Sony just fucking KILLED Xbox and Nintendo

Sony just fucking KILLED Xbox and Nintendo

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consoles are gay and jewish

While they openly promote life of a black tiger on their shit store

>people buy a console to play high-quality games
Sony should start making some then, because all they have right now is movies.

Meanwhile the top played Playstation 4 games ate fortnite and multiplats

I can't wait for Microsoft and Nintendo to kill them next gen.

Sony can just say whatever the fuck they want at this point. It's clear they dominated the console industry and the jab at Nintendo making smaller mobileish games is 100% true. Most of Sony's exclusives suck major ass though and they just focus on the Cinema aspect of the industry which is fucking boring. The industry is having an identity crisis ATM I'm and I think this movie game shit is just a phase. It's going to switch VR in the near future and Sony and Nintendo are going to go belly up. That's when Microsoft strikes.

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>It's clear they dominated the console industry
Only because Xbox shot a major hole in their foot with their debut and Nintendo waited too long to enter this gen and did so with barely any games to show for the wait. In other words they didn't really dominate, so much as continued as normal while their competition did nothing.

Nintendo is still stomping Sony and MSoft by far.

Nintendo has the most valuable 1st party games in the gaming industry. How are they BTFO? People will always buy Nintendo consoles for Mario/Zelda/Pokemon/DK/Kirby/AC/Splatoon

This, also Dilationstation 5 will have one game to put on a pedestal for half a decade just as the current shit console does.

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Actually, people buy a PC for that.

Corporate shirts should all die.

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Yet they were all over indies until Switch came around and the indie devs all wanted their shit on Switch instead. Funny that.

Reminds me of when they bragged about having the best graphics, then Xbox blew them out of the water and Sony suddenly said graphics weren't important.

Sounds like more damage control to me, which is strange because they don't seem to be doing so poorly as to have to resort to this playground arguement bullshit.

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Phoneposters should all die

quit replying to yourself lmao

But I'm not on a phone.

Then you're a massive retard

OH so that is why people buy the switch.

Do you think we will get Splatoon 3? Im genuinely worried about it.

Fuck all this general talk. Can't believe this statement has been news worthy, Sony has said similar things earlier on. The only thing to hype about PS5 are rumored features, like backwards compatability. Anyone with a really good modern PC already has something with the same raw power that ps5 will have.

Why wouldn't we?

That's right, I buy a console to play exclusives. So provide some and stop losing them to PC.

I don't know about you, but I have a PS3 and PS4 purely for exclusives.

That's absolutely true, but unless we have specific games to excited about - there is nothing really to be excited about.

Pc faggots are so insecure. Have sex

Sonyfags may just be the most pathetic fanbase on Yea Forums whatsoever, it's like they never recovered from PS3SUX and NOGAMES and it mentally broke them

Based and dare I say Redpilled too

ok lol

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People play consoles because

#1: They play sports ball games
#2: They can't afford a pc
#3: Used games

Splatoon 3 is guaranteed as far as I'm concerned. Only question is whether it'll be on Switch or a future console.

>man all those people that buy PS4s for the exclus-

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Xbox will never recover imo, but they don't really need to since they're winning on the Windows side. Falseflagging as an xbro is fun though kek.

Actually, they play it because of the exclusives and ease of use. And used games.

>people buy a console to play high-quality games
Maybe 20 years ago. Literally every game that had massive impact came from PC, Pokemon GO being the only exception (and that died in two months).

>the jab at Nintendo making smaller mobileish games is 100% true
What did user mean by this?

>in reality the only things that sell on PS4 are fifa and the latest AAA shitware

ps you will NEVER EVER get a bloodborne sequel

4 First party Nintendo games
5 They haven't realized that a lot of Japanese stuff gets pc ports now
5 >Muh couch/kb&m bad

If I were to guess I would say people use consoles because of habit and expectation mostly.
Sitting on a couch playing games is a lot more appealing to those demographics than sitting at a desk. I would say that's the main reason why consoles enjoy popularity.

This. Sony in particular catered to a lot of weebshit games in the past, but with the new censorship policies I think most anime tiddy devs are gonna jump ship to Nintendo and PC. I think Microsoft's also trying to get more Jap games on Xbox, too.
Sports are available on everything and MS and Nintendo have more first party/mascot games in general, which just leaves Sony with glorified movies for exclusives at this point. If it doesn't get its head out of its ass soon it'll get crushed in the next gen.

Your opinion isn't really worth much. Xbox could overtake Playstation in sales next gen.

>nintendo is going to go belly up because they make movie games

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Imagine actually thinking this. It's always between Nintendo and Sony.

imagine defending Nintendo and fucking snoy

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Over whobox? Of course, kek.

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How big is the weeb demographic for Sony?ps vita is basically just that and there’s a shit ton of anime games on ps4. I’d imagine that most anime devs are gonna jump ship for the switch. Wonder if that’s gonna hurt them in the long run or are people that buy one for multi plats like gta and cod their main demographic?

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ZoomZoom have a short memory?

So what high quality games does Sony have

only the hardest of core games like monster hunter world.

>90 million consoles
>150 million fifas

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Anyone who has a xbox was cringelord tier in school. Xbox 360 had a decent but was eclipsed by ps3 past 2010. Wii destroyed both.
Someone who uses memes like boom/zoom is obviously mentally ill, though. To be supporting xbox. Fucking kek.

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yeah we know, the vita failed horribly

They're already recovering.

Sony: >Best story
Xbox: >Best graphics
Nintendo: >Best Gameplay.
Prove me wrong.

"Movie game shit" has been a thing since PS2. Silent Hill 2 and Black among others are still highly regarded.

Hell you could even argue PS1. Final Fantasy 7 wasnt marketed with its combat system.

pretty much. so if you actually have half a fucking brain you own a pc, a switch, and you read good books and watch good movies.

Indishits btfo'd

Nintendo just got dabbed the fuck out!

They have Bloodborne and...


...Ratchet & Clank, I guess

>belly up

You don't have to like them but their shit always sells hotcakes.

The fucking PlayStation won against the 64 with variety, it was all about having something for everyone. It was about giving freedom to the devs after they had to deal with Nintendo's favoritism and censorship. Where is that spirit now? In the fucking gutters. Nu-Sony is a disgrace.

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>Best story
Kek enjoy your forced LGBT propaganda and so.y cuck writing staffs.

Oh, and that racing game with the furries.

CTR is not a PS exclusive tho

This! PC+Switch masterrace

Xbox Scarlett and Switch next gen.