Other urls found in this thread:
He finally did it, THE ABSOLUTE MADMAN!!!1
Reminder that it's all Keemstar's fault.
Based Keemstar, the slayer of niggers.
lol nigga in hell
man, i would also kill myself if i were THAT cringe
thread theme
he really is
Why cant black people swim?
What did he see after death anons?
Imagine what that moment must be like, just before you die, when you know it's coming, holy fuck it must be weird. You have no idea what's on the other side, you have no idea what non-existence is like and in just a moment that's where you'll be
You cant see anything when you're dead
better version He jumped off of a New York bridge. Those are all tall as fuck.
Denser physiology. Don't believe me? Look it up. Their whole body mass is measurably denser on average, organs, bones, everything.
He just warped to the water level.
They arent that high. 3rd world children jump off cliffs higher than that for fun
Why don't you jump off that bridge then?
I remember in High School some guy who tried to commit suicide by jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge came to talk. The fall broke most of the bones in his body, you don't mess with water at a high distance
Im not a nigger
Reminder that he killed himself because he named the jew and they banned him from all social media and started attacking his friends and family.
Censoring goons killed Etika.
You don't know that
For all you know this is all just a simulation
I don't know, I don't live there. It was one of the taller ones then. I assume he wasn't stupid enough to jump from a height where the drowning would kill him instead of the impact.
why didn't reactionigger stream his suicide
Suicide is hilarious
less then a week and everybody's already moved on
He predicted this in his own final video, he truly was some kind of prophet.
That's actually probably what happened.
The coroner said he died from drowning.
He most likely broke a lot of his bones from the impact and was unable to swim to safety due to the pain.
It’s funny because it’s actually true. The tipping point really was publicly naming Jews.
Then he gets harassed by law enforcement and who knows what else. They probably tried to gaslight him into committing a shooting or something.
I thought it was because of Banjo being announced he was in that drove him to suicide.
In the Banjo video, he said
>Tonight we dine in hell
Imagine becoming this unhinged.
Why did he do it bros, he isn't even going to heaven either because he became an hero
Of course. He was a pariah. He was trolling and getting everybody angry he ever interacted with. But of course the sociopath YouTubers and streamers did their full of shit crocodile tear videos for clicks, so it kinda looks like that he was part of the community. It couldn't be further from the truth. He was very antisocial and he and his fanbase were very toxic. (Not that I don't like that.)
It has been days. Seriously, find something else, goddamn.
Id kill myself if i was black too
When's he gonna make new videos?
Don't think he's uploaded since the Banjo reveal.
It's not unhinged. Complain about Jews on twitter on YouTube and twitter and watch how quickly they come after you with the doxing attempts.
It's easily testable. Don't be insincere. Try to prove us wrong. I dare you.
Imagine living life with this dumb ass haircut. No wonder he killed himself
He's not an hero if the truth about him is revealed
>His smash reactions were forced and fake just to become a meme and take donations
>He never finished the games his fans wanted him to do and did not wanted to finish them either
>Said he wanted to cause revolutions with weapons in his house and then he was taken away also for mental reasons
>Stated that he wanted everyone dead when asking why he voted Trump
>Punched a cop for not a direct reason
>Was planning to kill himself and made fail attempt just to return later and receive money, except this time he really did it
>Stole bikes and was not good with his parents
install gentoo
which video game is this thread about?
>be a racist/anti-semite in public and people will reject you
Braniac 5 over here.
Nope, it was LTG.
Think about it. His whole livelihood was streaming. That's how he made his money.
He upset a few kikes and suddenly he loses that meal ticket. Guess he'll just have to get a job, right? WRONG the dude has been doing nothing but streaming and playing video games for years. He's a well known eceleb, employers would never touch him especially that now he's blacklisted as an anti-semite. Plus he's a dumb black neet so he's triple fucked.
This was an assassination.
>that clip of the 50 subhuman animals shrieking and cheering him punching a cop
banjo bear called him a mentally ill nigger, then he did it.
>leaving empty bottles of booze
That or some drunk homeless man drank it all.
I've had enough of these anti-Etika memes. You assholes might think you're being funny with these jokes on Yea Forums but I can assure you in other places they are sinking.
If you cheer for banjo in smash you deserve death.
Damn i should steal that shit
No fucking way this is true. Proof?
Probably so no one will steal them.
It's literally only Jews. You can't hide the truth forever kike defender.
