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No race even faggotry
Steam Sale Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
first for cuck
is three kingdoms worth it?
Buy Dead or School
where's my free fucking game gaben
you told me i would get a free game for podium finish gaben
Reminder to get Blood Bowl 2 for five bucks and then join the Yea Forumsirgin league to play with fellow retards
I have an extra copy of Age of Empires ii HD. Does anybody want to trade for something?
ill give you a thank you user
TW is all about how much you enjoy the setting.
Rate my measly take
Want to rec Gemcraft V: Chasing Shadows. It's old and made in flash, but it's hella cheqp and pretty much the best Tower Defense game there is.
Pretty great for sperging out.
>90% of the game is sold separately as DLC
Fuck that
I'm thinking about buying these because they're pretty cheap.
The Room ($0.49)
Peace, Death! ($1.49)
Perception ($1.99)
Deadbolt ($2.49)
Convince me not to.
What are some good ARPGs? Have GD, PoE and TL2
Gotta give that 4.5/10 for the Ass Creed, me man.
I don't even know if we deserve this or it's just a "each retard gets to win a race" handout
race fags out
Death to tortoises
Hare supremacy
Yeah, that sucks, user. I'm 100% with you. Even if DLC is just more teams.
Having said that, Legendary Edition has all the DLC and it's just $15
*rigged grand prix noise*
the last TW i enjoyed since Shogun2 personally it's also just nice to care about your characters and forming rivalry/bonds with other factions, diplomacy overall just blow any other TW.
while unit variety is kind of low right now, people found files of battle elephants which could only mean factions outside of China, i'm bracing myself for their future DLC
it says my maximum points are 20.3k but im somehow at 22k and have 22k tokens too
explain pls
Buying stuff cause it's cheap usually leaves you with a backlog that you never even install, unless you %100 want to play, "might play" = you never will.
Rate my current haul. Not sure if I'll keep Evenicle yet.
Not bad.
Rate mine
Is Regalia of Men and Monarchs any good? I'm coming at it as a GBA/GC/WII Fire Emblem player.
Why leddit is bitching about the sale? The minigame makes no sense but I'm loving it.
Mechanically the best Total War they've done to date. 8/10, with 0-2 extra points depending on how you feel about the setting.
Minigame is fine now. My only complaint is that I never got the 4k points I should have had from past purchases.
Also I spent 74 euro this sale. That means I should have 17k points right?
Should I buy MGSV? Already pirated and played it, but I don't know if I should play again and try to 100% it.
Because the meme dog is not winning
Can you tell me how Just Shapes & Beats plays? I looked at the store page previews and it's all very confusing. Is it just like an Undertale set up where you control a tiny shape avoiding enemy shapes until the song plays out and you win? Is it just dpad controls or is it a twin stick shooter?
Probably one of the more enjoyable games to 100%. I'd say go for it.
How am I supposed to play the Summer Sale game? It says I have 5551 max points but I can't do anything with them and everything is greyed out.
>where you control a tiny shape avoiding enemy shapes until the song plays out and you win?
Yes. It also has amazing couch co-op if you're into that
Just dodging while the song plays. Kind of like a more polished and visually far more impressive version of Soundodger.
>Bullet Witch
>Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition
Got these, upped my badge to level 150, waiting for badge nerf.
Is there anything else I should puckup?
>Witch Hunt
Probably all I'm gonna buy. Maybe Killer7 as well.
Redpill me on The Sinking City. Why is it on poosoles but not on PC yet?
you have to play a game with steam achievements for at least half an hour to earn points. you earn more points the more achievements you have for said game.
Start a game in which you have many achievements and let it run for 30 minutes. Then you can use the points from that to boost.
I have 53€, what do I take out?
I bought Underrail and the baldur's gate infinity collection. What am i in for bros?
I missed those games the first time and hear that the enhanced edition is shitty from /vr/ but for that price i gave in.
Does it accept dpad inputs?
The weebshit
Ludosity, why do you even ask?
All my friends have 360 pads, so can't help you there
So I don't actually have any points yet? The max points go up when I purchase stuff but to get points I need to play stuff?
Publisher probably got bonus dosh to delay pc release. Or maybe it has to do with the game being a rushed pos and they are worried itbwill sell badly on pc if they don't implement fixes before they release it to us.
But I completely sucked with Blood Bowl 1. Every time I tried to do a MP I got my ass handed to me squarely.
Hows Super Lucky Tale?
Any good obscure 3D platformers?
trading age of empires ii HD + 100% orange juice for a $5 game
Ittle Dew is cool though
Just play any game you got achievements in for 30 minutes and you'll get points for every achievement.
correct, you can also increase max points by doing the qualifying tasks in the drivers manual.
thanks I'll give it a shot
How's this so far?
If you buy that alone without the pack the total price will be near 53€
A few anons joined thanks to my endless autism shilling in sale threads sorry being annoying lads who also have no experience, so we'll have a rookie division for next season. If you want to learn, I think it's the best way. The game's official matchmaking is terrible for newbies, it has no issue matching you with russian autism killteams even if you can barely move the ball.
What do I even need anymore?
inb4 life
so if i boost one of these animals i could win a game from my wishlist even if it was just 100 points?
Ori, Furi, Sanic Mania, JSR and Baba is you are all good. Don't know about the others.
Yes, boosting doesn't increase the chances.
>rainbow six siege
You're going to get banned for saying the nigger word
You also have to make a Uplay account
You could, with a 0.01% chance.
You're not going to win, but yes
any good recommendations for games that let you build your char?
not just skills but stats/traits/others
dont think theres anything that falls into this category other than rpg, something like divinity / legend of grimmrock / balrum
>No race even faggotry
Recommend some lesser-known or obscure indie games on sale?
Psycards and Card City Nights is cool tho
Any good oldschoolish platformers on sale?
Gato Roboto
Solid 6/10 if you have Windows 10 play it for $1 with the microcock pass
Mu Cartographer
If you're into metroidvanias, Enviromental Station Alpha
So close
Oniken is great
What do Tokens do
>not getting the badges
whats the easiest and fastest way to get 15000 tokens
they toke
Also got Kingdoms and Castles, i liked it, it's a pretty chill city builder.
Are you me?
Buy $150 of games
VN are not worth their price tags.
t. read over 50+ VNs
Everyone who watched their movies should get it now at 55% off
Keep Evenicle, it's good. Remove MGSV.
Renove the Zero Escape Trilogy.
Add the 999 standalone.
Shovel Knight is basically Megaman if Megaman was melee. It's only 20% discount though.
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon is basically a classic Castlevania game, so if you're fine with stiff jumps it does have some platforming in there.
Sonic Mania is more classic Sonic. Can't go wrong with that.
And The Messenger is half arcade-style half metroidvania.
remove zero escape. the 999 port is botched. the other 2 are ok ports
I'm interested in Katana Zero, but it seems like it's kinda short--is this true? Is it a decent length for the price, or even just replayable?
But he'll miss out on COMPLEX MOTIVES
>something literally useless
>something with actual IRL value
hmmmmmm tough choice
Why the fuck did my Max Points drop down to 8k now? So I have to spend more money to up my limit to 15k and then the additional time to get to 15k to unlock the 5 bucks off?
