Possible PS5 price:

How much do you all think the PS5's going to cost ?
Honestly want to know your answers and your reasons for said price.

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for what all the gullible faggots are shouting about it'll be $999


Economy is just too weak for a $399.99 4K system.

Still no 599 US DOLLARS though.

economy is the best it's ever been in USA

$499. I think both Sony and MS have given up on half-steps like the XB1X and PS4 Pro two years into the cycle, so the PS5 and Scarlett will be specced to last for a typical console generation. I expect the Scarlett will be priced the same. I do expect them to both try low-powered streaming boxes later on, and I expect those to fail miserably because no one wants a fucking Roku game system.

I predict there will be 2 different versions at launch. A base model that's $399 and a "Plus" model for $599, just like this generation but right from jump street at launch. Put me in the screencap!!

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Maybe if you were lucky enough to be born into home ownership.

Rent is fucking sky high if you live on a coast, which is where most Americans live.

Rent has tripled here over the last 15 years.

It's gonna cost $666 and they will release nothing but violent edgy games. Sex appeal is still a sin in Sony.

who cares? if you honestly get a console you're fucking retarded.

How much you are paying?

look up goverment debt

500 bucks, then 50 bucks after a year or two of failure.

I've never owned anything but consoles since the '80s and I went to an Ivy League school on a full scholarship. Sorry pal, looks like you lose.

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people spend $1250 for a fucking phone these days. just watch it be up there and have some hardware kind of payment plan.

$399 for next xbox
$599 for next ps5

i think the ps5 will be ~10% more powerful flops wise but i think MS could edge them out with their RT hardware implementation. i strongly believe sony will pull another ps3. microsoft cannot afford to have a console which costs as much as the xbox one did without being significantly more powerful like the xbox one x was (compared to pro) hence why i believe they'll go 399 and sony will push for 599 because of secret sauce shit like they did with the ps3.

None of the mad gainz have translated into anything for people under the 100k threshold though. The US has skyrocketing profit and money in the economy and it's entirely concentrated in the elite class. For regular people shit is even more expensive now than it was a few years ago, despite the economic upturn.

Releasing a console at anything above 399.99 will hamper the PS5's ability to sell, just like 599.99 hurt the PS3's launch and 499.99 fucking killed the Xbone perma-dead out of the gate.




If it has half the features they're hyping it up to have, it'll be $599 absolute minimum, probably more. Keep in mind inflation has gone up since the PS3 days. The $599 PS3 cost around $750 in 2019 dollars. The $399 Xbox 360 cost around $525 dollars. A hypothetical $599 PS5 would be much closer to the launch price of the 360 than that of the PS3

This, I only make 40k with no advancement opportunities and I'm miserable.

Every year gets harder, and I'm on the higher end of the pay grade for people with only a HS Diploma.

I need to find a trade youcan do with mediocre motor skills, maybe Hvac

Xbox one x was 500 and is garbage so next gen consoles will be 699 to 800

>Releasing a console at anything above 399.99 will hamper the PS5's ability to sell, just like 599.99 hurt the PS3's launch and 499.99 fucking killed the Xbone perma-dead out of the gate.
consoles historically which have been over $399 have flopped.

That is never going to change, you understand that? places like LA, New York etc have a ton of people & land is limited
Democrats are not really helping with MOAR TAXES, but Republicans wouldn't fix it either, cities just inevitably became large & expensive

I think 599, or what this user says.

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599.99 for the Not shit model
499.99 for the shit model
399.99 for the shit model with a new name 2 years later

It's funny how no one said this in the Obama year & just talked about the stock market

Probably 600.
What they're gunning for can't be cheap unless they cut a lot of corners.

>Maybe if you were lucky enough to be born into home ownership.
>tfw childhood home is now in my name
Even if I fuck up I still have a place to fall back to. Feels good.

You can live great in USA as long as you stay away from the big cities anyway, don't even listen to that retard

Exactly. It's also surprising to me that games have been around $60 for literally decades. I think they'll just keep milking consumers with paid online, a mid-cycle upgraded system and maybe peripherals like VR. If they go much higher than $400, I don't see many people buying it.

>I can lie on the internet
wow good for you

It will never be $600 again or they will be doomed
It will be $500, maybe even $400

>PS5 supposed specs
>can do 4k-8k(probably bs, but i'll bite)
>powerful gpu
>backwards compat.
for the promises of 4k-8k alone i'd say it would cost a bare minimum of about $750, but we all know it's going to be a nerfed console experience so it won't be a true 4k 60fps experience, and certainly not a ludicrous 8k experience.

it'll likely be a $500 box that mainstream fanboys will praise and that online tech enthusiasts will spit all over like they did with the ps4 Pro for not being 4k and for not being that much more powerful than the base ps4

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You have to if you dont want to only play indie trash, early access, mobile, mobas or csgo like a pc kiddie

>lol pc is early access he says while he pre orders ff7 remake part 1