Confession Time

Please, confess your vidya sins, user...

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I don't enjoy video games anymore.
I could at best put in an hour or so before getting tired of playing

The PC gaming community is fucking cancer and is the main reason I’ll never fully switch to PC over console
>Only use my PC to play modded NV and Skyrim

I have a PC with pic related as specs and I prefer playing my PS4, 3DS and Switch over it.

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I dont play video games anymore the only game im playing is SMT Strange Journey but overall no more console games they just are not worth the trouble playing anymore.

I modded meal vouchers in PC Monster Hunter World and now have 5000 of them. I honestly tried to grind Greeting the Gluttons event myself but it's so painfully boring and extremely tedious, it makes you want to kill yourself.

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Great, we don't need console peasants.

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>Said I have a PC
>Stilled called a console peasant
This is your average PC gamer, everyone

Fpbp. I got a full time job, 40h a week, and a car to maintain, man. I miss my gaming marathons, sometimes.

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I use cheat codes or console commands for almost every game I play, especially if it's an open world or adventure game. When I play these games the main appeal for me is going around the world and expericing the story and quests. I don't really care much about the challenge or managing my stats or inventory, it's too much of a hassle. I've played a lot of games, I feel like I've done it so much already where I spend so much time on stuff I don't care about. Like I was playing Fallout NV and using the console to give myself god mode because i just don't care about the challenge

Why don't I watch a playthrough on youtube? Well its just not the same, I like playing through it myself

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>Only use my PC to play modded NV and Skyrim
>not a console peasant

Who cares what you said or what you have. Everyone has a PC, retard.
Having it won't make you any less of a peasant, I bet you are tech illiterate retard as well and wouldn't even be able to assemble it on your own, lmao.

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I came on my PC's hardware

prefer to play as girls as long as they're cute and kick ass, like Claire in RE2 remake
I played Dishonored 2 with all the difficulty sliders set to the easiest and I still abused the shit out of quick save and quick load. I abuse the shit out of QL and QS in any game I play.
The Last of Us, Half Life 2 and Ocarina of Time are my favorite games
I used LMAOBox in TF2 for years. If I ever got caught i would start headshotting the enemy team while micspamming an obnoxious rap song
I never seed
I have over 12k wallpapers
I made it into Master rank every season I played Overwatch, only playing Mercy. I stopped playing because the anxiety for getting yelled at became too much
I'm writing a fantasy romance novel that was once a vidya fanfiction

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What point are you even trying to make you autist?

I like Diablo 3 and Overwatch as mindless fun for decompressing after work

I think he ignored my post because my shitty PC from 2016 is still better than his toaster.

I play fighting games and character action games for the story

Almost all of my social interactions comes from playing SS13. I can recognise quite a few crew members now. I wonder if they recognise me.

I restarted Pathologic 2 because if you die twice you lose the ability to hug people. On the 2nd last day you get a chance to hug your depressed childhood friend who was initially tsundere to you for leaving home 5 years ago.

I don't even like video games and never have, I just came in here from reddit a few years ago to shitpost.

I really want some friends to play with, but I'm to shy to even approach anyone.

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I'm not shy enough to approach people, I just never get in touch again with them, regardless if it's in vidya or not.

I've realized that I wasted my life

I spent too much of my time on entertainment and escapism. What I didn't realize until it was too late was that most people find a passion early on, like in childhood or their teens, then develop and cultivate that passion into something greater into adulthood. I never did that, so now I have nowhere to go and nothing to do. I don't have any goals, and there is nothing to really give my life meaning, all I do is work to continue living so I can continue working, while occasionally distracting myself with a shiny new product. I could have learned a new skill or language years ago but I didn't. Even worse is that I've reached the point where even as I acknowledge this right now, my general lack of discipline makes me completely powerless to do anything about it. I'll inevitably think about trying to change my life now, then 2 weeks later I'll either give up or forget and I'll be back here, shitposting about video games to compensate for my lack of social interaction. In fact I have no friends, because I've also realized that I've never actually lived: I have nothing to talk about. I don't have any life experiences or stories or adventures, I have nothing "unique" or "interesting" about me because I wasted all my time running away from life instead of cultivating it. This is also probably why I don't have a gf either. I never developed healthy ways to cope with the failure, suffering, and disappointment that will inevitably happen, so I've resorted to entertainment and escapism. But all it leads to a death spiral, the more and more you do it the more you rely on it, and the harder and harder it becomes to live some semblance of a meaningful existence.

I'd say it's over for me, but the truth is it never really began. I'd an hero, but frankly I'm too cowardly to do it. All that will happen is that I will continue living in mediocrity, while being all too aware of it, until I eventually die, like millions of others.

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The only games I play on my PS4 are free psn demos.


I replied to a bait thread today
to repent I started a thread about a game

>I really want some friends to play with, but I'm to shy to even approach anyone.
Approaching someone is not really hard, but it's much worse to realize that those people are pretty shitty or your experience with them is not as good as the experience with your old buddies from some vidya that you played a decade or two ago.

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I pirated rocksmith and all the songs

I "play" most new and popular games via YouTube nowadays

Holy shit dude, I'm exactly the same. I'd like to say it will get better for us, but who am I kidding...

I sunk about 3000$ into gacha games. I regret it a lot, but it was an unrecognized addiction I've been struggling with.

I never share my torrents

I genuinely will never understand the appeal of being a gachacuck. If you like the waifus then just jerk off to all the hentai of them.