No it should be 999 and VLR.
REMOVE HARE remove kebab
you are worst car. you are the hare idiot you are the hare smell. return to erp. to our pig cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,tortistan we will never forgeve you. rabbit rascal FUck but fuck asshole hare stink steam sqhipere shqipare..hare genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead hare..ahahahahahHARE WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget purple .albiania we kill the king , albania return to your precious mongolia….hahahahaha idiot hare and animals smell so i can smell it. REMOVE HAER FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. russia+usa+croatia+slovak=kill pig…you will ww2/ tupac alive in steamm, tupac making album of galipgos turtol . fast rap tupac tort. we are rich and have point now hahahaha ha because of gabe… you are ppoor stink jack rabbit… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt
tupac alive numbr one #1 in tortilla ….fuck the review score ,..FUCKk ashol hare no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the hare farm aminal with rap magic now we the steam sale rule .ape of the zoo presidant georg bush fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and gaben wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. tortoise greattst countrey
Any good RTSs lately? Genre feels dead. Love something like Into the Breach or FTL too.
It's kinda short. Assuming decent skill it should take you about 4-6 hours to complete the first time around. Then there's secret unlocks, a secret boss, hard mode and speedrun mode. Also there's apparently free DLC coming in the future. 100%ing the game completely including getting the gold medal in speedrun mode left me at 14 hours.
god forbid people discuss video games, you fucking moron
why would I buy games on the steam sale when I can get them for even cheaper and legit on g2a
Ashes of the Singularity is $10 right now.
this all worth $60
Any cheap recommendations?
any good jrpgs?
>is the game short?
>there is a website specifically for that question
Any decent weebshit jrpg to get into? Is Shining Resonance Refrain good?
Before the Echo is actually a pretty solid game if you like rythm games somewhat.
you already got the points for the game faggot
I've never played any metroidvania or FF, are these games a good place to start
Any good proton/native games for us linux peeps?
>Before the Echo
looks neat, thanks user
Anything not needed on this list?
I am having second thoughts about Jotun, Sundered and TransOcean.
nice list fag
I bought BallisticNG today, its very fun and im glad I did. Go buy it if you have any love for futuristic racers.
Legendary is worth it for that price. A entertaining but overall clunky shooter.
Titan Quest?
You dick honey, I give you 30 more if you lemme suck
at least wait until the final fantasy viii remaster later this year, plus it's a terrible one to start, it's good but play really different from the other ones. Start with 6 or 7, on another platform
Thoughts? The only one I'm on the fence about it Sniper Ghost Warrior 3.
Recc me some good RPGs, Yea Forums. I'm probably refunding some shit.
Well shit
You should cause it's shit
Also don't get Payday 2 if you don't have friends to play
Everything else is good
Should I get Curse of the Moon if I have 14$ dollars?
>tfw too poor to buy Ritual of the Night
This is what I bought so far
Recommend more
is a quest point equal to a token? how does the exchange work?
Is deathgarden even worth it after 10hours , is the playerbase dead?
I know :(
Solid picks except rainbow
Each point of boost that you use is equal to a token, although you have a cumulative cap on how much you can use.
Much appreciated.
Ignore them, it's the best FPS on the market.
This any good?
What about Unreal Tournament
The sales don't change day to day anymore, right? So basically you can buy your stuff whenever as long as it's before the sale ends?
Want to buy Trails in the Sky 3rd because I finished FC & SC, but it's on sale for only -25%, even less than Cold Steel. Should I wait for a better deal?
is the Sonic mania dlc good?
I post this every thread but if I can prevent anyone from buying it it's worth it
>cookie cutter story
>boring as fuck combat
>you're overlevelled within the first 5 levels until the end of the game so the combat is insultingly easy even on the hardest difficulty, on top of being boring
>the only """content""" is fetch quests and copypasted dungeons
>needlessly giant empty open world
You can tell it was meant to be an MMO in all the worst ways
Very good and underrated game.
Yep. No more daily deals or flash sales, just randomly picked deals shown on the front page all day
should i get dark souls 3 if i never played any dark souls game?
Fire Pro Wrestling World is my first and last purchase this sale and I can already tell I'll be putting a few hundred hours into it.
Want to get Hitman Blood Money, and Legendary since I have $2.56 cents. These games any good?
It's good, but it both *is* and *feels like* an MMO that ended up being single player due to budget constraints. It has pretty fantastic lore and an interesting setting, but you can kind of feel the whole time through how much more expansive the devs intended it to be. Wide open spaces that feel like they're meant to have multiple players questing, that kind of thing.
IIRC, the developers got sued because they took funding from the state of virginia or something? It was a total clusterfuck. It was meant to be more than it was, but even in the state it it's in, it's a decent, if kind of mediocre RPG. Would buy on sale, for sure.
There's absolutely no reason not to start with 1
maybe, then you'll have no reference and you can't be disappointed by it.
Great taste user
Is PUBG worth getting for 14 bucks?
la tortuga....
I bought it for that price. Cheapest it's ever been on Steam.
Try Deserts of Kharak
FUCK yes
I post this every thread but if I can encourage anyone buying it it's worth it
>amazing story
>super fun combat
>great pacing on the leveling so even if you're playing on the easiest difficulties, you can still have a decent challenge, plus did I mention the combat is FUN?
>amazingly designed quests and dungeons, lots of variety, never gets old
>Huge world with tons of interesting places that rewards exploration
If they made an MMO out of this, it would probably be the WoW killer we've been waiting for ages
>Fire Pro Wrestling World
Does that have a proper campaign? I played some GBA FPW back in the day and I generally liked it
Rhode Island, I believe
>It has pretty fantastic lore and an interesting setting
No it fucking doesn't. It takes the Seelie and Unseelie court, sprinkles them with some Elves from LOTR and also throws in some gnomes. The only mildly interesting thing is how the player character can shape the future because he has no fate but all that leads to is a generic as fuck "chosen one saves everything" story. I was waiting the entire game for SOME kind of interesting twist or at least the ability to make a single fucking choice with story consequences
Also, Soul Reaver did it better
How are these games:
Lobotomy Corporation
Tales of Berseria
Ni no Kuni 2
Any anyone have any recommendations for horror games?
So, after the qualifier tasks of yesterday, is there some new/easy way to increase the max points without spending money?
el cochinillo...
Based shill
all I know is that Berseria and FF15 blow dick and while Ni No Kuni 2 is fun a lot of people suffer from massive stuttering issues. Lost in Vivo is apparently alright horror.
Is Moonlighter worth playing bros?
No. Stay away, it's a single player mmo.
I want to fuck shit up as a Viking, axe in hand. Being able to sail would be a plus, though not required.
What games should I look at buying?
Not too much content, but it's worth it IMO.
everything i've heard about it from here is it's a shitty recettear clone
It's fun if you like retro games
>t.ellie from oxbox
Here's the damage so far. I've been enjoying Pathfinder: Kingmaker so much I even went back and bought the DLC. Recommend it to anyone that wants a CRPG and that can stomach 3.5/PF.
Any good horror games around? Preferably cheap, but I'm fine with pricier stuff.
