>MHfags are gonna pay 40$ for an "expansion" that barely adds 5 hours of content, just like they have for the past 15 years
Defend this.
Monster Hunter Thread
MHfags are gonna pay 40$ for an "expansion" that barely adds 5 hours of content...
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How the fuck do i get Nargacuga to spawn?
fucking trash flagship too
You mad that other people are enjoying video games?
>Defend this.
I'm backlogged enough that the eventual bundle with vanilla MHW will be 5 years old by the time I get to it.
The absolute state of coping seethe hards seething cope from their absolute state of seethe. Unreal. Cope harder seething incel coper seethes. The seething cope is palpable in your copenseethe
Don't you have a Nintendo thread to post
, Silly Bing bong wahoo?? Grow up
MH World was dull, I'm not gonna buy Iceborne.
Seethe less. Cope more. Please. For your father's sake.
cute Zinogre
Wrong. I hated world, I'll never support the continuation of that model
Fuck how they handled armor, fuck how they ruined weapon design, and most of all fuck all that nonsense filler instead of making an actually breathing ecology that rewarded exploration
>being this illiterate
seethe less faggot. your lack of cope is telling. maybe Mario maker 2 will teach you to cope with your hilarious levels of seethe
>Pretending to hate on a game for attention
MHfags have been doing this for years.
>t. MHfag who played MH4, MH4G, MH4U
Can we get seethe and cope word filtered
I managed to beat Narga but didn't have time to hunt Jagras.
Kinda done with Iceborne already just because of the beta.
Then you won't be playing any new Monster Hunter games for a long time. They've been reusing PS2 assets for all these years, copying skeletons and animations over. The whole point of MHW is so they can get away from that and start fresh. It'll be the new model that future games are based on for the next 10-15 years.
Will the new items like the Grapple Claw thing and the new moves for weapons be added to the base game as a QoL update or will they only be available with a purchase of Iceborne?
finish the quest
>New monsters are available to fight in the beta
>Everybody only talking about the returning ones
This worries me a bit. How are Banbaro and Beotodus?
You need to get Iceborne to use them, i think.
Banbaro is literally the Buldrome of Master Rank, and Beotodus is a lavasioth reskin.
People talk about returning monsters because they are the most interesting stuff revealed so far.
I mean, velkhana and the Legiana variant could be interesting fights, but they aren't in the beta.
Boring to be honest.
What should we say about them?
They are the two introducing monsters for Master Rank. The new monsters they'll introduce in the next trailers will surely be more interesting.
This is Zinogre, the next monster to be added to Iceborne.
Say something nice about him!
How many new areas will there be in Iceborne?
I hope at least 3.
I loved fighting you on 3u and 4u! Can't wait to see how they fucking ruin your fight with infinite stamina!
>See beta available again
>Turn on game
>Jagras quest says something about mysterious monster
>Go to area 8
>Kill cat
Silly cat. You can't hide from me using RNG, I deal with the desire sensor every day.
Reminder that screamer pods still work on her while she isn't enraged
There is only the Ice locale.
They did a surprisingly good job with narga. With Zinogre I hope they develop the thunderbugs more, like they did in Frontier.
No way there's gotta be more.
why can't we have nice threads again?
He has good merch and LEs
Supposedly Hoarfrost Reach is fuckhuge and bigger than any base World map, but we'll see
Console warriors ruining everything as usual
Every G-Rank expansion only added one map. I mean, 4U didn't even introduce a new map to begin with.
This time is bigger than the others, but it's still just one.
Console war shitposting and the massive influx of newfags with every new gen.
I'm sure things will get better with time but for now we just gotta deal with shitposters
Now you're on our radar.
PChads are here.
Seething Nintentodlers who lack cope basically.
So which monster did you prefer on this beta?
Do we know how much content is there in Iceborne? I have MHGen on the Switch barely started and wondering what to play.
I guess narga was the least shit one
I remember some PR guy saying that there was just as much "new" content as base World but that's probably bullshit.
but for real though this dlc is only six new monsters?
Only six so far. There are obviously going to be more, mostly returning ones.
They’ve already said there’s a minimum of 16 new monsters, they’re not gonna show all of them before release.
Haven’t kept up with Iceborne news since before E3. Anything new announced in that time? Last thing I saw was the Glavenus tease.
Is it Tea-grex or Tie-grex?
Thank god there's a new village in iceborne. Astera fucking sucked.
Tea-grex officially, but they don’t bother enforcing it since a lot of official media still says it like tie-grex.
Astera sucked and the handler sucked worst of all. I can’t believe I have to live through more unskippable cutscenes of that drooling retard
What's the cutest MH couple?
Oh god don't remind me about the handler. I fired up the beta feeling hopeful until I realized she's still in this game and I would have to tolerate her psychic hints and tips from across the map.
I'm italian so i read it as tigre-x
I say change seething to SNAAAAKE!
Cope to Sake
Rathian and Steve obviously.
Plus a complete obsession with Nintendo because they didn’t go third party
Gen U is basically just about every monster shoved into 1 game: The game.
With over 100 monsters plus deviants that gain new moves games fun
Real speaking, clutch claw mechanic is not my cup of tea. Also new mosters feel terribad.
Probably still end up buying but obviously will not pre-order.
I enjoy the gameplay and will pay for more of it. It may not be your opinion, but it is mine.
user no.
You know it's true
He's a fun fight and he's pretty cute
>The whole point of MHW is so they can get away from that and start fresh
....by copying skeletons and animations over?
guess you never played a mh before
That's what they've been doing for ages, why would they stop now?
Now take that content and apply the possibility of replaying and and every hunt at least six times for an armor set and weapon, exclusive drops for crafting items or helping with friends.
