Now that the dust has settled, was he right?

Now that the dust has settled, was he right?
Can people really be hurt via a video game?

Attached: tyler.png (605x264, 40K)

Do you really care or just looking to watch another back and forth set of arguments that all lead in cope or seeth?

Whether one believes cyberbullying is real or not, I think we can all agree that griefing in video games isn't nearly as big an issue as it's treated. Like in the situation of pic related.

Attached: file.png (706x626, 425K)

yea wtf just look at this board whenever anything new comes out


overwatch is a competetive game, if you mute someone you're denying yourself valuable information since players are expected to communicate via voice chat

If a person is harassing you, they're pot providing you with valuable information.

This is the only tweet ever made that has aged like fine wine.

what if they're doing both, saying when they need healing in-between insults?

those aren't mutually exclisive

There's a dedicated function to have your character yell that they need healing.

>you fucking retards I need healing
>they're coming from the left you failed abortions
>to your right, maybe if you weren't braindead you'd notice earlier

You might have to just stop being a pussy then

okay, what about announcing enemy positions in-between insults?


I play games to relax, if I wanted to have insults yelled at me I'd talk to my family instead.

Then don't play online games.

>paying 60 american dollars to be called a failed abortion by some 12 year old
nah, I'd rather just report them

Isn't this nigger a fag?

If you're such a baby that you cut yourself over some nobody kid on the internet calling you a retard then stick to single-player games.

Either way you shouldn't be playing Overwatch because it's trash.

>Can people really be hurt via a video game?
I once dropped my friend's Steel Battalion game pad on my big toe, it hurt quite a lot.

It's not an enjoyable experience for me, simple as.