Expeditions: Viking
Crusader Kings 2 if you're fine having it abstracted into throwing around armies on a map
It does with dlc. I think the dlc made by suda 51 is out. Which is great because he's made a fucking dark wrestling game before. Look into that
games under $5 you can put 50+ hours into (more or less depending on your taste)
why is DS remastered more expensive than the other 2, i don't get it
wasted my time more like it
i pirated it and didnt even play more than an hour
it sucks ass
Which one do i pick fags?
SOMA, and Alien Isolation Complete.
I would also suggest Outlast
What's a good RTS for a person who's last RTS was Starcraft 1? I already have AoE2 HD and Supreme Commander FA.
Nice try removing the names from the links
Do not listen to this literal faggot, Bastard Bonds is a degenerate propaganda game
Mount & Blade Warband Viking Conquest expansion
A hat in time, the clearly superior one.
Fair. Should I check out Recettear instead?
If you enjoy SCP related stuff and don't mind restarting from the beginning, because something made your whole staff commit suicide. Then it's the game for you.
>Which is great because he's made a fucking dark wrestling game before. Look into that
Will do, thanks. Sounds interesting
I keep fucking forgetting that's on Steam. Thanks for the reminder
Best games
Fuck this guy. Soma sucks. And Outlast. What garbage taste.
I second Bastard Bonds
If you're fine with gameplay that's fun for the first 5 hours before you get bored of it sure
>Lobotomy Corporation
Shit. It promises "SCP Tycoon" but gives you "generic waifu visual novel."
Good if you like DOOM and want more DOOM.
Great game.
>Tales of
Haven't played it.
>Ni no Kuni 2
Haven't played it.
>Horror games
All these anons talking about steam badge level, does that shit actually do anything for you? why should I put points into the badge instead of the discount is basically what I'm asking
also should I get killer7 even though I don't know what the fuck it's about other than being a weird fps
Does Valve still make you refund the entire cart you bought when you want to refund a single game from it
>Expeditions: Viking
I'll look into this, thanks.
>Crusader Kings 2
I played a lot of Crusader Kings 2 and enjoyed it, but I burnt out ironically right before The Old Gods dropped. Maybe I should look into that, but I'm looking for a more active experience. Also fuck that game got a lot of expansions apparently and even on sale prices aren't great.
I actually started thinking of Warband right after I made my post, I don't know what this is though, will check it out , thanks.
That's a good suggestion. Thanks man.
Np, I fucking loved it a few years ago. Be prepared for surprises.
Thoughts on The Void Rains Upon Her Heart? Sounds like pretentious bullshit but it looks like a fun little RPG shmup. Anyone played it?
You should most definitely get it, fucking fantastic game and a really good port.
kek I was gonna say, if you dropped it before even TOG came out then you're in for a wild ride with expansions
fuck Paradox and their DLC policy though, you can easily pirate and unlock all the DLC if you have the main game on Steam
You probably already bought them, but both Jotun and Sundered left me unsatisfied
That studio makes pretty games with mediocre gameplay. They are worth one run, if any; I'd pirate them if I had the chance
I never played the first one, but I got 2 as a kid and had a grand time. Took my dumb younger self an eternity to get past those ball trials in the desert place. And then the CD/install files got corrupted and made a certain part in the third planet or whatever crash the game.
I'll revisit it someday, hope you do too mate.
Would you say both the Frictional Games and Outlast bundles are worth it? I remember playing an hour or two of the first Amnesia when it came out, didn't click much with me but that was 9 years ago.
I see that it gets a lot of love and think I should give it a go but then I watch gameplay and suddenly it doesn't seem like such a great idea.
Fuck it, it's only a tenner and I can refund it after 2 hours if it's not for me
Here's what I bought:
Zombie Night Terror
Missing: Swery Game
X-COM 2 DLC (The big expansion, I just want a reason to replay)
Return of the Obra Dinn
Pharoah Rebirth +
Baba is You
Thoughts? All over the place, but I haven't honestly used my steam account in nearly a year, so I wanted various genres.
i got my £5 voucher what should I buy with it lads
>you can easily pirate and unlock all the DLC if you have the main game on Steam
Sorry for my ignorance, but is there any risk with this?
>No it fucking doesn't.
Like I said, it's kind of a mediocre RPG. But I'm mildly schizophrenic and the whole Seelie Fae/Unseelie Fae thing provided interesting reference points for me interpreting reality. Kinda hard to explain why I value that, but it was my first experience with that kind of knowledge. And I think it'd be most people's first experience with that. So kind of worth it, if only so they have that information - however useful it might be in actuality.
I suppose I should disclose that kinda shit up front, but I really think playing shit like Kingdoms of Amalur is a gateway to another kind of thinking. Not necessarily a valuable one, but a different set of... references.
Actually what I was going to ask, has anyone played the Battlestar game? It looks like fun.
It's an adaptation of the PnP game, right? How is it any different gameplay wise from BB1?
a haircut
I won't buy until I've done some extensive research and watched reviews/gamepaly vids but I don't have time to pirate them right now.
Pirating is the new way of playing a demo imo.
None at all. You unpack the DLC in a game folder and run an activator. You won't get a Steam ban or anything
You could just pirate it regularly if you're worried about activating pirated DLC with a legit copy anyway
To clarify, what I mean by that kind of knowlege is just the association between summer and winter with different types of similar beings? I don't know. Schizoanon out.
How's Kingdom Come? Thinking of buying the whole shebang.
Decent medieval life simulator, if a little contrived as to how a peasant boy ends up improving his station so immensely.
>It's an adaptation of the PnP game, right?
>How is it any different gameplay wise from BB1?
Not a lot. There's some new rules for money which kinda suck but do their job, Khorne teams are gone but there's Bretonnian and Kislev (Slann) teams.
Return of the Obra Dinn is so fucking good, easily my favourite game of last year. I wish I could forget it all so I could play it again.
Darkwood gets a lot of love, I don't really get it. Just seems like another crafty survival meme but I haven't really given it a proper chance yet to be fair. Most people highly recc it though.
Baba is you is an amazing puzzle game, I just picked it up and was having a great time until I remembered I'm a fucking brainlet and can't solve anything
Good but very janky, at least it was when I played it.
A good mid-highly priced game is better than a pile of cheap garbage.
does anyone remember the name of this anime shmup that used a like a 2 or 3-tone style for it's character portraits?
there was like a pink and black and green and black tone characters
this board is a pc cuck central, no wonder there are all these gaben dick sucking threads
You are all dumb as rocks. You have the only advantage of pc gaming, yet you chose not to use it and actually waste money on something that can be gotten for free.
You idiots do realize that this is an advertisement thread right?
Anyways get Tekken 7. Best fighter of this generation fuck Mortal Kombat. Street Fighter 5 is shit.
A Hat in Time it's really good. It's like Mario on your PC. PC doesn't have very many 3d platformers to begin with.
Hyper Light Drifter if you want to feel like a badass cyber anime samurai.
Hollow Knight. It's a metroidvania with 30 hours playtime MINIMUM.
Sonic Mania Plus it's the best Sonic game ever.