>no image found when reverse searching
ded thred
Is it actually going to be $40? Are you fucking kidding me right now? I expected it would be $15 or at most $20 but these niggers can suck my cock if they think I'm paying $40 for this.
Fated four when
If they fix the Leviathan skeleton then bubble fox is a given and i doubt Astalos and Gammoth would be hard to add
Sex with monstie?
i just want the picture of the maid
Gammoth would require a new skeleton
I think it uses a modified version of the ape skeleton actually
pls gib gore magala
Here it is, scum
Narg room open.
jJrc 6t00 0000
And now closed
New SA heavy double chop is cool. They also changed the retreating slash animation. Its faster now and has less recovery.
I always thought he used a modified Popo skeleton
Excuse me for assuming it's gender
>less than 20 replies in an hour
How the fuck did the MH community on Yea Forums die so hard?
I have nargy instance on ps4. Any Yea Forumsirgins interested?
Blame console shitposting. It's either snoyboys, or bing bing wahoos all over. Sad stuff, really. Thought we had left this behind after Tri
There are five biomes.
Worst part of it all is that the only alternative is /vg/
>coddling newfags
>fuck how they ruined weapon design, and most of all fuck all that nonsense filler instead of making an actually breathing ecology that rewarded exploration
Ok I'll bite out of curiosity, what did they do with weapon designs and monsters(?) that was different from past games?
Infantile console tribalism. There's no such thing as a "community" on Yea Forums anymore; it's a no-man's-land of who can shitpost the loudest.
Not him but weapon designs are ptetty fucking dull compared to previous games, most of them are Iron/Bone weapon + some monster part slapped into it
Narg hunt ps4.
dXHW a400 0000
I’ll add this one to the list too.
How's the PC version of mhw? I burned out super fucking hard on PS4 when it came out, played like 300 hours in the first month, but I figure with all the content updates I could probably come in and play a bit more of a paced game.
No, you won’t have to. Vanilla’s getting all the qol shit too, but without IB that’s all they’re getting.
Gonna be a lot of variants of existing monsters as usual, eh? Used to bug me but now I just want to murder 'em and harvest their materials.
Mizu’s neck isn’t even that long, especially compared to Lagi. That was their whole reason for not putting it in vanilla World.
Unfortunately it's been this way for years, as long as I can remember I guess.
Neither of you fucks know what you’re talking about, but the latter is most likely true.
Why not just play it on PS4? You really want to start from scratch?
I swear a bunch of the old games were like that. Admittedly we're light on some of the stranger weapons like pop corn/sharq attack/frozen tuna/fist hammer/meat hammer unless I slept through something.
Isn't the new ice dude using leviathan assets? Fox could use some of that too.
>Your favorite monster
>Your favorite game
>Your favorite locale
I use Charge Blade, Gunlance, LBG, HBG, a little LS and GS. What other weapon should I try to main when the expansion drops?
Try HH. DS and Hammer are fun too.
I like Banboro. He’s simple but I like his gimmick of picking up trees and other shit.
>Ugh, I can't believe you're letting people enjoy stuff. I found it myself on an obscure artist gallery that was all JP, so everyone should be able to do the same thing.
You guys wanna play some GU?
Tigrex is fun. Took some getting use to him not standing still and turning before every charge anymore.
Sounds boring, bugs when?
by copying the new skeletons and animations rarther than the super old ones yes
Unoptimized but it werks. If you don’t mind waiting longer it’s the better version.
Quropeco, GU, Deserted Island
SA got a lot more mobility with its new moves if you got a hard on for the transforming gimmick of CB, SnS also got a new big dick damage combo that does more damage if you time it right which is pretty fun
Those are the only weapons I use outside of your list already, give them a try
I just tried the demo, it seems cool but I keep running out of time trying to beat the medium difficulty monster (frost wyvern thing). Might pull the trigger and pick it up, is the community active or is it a dead game?
PC when?
Still alive and active. If you post your room on here people almost always join
This is my second time playing, I will do my best not to cart. On the demo btw
I have the game but not the demo
people say there's parts of the pokke theme in nargacuga theme but I honestly don't hear it
Active players can’t play with demo scrubs dude
Then what are you waiting for it's free.
go to 1:55 and listen for about 10 seconds. just a few quotes from the theme mixed in.
I do
It doesn’t fit at all
Just fucking butcher my favorite theme fuckwads
Bummer, oh well
Narg hunt ps4.
dXHW a400 0000
How's Iceborne Narga, is he any good?
Did they change any of the core weapons? Like buff HH, maybe buff Sworld and Shield?
I main GS, just wondering if anything changed.
Did they say anything about just being able to buy the expansion? I wanted to double dip on steam and I'm wondering if it would be cheaper to get the base game on sale and just buy the expansion or wait and get everything at once.
Sony fans pay $60 for qte movies.
Just continuing the trend of lack of content for the price
Far slower than I remember
I say it as tigre-x
>random matchmake with three nips
>they continue quest instead of disbanding
>invite me to their voice chat party
>it's three girls
>put ps4 into rest mode without saying anything
>they keep fucking gunlance over
God damnit
you could have made friends sweetie
A buddy of mine and I have been waiting for the steam sale to finally start playing World but we’re worried about one thing.
We both only have relatively average laptops to play on and while we meet the minimum requirements I’m still worried it’s not gonna run well enough to even be worth it.
Can any hunters here confirm that it’s toaster friendly or should we stay away?
That sounds like it could’ve been fun.
They weren’t even speaking your language, what did you have to lose?
>wyvernfire will never be good in G rank
Is the $29.99 cost on Steam worth it for World?
not even close to toaster friendly sorry man, might have to just sit on it
Got a GU hub up
ID is 61-7187-5798-9332
Password is 7243
Xeno is the worst final fight in the franchise, can we agree on this?