You are my nigger. I love power fantasy and I will cheat and scum my way through a game because I want to feel powerful all along the way - I love the feeling as I'm not a powerful man in my life.

When I start losing in games, I get massively frustrated, and when that happens I get massively hard.

And that's the issue. I never understood it as well until it hooked me in 2017. I'm recovering now after a month or so cold-turkey. Those games... they work on weak willed minds such as mine on a subconscious level. I noticed it when I pondered on eating into savings in order to continue spending. Struggled with it for several months as the sunk-cost was just too huge. Finally made the decision and quit and am feeling tons better.

Whales are usually addicted people and it will take a powerful force to help them quit. I managed to do this on my own, but I know that most will not manage it, as the game's hold is strong.

Listen here faggot, wasting your life on entertainment isn't all that bad. It's literally the basis of doing a literature degree. If you make sure it's the good type, you're fuckin learning interesting stories that you can use to influence your life.

I went into creative mode to get Eye of Enders so I could fight the Ender Dragon in Minecraft

??? Video games ARE the thing you did all that with you fuckin numbskull

Let's say you devoted your life to playing baseball in your freetime, instead. Would you still feel the same? Is it the lack of social sanction that bothers you? Cause it's the same thing if you picked baseball or fishing or doll house furniture making or what the fuck ever. The vast majority of hobbies don't have any greater value to society beyond the experiences they provide for the person doing them.

I dont play videogames but I still post here

god I wish I was there to suck you off

I think Yea Forums is gay

I prefer PlayStation exclusives over Nintendo ones.
That said PS games are wildly overrated apart from Bloodborne which is one of my favorite games in 30 years of gaming

last time i had to use godmode was the last third of Vampire Bloodlines, i had a Brujah with melee skills and those last levels are completely ass without guns, you can truly see how rushed the ending was

im gay

So? I'm doing that and I'm 22. I never got to experience real Vanilla so I'm spending my life on Classic wow? Why? Because I think it's fucking fun. It's more fun than doing anything else. Life is ALL ABOUT entertaining yourself until you die. Connections and all that are hogwash. If you had a GF itd feel fake because you didnt build the relationship on something meaningful.

I'm you but stronger

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I dont know what to father,
im scrolling thorugh my 215 games on steam, without the desire to start something. Even when i want to start any fighting game, just to get better, i feel like after 2 hours that i saw everything. And now im sitting here, bored and sweating, because of this fucking useless summer

Whenever I play "classic" JRPGs from past generations, I use cheats for like 10x experience points. Don't even know why I play JRPGs, don't really like most of them.

Get a window AC unit, it literally turns a decently sized room into a paradise. Sitting at a cool 68 right now thanks to my white rumblin lad.

As for games Idk man. GO through a 100% mario sunshine run for that summer aesthetic. I'm just waiting for classic wow to come out so I can neet my life away

I love fallout 4.

Not for its pitiful attempt at an open world RPG, but as a survival looter

>I love fallout 4.
>Not for its pitiful attempt at an open world RPG, but as a survival looter
This. I get the hate for it; It's a mockery of the fallout franchise's RPG roots, but on it's own merits, it's got good gameplay and a fun weapon modding system.

i only play indie games

I bought Muse Dash in the sale and have played it more than any game in the last week. Its a fucking chinese phone game port with only two keys as its controls.

Every Steam summer sale I find one game that defines that years summer for me. Once, it was Terraria and I had a fun summer of exploring caverns, building shit and preparing for bosses.
Then it was Stardew Valley, and that summer was a comfy one of tending to a farm and feeling like I belonged to a friendly isolated community. I felt a bit sad at the end of year two when I realized all the dialogue for the townspeole basically resets.
Once it was Fallout New Vegas, and I had a summer of adventuring through the wasteland, finding something new and interesting every day and helping make the apocalypse a better place while uncovering mysteries.

Last year I couldn't find something as comfy and it kinda sucked, and the same is happening this year. It sounds stupid but I miss finding that one big game that keeps me going for a couple months and gives me a great experience I can look back on fondly.

I'm in love with my sister, normal people shouldn't have these feelings, what makes it worse is that she looks up to me and adores me, telling this would break her and my relationship with her and it certainly doesn't help we spend alot of times playing video games together every night before bed.

I rush a lot of games i play, i skip every side quest just to finish the main story as quickly as possible just to uninstall it and never touch it again. If the game forces me to grind for levels or items to proceed I'll just cheat, use a mod to make grinding more interesting or give up and uninstall it. That's why i avoid games that requires grinding and focus on games that requires skills like dark souls.

I pretend to be a really big fan of final fantasy, despite never finishing a single one. The one I played the most was 9, and I only got halfway though, but I lie to people I talk to online and my friends that I've played almost all of them, and that I'm an expert of the lore.

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Other than Persona 5 (on the easiest difficulty) I've never finished a single JRPG.

I summoned in my first Souls playthrough.
Worst mistake i've ever made.

Freya Crescent is my waifu but don’t post her often because degenerates spam her lewds

>meet new friends
>they're really cool
>immediately start thinking I would be happier alone instead of hanging out with them
I can't win
I know I'm wrong but I'm just so stupid

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>if given the choice will always play as female
>if given the choice will always play as a lizard/furry species
I have no shame, just like playing as lifts-her-tail

I pirated the music to John Romero's Sigil. I will pay it back some day.