Sunset Overdrive underrated game with cringe dialogue. Made by Insomniac.
Maybe I'm a little late but Curse of the Moon is not a metroidvania, it's a classic Castlevania. Ritual of the Night is the equivalent to the modern games. CotM is still good though.
I'm working on a limited budget that has some room for maneuver so I'd like to hear opinions on the following titles and if they're worth the price
>invisible Inc
>Bladed Fury
I was thinking about getting Halo Wars, Dead Rising 1 and Vanquish, was wondering how the games I listed stack up or if they're worth their current price. I'd also like to remind everyone that Darkwood is dirt cheap for how great it is.
how is ac odyssey different from ac origins?
Anno 1404
SimCity 4
Beyond Good and Evil
Sleeping Dogs
what kind of games do you like?
Different guy here, does it have actual content? By which I mean, when you go somewhere and talk to people, do you get an actual quest that was written by people or is it just clearing copypasted poitns of interests off a map? I just hate modern open worlds
Thanks, Hero Siege looks worth a go.
>furfag phoneposter trying to talk down anyone
don't forget to take your hiv tests
>You have the only advantage of pc gaming, yet you chose not to use it
Nah I do play at 60fps. Or maybe you're thinking I don't play online without having to pay extra like a cuck. I do that too.
>tfw regret buying Dark SOuls Remastered
It has real tasks for real people, it's not a Ubisoft open world.
It's like 2 quid so whatever t b h
Sounds good, thanks
how high are you
So how the fuck does this summer sale game works? I see that on the previous days, the top 3 won games or something? I bought some games, and it made me join a team, I clicked on one, but it dosn't show anywhere that I contributed the points.
And I don't wanna fucking play games now.
Okay Yea Forums, give me your best recommendations under $5.
Should I bother with the 999 VN games if I own a 3ds? Dunno how the puzzles work on the pc since it was made with stylus in mind
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
Is ritual of the night the only notable 2.5 metroidvania? I'm having a hard time finding others.
Also thinking of getting
Kingdom Come Deliverance
Death road to canada
Pharoah rebirth +
Salt and Sanctuary
Sonic Generations
Make sure you download the unlimited save mod then you'll be fine.
What are the best games with a strong exploration element?
I want to feel like
>you're on a foreign planet in Metroid Prime
>amidst the commie blocks in Half Life 2
>in the Deus Ex slums
>roaming the ruins in a Stalker game
... you catch the drift.
Expect to feel like the ultimate brainlet
Oh right in vanilla you have to brew a potion or some shit to save?
Just drink your schnapps.
better furfag than animeshitter that drools over underage cartoon girls
Also, I post from an ipad tablet, because PCs are just as useless as pc gaming. Its much more convenient.
Who the fuck even gives a shit about online? Do you really play garbage like battlefield, get a good taste in video games lol. Besides its just 50 a year and you get 3 free games each month including one high budget one, definitely better value than those crappy games steam sales peddling.
I do too play 60, all the games that need it like dmc, gt, doom and bf run at silky smooth 60fps.
Hello, please give me advice on my STEAM wishlist.
Prices aren't USD btw.
How are Bioshock's stories?
What the fuck...really?
Don't listen to this guy, 99% of la mulana puzzles are absolute bullshit
Should I go through with these or just get Mario Maker 2 instead?
Is anyone else not able to buy anything right now?
I'm trying to cash out my tokens but I keep getting an order at the payment screen.
>t. ultimate brainlet
Every la-mulana puzzle is solvable except for a single one in the Wii version. You just need to take notes
gameplay seemed to ok, the text in the game is awful though like something from tumblr
>defending ps plus
Yeah it's a dumb feature. I don't know if they patched it out or whatever but the mod is a lifesaver.
where are the hints for the gate of illusion maze then you faggot?
in japanese
Like the other guy said, it's all pretty thoughtful quests as far as I experienced. It's not cookie-cutter bullshit. An example - there's a quest to find jobs for displaced villagers from the town you grew up in, for example. And the characters involved have needs. It's not mindless bullshit.
The very obvious "he who goes left is a fool, he ho goes right is a fool"? Or the "get on your knees" one? Paraphrasing of course, don't expect me to recall the entire game.
take your meds
Hollow knight and subnautica
To who ever recommended me wizard of legend, I hope you get the shits on your way to work while stuck in traffic.
>let's have all these spells
>but you can only use 4
>the other two will be left up to chance
Yes lad, more people need to buy this!
For people that don't know, it's the purest form of WipEout successors around with complete workshop support, different physics settings to match the differences between old and nu-wipeout games, VR support and more. Plus, it's £4 so TRY IT OUT.
lads is maximum action any good?
>look at Kingdom Come
>it has a DLC called Woman's Lot
I thought this game was redpilled. Why is there a woman knight now?
I hear good things about Banner Saga, is this a series where you should play every one, the newest is the best or what?
Oh and there's a new expansion coming next month that's free for owners.
Did Yea Forums just die for anyone else?
There isn't a woman knight. "A Woman's Lot" is a DLC where you play as the chick who got raped in the prologue and who the main character had to leave to her fate as he escaped. She's not a knight. It's just a brief DLC about how shitty being a woman was back then, and how your just dealt with your lot in life without being a feminist bitch about it.
it says i have to check back tomorrow for my max points, but they don't replenish. how do you get your max back?
its good but has almost no content
It's quite literally one big story, starting at three would be like opening a book at page 300.
Is that story any good? How's the gameplay?
If anyone is looking for a Mecha game, I highly recommend Garrison Archangel. It's early access with a small team and budget, but the team is pretty open to community feedback and is currently fleshing out a single player campaign because of it.
It's a lot like custom robo or virtual on.
continue redpilling me on maximum action
Only played the first two so far, but it is a fairly solid story with lots of choices and a really pretty art style.
Combat is passable turn-based but really you play for the story and consequences.
is mordhau good?
Be honest with us
Also, hows Football, Tactics & Glory and W40K Mechanicus
I got that feel from Unreal Gold
hey you aren't me, don't pretend to be me again or there will be consequences
These both look great and both posts end in 21
>Buys game to put tokens over the 15000 needed for discount
>Buys game with discount
>Refunds token game
Mfw free cash
If you do this use the discount before refunding or it takes the tokens back
What Warhammer shit is actually worth playing? Fantasy preferably, but 40K is good too.
I have the Total Wars, Dawn of Wars, Space Marine, Mordheim, Space Hulk (the board game simulator from 2013 not the shooter), Vermintide 2 and both Battlefleet Gothic Armadas.
I see tons of mobile ports for 40K shit whenever I try to find something else, and I heard the Space Hulk shooter was abysmal (though not much about why). So was hoping someone good lead me to something good.
Buy Black Mesa
how much of a zoomer are you that you've never played either half life, doom 3, resi 4 or stalker already?
also you can power through little nightmares in like 2 hours and get a refund or just pirate it
>Be honest with us
Just gifts for friends and therefore not relevant for recommendations
>Football, Tactics & Glory
Seems okay so far, haven't really gotten down to the whole training aspect yet. It's basically turn-based footballs where you have three moves (passing or shooting are moves as well) per turn so you have to be VERY aggressive. Seems fun so far though
>W40K Mechanicus
I bought that like 2 hours ago, haven't played it yet. Sorry
System Shock I&II
Thief I&II
Divinity Original Sin I&II
Hollow Knight
i am also interested in the game
It looks pretty good. Not sure if it is but seems worth a try.