Who is worst?
>final fight
Sorry, """final""" fight.
dire miralis takes that spot
good. but I agree he isn't AS cool as he could be but my problems are fixed in the AT form and I have more fun
It wasn't that bad.
I must shamefully admit I never beat Alatreon in Tri or White Fatalis in literally any game it was in but that's just me being a scrub. The point is Dire Miralis was fine.
She put her panties on after the garterbelt
What a fucking idiot.
What was different about AT form? I never bothered with it since I didn't even enjoy fighting him regularly
why would you even do that
Ah that's a shame
Guess we'll have to stick with GU for now
Yea Forums is dying
Some threads are up for more than 24 hours.
new moves and a lot more damage, which makes it less of a chase down the beatcow and hit it and more actively hunting it
Yes. You could also wait for Iceborne on PC and pay $60 for both. Iceborne on it's own is $40. But waiting like 4-6 months just to save $10 isn't really worth it if you want something to play right now.
how else would she supposed to pee then?
You pretty much play "the floor is lava" if you fight AT Xeno.
I mean, $10 isnt that huge a deal, plus I'm sure websites will have second hand preorder discounts on Icebourne
The same fags that will pay $40 for Iceborne will pay $40 for pic related.
I really can't wait for SnS's new moveset, and the day I can deal with flying monsters without spending a flashpod or hoping a charged slash nicks their toes.
Perhaps it is for the best.
I can still hear it in his voice.
No,I'm mad at casual normalfag brainlets actively supporting the downfall of a beloved video game series.
>has 90 monsters
>has not even 30
>has paid dlc
>is piss easy, literally impossible to die
Titan is a piece ofshit
Yep, and the same retards thatll pay $40 for an overcharged fucking World DLC are also the same kind thatll pay $40 for a fucking AoT DLC
Very bad. Badly optimized, full of mod which is a good thing and cheat... It's even well known among the speed runner that some speed runner use mod to fix crit RNG and monster hp range.
Is it worth playing through the demo for the rewards?
What do you get?
No seriously, how the fuck do you get Narga? I've played through the damn Jagras quest 6 times now and killed it, Anjanath and Rathalos.
it's as rare as getting an attack jewel
just ask for other people's rooms
Right through her panties, duh.
I hope he still has his swag walk animations. no other monster paced around looking down at you while you fought.
That's just fucking great. I have the worst luck out of anyone I know.
>that pic
great taste
Extremely entertaining fight along with Nargacuga.
>5 hours of content
That's literally not how MonHun works. I'm going to turn that """"""5"""""" hours into another 100+.
At minimum 16, likely 30ish. Tri was skimpy on content like World, but 3U was huge and added 30+ monsters. Iceborne will probably add as many monsters as 3U.
Gammoth uses the Popo skeleton, and Popos are already in Iceborne.
I can't wait to hear his battle theme
The OG one from p3rd makes me cum every time
I was only pretending to be retarded..
Based retard.
>move 5 feet
>get hit by great jaggi
good fucking game
nintendo fags are still mad that their only good game is off of their shit systems
>he doesnt like loading screens
>instead he likes holding run for 10 minutes because the maps are a shitfest
what a cope holy shit
Why is it that oldfags who started with MHF1 and MHFU mostly like World while zoomers that started with Tri are eternally seething?
This is BIG cope. Iceborne won't even have this "problem" because Raider Ride is a thing.
He's been a 100% spawn for me
Start quest at top left camp, run to the area with the vine trap and Aptonoths/liljagras
Narg should be there,
>literally too retarded to know where monsters spawn
the game has fast travel and lets you choose where to spawn on the map, it's way faster to get to the mon
It's easy:
>she is embarrassed because Los is going on about how they were made and perfect for each other
>Ian is getting fucked by that goofy gamer Kut Ku on the reg
Gamers rise up.
I preordered back on ps4.
Bought on PC later
Then I bought on ps4 again, on my region because I was having problems with my old account.
And now preordered Iceborne
How mad does that make you?
>picks the wrong camp to start
>takes a while to get to the monster
i did not know DSP played monster hunter.
>people that started with fu like world
Because gaymers are children who actually partake in dumb shit like console wars
Not at all because you took the bait
being this bad at the game, if the monster run of his initial zone and not to his nest you're playing too bad
now that I've gotten every monster down in the beta
2/5, I didn't even notice any changes in the Master Rank moveset
Good moveset, loads of new animations to seperate it from Lavasioth and Jyra. If Lavasioth and Jyra don't get overhauls it easily takes the title of best Piscine
great aesthetic, an almost completely unique moveset on even generic attacks like the tail swing, unique gimmick. Problems I really have is the horn break is absolutely lame and it is easily going to be forgotten as the game progresses since it isn't going to really deal any damage at the ~700 defense point
Master Rank only gave it one new attack although it is a straight upgrade to the original flame spit
changed patterns up, covered one of the flashbomb weaknesses when enraged, makes itself well aware of its new attack animations. Although it got nothing on the ground which is disappointing
This is, without a doubt, the saddest thing I've seen in a Monster Hunter game in a very long time. It's so fucking bad that I don't even know how to convert it into words. I guess I could ask why is everything it does so slow and predictable, why they tail is now a weakspot, why the music sounds like literal shit being thrown on a river with shitty nostalgia bait in the middle that makes no sense.
This is an embarrassment on every level. Tigrex is garbage, Nargacuga has been neutered all the way through and now Glavenus is probably getting nerfed as well. What other fan favorite will they ruin next?
the new remix is really good. It has more than a few mix-ups on the standard moveset and the new attacks it has can actually hit you. Even though it is back to being a 5* monster (it ties Rathalos in the turf war) it still feels like an evasion tutorial like it has always been since FU.