Well Banjo wasn't wrong.
i remember when i first came to Yea Forums but at least i went on Yea Forums to be edgy
i cheer for banjo, and for some nigger killing himself. problem?
more like dRIP
Is it bad if I want to use this as my wallpaper?
I don't know about that, but Keemstar said to him jokingly that people often kill themselves exactly after 20(?) days of their big metal breakdowns and he killed himself on that day to the dot, so everybody was blaming Keemstar as a gag.
I also would totally believe that he was planning to kill himself anyway and he decided to ruin Keemstar's week as a final joke. He was always doing shit like that. And it worked too. Keemstar was playing Fortnite all week and tried his best to not address any of this or any other drama.
It's unhinged in the sense that you should see it by now that resisting it is futile. Change is possible but you clearly won't win by directly confronting it. You have to ease into it.
>that store advertisement in the top right
Imagine having such a shit store that you have to use a suicide victim's shrine to advertise. That's fucking hysterical.
First week on /pol/?
>offing himself over getting outed as a fake fan over the Banjo reaction
Why did mossad kill him bros?
>white YouTuber meetup
>black YouTuber meetup
Etika punches a cop
His final YouTube video, speaks for itself.
Also his shit is still banned. Even in death they're trying to erase him.
>i cheer for banjo
if it was in smash it's bad.
>Name the jew
>Suddenly "kill yourself".
But he was an hero. Do you not know what happened to him?
>fake fan
nothing was faked.
>Pic of him next to two Steves.
Is that what this is all about?
Killing yourself is not an heroic act and he did saved anyone as i'm aware sans the people with a bad moral that enjoyed his videos.
in his last video he talks about throwing his life away trying to be edgy so it seems like his life spiralled down after this
What if he just watched bandersnatch and was high?
He asked a certain question
not saved
Same reason as usual. Redpilling the normies
>didn't react at all to the Jiggy
He's a fucking fraud and always has been
Why can't whites season they food?
Newfag doesn't know that someone becoming an hero doesn't make them an actual hero like All Might
Sensitive taste buds.
>i don't fuck with these guys
He was cheering despite not being a fan.
>Nignog deletes himself
>People are supposed to care
wew lad
I would totally steal some twizzlers.
>Being so butthurt that Steve didn't get in that you jump off a bridge.
fucking ESL newfags up in this bitch
What the fuck is a jiggy?
Reject is one thing, come after you and try to destroy your life is another
usually grew up poor. cant afford swim lessons.
Post on his subreddit
>man obviously has a history of mental illness
Every time.
you would know if you weren't a fraud
Guys, you're not allowed to be excited for a new character UNLESS YOU'VE PLAYED THE GAME.
Says every autistic motherfucker.
So because I'm not into Nintendo games I'm a fraud?
Technically it is their fault since they're the ones making sure Americans don't have access to decent mental healthcare.
I thought you were dead, nigger.
>bottles of water
I think he had enough water guys...
You're one of those people, huh?
I'm not, I'm actually chilling with 2pac in Cuba.
look at all of that free shit
Damn son.
thats how it always goes
Etika got help. It was up to him to take his meds. Usually it takes a family to convince the person to keep taking their meds. A lot of people don't want to take their meds because of the unfortunate side effects. Mental illness cannot be cured, only helped.
God that's so true
I would steal that mewtwo plush
>theres a switch just laying there
>tfw dont have one
Should I go there and take it? I mean its not like hes gonna use it anytime soon...
fuck off back to /r/eddit. Ecelebs are not video games
i want that copy of melee
unrelated to the thread but can a kind user post some good water level music?
Well its that or crummy pokemon
waiting for someone to take a fat dump right in the middle
You really want a haunted Switch? You'd probably see Etika in the screen reflection.
Take it and a Smash copy, no balls.
>insult Jews
>they harass your friends and family and separate you from making anymore money
>you do the pacifistic thing and kill yourself, rather than giving them the satisfaction of slowing torturing you and economically strangling you and your loved ones
>discredit everything you ever said by running with the mental illness story
Oy vey he was very mentally Ill
imagine a huge gust of wind blowing that shit everywhere
What's with the twizzlers. I remember eating one in 1990 but they weren't that great.
>Etika got help.
The mental hospital he was in released him after only holding him for two days. They fucked up.
Every fucking time.
thank you
yeah i dont get it either. redvines are way better
Why do blacks have such an awful palette that they have to over season all of their food?
current, especially underwater current around bridges in large rivers are deadl as fuck
I challenge you to jump from a bridge and see if you can swim without getting dragged underwater
i think its his favorite candy? shit taste honestly
He died alone and knowing people hated him. Damn.
