How many ARPGs exist where you can make basically any build you want and still be viable in the lategame and the...

How many ARPGs exist where you can make basically any build you want and still be viable in the lategame and the hardest areas/difficulties? Or is "80% of skills inherently suck nuts" just a baseline flaw of the genre?

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The issue is getting the game balanced to where there aren't build setups that are significantly better than others and having enemies still be enough of a challenge for all builds to not be boring. My main issue with games like TQ and Grim Dawn is that most of the builds that are actually good seem to usually be Auraus + one or two abilities, which is usually pretty boring to play.

What you want is much harder to do than you think.
>usually be Auraus + one or two abilities, which is usually pretty boring to play
You'll get tired of your "fun" build with fuckton of buttons in few hours, and ARPG generally requires you to play much more.

Zero because that would be impossible to balance.
Completely off kilter builds can sometimes work up to a point, and obviously some combinations will work well but a lot will fall off the wayside because there is no real synergy or support.

>You'll get tired of your "fun" build with fuckton of buttons in few hours, and ARPG generally requires you to play much more.
Running around holding down left click and waiting for you auras and on-hit ability to kill things is even less interesting, so I don't see what your point is.

Demon Souls, Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2

And 3 to some extent


Dark Souls is an action role-playing game developed by FromSoftware and published by Namco Bandai Games.

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Dark Messiah and Dishonored say hello!

Why don't devs learn that they can keep shit balanced so long as skill trees are short and meaningful rather than being long, tedious, and full of things with no immediate benefit?

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this facet is precisely why arpgs gravitate towards difficulty settings or post game difficulty scaling in order to satisfy casual players who bumble their way through the story, and more hardcore players who want a challenge worthy of min-maxing to grind