Many attack mix-ups, mediocre remix (still better than gen 4s) All I can really say is this is the best Tigrex has been since P3rd butchered him. It's the best monster of the beta
for me is because is the only mh game i played from high school to end of university, didnt know there were games for the 3ds if i have the chance i will play them
Jagras was given ranged meat attacks. it is the same as Greatest Jagras.
Anjanath gained a few new attacks and now uses his fire attacks much more often.
>narg doesn't react to sonic bombs anymore
If that isn't soulless, I don't know what is.
I cant wait for the masses to meet him.
he is gonna cause so much salt.
he is a such a basic brute but he is relentless.
use them when it is unraged. I just fought cuga and it still reacts
good moOOOOOOORNING /mhg/! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to Seregios (yes, THE Seregios from Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate) getting confirmed in Monster Hunter World! Make sure to save your tears for the upcoming Iceborne expansion when Seregios flies into the spotlight!
>b-but Zinogre has a good history with Monster Hunter! He’s gotta be in! “No!”
Sorry Zinogre fags, but the next flagship Capcom is going to reveal is yours truly! Why would Capcom choose an overdesigned mess like Zinogre over the a realistic design of Seregios, when World is supposed to be about realism? The DLC monsters have also been confirmed to be “surprising” according to the developers, so I’m afraid your years of crying for Zinogre are going to be subverted once again with the reveal of our favorite underdog! But feel free to continue your denial. Your tears of disappointment will be all the more sweeter!
Narga is immune to sonic when enraged and while transitioning areas it seems. I tripped it once with sonic bombs when it tried to pounce.
>Ice themed expansion
>Gammoth left out
the absolute state of popodrome
Based and pineconepilled
You sure bro? youtu.be
>just a trip
They're supposed to force an enrage too...
i would not count him out right away.
>whole bunch of gear in the beta is called "Mammoth"
>the descriptions say Banboro
>all the descriptions are super generic. like they are not the real ones.
>They're supposed to force an enrage too
World is made for retarded people and that would be just too much for them
So we'll get 'bonding' turf shenanigans with the metal raths, right?
It did get up mad from the beating anyways. It's probably still the same.
Does the new LS iai moves have i-frames? The description is kind of weird but it sounds like it does. It also has that blue effect.
it really is great.
Is the Icewurld expansion going to fix the problem the original had where the game hub felt empty and dead because it was just a dozen NPCs walking around?
I hated going up to the boat to actually see other players because there was hardly anybody there and everyone would just search for SOS missions at the closest job board down below instead.
I miss the older games where Id join a full server and thered be a ton of players walking around the hub area doing stuff.
I've never seen an oldfag say they like MHW without mentioning a few caveats
>I miss the older games where Id join a full server and thered be a ton of players walking around the hub area doing stuff
I miss Minegarde man. To this day there has never been a hub like it
Looks like a Dreadmaw evo
you can force an enrage with the claw
This is furshit isn't it?
Is there any way to delete the handler from existence?
ah yes the old hubs were much more lively and better!
10 NPC standing static in place.only having one animation right when you talk to them than back to being completely static. i also truly enjoyed having to go though multiple load screens to change gear and get back to playing the game! i also miss sitting in the hub for 10-30 mins waiting for people to join, only to have people with shit gear join and ruin the quest.
being able to PLAY the game while people show up?! that is stupid! I play monster hunter to larp that i go to bars and pubs!
>How to fix MHW's hub in one move
make players visible outside the guildhall
>what would also be nice
bring back inviting people into your room
how to fix the hub in MHW.
>add blacksmith vendor
seriously if they had a vendor in that top area, there are even doors they can but them in.
it would be the best area to be.
its compact and has everything you need to get back out hunting as fast as possible.
I can't believe frontier is being killed off bros...
It's just so weird to see it go, wonder if they'll try to bring some of the content into mainline, there's some geniunely good monsters there
>changes car out for big rig
>crying wojak.jpeg
>hunter goes SSJ and knocks the truck over in one hit
>complains MHW is casual anime shit
You mean Frontier 2
I don't even care about the lack of blacksmith. It's the fucking lack of botanical garden and Tailraider Safari that I don't like.
Unironically Gens was the best we got.
Arts were fun.
Well yeah. I started with MHF1 and have my criticisms, but still consider World to be the best in the series.
if anything they are gonna make Frontier World.
they saw how much money MHW made. there is no way in hell they wont try to capitalize on it.
Online and Frontier are both going down this year in December because the licenses are up with Capcom. Meaning Capcom refused to give them the license again.
it is a good bet that a new Monster Hunter MMO will be announced in the next few years. this time with a actual chance of it coming to the west.
>Enjoying video games
>Using shit weapons
You sure about that virgin?
What is objetively the cutest monster?
>HBG will never double as a pile bunker again
Why even live bros...
>5 hours
nigger, have you ever played monster hunter?
Grinded for weapons and armor?
XX mads were top kino. Do people even do mads for world?
I'm getting worried about my boy Brachy
>autistic AMVs are a good things
"No!" and Have Sex pilled.
Narga appearances tier list
S: Freedom Unite, Portable 3rd, Frontier
A: Generations Ultimate
B: Iceborne, Generations
C/D: 3 Ultimate
>world nargacuga is the hardest the entire series has ever had, variants includes
This wouldn't have happened if you put ssd on your 3ds.
>sonic bombs don't even enrage it
cope harder snoyboy
Oh just like in MHO
>Kept spamming attacks near its head without worrying and it died in 5 minutes
Worldfags are in a brand new level of delusional
Isn't it time to dilate snoyboy?
Eh, having to buy dlc taunts to some of this makes me sad.
Get Laid.
