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Any games worth a damn?

Still won't hit a stable 60 fps. Build a PC. Have sex.

If the PS5 has half the features they're hyping it up to have, it'll be $599 absolute minimum, probably more. Keep in mind inflation has gone up since the PS3 days. The $599 PS3 cost around $750 in 2019 dollars. The $399 Xbox 360 cost around $525 dollars. A hypothetical $599 PS5 would be much closer to the launch price of the 360 than that of the PS3. Have fun paying $600-800 to play at 30fps console babies

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considering how much money they're making from PSN, they probably don't care to lose money on the hardware end

How about backwards compatibility? No bc no buy

Yeah, yeah, we do this every gen (and now mid gen too). Power doesn't mean shit, only games do.

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Memes aside, I'd imagine using easily accessible and non proprietary hardware makes things cheaper. And I'd also guess if they must they'll sell at a loss.

Definitely seeing a 500 price point though.

Gotta sell PS4 4K@24fps remasters at full price, can't have BC.

If there's BC, it definitely won't include PS1-3 anyhow.

i wouldn't write off MS. historically every console they've ever made with the exception of the og xbox one has had huge hardware advantages over its competitors and have come in at different prices. the xbox og was the same price as ps2, the 360 was massively cheaper than the ps3 and the xbox one x was more expensive than the ps4 pro. i think they'll have the more powerful console, or rather better performing console where it matters. it's just something MS does. the xbox one was a small blip.

Already confirmed backward compatible with PS4.

We come for games not to jerk off about specs then go back to our phones

WOW an AMD console is going to compete hard against an AMD console!

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All that horsepower for games that absolutely won't use it


>In an interview withCNET, Ryan spoke about a number of new features Sony has planned for the PS5, which include the use of a custom-designed solid-state drive (SSD) as the default storage option, native 4K 120Hz gameplay with the possibility of playing games in8K, plus backwards-compatibility with games released on thePS4.

Bloodborne remastered

$600 ain’t shit to Chad Warden, Chad Warden wipes his ass with $600. $600 ain’t shit. Shit…I’ll give you $600 just to shut the hell up, nigga.


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>buying consoles for graphics
>when they're 1 to 2 years behind hardware compared to the PC

It's got that special sauce

we won

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Will they sell it at a loss though? Otherwise this is at least 500 dollars.

>Xbox Two

>tfw due to running in 4K (even if you have a 1080p screen, there's no settings and it downscales), it'll still be 15fps

I hate the present but at least I have a backlog to go through

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They both source hardware from literally the exact same manufacturers. Console hardware is battled over like it used to be.

Modern consoles are a scam. There's enough old shit and indies to last you a lifetime even with a cruddy PC.

>[news headline] and [forced opinion]
What the fuck happened? It's like this shit became the standard for all online new article headlines overnight. I feel fucking nauseous every time I see it. It's like the entirety of the internet's content has become trash procedurally by a fucking neural network.

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for the core GPU and CPU components, yeah, but there are a lot of custom modifications they can do to squeeze out better performance. for example the xbox one x CPU is so heavily customised some operations which would take like 10,000 CPU cycles only take like 3 and it greatly helps developers. the ps4 pro also had some hardware modifications for checkerboard rendering. the big difference i think we'll see next gen is where they'll source their SSD from and what performance it'll have. also seeing as both companies are supporting RT (and MS specifically supporting HW based RT) but the AMD GPU they're both using doesn't support it, that means they'll both be using custom solutions. MS will have their own in-house hardware solution and sony will probably have their own in house software solution. there are a lot of differences which can exist between the next gen consoles despite using the same fundamental hardware.

>another king of the hill console circle jerk built on pc scraps

Google has jew'd the entire world and there's no escape. We're rocketing our way towards a dystopia timeline.

As if Xbox is still relevant outside the USA.

>1 to 2 years
try 5 to 10

>bu bu but who cares about graphics and performance
>w-w-we don't want 3rd party games a-anyway

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Hopefully global warming, melting ice sheets and the retarded amounts of methane under them, and eventual nuclear war will wipe out humanity before the dystopian nightmare that we're already in finalises.

You are the one saving onions on your computer. Just saying. Do you also have naked man on your computer, so you can act like a chad?

what an absolute shitwaste of money

>Caring about consoles

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So now people complaining about Sony's censorship ARE the s o yboys? What a strange world we live in.

Great news, I've been telling people for years now that the Playstation 4 simply isn't powerful enough. Glad they're improving it, hopefully PS5 will be able to put up more of a fight against me.

>Fortnite in 8k/120fps
Can't wait

Mexicans are one of their biggest markets too

But no games.

What the fuck is this image trying to convey?

Stop making this thread without evidence.


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>PS3 will be 4D with 120fps

Cope young one

>a """"benchmark"""" from something that doesn't even have real specks
>months before a prototype is revelaed
>months before said proto is downgraded before mass production

Have sex

UK is the biggest gaming market in europe and xbox has always sold well there. its selling on par with the ps4 right now there despite the ps4 selling 2:1 everywhere else.

God of War 5


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glad i'm not this pathetic

>spending 600+ dollarydoos on a censorship/propaganda box

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We don't even have the specs of the next Xbox, what a fucking retarded title.

Fucking based

Nand shortage this week. Won't see cheap ssd's for years now


The difference is that MS actually has the war-chest and RnD to come up with hardware-accelerated raytracing compared to Sony. People underestimate what a feat of engineering the X1X was, especially the extra performance they got out of the shitty Jaguar CPU that was outdated mobile hardware *by the time it launched* in the base PS4 and X1.

They've also committed to a 4x increase in performance over X1, whereas the leaked benchmarks in OP suggest a 4x increase over base PS4.

it's just saying that the bar is high

if the specs were known, then they'd say whether it's better or not

competition is good. Let Nintendo win and we all will be be complacent with sub 540p/online standards fit for cavemen in 2024.

*ssd. Though for anyone asking the main plant that makes the chips had a power failure so the entire batch is garbage. Going to see Thai flood levels of prices

>Almost 50 replies of people chomping out
>Not one person has posted the FUCKING SPECS

Fuck off with your fake news

Moles are holy?

hello dil