It's been a long day, I hope that our initial conflict over identity theft won't affect our relationship going forward. I'd like to start fresh.
I'm tempted to get MA now despite the supposed lack of content based purely on the promise of future content now that New Blood is involved. Amid Evil and Dusk are great.
It has fan made levels tho
Space Marine is excellent
Dawn of War obviously
>Space Hulk
Ascension is very good. It's basically the board game with added RPG progression and I love the slow methodical play. Definitely get a second opinion here with loads of reviews and gameplay videos though, because people usually disagree with me on this
I liked Space Hulk Deathwing too, Have you played EYE? If so, it's like being in heavy armor with a minigun and mowing down loads of enemies. It doesn't have any mobility so I suppose many people found it repetitive
Fuck the little nightmare.
It's literally better to watch some e-celeb play it for you. It's one step above a walking sim.
haul from the other day.
loving dominions 5, watched a 3 hour tutorial by DasTactic and I sorta know what Im doing.
BallisticNG is also fucking outstanding for the price.
Haven't played the others yet.
any games with team customization, that isn't a jrpg?
It's a pretty good time for $11. It's a bit outdated now, but the game also has a free demo you can try out to see if it's your kind of thing.
Any good tactical roleplaying games like Underrail or turn based strategy stuff on sale?
Divinity Original Sin 2
What about it? The recommendation probably doesn't work because the guy was asking about mostly urban exploration but how the fuck doe the FO games no have exploration?
roller coaster tycoon classic or deluxe?
>What Warhammer shit is actually worth playing?
Unironically Blood Bowl
>Virtual ON/Custom Robo
Sign me the fuck up. How's the control scheme though? Virtual on used two big digital joysticks. Is it an analog twin stick that functions the same, or one that functions more like an FPS game where left stick moves forward/backwards and rotates and right stick strafes and aims?
Is dominions 5 supposed to be a multiplayer only or is singleplayer fine too?
I've been interested enough to lurk aroung the general it has in vg but I don't want to jump on servers.
>tfw ran like shit on my computer
Shame, played for a few minutes and it was fun.
Is there really a point in getting Ascension when I have the prior version? And yeah, I liked EYE and that made me excited for Deathwing but it got all around shit on from what I'm aware of, even people who liked EYE when it came out. At least that was the impression I got, guess I could look further into it.
I get the appeal, but I just really don't dig sports/sports games stuff. It looks like it's great at what it is, just not for me.
The singleplayer is alright, but once you figure it out you need to move to mp
Also Unironically Blood Bowl
havent played multiplayer yet. Apparently multiplayer is hwere the real fun is, sorta like playing risk vs AI or risk vs people. There's a ton of diplomacy that happens I guess. The game also has a play by email system which I think is pretty neat.
Because there's no reason to go to any square that don't have a town in it.
The only thing I've bought so far is Luna Nights - should I spend the money on Bloodstained? It's like 60 leaf dollars even with the sale which is a shit ton.
Bought 2 but if I end up being one of those games where I need the DLC, I'll hunt you down and rape you.
im sure our rough start wont come between our fellowship as potential videogame buyers
Picked up Max Payne 3 for $7. Still a fucking great game.
Get those. Mario maker 2 is alright but it's not really worth getting before it goes on sale.
Dins Curse, mother effer
Sacred 1 and 2
I got Mafia 1 and Supraland in my cart right now. Does Garry's mod get lower than 2 bucks? If not, I'm picking it up.
Thank you all for the advice. Subnautica and Unreal Gold have gone into my wishlist.
Depends. Do you spend more time and effort on adventure games or sandbox games? Nothing bad with your cart, btw.
There are a shitton of keys for Shantae floating around. If you know a friend of yours who got it with an Humble Bundle, ask them if they have any spare key.
The sports are a meme theme, user. The ball is just a mcguffin you need to move to the part of the field the other guy is defending. The game is mostly fantasy races killing each other and sometimes passing a ball
Well you won't
the DLC. I'm not liable for you wanting the DLC though
Also reminder to join Yea Forums leeg
Silent Storm is fucking great, early 00's kino. But the turn times are a fucking killer because the battles get so big. You'll sit there for like 5 minutes just watching the enemy do their turn.
The game uses a lockon system so you're always facing the enemy unless you disable it which is really only helpful for running away on their oversized campaign maps. It's a bit more like an FPS in that way with you controlling via the left stick and you can use dodging to evade attacks or equip a shield. Some attacks also have iframe or hyper armor properties you can abuse or if you make a fat enough mec they can broly tank things sometimes.
Would recommend checking out the free demo they have even if it's not up to date.
Managed to find some pvp footage here:
and one of a guy fighting AI opponents:
I have to admit I haven't played the non-Ascension version, but from what I understand it was simply a port of the boardgame, correct? The main thing Ascension adds is a progression system. That means your Terminators gain XP on missions and you get to level up their skills (i.e. pick whether they should get better at aiming or melee etc). You also get to pick skills for them (for example a servo skull that increases detection range). Apparently it also added many weapons, and the original didn't have a campaign mode? It also adds more Genestealer variations
So yes Ascension can definitely be treated as its own game
>but it got all around shit on from what I'm aware of, even people who liked EYE when it came out
Well for one thing the performance on release was apparently complete horseshit and it was buggy as fuck, but that's all fixed now
Garry's mod isn't worth even 1 buck these days.
level up their attributes*
is it a bad time to get sfv deluxe edition, or should I just get the regular AE version? I'm not really sure if I wanna play the deluxe characters or not, but i kinda want the whole roster for the fuck of it and to spend my fight money on superfluous shit
kinda reminds me of dragon ball xenoverse
can't you still earn fight money to buy characters? if you play the game you should be able to buy whoever you want without spending extra.
Anybody have games they want to trade for my copy of Age of Empires II HD and 100% orange juice? just looking for something to play
how long would that take though? I'd rather pay real money for characters and spend fight money on stages/costumes (mostly costumes), but if I can do both with fight money in, lets say, 50-100 hours then that'd be cool.
In a way I guess. It's certainly very arena fighter like, but it's way too technical for that term I think. Matches are over faster, you have more options, attacks have properties, there's stats, etc. You can't really mash or spam to win. I personally love it to death and have over 300 hours logged with most of that just building mechs and fighting the AI or watching the AI fight itself.
>he hasn't gotten free money from coinbase to spend in the sale
i picked up StarCrawlers on the first day and have been having a good time with it, as a turn based crpg.
I got something called DEX.
It is a cyberpunk metroidvania game.
Kicks ass and it is $1.
I honestly expected nothing but the artstyle looked cool and the gameplay is not half bad.
I've had no problems with queue times so far.
Well there's no new season of characters besides Kage who is utter shit, so you might as well. As long as you know which characters you're interested in, don't mind doing trials/survival/etc. as other characters, you should easily earn enough to afford the other characters you want.