When is he finally gonna admit this is a publicity stunt?
It's gone on too long.
>middle eastern savages killing one another
wow this is news?
Which one?
How do you get the NYPD to play along with a publicity stunt?
They harassed his friends and family?
etika will crawl from the bridge to drown you
The same way they got them to play along with 9/11
you stretched hard for that one but it paid off user
Niggers detected
Seeing all the comments on pics like this on sites like knowyourmeme really put into perspective just how radically different one site can be compared to the other.
You have to over season food when you eat government issue food
etika has that kind of money and power?
not a nigger actually, but thats actually free stuff
>"There is no life after death. My time ends now, but if there is a way for me too, I'll send you all as many blessings as I can from the other side."
>Still no signs
There is no God, huh...I hate this crap man, after it's all over and done, we're just going into nothingness
Said people were willing to help him, but he denied help.
Taking shit off the ground isn't a nigger move retard.
Some homeless guy is gonna end up grabbing everything anyway.
time to go steal me a nintendo switch
>being this new
Threw a big wooden F into the east river for this nigga earlier.
If there’s nothing stopping me from picking up free stuff I’m gonna take it. I don’t care about etika or his death, won’t matter to him anyway he’s sleeping with the fishes now
>no kids no wife no job
Id kill myself too
Stop thats actually scary kek
Might as well
I can s-swim tho!
I'm not black but they are leaving it there its either gonna get stolen or thrown into the trash and seeing as he has no use of it why cant i have it?
It's all pokimane's fault. He already struck out with sun and fiona and this was the final straw
Fuck a lot of women dwayne.
>t. Tyrone Jamal
Unironically yes. It's not even a form of gatekeeping since the only requirement for being hype about a potential character is playing their fucking game
>please don't steal anything
So what, all that random junk is just going to sit there littering until the rain washes it all away?
Based Etika
Im gonna steal an amiibo
How much did this guy have in the bank? I am going to hero pretty soon because of how grim and hopeless the future is looking for me.
>I'm not very familiar with this character but I know he's been hyped for a long time and I can't wait to try him myself sometime
Where in the spectrum are you?
It's supposed to be there forever my dude. God wills it.
i miss my nigga Yea Forums
What a shitty way to go. At least get a suicide bag or make yourself a cyanide six dollar burger
>3 of the people on this image are dead
I thought white people and fuck bois only commited suicide.
Stop pretending to care. Its a literally who eceleb that died. People die everyday
>Just a fucking GBA on the ground
>A switch and Joy-Cons
People are just fucking wasting money
>All these niggers getting hard fantasizing about stealing from whats basically a grave.
Sad to be honest.
Lived his life as a what?
Stay mad
etika, iwata, and k rool.
You cant see anything when you die. When I died, it felt like blacking out or passing out from exhaustion or being really tired. You dont see a damn thing. Drowning doesnt hurt just feels like needing to breathe badly.
When you cant you just feel dizzy and pass out.
Moralniggers get out
If you do take pictures
I ain't buying his death till I see the body for myself. He might have killed a different black man to fake his death.
He clearly said "I dont even know these niggas"
kek, this loser got shitty death
His grave was the water retard, those items are on full display in public discarded like trash and you know what they say right? One mans trash is another mans treasure so stfu and go back leddit u moralfag tard.
Imagine pasty white bois unironically screaming nigga or writing on the Manhattan bridge. How many of you did this?
>tfw you could die at any moment
What is death?
imagine the smell
got a haircut in memory of him, rest in paradise
>he died knowing his death would get meme'd on since people hate him
you guys are doing exactly what he wanted
Make sure to do so at night.
If it's still in the box just take it and try the content and put the box back.
Don't forget the second pair of joycons
Any out of box Amiibo's are fair game as well.
Go back for in boxes before garbage day.
I'm sure they'll probably have someone stupid enough to guard "his stuff" so be careful.
Maybe bring a friend
Honestly get it before it rains. It'd be silly to let it go to waste.
>I'm already a demon
dayum...sakurai died
Reminder that if you dont get anointed on your death bed you go to hell. Hes most certainly in hell.
Stay a nigger
he SD'd
All nogs go to hell you dumbshit fundie.
the smash fanbase is honestly the worst fanbase I’ve ever seen. I hope characters like reimu get in just to spite these fuckers
fucking kill yourself thief nigger. i live in NYC if i see any of you pussies at the memorial late at night trying to steal im making sure you leave in an ambulance
how is this video games
Arlo doesn't play smash
God doesn’t exist
Ill be waiting for you.
