>best FF game ever made
>doesn't even need a remake since it's perfect
>will never get censored
>will never have that shitty FFXV gameplay
What went right?
Best FF game ever made
it did get remade and the remake is shit tier
A remaster isn't a remake you absolute and utter brainlet
It's labeled a remaster but it was made almost completely from scratch. You aren't much of a fan if you didn't know that.
wrong pick annon
It's probably the worst of ps2 main final fantasys
Nah it was the first one where the series started going to shit.
>not 12
Balthier and Fran were cool but everything else about that game was hot garbage
Only the models lmao
You're a retard. FF10 is responsible for FF13. 12 was a brief departure from the trend due to being directed by someone who isn't retarded. That's why 12 is so good and 10 is so mediocre.
No, only some of the models are the same(NPCs). Everything else is remade. Everything.
>best FF game ever made
12 onwards is shit tier, 10 is better.
2, 8, 10, 13 and 15 are the bottom tier FF games.
XII has great worldbuilding and the story and characters are OK but it has the worst combat in the entire series and yes I have played XV.
It's like shitty Xenoblade Chronicles combat except even more brainless because you can just slot gambits into every character and make the game play itself.
It's the first final fantasy to be significantly worse than its predecessors
X and X-2 have the best combat systems. X is probably the only one I would say feels like an adventure with a big party, since all of them participate and battle and all of them are in cutscenes at every step of the journey. The other games where like 5+ of your party members disappear until you swap at a save point or the world map make no sense to me.
You did play her game right?
The story isn't really ok, the characters are appalling and the combat has nothing to do with Xenoblade whatsoever.
Have you ever played Xenoblade? It's the same fucking combat except worse
>3 person active team
>auto attacks + spells/abilities bindable to buttons like an MMO
I would argue Xenoblade combat is better because it's actually engaging and you can't just ignore it by equipping perfect gambits and walking into enemies while you jerk off
ffx got rereleased like 6 times and somehow not one of those made it possible to skip the godawful cutscenes
are you dumb or dumb?
do your research