Here is your expansion bro

>40$ usd base game
>40 expansion
>15 monthly sub
>cash shop
>Ps2 graphics
>Max 10 people on the same zone.

Also FFXIV Thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:

He's right you know.

Why are you describing WoW when you want to start a XIV thread?

But its fun :)

there is no mmo with good leveling
or an mmo with a good end game
or an mmo with a good community
mmos are shit and have been shit for at least a decade, move on

I'm loving the role quests.

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Am i crazy or is being able to spin fast in the air jumping new
Any reason why they let this be changed

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>plays on siren
lol he even plays on the shit server

only done the dancer one until 74 and I hate it

I think it's new, I don't remember being able to make sick sideways jumps on my mount or NIN before now

you could do that since forever

ps2 graphics look better.

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Has Rowena teleported into the first to jew its denizens yet?

About how long are your dungeon runs?

>If it can't be good, it has to be as shit as humanly possible.
What kinda argument is that? Guild Wars 2 has decent leveling, not amazing but I can actually enjoy it. WoW is palpable because you can just do whatever the fuck you want to level, BDO is fine because it's quick and mindless, etc.

Not yet, but her legacy still somehow transcends worlds.

No way
I'm a jump autist who wouldve been doing these 360 spins since starting in HW


I've been reading about DRKs having problems pulling big and i'm getting scared, should I not pull wall to wall anymore? Note that I don't have TBN yet, so my only defensive cds are Rampart and Shadow Wall (unless i'm forgetting something).

>end game
This is the problem right here, mmo shouldn't have an end game. WoW fucking ruined the mmorpg genre

it's always been possible with keyboard+mouse. how fast you spin all depends on your mouse sensitivity and framerate.

Past level 70, a man without an UWU clear can be a bad thing

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Its only a matter of time.
>WoL's face when there's more tomestones even on a whole new world
funniest shit so far.

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everquest came before wow and its endgame was collecting dkp

Maybe what they changed allows ps4 to do it too then

Big pulls are fine for me still. Pretty geared for 72 (400 iLevel) and have had zero trouble for the bit I've gotten to play. I legitmately don't see how people are struggling.

>"Twelve forfend not this shite again."

There is an MMO with no real endgame, GW2. Only problem is that the content is so slow to come out and when it does, you're done in no time at all unless they intentionally make it a grind.

I'm confused on how you're okay. I'm at 395 and holy shit wall pulls are a bit brutal. It's always a close call.


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I've always played tanks since 2.x. am I excused?

There are plenty with good leveling. All the ones where there's a risk, be it against tough enemies and harsh death penalties or the possibility of being engaged by another player. FF14 has none of that.

Porn of the fat miqote when

So hold the fuck up, I quit at Heavensward. Do I have to buy Stormblood AND Shadowbringers?

>keep hitting 2 for Straight Shot proc
>keep trying to play Foes
>huge full MP bar is useless
>can't Refresh anymore
why did they cuck the shit out of my job bros?

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WoW was the game that got big and made it mainstream. It set the whole thing in motion. There were tons of decent populated mmorpgs alongside everquest who did things differently

There's a lady at the scrips counter in Eulmore who looks just like her and says she saw you in a dream as her new business partner.

No, let them stay tanks so I can keep these DRG insta queues. When everyone changes back in a week or two I'll get all the insta queues I want on PLD.

Anyone? My dungeon runs range from 25-40min. It feels weird compared to SB dungeons I remember I could do them in 20

>Max 10 people on the same zone

>collecting dkp
Oh baby, you got me hard.

Depends on the healer a lot too, I find. AST seems to be struggling to keep a tank alive through big pulls, while WHM does just fine.

>go on the tightrope dungeon
Who else laughed at that?

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Im playing warrior and pulling big while using the trust system, no idea if it's overtuned or not but it's super easy. Only done the first two tho.

>he didn't skip cutscenes
>he wasn't lvl 80 within the day it came out

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How? They don't AoE.

with enmity skills gone from most dps, you can now see who's doing the most damage without a parser.

I'm sure that when I get TBN things will get easier, it's the road to 70 that i'm afraid. Did the 61 dungeon last night and my health was yo-yoing like crazy.

Rent free

>rushing the story in an mmo where the biggest selling point is the story
>when the raids wont be out for two weeks anyways

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I heard my SCH is going to be absolute shit. Who can confirm or deny this. I’m looking at you SCH bros

Can't get a DNC weapon to drop from these 60-70 dungeons to save my fucking life

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Oh yeah, weird, you can spin now. It used to be on PS4 you couldn't turn in midair, unless you were using autorun.


No deeps

Kinda true I guess?
I heard mr happy is doing this, then will do the story on an alt . Desperate to make day one guides lol

>Not being an omnicrafter

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i played GW2 and got 100% exploration and legendary sword before expansion came out. My main issue with GW2 is that the PVP felt really off and poorly made. Too instance based and arcady. Boring rewards and no carrots to actually keep things interesting.

>level skipping retard

>skipping story

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Yeahh, takes about 28-30min a run, but it's doable.

>the scene with Seto and Ardbert
holy fuck bros

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no only shadowbringers but after july 2nd

>lol i did thing
>wow thats really retarded and you have no noticeable gain for doing it
>d-dilate tranny!

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I wish, but I have to pay $1200 for my apartment.

I'm happy that the MSQ serves as a filter for WoWfugees. The less of them the better.

>tfw gonna boost a WHM

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What's the point of Fey Blessing even having a cost of 10 fairy gauge if that's pretty much the only other thing that costs gauge aside from Aetherpact and it having a cooldown? You'll never not have 10 gauge to use it when it's ready. It just feels like an attempt to pretend the Fairy Gauge is used for anything else

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Is it weird that I miss the old style of jumping? It reminded me of the way you jumped in Xenoblade Chronicles.