>*sends anonymous tip*
Nothin' personal, jamal
While it's a "Dick move" it also stupid on the part of people who leave it there.
I'm sure that's public property and it's fair game
If it was in front of his house/apartment or whatever, it would be fair and for his family/friends to pick up/
This is on a fucking side walk.
They're basically just throwing shit away if it's not flowers, candles or something over 1$0
But what if he does?
Imagine being so autistic to make rounds on a public bridge to guard items that will eventually be thrown away.
Good. i needed to unwind a bit, when im done with you give etika my regards
oh nononnonon look at this tough ass zooomer lmao
Bring friends. Youll need them.
never realized so many nigger and gypsy thieve went on Yea Forums
>This thread.
Don't you faggots have a Yea Forums thread to shit up?
You know any fans within the area are gonna.
honestly if they put up a fight, get police input before taking something I guess
Then I’m wrong
Are you really going? I live in Dumbo and I can walk over at night if you guys are going to give us a free PPV show.
Don't worry user, you're arguing with gypsies. Just let his family/law enforcement know and they'll scatter like mice.
Fascinating. Savannah/tropical evolution vs seafaring? Honestly cant wait til political correctness vs racism is over so we can actually usefully study human biology and evolution
what do you think would happen when you invite based and redpilled redditors over here my n*bba?
Rent free, chimp
Based Colin, James and Ben
lol nigga in hell
I will try too if i can kek
Thats what im thinking, its not even gonna be for me im going to give it to either my sister or someone who really wants one
Its a waste to just see get thrown like trash
You thought that through quite thoroughly...i will try to go tonight but if i see anyone ill try to fit in as a fan and see if i can swipe it, of not i might be joining Etika kek.
I do got a plan though.
hold up, someone drank that henny on the bottom left lol
Rattle me bones
I'm not prepared
The funniest thing is that the cops are literally going to throw this stuff away in like 3 days
Dumb sissy white boi. Meet me in the Boogie Down and see what's good.
i already notified your posts on twitter and reddit
they'll be expecting you and im gonna make sure you dont take anything from there, disrespectful faggot
Im so glad it finally happened I spent extra time just keeping up with the story. He was really asking for it. His drug use caught up with him.
I feel like I must correct you on this.
Living rent free in someone's mind means you and your actions are on their mind none stop without prompting. That right there was prompting and thus not rent free.
Is that a bottle of lotion?
Based moralfag user.
like seth rich, it was a suicide
yes its an etika meme, he always had lotions on his stream and with him at all times
Ashy ass nigger
Reimu is too good for Smash.
Sause on girl
Rip :(
>Thinly veiled Hate Thread
Must be the weekend.
No i hate niggers all week too
This is Bitch nigga storage
It fills me with rage that this actual ape earn more money I his life than I ever will just for chimping out at videos.
Why are there so many tough guys on Yea Forums? You guys are scary.
I'll never understand the appeal of smash. Like, it's kinda fun for a few rounds at a party or something. But it gets old fast
It depends, are you religious? If so it is generally a bad career move. If you don't believe in anything, then you could as well.
And I will now live rent free in your thoughts, bitchboi.
>break a bunch of bones
>die drowning afterword
I'm guessing the only more painful way to go out would be your flesh melting off from being set on fire or something.
He got money from having an entertaining personality. What qualities do you have?
Well they are newyorkers so, they are already wild animals waiting to go off at the most minimum provocation
Do it, the dead has no coral with the mortal world no more
>It's a "Yea Forums makes a thread about some e-celeb you've never heard about before because you don't bother to watch other people play video games" episode
I make a shitty podcast, I can't work because of my disabilities, and my personality is akin to that of a sober Irish man.
Want to fight about it?
Most of the people obsessing over Smash don't even play Smash. They just want their favorites and their waifus in.
etika is a news channel
Dumb sissy white boi.
record it and maybe help one of them push the moral fag off the brige
Well excuse me for reading my video game news instead of watching videos about it to save time.
>i might be joining Etika
I wouldn't say that, since etika died;
>A cloud with an E form exactly like his logo used to be formed at the dumbarton bridge today
>His Ex created a smash room and the code was M4GGY exactly like how etika used to call her, her name was magnolia
>during the memorial, on the water a smash logo formed
if you're gonna take anything from the memorial, be ready to be punished cause i know for a fact etika is still with us he said he would send blessings if he found a way from the other side and its been happening
OK but I need a time for the pop off.
imagine crying over your favourite streamer """""friend"""" and never getting your money back.
