Was there a bigger fall from grace than assassins creed with origins and odyssey
>inb4 it was never good
Was there a bigger fall from grace than assassins creed with origins and odyssey
It was honestly never good. A series of open world trash games.
Assassin's Creed went from the best in it's franchise, Black Flag and Rogue, to easily the worst game in the franchise, Unity. Not even AssCreed 3 is as bad as Unity. Syndicate is a polished turd, easily better than Unity, but still shit. As much as I don't like where the series is going origins and odyssey are much better than Unity and Syndicate.
Still no AssCreed set in Japan because Ubisoft fucking hate their fans.
The only thing wrong with Unity were the launch issues and the story. Gameplay wise, it's the peak of the series and the open world was great too.
>But what about Black Flag.
Black Flag was great and had great ship gameplay, but the ground gameplay was mediocre at best and blown out of the water by Unity.
The only reason Unity gets the hate it does is because of the launch optimisation.
We need another Unity style game, but with smaller highly detailed true sandbox levels. Set it in another country with a lot of major cities, and represent each city with a few content-packed hyper-detailed city blocks with reactive and realistic NPCs
Origins was good, good change of pace after the Syndicate trash.
>Gameplay wise, it's the peak of the series
Holy fucking shit I disagree so strongly. The combat is easier than it's ever been but you need increasingly stronger loot to kill the same dumb ass enemies and the amount of money you need to progress is fucking stupid. I wish AssCreed had gotten rid of that stupid paired animation combat system they used in so many of their games - unless the game says you're in 'combat mode' then you can't use defensive options whatsoever and enemies can get at least one free hit on you. That shit made Unity so insufferable.
But my primary complaint is that it's so slow. It's sloooow. Everything is coated in molasses. Every building is now taller than ever but your climbing speed is back to AssCreed 1 slowness where every game past that has increased your climbing speed incrementally because holding up on a stick while you wait to get to the top of a tower is boring as fuck. If there was one thing Syndicate did right it was say, "Fuck realism. Here's a grappling hook."
And it is STILL buggy as shit. I played it six months ago and you still constantly get caught on scenery and have to restart to the last checkpoint, the game STILL crashes, you STILL fall through the fucking world randomly, enemies STILL randomly detect you in the stealth segments even if you're not in their line of sight, not moving, and a room away.
>unity has the best combat in the series
>rushed launch in order to be a current-gen launch title is a disaster
>series' reputation tarnished
>nu-creed does well
>will never go back
Lmao if you think the previous games had better combat, it was literally just 'press counter to win'.
The parkour of Unity was vastly superior to the previous games as well, you actually has some control of where you were going (Although still somewhat limited)
But I think you're forgetting an extremely important aspect of Unity that blew the previous games out of the water. Stealth. Not even so much the mechanics of the stealth itself (although it was vastly superior as well) but the fact that it felt like the levels and areas was actually built around it. Making a plan to approach a target and then executing it felt actually rewarding.
Ass Creed was never good. Can't inb4 your own shitty posts you fucking faggot.
>finally get stealth
>all that fashion
>all those weapon types
>looks good as fuck
>now we have a shitty witcher clone with monsters and magic
I just want the old multiplayer mode back
with cute waifus with cute feet like pic related
assassins creed 3
>Can't inb4 your own shitty posts you fucking faggot.
Yes you can?
That's literally the purpose of inb4. Were you thinking of /thread?
inb4 is supposed to be used as the OP's second post to add challenge to his attempts to stymie any negative replies, very quickly after its inception the original purpose was subverted by those too lazy or too stupid to understand that making the inb4 your following post as opposed to within' the same post gives it validity.
>but that's too hard or other similar arguments
>inb4 is supposed to be used as the OP's second post to add challenge to his attempts to stymie any negative replies
Lmao why? What significance does it have that it's the second post? Why would that strengthen it's purpose of challenging contrarian replies?
It was 'counter to win' in the previous games as well as 'kill one enemy and then each of your uninterrupted combo attacks is an instant kill'. AssCreed combat has always been terrible. But at least the combat was over with QUICKLY. Unity is worse than the rest - it's mind numbing tedium. Ninja Gaiden it ain't.
>parkour of Unity was vastly superior to the previous games as well, you actually has some control of where you were going
You have full control of where you're going from 3 on. You can even hold down buttons to modify whether you should parkour up and over or down and under when you pass objects. As a plus the velocity hit is marginal in those games while in Unity you might as well have come to full stop when you reach an object.
>Making a plan to approach a target and then executing it felt actually rewarding.
We're never going to see eye to eye. It was nice hearing your opinions anyway, man. Take care.
>contrarian replies
Obvious replies, you stupid fuck. You inb4 in case someone hasn't beat you to the punch of posting what's already on literally everyone's mind within the 30 seconds it takes you to cool down.
That doesn't contradict my argument. Why does it matter that it's in a reply rather than the post itself?
Because the purpose of inb4 is to prevent retreading an argument/discussion that has probably been had a multitude of times, but by that same token it still might be worth having said argument on the off chance that there are newfags lurking who might think that FO4 is a good game.
Again, why is it important it's a reply? I understand the purpose of inb4, what you've failed to explain is why that purpose is enhanced by being a reply rather than in the post itself.
Answer me this then, what's the problem with inb4'ing in the post itself? Why is the core message diminished by doing that?