How is the healing though. Hopefully the class isn’t boring as fuck. How the fuck do I level with no DPS

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It's stupidly boring and stupidly strong which makes it even more boring. The only time you use GCDs is when you use Recitation on Adlo for a deployement/tank heal

When are you supposed to use Six-Sided Star? When you have most of your oGCDs so you have something to throw out during the doubled GCD?

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What's the absolute easiest DPS to play? Asking to get my gf who has never played a game in her life into XIV.


What's the point of flamethrower?
A skill to use while taking a sip tea?

Jesus fuck. So now I’m like some cuck dumbed down WHM. Without any damage how does SE expect me to level and complete quests? Spam dungeon runs until the end of fucking time? What’s my fairy like? Is it shit?

It's me (literally who) from the other thread

I got my refund of the new expansion + starter edition after 6 hours of casting stone over and over on boring monsters in badly textured zones.

Praise gaben, the absolute legend and unit. I was lucky.

Shit game. ESO was better. Sticky tab targeting in 2019 lmao

Did Y'Shtola just slap Urianger's ass?

RDM is really easy and doesn't require much thought. They'll insist it's not though

Red Mage

play dps for MSQ

>i'm happy quests are bad

lmao bootlicker

>not playing ffxi instead

Dragoon she will fit just fine

Thanks, not sure she'll be into a samurai though. RDM sounds like a good idea, thanks.


Honestly, this has been the best MMO I've ever played.
And it's 11 bucks a month, including a free month.

Not my fault you missed out on the glory days of 1.23b where we had actual clothing customization and everyone didn't have their asses removed for ps3.

Weaker on lower levels where it struggles to keep up on her own, stronger in ShB because abilities seem to use your potency scaling, so 400 potency union actually means Eos is chain chasting Cure I and blessing is a free medica. She gives you even more busted healing.


>boosting a class that levels up like crazy

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I had some guy asking in /sh to explain how we got to the first and who all the scions were. how hard is it to not skip cutscenes lol

Did they even put DNC/GNB weapons in the 60-70 dungeons? They barely retrofit any older sets for them anyways.
>No primal weapons
>No raid weapons aside from Alphascape
>only tomestone weapons are Shire (260), Ryumyaku (360) and Scaeven (390)

Wouldn't you?

red mage is easy
also, bard is a good job for girls and gays

the tranny chicken is bigger than mine reee

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>Hrothgar cuck has his waifu stolen by an Elezen chad

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1-70 is still a long ways to go.

That's how bad that was. You get shown up by even something as shit as ESO

imagine not having voice acted lines in your already sparse dialog until 50 hours in.

imagine literally designing interactivity that boils down to casting the same spell over and over on boring enemies that autoattack you, for hours

imagine your first line of defense for playing being 'it gets good after 50 levels'

Oh holy shit. So they busted up our fairy and our healing in general, yet they removed all our DPS and our mechanics that actually made the class different and enjoyable to play? I’m expecting a ton of downtime during raids now. I bet I could watch a fucking ocean documentary while I heal like I did in dungeons leveling 1-50 originally

>to dumb too download a free trial

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imagine reddit spacing after every phrase

Not him but the quests stopped being bad after arr
Only dumb children cant sit back and enjoy the story

>he doesn't know

I had quite a bit of fun leveling in TERA, too bad that apart from the great combat system and elin race the game is trash

>Gaius and the other Garleans are all just cribbing off of Nael's theme
Not cool, bros

Only a retail WoWcuck thinks that skipping as much of the game as possible to play endgame is a good idea.

>Even WoL does that a few times

I've played ESO for something like 400 hours and the combat of the game is incredibly spammy along with light attack weaving making it feel even more spammy.
Voice Acting is a fucking meme, what does it matter if someone tells me about the 10 bear asses I'm about to go collect (and yes ESO has the same fetch and kill quests as every other MMO it just hides it). I just read the text and move on because the story is so completely railroaded and uninteresting what does it matter.
My tank has had the same gear in ESO for going on 2 years and they have never even touched the class balance for tanking or the sets that are meta for it.

>FPS cap brought boob physics back
I couldn't be happier

>started playing last week
>starter was 19.99
>got fat black chocobo
>shadowbringers includes all previous expansions for 49.99
>mfw might play this over wow classic because it's actually well designed and fun

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No, they really didn't. They're better than ARR but still trash for a game that has such a huge focus on story, the cinematic animations and cinematography could be done better by an amateur team (but hey, why reinvest money into FFXIV instead of a TV show?) and the lack of voice acting for MSQ is ridiculous when games with less focus on story such as GW2 or ESO have voice acting almost everywhere. Hell GW2 even has a unique voice actor for EVERY race and gender combo for your player character for every line they speak.

Being a hero in the first sucked. We we had to go on a 12 hour fetch quest to collect food for a dinner. I bet you heroes in the source never had to do that.

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>Hell GW2 even has a unique voice actor for EVERY race and gender combo for your player character for every line they speak.
And all are horrible, good thing that doesn't happen in XIV.

>He's an erp'er.

They sound far better than the trash voice acting in XIV, if I'm being honest.
The only good voice actors in XIV are the villains and that's because the over the top shittiness works in their favour.

leveling is FUN in shadowbringers as you try and unlock aether currents, pounce on fates, do side quests, and you have a fat juicy rested exp bonus and always ahead of the level curve

leveling is UNFUN when you're a level skip wowlet who is trying to rush through every quest as fast as possible without unlocking anything and constantly being gatekept by levels

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Bros I can't take it. Every time Ardbert talks it's like he's always hurting because of his failure. Kino fucking VA.