>during the memorial, on the water a smash logo formed
By your logic Sakurai is going to put him in the game. Muh logos and signs.
Imagine wasting time and sleep guarding a bridge to make sure people don't steal random trinkets.
lmao shit like this makes me ashamed to be an etika fan
wish luck to you thieves
for sure and hey at least you'll be helping one fan see Etika again so you're helping
Alright then I think apart from me 2 more anons are going. Just dont bring any guns or knives if it ends up in a conflict. What time and where do you guys want to meet?
What exactly do people expect to happen to things they leave at memorials like this? Someone is going to pick it up later and figure out what to do with it and/or trash it and they'll have no idea who it is or what they'll do, so why get upset if someone takes something?
Looking it up.
Road Side Memorials seem like they can only stay up for about 2 weeks maybe. At least ones with this much clutter if it's at least been reported.
So unless someone has told the authorities about this, then people are just leaving shit on the ground for others to take and leaving a walking hazard for people
he got banned for saying nigga on twitter, I don't if a jew fucked your mom or what but you are making that up
i just stole everything from the bridge
He actually knew about the JQ? Got the video where named them?
pics or it didn't happen
wish i can join ya but im a Florida fag though you should at least carry some brass knuckles or something blunt and maybe play some music or sound if you see someone so you can identify who's on your side, godspeed
proof user? if real then based
Based got to it before i did oh well, at least i wont potentially get killed by a crazy fanatic now kek
while you're there you should jump off too
i was kinda hope you would throw him overboard so you can help see etika again lol
Where's the bridge GAME! one?
Gee whiz, why do people mistrust them since the dawn of time? The whole world must be wrong!
>all those e-celebs
oh boy I feel the cringe alright
>old brother suicide in 2010
>have a few paranormal experiences in the past, cried on video because of it
>broke up with his girlfriend in 2017, had enough of her depression
>some viewers are are charging back donations, fucking up his paypal account, have to pay chargeback fees
>huge success thanks to over-the-top reaction clips, bringing ton of normies to the stream, ruining his normal interraction with chat, frustrated with the situation
>approached by some cult or people slowly brainwashing him, manipulating him into donating huge amounts of money
>demonetized by youtube and frequently kicked from twitter in 2018 for saying the n-word, it all goes downhill from here
>deletes his entire youtube content and nuke the channel with porn
>3 months or more behind on rent
>start to eat salad and raw eggs all the time, fucking up his bowels, believes the potassium will make him a god or something
>loses it on social media, insults and block his friends, literally makes ape impressions on stream
>middle-finger everyone in the street, raided live on instagram, door destroyed, checked in a mental hospital multiple times for only being released a few hours later, losing weight
>gets an interview on drama-alert, saying he's the antichrist, saying humanity will end soon, convinced we are all god, ragequits the interview
>entire internet calls him a money-baiter attention-whore, majority of people think those mental breakdowns are publicity stunts, his now toxic community constantly taunt him on reddit, spaming clown emotes in chat and twitter, streams get more dislikes than likes
>probably received an eviction notice from landlord after the raid situation
>last stream was him watching E3, reactions are not as genuine as before, overall he seems okay, eats nice spaghettis, argue with randoms in his chat time to time
>uploads satanic cursed-like video 3 days later on twitter, quickly deleted
>kills himself 4 days later
>everyone act as if they cared
Post proofs user
Based if true, photos or fake
Its the OP retard
And after those two weeks someone's gonna come clean it up, so they're just throwing stuff into the void. It hardly matters who takes it and where it goes.
>gloat about people already forgetting him
>get mad when people make threads about him
Summer Yea Forums
You can find endless examples of non-jewish people/groups pushing for the same things. Confirmation bias is a real thing.
Pretty sure police bagged his possessions as evidence
Etika had a hard life
T'isn't you dullard.
>thread's still up
Do the jannies even exist?
Oh shit that was the other thread lmao
We're allowed 1 nigger hate thread at any given time
What video did he upload to twitter?
What's wrong with showing your respects to an industry legend?
most jannies are fans of etika. etika is part of Yea Forums culture.
Shit, the memorial site has more stuff than I thought
How pathetic
Holy shit. /pol/ would have a field day with this.
>"Unfortunately that already happened, at the beginning you were able to see a lot of joycons on the floor and some douchebags just decided to steal them."
