I dab all of this Lobotomy Corporation

I dab all of this Lobotomy Corporation

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Post CHAD agents

Attached: LobotomyCorp_2019-06-24_01-03-31.png (274x411, 84K)

What's going on in this thread?

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I honestly can't think of a more chad agent than this one.

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Why do clerks exist?

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name a valid reason to deathball ever
other than when all your shitters are level 1

All important fights in the game are against one single abo at a time
Applying shields efficiently
Looks cool as shit

I'm on day 24 or 25, and I haven't spoiled myself on the story. But I did see this pic, so I'm gonna take a complete stab in the dark about what the twist is going to be.

It turns out that all the AI are actually previous managers of the facility, right?

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*cracks open a bear*

Attached: bear.png (2560x1440, 1.19M)

Wait so is Kether a box or not?

haha :)
keep playing retard

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link past thread pls?

this agent is fucking a slime cutie on the clock and basically you have to settle for a super thirsty yandere AI

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you might wanna calm down on putting the title when making threads

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Real question though should we have a general? It's not like we couldn't keep it alive. Library of Brunia is coming out soonish and we know we're going to have a LC sequel eventually.

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It was pretty neat having a thread last night, going to sleep, wakingup, going to work, start heading home, and only then does the thread die.
Well whatever. Does anyone have a draw request for when I get back on my pc?

I really wanna see One Sin laser eye blasting an employee for being too degenerate like the crab meme.

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Laetitia and CoG trying to catch Buttlerfly Man with a butterfly net

>ever wanting a general
Nice try. Generals only spur drama and stagnation for communities. You... YOU...

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I need a laughing girls edit of one sin and plague doctor

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Threadly reminder to read the manual.
Remember only clerks don't read the manual.

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Forgot Malcute

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I want to show Little Red that there's a reason to live past killing that big meany Wolf!

i don't play the game but still comes here for the bird meme
and the hot girls
hope you guys don't get pushed off in /vg/

>bird flies through his skull
>still smug

Redpill me on this game
Why should I play it?

>Train came today
>Only killed on employee
I guess I should be thankful....


My boy always looks like he forgot where he put his lunchbox and hopes some random Clerk hasn't eaten it

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In here it is called Redbullet, mate


Think SCP management sim but not gay as fuck. Translation is slightly shitty but that's because the guy they had do TL's ran off with the cash and fucked shit up. Also there's a reason in game why the art is like it is.