They did
Stay seethe

>Still trying to push GW2 voice acting as good
So you are just shitposting then, ok

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It really is. It took me an entire month to get to max level.

lol, no wonder you dont see any hrothgars

Should I change my Lalafell to a Hyur? I'm having trouble imagining a lalafell as anything but a BLM.

Holy fuck how many more HoH runs from 66 to 70 I want to stop playing the boring travesty that is DRK and become a GUNBRO already

Theres so much zettai ryouiki in this expansion. Its great

An issue with XIV leveling which seems fixed in ShB (late to the party) is the reward you get for doing things like Fates and Side Quests. Side Quests in XIV have been notoriously terrible rewards for the time invested and 90% of them don't have anything remotely considered a meaningful story or plot as a motivation to do them. Of course there are exceptions but for the most part that shit is fire and forget and if the reward is shit why bother?

Just play BLM

>literally skipped the best expansion
He's a fucking retard and none of his points are even remotely correct
>w-w-w-why i have to do story in story gaem???
>wtf im level 15 and im still shit at this game? leveling SUCKS

Was the XIV team on crack?

Blizzard shills out in force trying to save their dying dead game

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He quit wow 3 expacs ago

Stop living in New York, dumb intern.

Why not just use actual big cat growls, SE?

you're right, i forgot to mention the level synched quests. incredibly helpful

fates have always been decent exp though

Mate don't bother, any criticism you have towards FFXIV and it's "hurr go back to WoW". It's like all the retards from the official forums have migrated here.

Why does it always have to be WoW vs XIV when they have different strengths, appeals, and downsides?
Why people gotta stir shit and start fights in every single thread?

>played with English voices since 2.0
>faerie english VAs are so bad I'm tempted to switch for the first time
How did they allow this?

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That would have been awesome. Also. Should have had them sprint on all fours.

user the faerie voices are the best part of the expac so far

People who play MMO's only know bitterness and hatred.

Did they sync all side quests or just ShB ones?

I'm doing aether current storylines (doing the quest that gives them, as well as their subsequent quests) and if I hit a level gate I'm just going to go back and enjoy the side quests until i'm up to it again.

>Eulmore has an actual whorehouse
>looks like host club
>with pole dancers
I weep for you, those 10 still pure people on Balmung and other congested RP servers. For this is going to be the absolute hotspot of degeneracy.

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It's strange how BRD screams so much more than any other job

I feel like I'm in amusement park whenever I run a dungeon after unlocking this. This skill is fucking criminal.

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Is anyone on Goblin? I need a cool FC just started playing again. Level 30 MCH

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>He dislikes the best voice acted part of MSQ

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>Too dumb to download the free fucking trial


fucking retard


Any mechanics unique to Titania or can I just go in blind?

>blessing isn't tempering fags btfo

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It's Sephirot (Easy). Nothing that should be new to you.

She does reverse Shiva and you need to kill her adds quick

dont do it, so many new mechanics i suggests you wait for Mr.happy or MTQ normal guides before attempting

Oh that should be fine then

0/10 bait

Hoping we get the stage dance at least. I REALLY hope we'll get the pole dance but that needs a pole.

With that new spell, is there any point in using transpose now?

Serves those faggots right for arguing with me.
Blessing is just ultra-tempering because Hydaelyn is a very powerful primal.
Eat my ass non-tempering fags.

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are you serious dude?
do you also watch dungeon guides?

it needs umbral ice up to use it so if there's no enemies you'll have to transpose.

I hope you get the fucking rope, you degenerate.

Indecisive retard here, buy the xpack and level my main or level a job from scratch that got unfucked

>WoW vs XIV
the reason is that for years WoWfans shat on XIV for being shit because of 1.0, even after the relaunch, and now that retail WoW is almost universally reviled by everyone XIVfans feel the need to make up nearly a decade of perceived persecution
tl;dr fags who are playing the better game mock fags who are playing the worse game

Why is this dude so honest? He's an Ascian.


What's the optimal DNC rotation?

No, I'm just tanking and I don't want to waste anyone's time due to a surprise mechanic

>got my WHM to 80
>oh hey roulettes reset lets snag the xp for SCH
wtf is this
WHM has more healing output, more damage output and more utility than SCH

What do I do with poetics now?

>Cutscene after second dungeon
Holy shit, and I thought writers took a break after serious first zones

On one hand, you want to experience a dungeon without spoilers and on the other, you don't want to fuck up and die, especially if you are playing a role that isn't DPS and you dying can cause a wipe.

who fucking cares, glamour fags are awful

What the fuck are you doing with that pixie whore when you have us.

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*Laughs in Black Mage*


Good game for kids to enjoy.

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Getting through post ARR into HW is painful as fuck but after that it's pretty smooth. Have fun.

Of course there is. Keep transpose bound. If you're in fire you'll need a way to get to ice.

>be me
>Bought a sch jump potion so I can have fast queues and also get a caster DPS
>Heard SCH is fucked
Broooos. Is this true? Are we fuck?

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>retard in FC getting bitchy because he's trying to run two-year old content and nobody else wants to

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Always go in blind, except when it's Extreme or Savage.

If you haven't been playing scholar forever it literally doesn't matter to you. The made the job boring it's still strong.

I have a girl mage alt. I just really wanna fully do the role job quests

wow bad
xiv good

>You can now use Selene without losing out on healing power
>You get to summon your actual own fairy that once used to be only a part of your LB3
>The fairy companion you gain at the start of the game becomes the fey king while still keeping the pact with you
>You now have the power of all the fairies at your beck and call
Truly our expansion

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That will probably be a while mr happy is still only level 78. I just saw him at a dwarf town.