>Switch is still there
That was posted 30 mins ago, i think plan is back in action lads kek
I just found out that he pronounced it ED-icka, and not E-teeka.
imagine my incredible surprise when none of the actually checkable sources mention slavery at all. I'm sure someone will claim "Rodriguez, p 385" is the source of the slavery claim. All you gotta do is just check every book every written by someone with the extremely common last name Rodriguez, bro.
No one cared untill he died
>twitter already realized thieves are coming
>site is gonna be guarded
Gypsyniggers BTFO
I wanna steal that female corrin
I can beat up any amount of nintendo fans
u mad?
Whatever, child. Try and stop him.
bring something blunt friend and be prepare throw someone off the brige or smash some heads
>gypsies beating up basedboys
>A fucking gameboy and Pokemon stadium 1 and 2
>A Copy of Mario Maker 2
That literally JUST came out! Why are people leaving shit and then complaining about it like it's the person who took it fault
Literally nobody prompted him to make it about white people. The fucking definition of rent free.
Weak sauce OP. At least use one that would have made Etika kek.
Fuck where can I get that bomber jacket
look at all that litter
that's how you get ghosts
so many underage moralfags. grow up
Ghosts dont exist. Just like etika.
Jannies are fags. Remember when TB died there was no fucking sticky.
>>thread's still up
Ecelebs are Yea Forums culture. We had a sticky for his suicide
>using "moralfag" followed by grow up
Sure is summer in here.
Nigga do you know what an hero means?
grow up
Yea Forums's butthurt that no one will remember them after they die unlike Etika
5 says he is still alive
This isn't even a videogame culture thread. It's just a bunch of shitposting, conspiracy theories, and retards pretending to rob a memorial.
Have sex
h-how are you still alive, user?
I'll make you my wife if were ever stuck in a same room with nothing to hold us back.
it already rained earlier today
That sounds awfully like something someone who is ethereal might say.
for once (((they))) were doing us a favor and ridding the world of e-celeb faggotry hope more come soon
>retards pretending to rob a memorial
I like that actually, brings new space to the same generic racist posts/ shitposts and also there is a possibility that one of you guys would actually be dumb enough to fight over a stupid switch
You cant say dilate on reddit.
>based schizo nigger who unironically hates jews
he's in heaven boys.
I hope Etika haunts the shit out of anyone that robs his memorial.
Y'all gonna wake up in the middle if the night with him hovering over your bed then he'll yell BIIIIITTTCCCHHHH NIIIIIIIGGGGAAA! so loud it blows all your windows out.
suicide is a sin. he is in hell right now
You first. You'd be banned for saying any of those words on reddit.
As fucking if, if you niggers that spam those stupid empty buzzwords aren't underage fags flooding from reddit then where the fuck did you roaches come from?
Why did he kill himself again?
etika is in purgatory
Imagine knowing e celeb catch phrases
jesus forgives every christian.
etika is spitting on kikes from the clouds as we speak. fly high, nigger.
He's a bitch nigga
He was black and a nintendo fan
user posted a greentext on why. Scroll up lazy ass bum
I'll be grabbing the pro controller, I am sure that etika will understand this joy joycon boy needs one to play smash
RIP Iwata, Reggie, and Sakurai.
It should have been Miyamoto instead.
>as fucking if
I think you need to go back first.
mental illness is a bitch
This makes me want to steal from there more.
>Etika is in heaven playing Smash with Elvis,Hitler and MJ while we're down here suffering.
Absolutely saddening.
He realised how much of a disaster his 'severe mental illness' ARG was, that he was too edgy for his own good and everyone thought he was a big retard.
I hope he was joking about sucking dicks.
Anyway, RIP. '_'7
user, just jump off a bridge too and you can join them.
Etika didnt go to heaven
What are you even implying? I don't care where you came from, if you're wasting space with one word buzzword posts you need to fucking leave.
etika is in hell getting fucked in the ass by the colossus titan as we speak.
He saw the specs for the ps5.
You don't go to heaven if you take your own life my dude
>from reddit
>no reading comprehension
You really do need to go back.
they should just do the same thing with xxxtentaction and stomp the fucking memorial
>He got his name from a Sonic Battle cheatcode and was a huge Adventurefag
RIP to this based nigga.
It grew so much im so proud of everyone, rest easy des
Etika didn't jump he was tossed off the bridge by Mossad.
so did this nigger do anything besides chimp out for kids - did he do anything useful or make any content of actual quality -is this why he offed himself
trust me thats not safe either. I looked into this stuff a lot more than the average user here; and jumping from great height with head first, is probably the best way to do it. Beachy Head is quite decent for that, and will probably be my goal.