What the fuck are you talking about? He's pretty easy in World. You can't even call me a nintendofag because I am saying that his hardest incarnation is in Freedom Unite lol
With Mizutsune.
NOW we're talking
Why does Mizu attract so many homos?
I genuinely don't get the coloration
Not me at least, I switched to Dauntless and its vastly superior multiplayer format.
>Male-only monster that appeals to furfags
Gee i wonder why
nincels create autism
Most of the monsters are pretty sexy
So long gay tama
>dauntless has crossplay
>mhw doesn't
Oh no no no bros...
because it is feminine while being a canon male.
i think the REAL question is, since it is canon that the only time we have to hunt one is during mating season. why has there not been a Doujin of a female hunter being raped by Mizu yet?
>Monster Hunter Stories update never in the west
>Monster Hunter Stories sequel never
>Monster Hunter Stories will always be stuck with a shitty rock paper scissors combat system
>collecting Monsters will always be a cluster fuck that makes no sense with the canon lore.
it was funny when i hatched a loli horny as fuck diablo.
But that's not stories
Lets hope that Capcom gives Stories another chance.
I don't personally really post on MH threads because they usually devolve into console wars and I'm not that interested in Iceborne to be honest.
How do you think Capcom is going to change up tempered monsters/the decoration guide?
Easiest change would probably just be fixing the current retarded drop rates, but most people who give a shit already have at least most of the gems they want. I doubt they'll make a new set of gems, or worse, upgraded version of the existing gems
They're just going to leave it exactly the same aren't they
Great Jagras is literally a punching bag.
Maybe they will do things like Greatest Jagras more. Event Monsters that are there mainly to farm up decos.
i do wish Event quests were always up or rotated every day.
So is every tutorial monster
>It instantly fucking died
good times
Let's hope MH goes down in popularity and normies leave so that we can have nice threads again.
Let's be real. Capcom are so fucking lazy that the new game they make for the Switch will still use all those PS2 models
PC version is a joke. Totally unplayable since their last few updates for me. I don't think they have anyone that knows how to port to PC. It's one of the worst, jankiest ports I've ever seen.
>fuck how they ruined weapon design
But bro, they're realistic now! So gritty!
GL already has different playstyles, a straight damage boost is fine.
This honestly needs a new version with dilate, cope and seethe
Armor skills are absolutely fucking shit in MHW.
I can maintain around 120-140fps with the HD texture pack. Idk why everyone is saying the game is unoptimised.
Because it was unoptimized at launch, it's better now
Would you kiss a monster?
If so, which one?
When is the shitter killer gonna come back
When are they gonna announce Barioth?
Why would you want a neutered garuga? It'd be too sad.
Hopefully never. World is already lacking in variety enough we don't need three versions of Tigrex
>they would neuter him!
>Tigrex and Narga are harder than they have been since FU
they have been jokes since 4. the only reason Garuga is still a pain in the ass is his no wide up charges and backflips
Garuga's moveset is nigger tier, just make it Deadeye's moveset
Fucking kek
World lance is so much fun.
>World Tigrex
I bet you're one of those people who say Black Diablos is hard too
Reminder that ALL of them are in.
>No Great Jaggi
literally what's the point?
2:57 FFS
>Every Monhun thread is still plagued by GU vs World faggotry
GU is the absolute pinnacle of Monhun after Freedom Unite. It has refined that style of gameplay and provided different options of it, along with every fucking monster ever, for a massive buffet of Monhun gameplay.
World is the only real sequel to the first game in the series. It's the first game to truly deliver on the fantasy the first game was attempting to sell with living ecologies and environmental interaction.
Fans of these two styles can coexist. Being fanny flustered about World being a building block for future games is stupid because there has been over a decade of the other type of game. Also, difficulty fetishists are fucking retarded. One, difficulty for the sake of difficulty and constant, vague bitching about the base game being too easy is why World's endgame is so dogshit. You've also been playing these games for a decade (I imagine that the majority of people got into the series with Tri, thought Yea Forums has a lot of FU players; original are more rare), of course it's going to be easier for you.
he is harder than he has been since 4.
fighting Tigrex in Gen U is laughable. you have so many ways to counter his shit and he tickles.
>GU is the absolute pinnacle of Monhun
wew lad.
i did not know the pinnacle was Anime attacks/abilities that make 90% of the monsters laughably easy.
>Fans of these two styles can coexist
Have you forgotten where you are?
Then don't use them. They're optional abilities and you can keep on killing stuff with just crit draw GS if you want. The game just throws everything the series has ever done at the player and you get to choose how you want to hunt just about everything the series has created.
>muh anime attacks
*guren no yumiya plays*
i variously say tie-grex or tig-rex
>Fight Odogaron in World
>Closest thing I have felt to fighting Nargacuga in Freedom Unite since then
>Fight Tigrex in the beta
>Not perfect, but they get him pretty damn right
>Fight Nargacuga
>Mediocre, just like in Gens
I've witnessed worldsperms rage at GU Tigrex on several occasions, sucking at the fight. They tend to despise any monster that isnt a stationary punching bag like what they're used to.
>meanwhile in GU
>hammer and GS users going SSJ2. complete with aura and lightning.
>LS users telling the monsters "pssh nothing personal kid"
>LS users being Geese Howard tier counters.
>everyone can use super invincible roll on a super short CD
>just ignore the game play mechanics and features!
>It's ok w-w-when s-s-sony does it!
>can play as cat
>cannot play as cat
End of argument, forever.
Seltas Queen, GU, Ancestral Steppe
>monster stand still for minutes at a time spinning in circles
>other times their AI bugs out and just stand there for 30 secs.
right, right.
how do i play this beta? and is it only on consoles so far? i have the game on ps4 and pc
Lets ignore the fact that world LS now has two baked in moves that give perfect counters, with even laxer timing. And aren't tied to a meter.