Fuck off retard

>everything in expansion
Bros...I don't want to go back to Eorzea with shitty Garlemald war garbage and Ala Mhigo trash after this. I want Eulmore adventures with Alphinaud. I want never ending Heavensward and Shadowbringers fantasy

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Not that guy, but I got SCH to 60 a few weeks before 5.0. It still feels weird not being able to use bane/energy drain to clear stacks Im not using. I wish they’d give at least one of them back.

Bless Online was unironically better than this shit.

>being such a fan that you make sure to play on the same world
Fucking pathetic.

Crafting/Gathering without leves and spamming PotD are way worse though. At least the story starts to get good at around King Mog and tolerable after Titan.

The problem is that they added a new way to cash in aetherflow with sacred soil having regen. But you don't get it until level 78 so you're forced to burn them on nothing until then.

I know right?

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Somebody post some new Minfilia pics.

Go help ala mhiggers break some houses imperials build for them, so they could make more statues

new drk is giving me the fucking brain fog even though there's less shit to do than the sb version, i don't get it


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>still trying to bait
>in barely active thread
>when everyone playing game
You just getting responses from same falseflaggers and shitposters. It is literally autistic RP

I'm glad I like both so I don't have your autistic problem.

>bring night to the forest
>zone music at night is complete garbage compared to day


Fuck off. I was here first.He came here after no one on his original server wanted anything to do with him after he cheated at the trial roulette at a fanfest.


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Now imagine running a level sync dungeon.

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one of us
one of us
one of us

Does poisoning a dying kid violate the NAP?

Just hope that Yoshi keeps the story writer for the next expansion.

Apparently Au Ra are the only race still actually having kids in the first because lizard kids are fucking everywhere.

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She wrote stormblood anyway so i'm not worried.

>everyone saying pale vieras are shit
>canon vieras are pale, live in dark forest and speak with spic accent

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Truly the epitome of honesty and reliability this man, I would trust him with my life and wallet

Smug SCH's finally got sent to the shed

Honestly, fairy land and swamp land felt both very similar.

>the gay pink army is closing in, we need to eliminate the warden asap go go go

Lazypeon loves wow classic

>tfw I work like 14 hour shifts 3 days in a row so only get one hour to play a night and I'm stuck at this for like 20 mins.

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Any human rights you possess are forfeited the moment you get lightpozzed, so no.
That goes for WoL as well, only in his case he got so much of them that they only made him stronger.

Is AST a good first healer?

Are ques long for pvp and PoTD/HoH too?

It's $20 for base edition, $40 for all expansions
12.99 for char limited monthly

ps3 graphics

> can't actually break guns

Those aren't Viera

>tank queues

>Solus just snaps his fingers and creates clothes

What a bad ass.

How bad is it? I've gotten either instant or legit under 2 minute queues for every SHB dungeon so far and I'm a fucking dps.

That's because we've already had a full expansion where MCH was broken to shit.

All healers play the same except with slight different so there are no good first classes, just play the job to learn it.

why is bard a good job for girls and gays? I'm a straight male and I'm having fun with bard. Am I actually gay?

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oh boy more bait that's gonna get spammed every thread like the asmon layer webms

Trannies still think it's broken to shit though.

I was getting 10-15 min for leveling roulette. Instant as healer.

What should I pick ?

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Tell me about Seto.

We fall.

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Recognizing that it's shit doesn't excuse still using it.

He tells you a good story if you pick dinner.

I don't care what they think, really, I'm just wondering why do I have so much AoE attacks now and my head hurts because I can't set my UI properly to track new cooldowns.
Also trannies are probably just offended by the fact that the best attack you have is a massive phallic drill that pierces people, so it's simply penis envy.

What system do you want?

a different race lol

I want to marry Yugiri! I want to breed Yugiri and have Au ra elezen halfbreeds!

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I'm so glad Thancred is dead.

Seto. Why be a dick to him?

did they change how swimming works or am i retarded

He is of course, right. FFXIV has tons of flaws but they are hidden very well by the extremely defensive weeb fanbase.

It's funny how the game is lauded as some savior of MMOs that's so much better than BfA, but once you try it... it's the same thing.

why do people shit on microtransactions but not how fucking jewy mmo monetization is?

was WoW that influential that it just completely blinded people to how bad these practices are?

Tomestones aren't great but I don't think they're shit either.
They're the least excruciating weekly grind I've seen in any MMO, and even the amount you need for BiS isn't absurd

>Tfw he's right

I am so fucking sick of the story I just skip all cutscenes and text and just raid and do sidequests. The story is so bland it makes FF3 and 9 feel like a masterpiece.


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>how the game is lauded as some savior of MMOs
You're baiting, nigga.
It isn't. It's just better than current WoW, that's all.

about 30 mins but then i decided to level my level 42 whm. so now i get in less than 3 seconds.


kys blizzcuck

above 100 IQ
roll on preferred server
+100% xp to level 70

wow it's hard to do what they fucking want you to do


>Wow, you glamoured your dancer with the Thavnairian bustier set? How very original!
>Wow, you are using Squall's set with gunbreaker? That's so cool and unique!

is bard really a class for gays?

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Because all microtransactions are handled outside of the game, on a web page that you have to sign into.

>the twins dead right next to your character in Urianger's premonition

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just don't play then. FFXIV is shit but if you don't enjoy it don't play it. why ask it to change?

It's more that F2P MMOs show how absolutely essential a monthly fee is to the quality of the game and its community

Yes. Move on next question.

