologically advanced suit that can heal near fatal injuries including broken bones while still allowing him to walk and run while they're being healed. I'm sure it can keep his grip on something for a few minutes.
>Go find some PhD graduates and get them to play the level in question
Yes, I'm sure having a PhD will allow them to bypass the inherently linear level design.
That's just as retarded as jumping in the thing. You have no way of knowing how far the cage is going to take you and thus whether your grip could hold through the entire journey. Also, it could just as easily lead to a laser that vaporizes you (as one of them actually does) in which case you'd still be 100% fucked.
Name another one.
If you add up all of HL1's "cutscenes" and all of HL2's "cutsenes" they measure out about the same with HL2 being only slightly longer but that makes sense since HL2 has more gameplay time as well. Not to mention none of HL2's cutscenes are remotely as long as the godawful tram.
>inb4 but I can just skip the tram
Then you can skip HL2's cutscene too.
you're thinking of the other cage ride
It took me 30 minutes to understand I needed to get in that coffin when I played the game. I was jumping and trying to bhop my way out of it like a mong.
>Gordon has a technologically advanced suit that can heal near fatal injuries including broken bones while still allowing him to walk and run while they're being healed. I'm sure it can keep his grip on something for a few minutes.
Well he can't. He slips off of platforms and never uses his hands to pull himself up. Either Gordon is a petulant child who hates pull ups, or his body+suit are incapable of doing it.
>Yes, I'm sure having a PhD will allow them to bypass the inherently linear level design.
Ding ding ding ding you fucking solved it, holy shit, Gordon is trapped. He has to ride the thing because he is trapped.
Are you a Valve playtester by any chance?
Shut up and get in the cage wagey
How was I supposed to know I had to press the "use" key on that shit
painfully unfunny, OP made that joke in the filename
maybe he has a bad-end fetish
>the godawful tram.
do you hate pacing and world building?
What the fuck is with the influx of newfags that have NO FUCKING IDEA what tech demos actually are?
can we agree that the hl games are halo/cod tier and linear games are fucking cancer?
no, half life 1 was good
it's all the other games that were cod/halo cancer
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks like this. Half Life 2 has aged like fucking milk, the only thing it ever did well was the physics, but every game out there nowadays has the same or better physics than it does, so now it has nothing.
Half Life 1 on the other hand is actually still pretty good.
fuck off linear garbage like doom, quake, half life, duke sucks.
only deus ex level design style should be allowed.
Because both Half-Life games suffer from a rushed ending
definitely not shilling some rando's channel
imagine being this fucking new holy shit
HL2's walky intro is far far far better paced and is more concise about its exposition.
first post worst post
the Virgin Nitpicker vs. the Chad Game Developer
Regardless of his point this guy sounds like a fucking faggot
actually try replaying HL2 within half a year of already finishing. It's pure fucking tedium with some of the worst pacing ever seen in a video game.
Don’t forget lengthy sequences where you’re trapped in a box where NPCs talk at you while Gordon, the character wordlessly stands there and it’s played completely straight.
Wait for Freeman's Mind to explain it.
Just pick any video and I guarantee his insights cut deeper than the kid who jumps from topic to topic like he's on a sugar rush.
>played completely straight
>a man of few words, huh?
The game didn't beat you over the head with it, that doesn't mean it was played straight.
im talking about HL1 tho
Training wagies to get in cagies
Here's your epic humor
>Wow, they can't seriously expect me to be dumb enough to crawl in this thing. I'll just find my own way dow- oh my God. Uh, yeeah, I'm pretty sure subjecting myself to their bondage fantasies is better than turning into tomato puree 20,000 league down from here.
Very observational! Such lampshading.
reminder that the Examined Life of Gaming prefers marathon over doom and goldeneye over quake.
Have you ever played Quake and Duke?
garbage compared to deus ex and LGS games.
only two genders
I don't think Half Life 2 has earned its influential game status.
>one throwaway like negates the dozens of sequences where another character talks at Gordon for him to sit there silently
Games dogshit bud
Name (1) one game that isn't a tech demo.
I know Ross personally, I can ask him about this next month
Linear games can be good just like non-linear games can be shitty open world ubicrap.
No shit
Quake II is surprisingly non-linear though, especially with the secret levels.
Why can't Gordon rocket jump with the gravity gun?
Every game is a tech demo then, you fucking brainlet.
>Game have nothing new
>Aaah aaah boring! They're just reselling the same game bla bla
>Game have a new, unique thing
>Aah aaah this plays like a tech demo! This new thing is nothing but a gimmick bla bla
Pic related, it's you
only boomers are allowed to discuss hl.
>Pic related, it's you
Nice argument, fag.
>Wojak poster is a fucking idiot
No surprises here.
why would you go to a forum like this? even if you're a drone you can just use the steam forums
First post died for this.
It's a fucking tragedy it wasn't you instead.
t.fake hl fan