ITT: trigger an autistic fan base in 2 words
I'll start:
ITT: trigger an autistic fan base in 2 words
>stinky day
>dead game
>frequently cannot join servers because they're always full
C'mon man. If you were going to trash it, trash something about the game like how the NVA has pretty shitty support options.
>how the NVA has pretty shitty support options.
Nonsense, the NVA is fucking overpowered in the game, they have so many more options than southern forces it's stupid. Their machineguns are better, their SMGs are better, the RPG makes a mockery out of the M79, they get molotovs, traps of every kind, and anti air can cuck the south out of any support at any time.
North forces are winning 8/10 campaigns for a reason, unless you have a god tier chopper pilot single handedly assfucking the enemy the south is always at a disadvantage. South really needs more gimmicky weapons to tip the balance.
What's going on big guy? That's my wife you're talking about
Cope, dead game. Even dead game Day Z has 10x the players
>optimized like absolute DOGSHIT while still looking bad
>movement is horrible
>hunt-the-pixel style
no wonder it died
>hunt-the-pixel style
Get glasses, this game has maps so small it's impossible not to see an enemy enough to shoot it.
Okay, user.
based retarded blind user
i have 8 gb of RAM and get like 100 fps its optimized fine. movement is still better than shit like SQUAD, ARMA, and PUBG
Never ever
It’s not the words themselves, it’s the fact that fags like you spam the same shit every thread
>let me compare the shitty movement to games that have notoriously shit movement so it won't seem so shit
Yeah nah, the playerbase is consistently around 2000-ish players. That's plenty healthy for a niche title like this. Trust me I play on even smaller playerbases and I know enough to know RS2 is just fine.
t. wargame/steel division 2 player
i know you're just baiting but slow movement comes with this style of of milsim shit. I'm just saying it's better than several games in it's genre
also, fuck this thread im gonna go play RS2
>t. wargame/steel division 2 player
How's wargame doing these days? i owned Airland battle and it was dysfunctional as fuck but still fun.
>Hey, Charlie... you can call me BRUCE WAYNE!
Red Dragon has about 950 players average. Its good, but its absolutely broken because of meme units and meta deck builds. The newer nations have a lot of broken units.
Steed 2 only has 1200ish players or so. Really bad for a game released almost 2 weeks ago. I followed it through beta testing, the devs are trash humans that have no fucking idea what they are doing.
Steel Division 2 is their best game, though.
Artificial difficulty
button masher
git gud
>best game
>horribly low player count for a brand new game
No, not by a long shot. From what I've heard the balance in steed 2 is garbage.
Bugged game
Faulty hitboxes
Painfully grindy
Too samey
Overly pretentious
Overrated shit
Dead overreactor
Whenever someone tells me how much they like Dark Souls I immediately suspect them of lying—but I totally understand why they would. Dark Souls is a gaming phenomenon that is also so entwined in that 'git gud' attitude that people use as the litmus test to measure how much of a True Gamer you are, and I think there are loads of people out there who pretend to worship every bit of it because they feel like they have to. And I get why: I've witnessed the bloodbath firsthand when someone admits to not liking Dark Souls or thinking that it's overrated—suddenly, people are climbing out of every nook and cranny to tear that person to bits and tell them why they're objectively wrong. Witnessing that, I think people do the smart thing and decide to pretend to enjoy Dark Souls lest the obnoxious True Gamers who Got Gud find out and, like the KGB, drag them kicking and screaming into the shadows where we'll never hear from them again. Sometimes it's just easier to nod along and say Dark Souls is cool.
>From what I've heard the balance in steed 2 is garbage.
Not to me, the divisions seem fine; the players just need to get good.
Mad cuz bad.
Nice pasta.
post your ricefarmers/GI's
Jets never ever
I'm not surprised this game is dead, and to be honest, no one should really be.
I noticed a while back, when it came out, that Rising Storm 1 was extremely bad compared to Red Orchestra 1/2. I knew something was off with it, since I didn't really enjoy it. It was dull, and the maps were horrendous. Something was weird and I couldn't really tell what, but upon looking at the studio behind it, I saw that Tripwire gave this project to another studio: Antimatter.
In case you're not familiar with Antimatter studios, they are the studio behind the game Evolve. Do you guys remember the game Evolve? Yeah, me neither.
Once I saw that Antimatter was going to do Rising Storm 2, I instantly lost any ounce of interest in that game. I mean, their last game was a massive and extremely boring flop that couldn't even be saved by going F2P one year after its initial release--and they also had the awful Rising Storm 1 under their name. Two big reasons to stay away from this trash game.
Red Orchestra 2 had better mods and maps than the entirety of this shitty game. Perhaps Tripwire should have made it a mod and repopulate their servers instead. Because, as of right now, they lost a big and long time fan of the Red Orchestra franchise.
Good game never ever.
Decent vic gameplay never ever
Dark Souls 2 is good
antimatter studios are just a group of red orchestra modders, evolve was made by turtle rock
>their SMGs are better
The game runs on the assumption that .45 is a 1 shot kill and 9mm or less is harmless. Therefore Grease Gun > Tommy Gun > PPSh > MAT-49 >>>>>>>>>>>> MP 40
What makes the North so strong is the tunnel digging. With good SLs the South has ~5 people playing defensive as fuck so they can be a spawn point. If the South is playing bad, then the SL is always dead and the squad is useless.
>In case you're not familiar with Antimatter studios, they are the studio behind the game Evolve. Do you guys remember the game Evolve? Yeah, me neither.
You're retarded. Antimatter did RS1, Turtle Rock, the Left 4 Dead guys, did Evolve.
Bug fixes never ever
lol where did you get the idea that evolve was made by the rising storm guys?
Map design being good never ever
unless you have a 4k monitor it's always hunt-the-pixel.
Game desperately needs real Antialiasing.
The game for people who are too stupid for milsims