What exactly happened to the stealth genre? Why did it die? Could it ever come back?
What exactly happened to the stealth genre? Why did it die? Could it ever come back?
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Damn really Yea Forums? Have not one of you zoomers experienced the stealth genre? It used to be a bit popular back in the early 00s.
zoomers cannot handle the slow methodical gameplay
>zoomers have never watched the slug show on TV
Splinter Cell is the worst stealth franchise
Its less profitable than other genres. Thats just the fact of it. Stealth normally requires some patience and thought and most average people would rather point and shoot or whatever
splinter cell will come back as a next gen title
splinter cell is more of a stealth game in that it hides from you, not the other way around, but tricks you into thinking you're hiding from it. so it's the ultimate stealth experience.
hence the tagline -
"stealth action redefined"
>tfw love SC
>tfw only have ps4 this gen
It hurts bros
>playstation gamers get the shit end of the stick once again when it comes to splinter cell