Brave hammer feels so good to use.
Any other weapons that go well with brave style?
I like both mainline and World. I've known about the series since the first on PS2 but didn't get into it until 3rd gen. GU is indeed great and I'll never understand the bitching about arts and styles. They're optional and many of the arts just give you a fun little extra attack or two to mess around with. As for World, the gameplay is great but its very different. I'm annoyed with some of the westernizations they made. It just lost a lot of that distinct charm because they had to make it "less Japanese" for normalfags. The handler is not cute at all. I'll take the two GU cat loli any day. It's also clear that they treat us gaijin like we're fucking retarded. Tutorials are obnoxious and then yoh even have shit like the control guide, auto sheath, and lock on. Of course I changed my settings immediately but its hilarious how dumb they think we are. The new weapon movesets are fun as hell though and it's still a great game. I kind of wish both "traditional" MH and World could both exist at the same time like how Frontier also existed. I'd love to see another portable game on the Switch that's catered more to the Japanese audience and is closer to the previous games. The weapon changes from World can stay though.
Die w*rldsperms
>>Your favorite monster
>>Your favorite game
I've only played GenU and World and I enjoy them pretty much equally because I'm not a massive fucking faggot
>>Your favorite locale
Verdant Hills for its simplicity.
Eat a GUn
>just ignore the game play mechanics and features!
Yes, you retard. Ignore the things you don't like and play the way you want. The game goes out of its way to accommodate this by having different movesets for different styles. If it didn't want you to play in a highly customizeable fashion, they would have just updated the movesets of every weapon across the board the way that World did.
Most people ignore mechanics and featueres anyway. Are you telling me that you always min max armor stats, pop armor/demondrugs and dash juices every single mission? Do you collect on every single collection spot every single time you pass one? Have you crafted and used every weapon of every single element type?
If not, then you're ignoring mechanics and features.
Pretty much all of them. Brave is retarded overpowered.
Longsword is probably the most fun because once you're good enough with it you're literally invincible. Chargeblade and Bow are also great.
>The handler is not cute at all.
That'll be 2.99 plus tip, goyim.
>even laxer timing
Iai counter is even tighter than valor counter
I know it's an impossible wish, but I really hope that at some point in the future, they allow for different Handlers on missions that provide some unique bonus like some kind of pseudo armor set bonus. They're already putting gems on mantles and I thought that was a weird fantasy.
Normal Handler
Serious Handler
Field Captain
And they'd all have unique cooking animations.
For me, it's aerial charge blade.
I think World is a decent base going forward but they really need to iron out some problems for 6th gen, like map design, scoutflies, monster AI and stuff like that
>6th gen
But world will be the foundation of any MH game going forward.
Obviously, the main 6th gen game is probably gonna be called World 2 or something
>Switch MAX comes out and gets World Ultimate
>suddenly it is the best Monster Hunter evar
screen cap this
He's in.
I mean, becoming portable again would be kino as fuck.
It can never be the best MH because it's not a good game, no matter what platform it is on.
Not everything is about console wars, user.
Meanwhile MH6 Ultimate on PS5
I don't actually mind that, my biggest problem would be the fucking Handler.
If they released a DLC that would remove the handler from the game entirely I would buy it instantly.
I only play G rank games cause I'm not a shitter like OP and the user below.
Addendum: Khezu best monster.
True and it makes me sad.
>The handler get killed by Velkana at the end of iceborne
>Its suppose to be sad and somber moment that gives you motivation to kill Velkana
>You're actually happy that ice kushala killed that retard
I don't care what platform they put World on, I'll always find it shit because I'm not part of the console warring you project onto every opinion you do not like.
Well played. You got me.
They really gotta iron out some of the materials for farming.
Even with investigations, farming majestic horns or Vaal fangs or really any of those "break this monster part and pray" mats is fucking torture.
Get ready for 10 years of shit then.
I'll dream bigger.
>The Handler is killed by Tigrex at the very beginning of Iceborne
>Everybody is sad at first but it turns out she was molesting some kids and everyone is suddenly happy she is gone
>Everyone celebrates
>Rest of the game, serenity and jolly good times
That's how you turn a 4/10 game into a solid 7/10 game
Let's move the farming even further away from the core of the game and shift it toward one shitty endgame fight that everyone is tired of after five runs.
Diablo farming is very easy, and many players farm Vaal for the easy mods and streamstone, in which you will eventually get the fang.
Nerg tail is pretty much the only annoying part one would need to get since it will never be in the reward screen at all.
Try 500.
you mean i have to do it again? i've already finished the 3 quest on the first beta, should i finish all again before he spawns or just the jagras quest?
>remove slopes
>delete ancient forest forever
>dungbombs 100% effective
>bring zamtrios
Is world 10/10 now?
Just keep doing Great Jagras quests until the description of it changes. It can take five tries, it can take 50 tries, it's inconsistent and stupid.
Really hope that Iceborne's endgame isn't just "Fight Elder Dragons and Kulve endlessly" again
Alchemy's the best style
Why would you come here to pretend you know what the fuck your'e talking about?
Its painfully obvious you never played MHW
Wouldn't surprise me if Sony tried to make MH their exclusive. Already pulling timed exclusive bullshit with World.
Read you idiot, everyone is not the same as one autist and his monster waifu.
Fuck that sucks
This pose reminds me of shin godzilla
>>>>>>remove slopes
Don't you dare take my hammer spin away
Why is it? Haven't really messed around with it yet.
>best weapon is from a gacha golden slut
>RNG the hell out of it
Good luck getting a fucking Glutton or whatever weapon you want from her in 5 runs.