Never played any Witcher, Should I get Wildhunt GOTY?
Ys games
Is it? I heard that game had a lot of problems and a lack of content. I was hyped for it, too.
Yes, lmao. That's about as easy of a slamdunk you're gunna get.
>spend fight money on stages/costumes (mostly costumes)
You can only buy one extra costume with fight money, it's the story version of the character's costume. Otherwise all other costumes cost real money. Also, if you buy the characters with real money you get the story costume for free as well as a bunch of colors (I think) but if you buy the characters with in game funbucks you only get the character and one alt color. Capcom really doesn't want you to buy the characters with fight money.
It's perfectly fine, the game's written with a new audience in mind. I'd urge you to play 1 and 2 though if you have any appreciation for classic cRPGs
Hey ps2 era naggers, get Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy
It's fantastic game for a good price. And never touch the previous ones.
Try on hard first, most of the games critisism comes from simple combat.
> spent 70 bucks
> doubts about whether I've made a good choice
> tfw excited about each and every single game I got and I'm thouroughly enjoying myself
How is it compared to other rpgs in terms of content and combat? I love a good meaty or hearty combat system that allows me to emphasize on that.
>spend lots my britbong dollars
>like all of them
>don't know which of them to play first
What are some good games on Steam from the years 2000-2009?
It has the faux-Dark Souls spam dodge and get a hit in every once in a while combat all games of that era have
Shitloads of content, easy 100+ hours and every sidequest has actual writing instead of being a fetch quest
I'm about 16 hours in, it's holding my attention. People will complain about anything though. Some of the classes don't fit my playstyle, but enough do that I can put a team together with skill trees I enjoy. That sort of thing is true with any game in this genre though.
No. Outlast and Frictional Games are both shit. Don't bother with the bundles
In exchange for one or more of pic related, how much would you be willing to spend for a gift for me?
>Decide to switch from team Corgi to get better chance at winning a game
>Get put on dumb rabbit team
Anyone ever played that Hover Revolt of Gamers? Is it actually anything like JSR?
>ps2 era naggers
Am I a cheapskate if that seems a bit high?
same situation, best thing is to just choose one randomly and try to stick with it
Yes user. How do you eat food when you're out if you complain about spending that amount of pocket change?
I just got my tax return, what should I buy? Any game, any genre.
>makes up a greentext
>doesn't bother to research how the game works first
How embarrassing
Tell ya what, you give me one of those and in return I'll ignore you and block you if you try messaging me.
should I get roller coaster tycoon Classic or Deluxe?
Looking for a fps game, kinda wanna look for a FPSRPG seems like a underused genre
Could I get some honest opinions on My Time at Portia?
I'm in the mood for a lifesim right now. Already played Stardew and Rune Factory 3.
Very carefully
>How do you eat food
I only it every other day, though it's more about not wanting to go outside even to buy food.
I've already bought good amount of games but ps2 tier games costing money seems wrong when I already emulate some of them.
I've had some success trading in these threads the past couple of days, so I'll drop this here if anyone wants to take a look. I've got quite a few games that different anons were looking to buy, so it's not all crap. If you check my profile comments, everyone I've traded with in the last few days left a positive comment, which is a bit better than just saying "Dude, bro, trust me, I won't rip you off."
how do you afford an internet connection
>buy kenshi
>play for 1.5 hours
>still can't even find anything to do
Should I refund this shit or is there a way to have fun in this game that doesn't require you to watch your character hit a rock for 3 hours? Every location I find is just a town with 2 bars and a bunch of lifeless NPCs and the only thing even approaching actual content I've seen is some bounties where I have no idea how to even begin to find the person who's wanted.
>what should I buy? Any game, any genre.
You are retarded.
Classic is RCT 1+2 that was a mobile port that was ported back to PC.
Is there anyway to increase the token cap to 15k without needing to buy things?
darn, so I should get deluxe?
>buy a roguelite/rpg shmup
>doesn't specify it's a twin stick
Pathfinder Kingmaker. I re-bought it after returning it after launch for the crashes and bugs. Its optimization is still ass because the game was still made in Unity. But the bugs and crashes have been resolved seemingly *knockeds on wood*. Now that i can actually play the fucking thing its actually really fucking good. If your fps is just going wild regardless of settings then get RTSS and force it to run at like 30 so the dips are minor. Turns out pathfinder is just as broken in video game form as it is as a TTRPG.
Pick a better start. The normal one drops you in the most boring fucking part of the entire world.
>Head towards the eastern desert
>Get enslaved
>Enjoy levelling the fuck up
>Break out a couple friends in the middle of the night
>Escape and wander with your new buddies
>Get your ass kicked until you start kicking ass
>Scavenge from AI battles
I don't care for the chines setting at all, but 3K might just make me get into it. I mean it was the first Rome: Total War that got me into Roman history after all
yay or nay
I have ten more dollars to spend, would you guys have any unique/weirdfps to recommend? I want to get zenoclash but part 1 is more expensive than 2.
Only if you expect to want to play the season 3/4 characters. Otherwise you can get the base game, play for a bit, and then pick up the characters later in the fall/winter sale if you end up liking it.
I could have sworn that a few year ago every damn FPS had RPG elements but now I can't think of any
EYE is good, that' very RPG-ish
For pure FPSes, Serious Sam and Hard Reset
Set up a account on and then post link.
All I've picked up is TW:3K and TW: Warhammer 2 since I've been meaning to get the latter for the past 2 years but never did.
Honestly, I'm done with these over-the-top flasy games with a big pricetag, anyone know of any comfy indie roguelite/adventure games I can buy on sale?
go for second free 5$ or boost steam level?
i got 22k to start with, there's free 2k and 100 per day and i have 50 bucks i plan to spend on my account so i can make it to another 15k but leveling the badge is a once in a lifetime opportunity
>guys have any unique/weirdfps to recommend?
Project Warlock
> I want to get zenoclash but part 1 is more expensive than 2
Zenoclash is a fucking fever dream. Im still not sure i i liked them or i was just to enthralled by it to stop.
only one I've played is VT2 and I can't recommend it enough, some of the most fun I've had in vidya in years
I don't have frostpunk but it looks cool I guess, I might consider buying it myself but I've really splashed out on the strategic sim genre and I'm not sure if I can bear spending any more on it
Zenoclash is pretty weird, i rec 1 and 2 at normal price let alone a sale. But if you want real weird deus ex in mexico-tier, Oaxaca.
Get Superflight for 1.50 and thank me later.
This is what I would recommend:
Stop mining, start stealing.
Look up a wiki map and travel across the marked locations.
Get companions early on.
You'll get pretty invested in your crew.
Though, it's a openworld with "you can do anything! exept there's like 5 things to do that are fun" kinda thing
any opinions?
Lads seriously if you haven't fucking played Return of the Obra Dinn just fucking do it you fucking shit cunts its so fucking good
buy redout. i need someone to race against
deal, but you also report me on steam for scamming you
>indie roguelite
Binding of Isaac
Enter the Gungeon
Dead Cells
Heat Signature
Rogue Legacy
Wizard of Legend
Some of these might not be indie but I'm certainly not looking up all the damn publishers
A lot of people are buying Frostpunk but it's like nothing else on your list. Do you know what you're getting into or are you just getting it because of the "highest discount ever" promotion?
