ITT: Games Yea Forums lied about being good

>ITT: Games Yea Forums lied about being good

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really fucking boring and tedious to play, first game was a lot more fun. i don't get why everyone says this is am amazing sequel and game.

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Literally every PC game made before 2005 except Jade Empire & KOTOR

We warned you retard.

>loves eating Bioware shit


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>jade empire
>any good
Absolutely disgusting taste.

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Yea Forums thinks this game is trash
you've been swindled by redditors and CDPR shills

>daily witcher 3 threads full of people praising the game


underage b&

It wasn't even that popular. If anything it was quite niche compared to Baldur's Gate or Dragon Age.

>fingerless gloves
But why?

That's what you get for trusting retarded zoomers playing their first RPG ever.

Zoom zoom zoom

Yea Forums core

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>>daily witcher 3 threads full of people praising the game
Man, with exception to this thread, we must be seeing completely different Yea Forums's or something.

It's a shitty Japanese ripoff of The Elder Scrolls, which wasn't even good in the first place

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SaGa Frontier: I started as Lute and haven't gone back though
Arc Rise Fantasia: I've only touched the very beginning but the voice acting/plot seems kind of dumb so far.
Dragon Age Origins: Combat's pretty bare so far for warriors

is this where we post popular games to try to fit in


>"It's a fucking masterpiece and the best game of the decade"
>Turns out to be a game with a few amazing ideas but massive flaws
Literally the only way to find out wether game is good or not nowadays is pirating it and testing it out. If only journalists weren't such worthless faggots who only play a game for 3 hours.

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> Amazing ideas
Like what, making a Ubisoft ripoff with a Zelda skin?

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>If only journalists weren't such worthless faggots who only play a game for 3 hours.
and on top of that most of them are paid shills, so even if they played the game for more than 3 hours they'd just blindly praise it anyways.

witcher 3 is the best stfu

People were just happy it wasn't another OOT/WW/TP/SS
Just like how Resident Evil fans were happy 7 wasn't another 4/5/6, despite the lack of variety of enemies.

to hide his vitiligo

>there are people who played Witcher 3 on the normal difficulty

Popular not always means good. There is fuckton people playing fifa and madden. There is fuckton of people playing fortnight. Those are not good games. Most people are clueless about videogmaes. Witcher brings game of thrones fags straight from Yea Forums and bookfags croud. We get that it has decent story and decent quests, but saying that it is pinnacle of gaming is insane.

Every Baldur's Gate is bad and 3 will be no different.

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Played some The Witcher 3 and gave up again after running into another instance of stretching out content. "Before proceeding in Family Matters Geralt must find the Baron's wife Anna, which can only be done by completing the quests Hunting a Witch, Wandering in the Dark and Ladies of the Wood."

Finding the Bloody Baron's daughter has already been like five different quests.

I just want to meet Ciri already and move the story on, dammit.

Then I was going to meet Triss but when I got to her home I find out I have to follow a bunch of thieves and talk to some beggars and there will probably be ten more quests after that before I can talk to her.

Why does The Witcher 3 draw things out so much and have annoying quests like finding someone's lost goat and why do gamers not mind it?

Why did Yea Forums lie?

They were fun when they came out because there was nothing to play. Since then there are many new RPGs that are way better.

worse than your western chest high wall shooter.

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>Yea Forums lied
It's not Yea Forums fault that you have shit taste.