Why yes my six retainers hold the monopoly on all 75+ botanist items, how did you know?

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>been playing MSQ for a few hours
>no duty instances
>no trials
>no dungeons
is this the most boring expansion ever? i'm running all around fake La Noscea with Alphinaud trying to find some retard who stole our package. Is he about to ask us to gather food supplies for his party while Titan is being summoned? Holy actual fuck

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I can’t believe there are people who think ffxiv even has a leveling experience. It makes me fucking vomit

but why?

Do you like SB? SB was not interesting because of setting and theme for me. I didn't even finish 70lvl post SB side quest. No sense of journey. And isn't out of all main characters only Raubahn and Ilberd were Alamhigans worth remembered?

20 years of HRT worked quite well for Zorn and Thorn.

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SMN feels so strange to play now. wtf is that rotation?

Have the job stone?
You're now gay

Do we ship it?

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Where ya get it from?


ADHD wowrefugee?

How can little suns even compete

Are you a bad enough dude to unmake the future?

>those veins

dat steroid use tho

wowfugees really are conditioned to think endgame is the only thing that matters aren't they?

Play 4 hours and you will get used to it.

Yeah sure why not, she's getting on in her years

It truly is NOT our expansion since we afk heal now because of the whining WHM cucks who got mad that we had an actual DPS rotation

A shitload of double weaving.

I'm more surprised with blatant shilling.
>Published on Jun 29, 2019
Especially in Yea Forums

I asked about seto and got all embarrassed and then asked about our chocobo.

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What do you spend poetics on?

Sisters storyline on rak'tika.

so why is there a free to play shop mechanic AND a subscription payment?
The expansions shouldn't have to cost or maybe have the expansions cost but not have a shop.

its such an expensive game to get into. Even a wagey boy like me could not afford it unless it was the only game I played and I cut some expenses like nice food and stuff.

Gotta be a grown big boy with a pretty good paying job to play 14, unless you like dont have a gf I guess. Yeah i dunno its kinda gay and I wish I could play 14. I fucking hate tera and blade and soul, and all those free to play mmo's

It's fine, just don't pick SCH right now unless you want to fall asleep at your keyboard

Seriously, I can't believe people tolerate a fucking cash shop on top of an unavoidable subscription in 2019. At least WoW lets you pay with gold.

Tera had Korean bullshit upgrade systems and it died to me the moment Elin had an exclusive class.

>just want to wear lore-friendly shoes
>forced to deal with all of the bullshit legwear that comes with it
>pants don't cover it

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not to mention the fucking shit character customization.

New Minfillia is cute and funny

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I’m a SCH. GG boys

Seto and WoD was amazing.

Punched right on the fucking feels.

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new at the game, any tips for beginner lancer?

>everyone acts differently during that boss
>alisae charges ahead
>urianger just teleports
>thancred runs across
>minfilia tiptoes across, almost loses her balance and timidly looks away from the rest of the group
trusts are great

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How do I find a not garbage FC? Was in the Yea Forums one for my server a while ago but it was -too- normie and wholesome to the point of being annoying, not that I really want underage memeing /poltards either

RIP lol

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>Same retard that creamed his panties over pic related
>Complains about boring grind


Themepark and pseudo-themepark mmos will never be good.

Give me my full fantasy sandbox already.

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Define too normie

>but it was -too- normie and wholesome
How was it too normie and what's wrong with being wholesome? Was everyone either married or in a relationship and possibly had kids? Did they have their lives together?

>mindbroken wowfugee
>skipped heavensward because "ME WANNA PLAY! KILL KILL KILL!! GET ME IN THE ENDGAME NOW!!!


Who didn't see it coming?

Look at Yea Forums

>but it was -too- normie and wholesome to the point of being annoying
Compared to other online games I've played, particularly competitive ones, that kinda describes everyone I've met in FF14.

Would you trust this man?

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>le weeb
back to asmon's layer with you

It was basically how boomers communicate on Facebook during the rare instances they're not being hostile
Honestly outside of the FC the "nice" randoms I'd get were usually the first to rage, especially over not acknowledging their overly energetic smalltalk

Yea Forums FC is discord central with "anons" from facebook, reddit and twitter. Completely opposite. They don't even belong here.

just tried out lvl 70 nu-mch
>wildfire overheat piano'ing
good god it feels like you have three different burst windows that keep cycling this is so sexy

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>tfw newblood and have had fun leveling
I mean, there’s also a fuckton of other routes to level as well, and he skipped the best parts. The only main parts I’ve despised so far are the fucking filler quest lines in the first story section. WHY DO I HAVE TO MAKE A GOD DAMN FEAST!?

Why do they look like the back of cellphones?

He has only been honest so far.

There is 182 people leveling in this zone on my server, and this is the 3rd instance of it

>Whos going to tank now?
thanks for spoiling through the spoiler lad

Why are WoWfags so O B S E S S E D with ffxiv?
You would think they would be busy playing their game since that big patch came out....

They're using the model from the cellphone emote.

Dont forget 90fps cap

>70lvl NIN TA window
9999999 CPM
There is joke quest in SB about this

I'm surprised that the Yea Forums FC isn't full of ERPing trannies/crossdressers

>that part where her mouth opens inhumanly wide and her eyes start bleeding white

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i had to try this game FIVE times because the leveling was the worst shit ive ever seen hes 100% right despite what these tranny weebs say

Right, forgot.

Whos going to tank now?

Also 99% he's not dead, remember what the exarch told at the start? The scions are just spirits with physical bodies.

Same user here, just did that Shisui of the Violet dungeon, pulled everything to the first door, popped my cds, died. I don't get it, i'm not doing anything different.