Is the sleeping dogs definitive edition worth a whopping $2? I feel like I remember a lot of negative reactions to that game back when it came out.
FF12 is still the best FF game SE has ever made. the remaster is fucking great. but the price is high as fuck.for a ps2 game. if your looking to drop 47 bones Sekiro is great.
>intelligently trying to ascertain user's tastes instead of just saying yay or nay to the games
this man is based
Nier is seriously one of my top 5 games ever, definitely get that. Shame it's not on sale though.
I bought it but quickly refunded. Seemed janky, and very crafting focused, in the minecraft way rather than the stardew way, which I'm not too into. dialogue seemed off and all the characters were very uninteresting. didnt get far enough to see the monster stuff. i played like 30 minutes for what its worth
drop timespinner
its chink gta. it was supposed to be a true crime game but they couldnt get the rights. the game's plot sorta hits a point where its on fast-forward since they where running out of money. but for 2 buts its pretty good.
Should I buy the DLC for vermintide? or is it as sparse as the reviews make it seem
ill probably get 1 then
I'm not into mystery games at all personally, is it worth picking up despite this?
>I feel like I remember a lot of negative reactions to that game back when it came out.
I don't. There might have been something about performance but it's only a vague memory
Either way: Yes! It's worth much, much more than that.
It's GTA with fun melee combat, great side activities and a gripping story.
I have yet to talk to anyone (irl or on 4chainz) who didn't like it
What game should I use my $5 coupon on?
Definitive Edition removes some graphical effects that was in the original release.
>Wizard of Legend
These two are pretty good.
Is Deadly Premonitions playable on PC yet
if you dont have Nioh look into Nioh. its samurai darksouls meets diablo style loot drops.
This is what I have so far
I already did last sale and it's great but a bit grindy. Good fucking luck getting through the gauntlet of enemies between save points if you're not at least their level, it's not even a matter of skill, if you can't kill them fast enough your weapon durability simply won't last. Still, good game.
season 4 is unreleased right? so deluxe will get me those characters automatically when they're released? or is season 4 just that kage dude
Can vouch for this game, it's fucking incredible.
I personally don't have the DLC so you'll have to make your own judgement on that, but the biggest DLC yet will be coming in a bit which adds new enemies and weapons
The first DLC's just maps, the second one is DLC and a new weapon for weach character (of which Saltzpyre's is fucking overpowered, so make of that what you will)
Just tried the demo is pretty cool. Not sure if its worth buying for me but I thought it was interesting, I'll keep my eye on this as it updates. Took me a while to get used to the controls
Is that a denunciation of the others I posted or do you just not have an opinion on them? I recommend you try the one you haven't on that list regardless
see Its been on my list since it came out. But I've been wary of some of what I hear. Seems it plays more like a puzzle game instead of a city management sim. I'm happy with the discount but I could see it being thrown on a humble bundle or hitting 60% eventually. It's just something I've had my eye on.
FF9 exists, though.
Yeah, waiting for a 25%/50% sale.
Reasons why? The portraits look terrible but I haven't heard anything else about it.
Got it, going to finish dark souls 2 & 3, and demon souls, first.
Thanks anons you're a big help!
drop timespinner everything i've heard is that it's a short, sjw-agenda pushing metroidvania
Tortoises for life
Yeah look into those shitty gimmick bosses.
That alone is a big turn off.
>Reasons why? The portraits look terrible but I haven't heard anything else about it.
i just heard it was generally bad and also features trannyshit i think
the game is fucking good and everyone everywhere loves it
the "definitive edition" got hate because they downgraded visuals on the PC compared to original by having the same gimped textures as the ps4/xbone ports but it's not like you can buy the original
it's fucking 2 dollars, i'm having fun replaying it right now because everyone keeps talking about it
it's dozens of hours of entertainment and a nice map for fucking 2 dollars
also fuck all land turtles
buy MIASMATA (best walking sim of all time)
buy SCANNER SOMBRE (its better when you think its gonna be a horror game but still visually striking)
What are your top 3 games that you would like to win for whatever team you're in?
this hurts my fucking eyes
>Zanzarah: The Hidden Portal
What is this?
Jesus, that is way too spoopy for me
>tfw you're a pussy
Pick it up lad and if it hasn't gripped you in the first 2 hours get your refund.
If it doesn't grip you in the first 2 hours you might want to check your pulse.
I'm still in disbelief that the most exciting game I played last year was about walking around with a fucking notebook filling in names
I need me some action games
What are the best Steam has to offer?
I see Rogue Trooper's there at 93% but wtf is Senran Kagura shit even doing with overwhelmingly positive reviews?
>FF9 exists, though
and its a masterful game made by Square Soft not Square Enix.
>Got it, going to finish dark souls 2 & 3, and demon souls, first.
>Dark souls 2
there is no shame dropping that mess of a game.
You could describe like 90% of all videogames mentioned ITT as action games
Please be more specific
has anyone played Atlas recently? Its amazing how literally nobody talks about it given how big Ark was. its only like 10 bucks, maybe 5 with the event coupon so im wondering if they improved it at all
fuck, you're convincing me
I'll pick it up and I'll refund it if I'm noti interested, thank you for the suggestion. I actually absent-mindedly put it as "not recommended" on my discovery queue, don't ever remember doing so since I've never heard of this game
Nobody knows what's going with season 4 and Capcom hasn't said anything. I don't think you can actually buy Season 4 either, just Kage himself. Check to see if deluxe includes Kage if you really want him.
I have never in my life heard of a game called Atlas
And it's supposed to be as big as Ark?
Just the goods
Hm. Ill look into that. Thanks.
I like the armor variety in ds2. I don't think its as good as 1 by a longshot, but its still enjoyable.
>made by squaresoft not square enix
ah, reading comprehension. my bad.
good taste
>wtf is Senran Kagura shit even doing with overwhelmingly positive reviews?
I mean, only ppl looking to bust a nut to big titty anime girls and fans would get those games. And those ppl get what they pay for.
If you didn't have to buy the game to review it, they would have like 50% score.
Thanks for giving it a shot; I love the game myself so I can't help but recommend it. The controls take a little getting used to yeah, but it's actually pretty nice once you get the hang of it. Hopefully they'll add custom bindings once the game is further along.
Okay you fucking faggot
Dark Souls
I'm retarded and not used to this new steam store layout; how do I see a list of all games on sale, so that I can sort by largest discount?
just be careful with what you watch/read because there are massive spoilers
it's weird because it literally happens within the first hour but if I knew about it before playing it would have massively ruined it
this, some user suggested it to me in these threads, I love it
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and the Star Wars Jedi Knight/KOTOR series have never failed me or let me down. Get those my boys.
No. Dark Souls is dead to me. I'm sick of all the grinding and no-pausing. Armored Core is better.
Try harder
I saw an user post his list with valkyrie profile hd collection. Why can't I find this on steam?
>I like the armor variety in ds2. I don't think its as good as 1 by a longshot, but its still enjoyable
The only nice thing i can say about DS2 us that Mejula's theme is 12/10.
