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Other urls found in this thread:

it's a hack and slash, that's how the genre works, sweaty


I won't lie, the cutaways and contextual dialogue tutorializing players on things like hatchlings or grim grips gets old by the time you reach dmd. I just might off myself if I have to hear Dante say "If I follow these grooves..." one more time.

DMC5 had awful level design and mostly ugly environments.

What am I looking at? I can't remember any DMC game being loaded with cutscenes, if that's what you mean.

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at least it's not backtracking cancer like metroid

I'm a fan of both series but you just said "at least it's not good".


what a shithead, zoomer



lmao dmcucks admit your series was never good.

you're the only person who ever uses this phrase and it gives you away immediately with every thread you make
imagine being this obsessed

t. no style

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If you wanted a dmc thread, why didn't you use a better op?

keep defending cinematic garbage dmcucks

seeth and cope


i accept your concession dmcfags


this nigga is so desperate holy shit

they should make nero say ONE TWO CUHRAYZAY when he does level 3 steak again




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XV-kun seething so much he could get a heart attack at any time

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reminder to turn bait threads like this into actual game discussion threads to absolutely cuck the op of his own thread

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NGB will be always better, dealt with it dmcucks.

I beat SoS just recently and I'm still a shitter with Dante. Help

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What would Devil Sword Vergil look like?


Say that to me on Habbo Hotel, not Yea Forums and see what happens.

Are you that desperate for attention?

have sex

How do I have sex?

Fine. When do we get to play best boy?

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Ask vergil.

Florida is easily the best state to live in. You cucks are in denial. Go fuck yourself.

wtf I keep dying in Blight Town how the fuck do I make it through this shit?

>there are floridians in this thread right now
yikes whats it like having fucking uhhhhhhh gators you pussies haha

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>Get Dark Fact to magic pixel



probably like Yamato but even less big and overdesigned, in contrast to Dante's progression

This game sucks. All the cars steer like a fucking tugboat. The physics are awful.

Why is this guy so desperate?

this game's fucking shit.
I hate the mission with the boats, it lags so fucking hard like they didn't optimize it at all.
even worse than the jungle one.

learn how to parry n royal release learn how to use faust on dmd against annoying enemies that DT learn how to use quadruple S work on your air combos i always put cerberus last bc it doesnt have much air combo potential

What the fuck was Kojima thinking with this game, it feels like he wrote the first third of the plot and then quickly rushed out some missions and pretended it was a finished game - also the devil arms are shit compared to MGS4 and there's no fucking turbo mode. Hideo Kojima is a fucking hack


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question for anyone who's in the know, does dmc4SE on pc support dualshock 4 natively? Or only xbone?

I mean DMC in general isn't exactly known for its' amazing level design and environments, is it?

Just use Steam Big Picture.

>IP hasn’t even gone up

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*faps to gay incest porn*


Longswords are way too busted in this game and fucking with the balance. I feel like they need to tone down their damage at least so stuff like spears and pole arms will become a more viable option. It's not that bad in campaign but man do they need some balancing in PvP.

Joke’s on you, I fap to Dante and Lady.

That's not what I asked though, I want to know if the port has any semblance of quality to it or if I should continue using the original (which DOES have ds4 support).

Barry's mind manifested into Yea Forums posts

Go play dmc1 for atmosphere, and dmc3 for level design. dmc4 had the best combat, dmc5 was supposed to bring all of these together. I still like the game though

Yes backtracking is good, user. Glad we're on the same page.

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It only really works with the joycons, there's some forced waggle in the gameplay that you can't really get around if you want to play at a high level.

Does V ever get fun? Nero is bad enough but at least you can git gud with him, so far V has just been
>stand as far back as possible reading poetry while mashing xyyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxyxxyxyxyxyxyxy

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God, i hate dmcancer so fucking much. Worst fanbase without a doubt.

>the part with the airplanes and volcano with the sunset in the background
fucking KINO

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*faps to trannyshit*

DMC1 had great atmosphere, but that's largely because it was going to be RE4.
I think prime DMC would keep the action gameplay but go full RE/Silent Hill in terms of enemy/environmental design, but I'm not sure that's always possible. Or if it is, they might reserve the designs it for a proper horror game.
The Nobodies and bugs were pretty spooky in DMC5 though.

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metal gear solid is such a classic

Do you even know what that means or nah?

Anyone able to help me with Fire Red Cove? I play on US East Amald server. Username is jelvin57. Thanks in advance.

I found him pretty fun but I'm a pretty entry level player. I think V is mostly included to be a simple type of gameplay that people without much familiarity with the series can pick up and use to wreck shit with style.

kys kojimadrone

you have to work and take risks to make V fun

his standard playstyle is very boring

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Get ready, user. It's becoming the new meme word for "thing I don't like" along with cuck, onions, and whatever else.