>90 fps bad

Might as well make your last meal a good one

I don't play an MMO for the story

What's the excuse for equipping the wrong accessories because you thought you had the right shire gear but don't when you queue for roulettes?

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So what happened with Ethys and Crystal Cat?

this is a mmojrpg though
not an mmo

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I was expecting more /pol/shits and miscellnaious edgy shitposting based on Yea Forums WoW guilds I've been in, and I guess the current state of Yea Forums too. The Yea Forums FCs except the ERP servers are independent of /xivg/ as I hear

Interesting. However you play theme park mmorpg. If you want real MMO play classics games. Tons of them are alive.

inferior to guild wars 2 in every way

>The scene where Ardberd desperately tries to save 2 soldiers oblivious to the sin eaters coming for them

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>tranny wars 2


This is on Coeurl, a middle of the pack population server on Crystal.

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like what? shitty 2d trash with point and click gameplay?

Only thing GW2 does well is eye candy, XIV has a shitton of problems but is overall by far the better game

What is the absolutely biggest brain job?

>no voice acting
>shitty pacing

wow, so sad

aren't there more trannies playing FFXIV



>The quest in Kholusia where you help girl to practice her singing around lighthouse
>quest in Wright about "banshee screaming" around lighthouse


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Whats your point?


the game is extremely popular

I'm on Coeurl and I've been reasonably impressed by the population in Shb


>he plays MMOs for the gameplay
holy shit look at this fucking loser

Bros will Illberd show up in the updates?

So are we finally nailing WoW to the coffin?

>Make character on Preferred server
>Still have a login queue today

So? Being popular doesn't make a game good.

Then XIV and Classic will happily coexist


I play to interact with people
to do raids, dungeons, character progression
I don't play MMOs to play a single-player game

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He's not wrong. The leveling in this game is REALLY bad. The story is REALLY bad. The low level combat experience is REALLY bad.

This is coming from someone who likes the game.

>Y'shtola has oblivious been getting Runar's hot hrothgar dick in the first
>10 minutes later she is groping Urianger's ass
>now she obviously wants to leave slitherbough, I'm guessing in hopes to find more dicks somewhere else
Who can stop this slut?

Current wow deserves it's fate. Classic is cool though.

I've been playing MMORPGs for well north of ten years and I have yet to meet a worse playerbase. TERA was so unanimously bad that it's the only MMORPG I stopped playing because of its playerbase. There weren't redeeming features in it, it was just... babysitting. Unpaid, unglorified babysitting.

Granted, I don't play any MMORPGs anymore because they've all just become wowalikes, but TERA was a special brand of bad, and that's considering I can identify each playerbase I've mingled with by their own brand of bad to boot.

nu-MCH is cool and good

Is MCH or SMN more fun currently? I want to level an alt job before buying the xpack

What's MMO you play? Something from 2006? 98?

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I want fucking bandwagoners to leave my fucking server. This server was fine when I arrived now it's fucking congested.

When should I start paying attention to the cutscenes? My friend said Heavensward, but my other friend said at one of the points in ARR.

I just joined one of the Grand Companies and got my Chocobo mount. I don't know what's going on atm. It's my first mmo and I'm enjoying it though

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Is DNC pretty much like redmage?

can't baackstab steal combo in ff14, checkmate.

what server?

>Tell me how to read book

Literally every server is congested right now, retard.

Neck yourself you fucking retard

It's so fun swimming around on my trusty Elbst desu.

Why do I have 2 tanks in a dungeon run?
Where's the rest of my toolkit? I just want to regen and stone spam.
My feet hurt.
I just want that gods damned spell and go home and think about Ardbert loins.

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>! k queue
>Whats worse is that I fucked around for an hour before logging in after I got home and its almost entirely my fault

Don't neck yourself and don't smoke weed. You're a great person user.

>When should I start paying attention to the cutscenes?
never, just skip everything, you willl suffer less

>Literally every server is congested right now, retard.
Do you even have any idea what the fuck you're talking about? Why is it that people who rush to type retard at the end of the post like a mantra are always the ones who are fucking clueless and end up saying retarded shit?

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So it's worth going back to the player inn room and rewatching/reading the stuff?

Good post faggot, thanks for the help.

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fuck the other anons arr is a snoozefest, shit only gets interesting at 50 when you meet ice bitch

From the beginning you mong

Why's everyone swarming into Aether?

>you can't swim in Kholusia

Pay some attention to the Scions quest, and start reading everythin when you get into Heavensward territory.

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Is that guy in odin gear still at limsa? It was my first server and he'ss been there since i've started

Is there supposed to be a big difficulty spike in hw?

Jeez, that early in the game? You're going to be skipping a LOT of cutscenes, my friend. More than you realize.

Stop skipping them at around 2.4 content, which starts on a msq named Traitor in the Midst. That's where things actually get halfway decent.

Stop pretending this game has a good story, because it does not.

There was but everything's been nerfed so much over the years that it's hardly noticeable anymore.

here, this is what I'm talking about, the ice girl or whatever her name is is 2.4.

I don't know but I wish they'd stop. Though it's already too late.

>Stop pretending this game has a good story, because it does not.
This game has good story. My opinion is fact. If you don't like XIV story play wow and watch your GoT trash.

Sup bro
you ready for the next dungeon?

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this game really fools you into believing you're reading something of interest when you go to cutscene mode but you will realize 90% of the crap that npcs say provide nothing interesting or insightful

Your gear might be fucked, make sure you spend poetics on Level 50 gear in Mor Dhona.

nah, blizzard is

You know, I respect your opinion, but you must really have a low bar if you think "Generic Chosen One Beats up the Badguys" is a good story.

There's good characters, but the story is very bad.