Isn't Xbone content out at the same time as PS4?
You're missing a lot here.
>remove 75% of slopes
>dial back weapon movesets to MHFU
>return trample damage
>add actual percussion and drums to the soundtrack
>delete handler
>delete the bazel homing in on every fight you start meme
>fix hitzones
I could probably think of even more.
Time to sleep, I will rest easy knowing that Khezu is in Iceborne and not Gigginigger.
>Rotten Vale
No IB beta for Xbox as far as I'm aware.
Read, you actual caveman. I didn't say how many runs it takes to get x, I said everyone is tired after five.
God, grow some braincells or die.
Unbased and bluepilled.
I only actually use Alchemy Charge Blade, but I like it because it takes out the Ultra Burst that getsrid of your shield charge, because i always had trouble doing the regular burst and its not that good anyway. Alchemy immunizers can help save on potions, alchemy earplugs dont completely replace HG plugs armor skill since you wont always have them but they're handy. The alchemy fireball is fun but idk how much damage it actually does. Alchemy remedy is a full heal and nulberry for everyone in the area but takes time to use, and alchemy cheer just fills the arts gauge a bit.
The real reason to use it though is that the quest completion doesnt cancel the barrel shake
Because the best weapon require running her every day just to get lucky with the RNG, idiot. No one like to run KT, but players end up running here +100 time just to get that one retarded meta weapon. Only GS are lucky that their best weapon is some easy event.
>try to join KT rooms
>get errors
>make my own room
>no one shows up
>talking about games on Yea Forums
This board is a trash fire. You go to /vg/ or you go to a different site, Yea Forums is for twitter screencaps and spamming shitty memes from other sites.
Dont forget.
>Because the best weapon
Please end this meme at best kulve weapons are like 0.5% more damage making them better by a tiny margin that only really matter if you were a speed-running autist
Fucking awful
>that Diablos roar
Oh, what the fuck
Why does trigrex with its head pulled up look so dumb?
>dumb portal from another world
>Diablos roar completely wrong
>that Rathian rushing at mach speed looking absolutely weightless
How can you fuck up a 15 seconds preview this bad?
he's a stupid dinosaur that runs around all day, of course he's gonna be a dumb fuck
Tigrex is a mix of dumb and menacing
The Glutton is 13% stronger than the other two KT HBG
I'll admit glutton is an outlier
But tell me whats' the difference between divine slasher, taroth fire, and kajarr decay
Astalos is underrated as fuck
If I have the dps chart for the other weapon, I would gladly post them, but there isn't a data for such weapon. Here is my source for the HBG, if you're interested.
What game is that?
>TCS finally convinces me to hack in attack gems and Lunastra gamma armor because I can't beat ATL by myself.
>Play the game for a few more hours before I drop it completely because I have no motivation to play it anymore.
Why did I let myself fall for this meme?
Monster Hunter Story
Iai counter is 6 frames which is the FU roll iframes. The fuck you mean lax timing?
Well that title sure does make it hard to find, all I get is Monster Hunter Stories and lore stuff.
The most offensive thing about Iceborne to me is instead of giving the weapons new moves and strategies to work with which they should have done because GS, Swax, HH and IG are literally just 3-4 button press combos over and over again they instead gave us a new fucking mechanic altogether that makes stun-locking the monster even easier and subsequently made every single fucking monster in World a cake walk.
Like god damn the variability in World is stupid. GS and Swax should almost always have a secondary strategy or approach to combat and they pretty much have since MH2 but in World it's literally all about doing "BIG BOI DAMAGE XDDD." It's not fucking fun at all because it just turns every fight into you just waiting for the monster to give you an opening big enough for you to do your strongest attack/combo and then running around dodging until you can do it again.
Clutch claw looks like the definition of an unnecessary gimmick in a game that already has several unnecessary gimmicks. Why the fuck did they have to make the Slinger an even more streamlined casualizer? Slinger in World could already turn 95% of all the fights in the game into stunlock, flash spam gay parades, now they're giving them the ability to just literally get a free mount on the monster and turn any point into a weak spot, Why?
No seriously, why the fuck are they making it even easier to just retard spam and stunlock monsters to death when you could already do that in World? Why don't they actually try and make the monsters fun and difficult and challenging to fight like they did in almost every other MH game? And I don't mean difficulty like the AT's which was literally "everything is a one shot and the monster has retarded amounts of health and faster recovery" I mean difficulty that you can actually adapt and learn.
Case in point would actually be MHGU Teostra. Up until you mean him you don't really pay attention to AOE procs but then he forces you to be more observant.
>dungbombs 100% effective
They should make it work like a low tolerance status effect. So one hit to the face or 2-3 anywhere else makes it guaranteed. Maybe make some monsters more resistant or have unique interactions from being hit.
I sold my ps4 so I probably wont be playing this until theres a goty edition on sale for 30 bucks, and by then I'll be playing it on pc.
Are we getting the glavenus reveal this week?
I'll wait for a price drop. No need to rush into things.
The expansion is of similar size to the base game though.
I enjoy fighting Banbaro even though he's easy.
Only the big Hoarfrost Reach and perhaps elder specific zones.
but they dont
There's fucking 15 areas in each map and monsters always go to the same two or three places
What's even the point of having large maps, may as well fight every monster in the fucking arena
>fight banbaro with friends
>one of them loses it and spams the claw mount attack
>suddenly hits me how much slinger ammo is on the ground
>realize its all thorn pods
Any monster that can be made to drop thorn pods is going to be pretty fucked in this game. Disgusting KO abuse all day.
In the older games it's actually faster to get into a fight with a monster because the areas are so condensed.
>AI bugs out
thats not whats happening, you know that right?
well that's the idea isnt it? it's called World hence much more emphasis on the map than on fighting. In old games each maps was like a bunch of theater set arenas strung together with fast travel between them.