>tranny ERP server
hell naw
you're on your own Jelvin

Are you implying “Lady” doesn’t look like a tranny?

Don’t forget zoomer.

Does this game ever get any fucking better? I'm three hours in so far and I'm starting to get sick of these escort missions. Please tell me they eventually end.

>he hasn't gotten to the part with the giant crab
keep going it gets better

>literal homosexual and tranny ERP in DMC threads but tranny is just a buzzword

V's fun when you understand how setups work, it's sort of like doing combos from a distance.
He's definitely sort of a love it or hate it type of character, though. Honestly I'm pretty sure Itsuno was using him to test Summoners in Dragon's Dogma.

I use to play on Brazen but my friend had me server transfer.

How is Dragon’s Dogma, anyway? Been thinking of getting it for my PS4.

Im quite sure i seen that image first in a FF13 thread

I liked the subway level

Can anyone pinpoint to me where to find the lucky keys? The quest description isn't really helping much.

>he downgraded from Brazen to fucking Amald

When will they bring him back?
Virgil got a gay-ass resurrection arc. Why can't the dad do it?

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i didn't like it at all.
maybe i wouldnt have such a bad taste from it if they didnt tease me with the good shit in the cutscene before the boss

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Holy shit fuck this submarine battle. How the fuck am I suppose to combat this shit when my ship is geared exclusively towards anti-air? This is bullshit.

It's pretty unique. The base game is an empty open world with good combats and BBI is a fantastic dungeon crawler.

Final Fantasy 15 is the greatest game of all time.

final fantasy 15 more like finite amount of cum you can fit in your ass 15

please Yea Forums admit that dmc is bad and ngb is better.

Nice revionist history. DMC was alwaye gothic castles. 5 is boring city scapes or shadow the hedgehog alien levels.

Yeah, and one day it will actually be finished.

It's a bit rough around the edges, but great fun. Itsuno's forte is combat design and that's definitely DD's strongest point; every class is fun even if some are more useful.
There's an emphasis on weight and impact so you have to pay attention to which attacks stagger enemies of a certain size, and it tosses in climbing large monsters to attack weak points. Player size also affects minor mechanics.
Overall I'd definitely recommend it if you want to beat the everloving shit out of fantasy monsters. BBI is a huge, difficult megadungeon for you to enjoy by the end game.
Also one of the skills lets you light yourself on fire.

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>he went exclusively anti-air
What the fuck? You just need to restart the game and make a better build that can handle various situations. Make sure you always have mines or torpedoes as well as your typical turrets and artillery.

But I like DMC and I’m actually interested in Ninja Gaiden. Actually ordered NG1 and NGB on Amazon along with Bayonetta.

I love Dante

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Not the same guy, but how is the combat compared to Souls? I don't really have fun with melee combat if it's not as dynamic as Souls combat.

Easily the worst Atlus game. Shitty dumbed down RPG mechanics makes fucking Skyrim look like the pinnacle of RPG depth in comparison. How the fuck did they get away with it?

I like both series; I had my fingers crossed for NG4 at E3 last year.

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Just be glad he won't be coming back

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I remember using DS4windows with it, but that might have been just to remap taunt to the touchpad.

FMA meets DMC crossover game when?

No one cares about Spurdo, that's why.

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It's cuhrayzeeier.

cute feet

I would say it's much more action-oriented than souls, closer to a straight action game.
You have a lot more options in combat since you have various skills like lunges, shield bashes, etc. as well as jumping and climbing on monsters. Melee is fun since you have a ton of special attacks and even support moves for the respective classes.
I personally like to build a Paladin with the Mystic Knight class.

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What games should I play before I die?


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russian roulette

DMC, TWEWY, Jet Set Radio Future, Megaman X, KH2FM, etc.

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>why yes, V is my favourite character, how did you know?

So I assume the combat relies less on positioning strategy and reaction compared to Souls?

Really wish dying and quitting didn't play an unskippable cutscene. Retrying missions shouldn't replay opening cutscenes, either, since it's just adding more load times. Just have an option to turn all cutscenes off if the appeal to your game is replaying it on harder difficulties.


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stop coping
I use it constantly. not him, btw.

Just got the PC version of 5. Has anyone else experienced a problem where the controller would just shit itself at the sight of any movement from the m+kb?
Is there a fix for that?

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>not him

cute nips

>dick coming out of thigh
also fixed

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>I use it constantly


Hey how's the Switch port for DMC1?

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i really want play dmc 4 but i ended buying rune factory 4, how i can redeem myself

play DMC4

I actually just moved away from Florida. Good to live in if you have substantial income. If not, then enjoy your thug infested ghettos.

Is this better

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This image was drawn for MGS. Essentially this is the mighty Kojima formula

Buy dmc 5 then.