>doing physical dps role quest
>all the WoD gather together
>there's a female elezen gladiator with the group

Did I miss something or is she explained in a different role?


Lazy Peon is right, even if you think the story is a huge draw for the game, how is it acceptable for SE to hype up their new expansion, then tell any potential new player "Hey, before you actually get to do any of this stuff, you have to do several hundred MSQ while you have a 6 button rotation for the majority of it" Then they have the audacity to charge 20 usd for a skip.

I know it's popular to gatekeep and claim that any player who isn't willing to slog through the MSQ to play the newest expansion wasn't really that into the game to begin with but holy shit, it's a nightmare trying to attract new players with the current system.

>scene entering Lakeland
How did they get so good at presentation

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Is this on the first or the source? They finally kill her off?

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So you're saying I shouldn't have started playing the game by buying shadowbringers and level+story skipping to 70?

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Thinking of going back into the game and I might try a new class. I was a level 65 ish RDM. MCH and GNB look fun to play and I'm interested in them.
How is Gunbreaker for solo questing ?

Or I could just stop being a faggot and keep going through Stormblood with my RDM instead of starting a new class for the third time.

>run a dungeon
>constantly feel like I'm carrying the other dps

GoT, as shit as it is, has ten times more depth than this crapass story what the fuck lmao

If you don't care about the story you literally shouldn't be playing the game. Wowshitters that think endgame is the only thing that matters should kill themselves.

Every story follows tropes. Even your favorite story can be simplified to "Generic X".
What is good story for you? By Yea Forums standards only 5-6 games have good story. By fantasy standards?

>try to log in
>Your position in queue: 900

twenty-three, the age y'shtola definitely without question is, is not that old

I used a philter to change into a Viera, is there a way to get the viera ethnic clothes?

No one said that retard.

I showed you my dick answer me


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It fits the role of "class that's easy to play and difficult to fuck up" so yeah.

Also yes. If she's gonna get railed by something it may as well be something of her own species, preferably with a barbed dick.

It's somehow even more braindead than RDM with "hit shit that lights up"

>lore team, having completed everything else they need to do for the expansion, still needs 50 years to release a lore post on Viera names

Why are we not murdering him immediately again?

SCH bros... it wasnt supposed to be like this... they told me we were the kings of healing...


Why does Dancer feel so shit?
>RNG based trash
>50% chance to win or lose dps
>Step, use 2 abilities, Step
>no DPS cooldown
>shitty support so bad other jobs already do it better
what the fuck

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Half an hour later she is slapping Urianger's ass

He's trustworthy and handsome

I dunno it's not my favorite but it's not that bad. Only playing it because it started at 60.

>an entire month
>he's never played a MMO for over a decade and still hasn't reached the max level, which gets increased every few months, and is currently 1050, but soon it'll be 1100.

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Would be pointless

>have my bar on Dragoon is deleted

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bros I wasted my free story fantasia changing to something I realize I don't want and now I don't want to play anymore
what do I do?

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Fuck this vista in Eulmore

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New guilty fap

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>The story is REALLY bad
Only in ARR

pre-lvl 50 you can just watch the cutscenes with voice acting and speed-read through the rest
start paying a little attention when you get introduced to the Scions of the Seventh Dawn (you'll know you're there when the blonde thot in a revealing outfit starts giving you quests), especially to quests that involve slaying Primals
then pay attention to quests once you get to the lvl 40+ zone "Coerthas" (the snowy mountain) as a lot of what happens there will be relevant in Heavensward
then pay attention to the late 40s, early lvl 50 quests, skim through most of the lvl 50 post-ARR questline and turn your brain back on when you start fighting mystery niggas in black robes and talking to dragons

Eh, among the MMOs I've played it's in a secure second place when it comes to writing. A long way behind The Secret World. But a good deal ahead of WoW and way above "Let's ruin or ignore every good chance we have" and "Let's have the worst and most annoying main cast ever" GW2.

and yeah, I've played more than those, but the story is largely irrelevant in the other games.

Dragoon literally lost 2 skills and both of them were useless.

How the fuck would he know? He skipped all of it.

She teleports to the stream again to escape falling into a pit and they summon her out again like they did in HW.

It was only Heavy Thrust, Impulse Drive and whatever role actions were cut, besides we get like 2 new actions to replace them

>all this wowcuck seethe

Tropes aren't a bad thing, it's how you use those tropes. But FFXIV doesn't do anything interesting with its tropes.

So many games have done the Chosen One trope, and it's such an important part of the story that you can't handwave it by saying other games use tropes or "What about X game". The plot relies on it. And when it's such a tired old boring trope, of course it's a bad thing.

In addition, some games twist the trope and play with it. Think you're the Chosen One? No, it's your child. Think you're the Chosen One? The Big Bad knew the prophecy already and took away your powers or harmed you in some other way.

So many things you can do, but FFXIV doesn't do any of this. It's so boring and cookie cutter, and doesnt do a single thing interesting. The story picks up in HW, where it actually considers for the very first time that you're mortal (Hyperbole, but you see what I mean.) but even still you're constantly reminded of how important and how you were Chosen.

There's also problems that the Chosen One story brings to the table considering this game is an MMO. Highly immersion breaking considering every person around you is also the Chosen One. There's also minor things, such as the story insisting you went into the dungeon alone when really you went in with 3 other people. Primals are also even worse with this considering how powerful they are. I remember being so surprised in HW when the Alliance Raid quest dialogue actually recognized that you went in with other players.

fanta back or give your new character time to grow on you
take a trip to the aesthetician and change its hair or something

8.2 ended up being nothing so now they have nothing better to do.