Jannies do your fucking jobs holy shit. Lazy ass bastards. You're as bad as Gayfreak
Literally never been there, and you're the one clearly shitting up the board. This case is completely cut and dry, fucking leave.
Black people dont go to heaven. Its common knowledge
that nigger etika BTFO alongside those other retards speedonvhs adamantium jimmy and hazmat
Considering you use nothing but reddit buzzwords, clearly you spend way too much time there.
>hes upset because he doesn't want to believe his negor friend is burning in hell like some nice Kfc chicken wings
>redditjak overlaid on the fucking reddit logo
the irony would be astounding if it wasn't so fucking sad
damn i want some shiken now
wojak is Yea Forums culture
>t. cope seethe have sex incel dilate poster ft. wojak
The homeless probably jacked it all already
that's a load o bullshit you fucking dumb nigger
Wojak is reddit shit and has been for years.
all of his steams are literally just loud nigger noises. the only entertaining videos he's ever produced was when he was in based psychosis mode and told everyone he was the antichrist and was going to purge all humanity.
also all the fuck jews twitter posts of his lol.
So you admit I was right? Thanks, now feel free to go back.
I walked past Etika on the Manhattan bridge that night and i feel so guilty now.
I wish i had noticed but he didn't seem suspicious.
And i don't like bothering people so i didn't even say hi.
Then you should never ever complain when they commit crime.
Big if true
should've asked him for some money
>doesn't even deny being a redditshit spammer
Sasuga, retard. Meanwhile I used exactly no buzzwords despite your claims.
You could have saved Etika. You might as well have pushed him off yourself. Jump off the bridge too next time you're there.
Please please please steal from the memorial NYfags. Today's been boring and this would be fucking hilarious. Not only do you NYfags get free shit, but the seething from his fans will be massive, and if one person does it then more will and eventually those dipshits will be standing on the bridge for hours to "protect" the memorial. Free shit + twitterfags raging and wasting their time. It's a win win
He was wearing a white shirt and he's like 6ft 6. You sure it was really him ?
Do you think anyone is waiting to rob the site?
How does jumping off a bridge into water kill you?
>"as if"
There's only been one reddit buzzword used here in this conversation, and it was you. Exposed yourself much?
What was he wearing?
Nigs cant swim
>uses sasuga unironically
And you're pretending you're not from reddit?
On what planet is that a buzzword at all, the only reddit buzzwords anywhere in this thread are you samefagging "have sex" and "dilate".
He knew zoomers wouldn't do shit
Very painfully.
go find out
you ever jump off a diving board and land on your stomach? Imagine that but from dozens of meters high
poor people generally are less able to swim because they were never afforded the opportunity to learn how to. it doesn't necessarily have to do with race, but black people are generally poorer
>literal Yea Forums culture is reddit now
>calling out faggots spamming reddit buzzwords is reddit too
What fucking bizarro world has Yea Forums become, just nuke the whole board
someone post the picture
Just leave this website kid.
Oh yeah it was him.
I'm not a huge fan of his though just somewhat like his vids and think pestering celebs is cringy anyway especially when theyre minor celebs so i just walked by.
If i had just stopped and been like "Hey i like your vids" it might've cheered him up slightly and maybe made him reconsider.
Doubt it im sure he didnt do it as a spur of the moment thing but maybe.
Fuck my life.
cringiest memorial I've ever seen
etika just fucking flew over my house just now
i recorded it guys im not joking
You do know he jumped off the Manhattan Bridge and not Brooklyn?
Once your nerves are burned you don't feel any pain anymore, so burning to death is probably not so bad.
There is. And He loves you.
Based Etika being able to project into this realm from the astral plane.
Fake, Etika is recluting pablo escobar near my household in taiwan, I saw him nigga
what's the difference, they're bridges
Any Jew Yorkers visiting the site? There's probably only like two people there rn.
I love seeing how quickly the amiibos and joycons get stolen with each new picture.
damn, holy shit if true
All he needed was for someone to show how people were looking for him on twitter and he might've realized his mistake.
I guess even charismatic extroverts are not safe from suicide.
He's dead because of you user.
You know that right?
one of you faggots better steal that fucking switch
i can't tell if this post is ironically trying to be reddit or not
Can you leave the Tom Nook amigo for me please?