>>made by squaresoft not square enix
>ah, reading comprehension. my bad.
>good taste
idk if you like genesis style rpgs but Comiscstar Heroine is pretty ok.
>Mfw DMC HD is not on sale
Someone recommended it in a different thread.
It's supposedly like Pokemon with fairies meets quake or something
Seems interesting and its only $0.79
no it was made by the same people but it fucking hindenburged at launch. i figure someone much still be playing it and would like to know if 10-5 bucks is still too much to pay for it
No. It's a dead meme now, too, also.
Wasteland 2 is good for this, so is Divinity Original Sin 2.
listen to this user's recommendation
That doesn't even mean anything
Hitman Blood Money
What expansions make XCOM 2 actually better.
I tried the base game when it came out but ended up being too easy on commander after getting psi-ops and grenadiers.
Also any good games like Rimworld/Banished/etc where I can not pay 100% attention? I don't mean idle games but things like "you don't need to pay attention 100%" of the time.
>Hyper Light Drifter is no on sale
>Shovel Knight discount is a minimal
>Shanatae discount is 40% off
>33% across the board for anything with GUD GRAPHICS
is this shit fun with randoms?
Does Ballistic require a controller to be enjoyable?
Anyone have any experience with Cryptark? It looks incredible but is the actual game really short? How much variety is there in the weapons? How are the (presumably) twin stick controls? Any sort of interesting story to it?
Shantae is jailbait-tier.
Shovel Knight needs their shekels from their exclusivity to Bloodstained.
Hype Light is boring.
What's GUD?
I don't get why SE is being so jewish this summer sale. Multiple times in the last year they have had the FF games on sale for 50% (40 for 7 and 9) off. 12 is great but wait for an actual sale on it. I got it, 10 + 10-2, and 8 for 50% off during the black friday sale last year.
Not at all.
Only get it, if you are interested in rp clan fights and taking commands from someone in voicechat where you are not allowed to talk in.
Nobody fucking cares about Cuphead anymore, jeez.
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
Is it worth it to switch team for 1k points if i dont really think i'll win any game even if my team were to win all days?
>Ghost of a Tale
Best adventure game on Steam. Everyone should own/play it.
>The Lost Crown
Atmospheric point and click about ghosts in an English seaside town.
>The Witcher series
2>3>1 so you may as well play them in order.
RE2 Remake
Dark Souls with Samurais
I already got all of them, the only one left is Total war 3 Kingdoms but hey if you have recommendations I would like to hear them.
I ended buying Banner Saga and Pillars of Eternity.
How to emulate GBA/DS Castlevanias?
Having hype around a game is what makes it worht playing?
If you are memeing, sorry for being autistic.
If not, kys.
I want some high-quality vydia that is DIRT-CHEAP, anons!
>If you are memeing, sorry for being autistic.
>If not, kys.
here, you need this
I know that anime!
Should I buy trails in the sky at 50%? what about the second one at 35%?
Dark Messiah is dead meme material.
RE is dead and done.
Only boomer manchildren still enjoy DMC.
Sekiro is going to be dead 6-12 months time.
Total War is also pretty much dead at this point and only nu-historicalfags care for that series without actually reading into the source material (i.e. Peloponnesian war for greeks).
Banner Saga died after the first 4 hours. Pillars is just an overpriced BGII clone.
How is it botched? I played it and don't remember anything bad about it.
Here's a guide
I ain't memeing. But when you look at the facts, all Cuphead has going for it are the bosses.
A game on steam shouldn't be about how many hours you clogged into a game, yet that's what Cuphead is about with the Bee and Grim Matchstick bosses. And the final boss, too.
Point in case, Cuphead's not worth buying if it's only gimmick (bosses) is to purposefully shekel the life out of you and to waste as much time and money on you do as you did for it.
Nice try but I have a retort
No but seriously, give me an actual fucking guide to it.
My retort
I'm gonna continue to shill Return of the Obra Dinn then.
It's an "insurance adventure" about walking around a ghost ship with a notebook and it's fucking exhilirating
Jesus just go to Yea Forumsmics and ask for Cromwell Stone
The fact is this dead autistic bullshit. All of the games you mentioned have great singleplayer modes or are singleplayer only, you'll always be able to play them, they can't "die".
I already bought it because you told me to.
I unironically have no idea what cromwell stone is - the only comic/graphic novel I've ever read is watchmen but I really don't get how reading a story can be anything close to as exciting as it is to discover it yourself through your own deduction
absolutely based, I really hope you enjoy it even a fraction as much as I did
if you like puzzle games, baba is you
Someone recommend me some good atmospheric adventure games, especially any with a good isolationist vibe. Something similar to The Void or Metroid Prime would be great.
I'll be mad at you if I don't enjoy it.
Only joking, I most likely will enjoy it anyway!
The only really bad thing about Obra Dinn is there's no reason to ever play it a second time. Most games can be said to have "no replay value," but the fact is that several years down the line, you can replay the game and still get the same enjoyment out of it; the nature of Obra Dinn's gameplay means you can never really experience the game a second time ever.
Caved in an bought some stuff on my wish just. Just joined Team Corgi. FUCK YEAH!
Is Battletech any good? Mechs get my rocks off.
So, how can we abuse a giant P emoticon?
is the voice acting this terrible throughout as it is in the opening scene
Here you go, Team Corgi. Take all my Dead Cells.
Also just bought the soundtrack even though I own the disc from the PS4 special edition. Too lazy to find my CD ripping software right now anwyay.
Woops didn't mean to reply to anyone
>not /ss13/ or generic weeb
kys, faggot. corgis are deeply ingrained in chan culture, if you can't understand or even worse - understanding that - physically couldn't choose corgis because "le reddit meme dog xD", you're pathetic
I've been waiting since launch now to try and forget as much as I can. Obviously I know I will never forget the biggest reveals but if I can get even the tiniest sense of joy that I did from figuring out someones name then I'll be happy.
I just need a fucking sequel now because no game has ever made me feel this way before
You got Deus Ex, but you didn't get the amazing sequel!
your character doesn't speak very much and the salty boat boy isn't in it much at all.
The rest of the VA is fantastic.
make new
what game?
My brains are going into my feet.
Dark Messiah is a dismantling piece of shit. Despite the combat being "good", everything else is just poorly, poorly handled.
The rest speak for themselves when I say they're dead. You tell me that they're good to play again in 10 years time when everything becomes at this point a brick wall.
You tell me because by the end of all this, there'd be nothing left for creativity.
But for now, allow me to try my hand in recommending actually good games:
Actually Good Tier:
>Jedi Knight Series
>S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Series
>Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
>The Dishwasher Vampire Smile
Good for Story Tier:
>Legacy of Kain Series
Introspective Tier:
>The Longest Journey+Dreamfall: The Longest Journey
Plain Ol' Fun Tier:
>Yakuza Series
>DBZ Games
>Rogue Trooper
>Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
Waifu Tier:
>Nier Automata
>Senran Kagura Series
>Witcher III: Wild Hunt
>Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkuni
>Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code
Now YOU tell me if these are good games or not.
Metroid Prime.