Well, you can either forget that character and level a new one, or cash up

>starting the game as a conjurer

I switched to lala because I think they're cute but I'm starting to realize just how grotesque and ugly their bodies are and how awful gear looks on them.

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I-Is it bad that i spend like 1-2 hours on 8.2 to do dailies and shit, then after that, continue playing shadowbringers?

>a trope can only be interesting if it subverts your expectations
this is the mentality that ruins stories

if you're having fun no

Thanks for the the summary. I knew they would not kill her off, shes too popular in japan

it's time to go full meme
get a halloween pumpkin head or a ghost, piggy or namazu costume

I fucking swear does she never learn

>its a the tank only pulls one pack at a time with the "you pull your aggro :^)" attitude
thats 30 minutes of fates for me then

What is the best class to Dance Partner?
I'm seeing a lot of tanks getting it and I didn't think it helped them at all

Ah yes. GoT's depth. Mature characters talk and act like anime characters or statuary cartoon villains with serous faces. We have serous fantasy here after all. Everything should be serous and real like real and serous real live. Real political intrigue for adult people is not some fancy weeb shit. And of course violence, boobies, sex with edgy like in my 80s anime and other home video shit to show how mature and serous everything is. Honestly I don't know how anyone can take this seriously without breaking suspension of disbelief every minute. This is problem in every "adult" TV shows and movies honestly.

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I'm talking about those that have been used for tens of hundreds of years, yes. Sorry, but I don't enjoy reading another Star-Crossed Lovers story when it's been done to death hundreds of times.

Nah, I'm doing the same, if only to finally unlock flying for all my characters. The content is fucking shit though.

Anything that attacks the fastest but just put it on the person killing things the best

I'm about to do the Research Facility is it any difficult?

I don't mind because I eschew AoE rotations on most jobs due to them being mindnnunbingly boring

Everything you want is in the DRK quests
>inb4 it doesn't count cause it isn't MSQ

Just be like classicbros and laugh at the blizzard diehards

Why does En Avant look like a dude dabbing?

My favorite part of XIV is where I talk to someone, teleport to another area, and then talk to someone else. Please god tell me the questing structure gets better in newer expansions.

A straight as an arrow star crossed lovers story can still work as long as the characters are good and they have good chemistry together.

But the characters you get in ARR are the same fucks even in the current one

>speak with spic accent
Its a scandinavian accent.
For some reason?

ffxiv players be here like "you have to spend 100 hours to get to the good part"

wow players be here like "i want to kms why did blizzard do this"

and us osrs players be here laughing at both

>1-2 hours on 8.2 to do dailies and shit
It takes me less than an hour to do the follower exp and mechagon dailies

>There's also problems that the Chosen One story brings to the table considering this game is an MMO.
I don't see any problems or perhaps I have big imagination. You should separate gameplay mechanics and lore. Raise spell doesn't raise dead. Heal can't regenerate arm or hole in your body. And WoL still can die from one shot in the head.

iirc math nerds said the difference is so small from job to job you’re better off just putting it on whoever is going to do the most damage because the impact it makes on your resource generation is negligible except over very long periods of time. I’d source that but I think it’s buried under days of discussion now, and buffing the guy with the biggest damage dick is a pretty safe play in the meantime. Eventually they will publish something a little more definitive on the matter.

Characters and story are seperate things.

It's more to do with WoW isn't on PS4 desu & there is some sour grapes over that

You have time to laugh because Runescape is a glorified cookie clicker game. There's barely a difference between botting and playing it I used to use a bot to cut yew while at school.

Does the expansion let me play as the good guys yet?

If not I won't bother.

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And not even lv 80 yet.

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I got a refund over basically everything he's saying in this video.

It's insulting that they expect a human being to put up with that in a videogame, man. It was so unbelievably shit.

The UI is absolute shit too.

Titania EX is alright for a launch primal, though not particularly original
Innocence EX can fuck off, just a fancy DPS check that feels like it goes on for half an hour

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You can change the UI in settings


Yellow, or teal eyes with brown skin and white hair?

Is Titania Ex easier than Susano Ex?

About the same. She feels a bit like O11S save for nonexistent DPS requirements.

I did, which is weird that I was spending like 15 minutes having to fuck with the garbage AI to get going.
Does anyone else ever sit back and realize how bizarre it is that people are accepting games that take 50+ hours to 'get to the good part'. The whole game is supposed to be fun. That's why I'm playing a game. Garbage.

I liked the graphics a lot atleast.

I've never heard someone say FFXIV's end game is good. A majority of players just go through the story and flip through different jobs occasionally.

blue eyes + dark skin = best

>finally get to Titty-anna
>retards stacking up when they all have the purple circles



>The entire idea of a romantic tragedy should go away.

I have 350 days of platime logged, but I just wanted to say that I love this game lads

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More like:
>OSRS Players be like: "5 minutes until next required click"


Oh yes.

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guess i'll never play it then. Let me know when there is a mod where i can play it single player with tweaked monster/boss stats so i can solo the whole game.

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Are those SAM numbers?

Yeah me too, because it's the best current FF we have and probably are going to get.
And that's also a bit sad.

White mage.


>There's also minor things, such as the story insisting you went into the dungeon alone when really you went in with 3 other people.

this is literally not true

play the game

>Like reading and doing every quest/side quest in XIV
>Like wow too

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SMN but MCH is more fun

It's the best current while also being a love letter to the fans of the series. Win win

SMN is boring now with the egi assault spells you cant set to auto, makes the class clunky

Endgame obsession is cancer. WoW's cancer.
>release specially unbalanced broken content X just to keep subscription rolling
>nerf X to the ground for casuals

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Thinky face