I'm thinking of going there myself
>tfw nobody knows
Fucking sketcher wearing faggot nignogs
How new are you?
or the price
>Debunked by Yea Forums
go try
I'm just glad that smash fans got to suffer
I think it's supposed to be a joke about fake leaks or something
Just do footing and take it, run like a fast bitch.
you first
NYanon if you're going there to steal shit might as well print this pic and put it on the memorial too
Best of luck!
would be based as fuck
i already did, nothing happened
>Jumping into the nasty ass east river.
>The last thing he experienced was a turd floating into his mouth.
Then im afriad ill have to call old school ghost busters
Im a actually a boomer that made the posts just to bait.
Don't do it, user! Life can get better, and it can be worth living.
Did any of you faggots actually steal anything or are you just bluffing lmao.
I doubt anyone here got the balls really. God I wish I was in NY rn to rob the shit out of the grave
Id kill myself if i lived in new york too
>there will eventually come a time where a final person will have a final thought about you
>after that you will never be remembered ever again, as if you never existed
I don't like to think about what might have actually happened. He might have actually impacted the water in a way that completely crippled him but left him in absolute agony, then he just floated around until he drowned.
As a medical professional who's seen this before? Nobody should have to die like that. Still, win stupid games? Win stupid prizes.
Happened before, will happen again.
what if that's why ghosts keep doing hauntings and shit like that
they want people to keep remembering them past that final thought
Wait until 2-4 am. Bring a backpack big enough for it and wear it on your front so you don't have to take it off giving you maximum speed and efficiency.
Ghosts arent real
then why do people keep remembering them
yeah ok rabbi
You know what to do
Too bad it aint live streamed like Shia Labeouf's flag and we see the anons taken all that free shit away, would have been great desu
Those are just joycons user.
Is the fact that I've been shitting blood everyday for 3 years normal?
sounds like you are having a bloody good time user
It's getting pretty late, anons. Are you guys ready to steal some shit?
What the fuck even is some of this stuff? Toilet paper? A bottle of water? Lotion? I'd haunt these people.
Your bones break, you can't swim.
Woah haha I thought you were actualy a fukken retard there user, good save XD
I don't know this guy at all besides the fact that he killed himself.
If i were to only watch 1 video and judge all of his content based on that which one should it be?
Oh wise one, will the Etika memorial get fucking destroyed and soon everyone will learn how bad he is?
Will I go back to College
He did reaction videos aka the shittiest, most base, most low effort type of content.
It's all one big joke to me. Eveything about him was a joke. All he ever did was to become a meme and make lots of money without having a real job. Even shitty ecelebs put more effort in their content that this fuck. I bet one of the reasons he offed himself was just so that people group him in the "youtubers who killed themselves". To become some sort of "legend".
The other reason was that he realized he fucked himself over by nuking his channel "for the lulz" back last year, so he was propably going to have to get a real job. And he's WAY to "woke" to work a real job.
A joke before being famous, a joke as a youtuber, and a joke even after death.
asking the question again
he had other videos but people like to focus the negative due to it being more fun. Where do you think you are?
bro what if he never even existed in the first place what if he was merely an idea and only 'existed' once we aknowledged his existence by commenting, replying to a video, or even taking a selfie of him woah. he does not exist if we do not acknowledge him bro reply to me holy shit validate my existenacne
What's the worst "memorial" video you've seen for Etika?
I think this one takes the cake for me
You ok there user?
>The other reason was that he realized he fucked himself over by nuking his channel "for the lulz" back last year, so he was propably going to have to get a real job.
Nah he made a new channel and still got 10K + views per stream with 50 dollar donations coming in every second all the way to the end. Dude was set up for life all he had to do was react to shit and play video games.
>Only drink Dr Pepper and bear
>Diet consist of candy and greek sandwich
>Smoke a cig every 20 to 30 minutes
>Have to shit 3 to 5 times a day, they're always bloody
>Somehow in good shape and kinda /fit/ even though I haven't done any kind of sport in 5 years
>Somehow immune to pain
>Spends a minute and a half sperging out over a smash character reveal
Ehh.... I guess people like watching this kind of stuff...
He's burning in hell for all eternity for throwing the life the Lord gave him in vain.
Whats the point of leaving shit there under a picture of some youtuber? Do they literally worship him? Is this the modern equivalent of people that offered their stuff to deities?
Meant beer
he killed himself he's in hell, not sending blessings
Are anons stealing from his memorial, yet?
Hey man i can bear it dont worry about it