What's ironic is how cramped and cluttered world feels when its supposed to be the more open one.
That's how it's always been. A lot of filler/corridor areas, a few where monster fights and one for sleeping.
At least there's fast travel and you don't have to go through 4 filler areas running after a flying monster.
ATs do not have faster recovery, SA did not exist in MH2 and GS never had strategies that differed from "waiting for the monster to give you an opening".
Also worth mentioning that CC isn't a mount but an attack you can get hit out like SA's elemental discharge.
>Ruined pinnacle
>Gore Magala
It's too good to be true.
>SA did not exist in MH2 and GS never had strategies that differed from "waiting for the monster to give you an opening".
And those were good things!
I suggest to play it now so that the time you reach the endgame, the expansion is probably gonna come out and you are already ready to go.
Dude I have more than 50 decorations and I still have to find a Vitality decoration and it's driving me nuts.
>Hello, anons, I played MH4U and MHX on my Nintendo 3DS, and I would like to tell you all about Monster Hunter, and how World is the worst one.
>bad titles
>please bring the monsters to world!
>MHGU is shit!
I don't want to sound like a hater, but I'm playing Gen ultimate these days and it feels good to be home.
I don't really know why, but world just isn't the same. After soloing world, it's incredible how bad I've become with the other games.
> got dunked on by a shogun
>carted twice against a testucabra
>Was doing well against Khezu until it became a pikachu
I'm new to katana and I only have a bulldrome armor so far, but still. I carted more in the low rank of Gen than in the entirety of world.
X as a series can be disliked for styles, deviants, upgrade system, overabundance of fetch quests and probably more.
You rarely see people complaining about the new monsters although I personally wouldn't want Valstrax anywhere near the main series due to its dumb design.
Getting monsters away from shit games means that us Worldchads are winning.
Playing it tactical, huh?
If you get killed by tetsu or khezu the problem isn't with World being an easy game, but you being terrible at MH.
Can you stun more monsters with hammer since you can just zipline to their head,right?
>develop more open, fleshed out worlds for monsters to roam in
>completely waste them by using the same stupid logic the old games used
Even something as simple as a more randomized monster spawning system would've been better. It was their first attempt so it's maybe a little bit much to expect fully dynamic behaviour, but it would've also been cool if more was done with predator monsters going out on their own hunts.
Like imaging instead of going to kill Aptonoth every time, Anjanath could also go into the forest to hunt a pack of Jagras, which would then catch the attention of Great Jagras and trigger a natural turf war as GJ tries to protect his young.
I don't wanna harp on World too bad, it did a pretty good job in making the various environments feel like real ecosystems. Except for Elder's Recess, that place is just a theme park for Elder Dragons.
Also get rid of the scout flies, make the maps actual open areas and not zones like in every other MH but now they're just separated with hallways, make the monsters actually challenging, and add monster skeleton variety.
But why would a predator hunt other predators? Especially considering that even the small jagras could theorically fight back and they wouldn't provide a lot of food. Even in nature I don't think there are many animals that prey on other predators, most I can think of is stuff like Hawks hunting cats or something.
As you said they did a pretty good job so far, with monsters going around eating/sleeping/relaxing even outside of the camera and filling it with endemic life that also follows believable patterns (like revoltures feasting on monsters getting killed).
Meowscular Chef or Grandmeow Chef?
>monster is a big useless punching bag
Every monster hunter expansion added on average more hours of content then the base game.
You dont get just like 10-15 new monsters. You also get variants or sub spiciest of existing ones and old monsters also get new AI and attacks.
Hell G expansions usually have so much acualy difficult endgame content compared to the base game you might even triple your playtime.
Tetsu hits much harder than he did in 4U or I have a pretty bad armor, I don't know.
Khezu comboed me in a corner of the mountain map, almost instakilled me.
Never had these problems on 4U, World certainly didn't help.
Maybe have it be desperately hungry?
Would've been nice seeing large monsters on the map when an Elder Dragon's in town. Kushala shows up and just takes all the local herbivores for himself, so Anjanath's gotta go into Jagras country just to survive.
That's one thing that would've been nice actually, seeing how an Elder Dragon actually affects the ecosystem around them instead of just having everything on the map just ping out of existence. Elder Dragon turf wars were an awesome idea, but whenever they happen an Elder Dragon will just show up out of nowhere, get into a ten second fight then practically teleport out of the map. Same with Odogaron vs. Vaal. Would've been pretty cool seeing some large monsters cowering in caves/on treetops when a Kushala or Teostra showed up, or even having really rare investigations that had two Elder Dragons competing for dominance in a single map.
I know the whole "thing" with Elder Dragons is they're so powerful they literally annihilate ecosystems, but there's gotta be a middle ground between "everything's fine" and "everything's dead".
welcome to 4channel summer child
>having to specify it's a MH thread for worldbabs
stop ruining tradition
Just get better armor or upgrade it. Damage inflicted is always the same, they don't bother changing that stuff especially for low rank.
I liked MHW and Iceborne is shaping up to give me at least 100hs more of content with all master ranked normal monsters plus the new ones
narga room 6wft Zi
i liked danbooru before they went full censorship, now i use gelbooru
I started with Freedom 1 and I fucking hate World.
Enjoy it while it lasts, because they're next.
who said it will cost 40$?
MHGU was also a massive copy and paste job of monsters where they didn't have to bother creating that many significant new assets.
World was literally a "start from scratch" base game, like Tri was. I bet if Tri came out today, you faggots would be whining and complaining about how "ITS NOT REAL MONSTER HUNTER! THERE ARE SO FEW MONSTERS! MHFU HAD SO MANY MORE!"