Which one do I get Yea Forums?

Which one do I get Yea Forums?
Should I just get both?
Tell me about these games

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I just bought BallisticNG last night - $5 was a pretty decent deal.

redout being 80% off is a great deal
but just get both
go fast

Neither are even remotely good games. I don't even know if you could consider them games.

Ballistic is a PSX-era WipeOut clone, Redout is nuWipeout clone.

How is a racing game not a game?

what in the fuck did he mean by this?

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>Nu-wipeout clone
but it's not even close
it's way too slidey for that

Attached: Mushroom Gorge.webm (800x468, 2.98M)

if you own a #TrannyStation then Wipeout Omega collection is the best thing you can get since Extreme-G/F-Zero GX.
Locked 60fps with full VR support.
it's among the handful of games actually worth owning a Turdstation for.

Wanna know the funniest thing? NeokiketrashitpissLGBTPQTrannySJWCommieforniaAIDSFemen$ony disbaned the studio and let every dev go. So they can have more cinematic walking simulators with AIDS infested lesbian kike dykes and barb wired rioded nigger horses in their interactive Youtube movies.
It would be hilarious, if it weren't so god damn tragic and sad.

Buy both. They aren‘t immediately comparable. Also buy Redout on GOG. They have a complete bundle.


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>pretty much the 3 first wipeouts
>Workshop support


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i prefer bNG

Please let's just point at this fucking faggot and laugh at him

damn thats cringy (and i own the game)

Ballistic NG is easily the better game

The handling in Redout does not feel like it had a lot of care put into it

Redout is janky to the point of seeming unfinished. Whether you'll like BallisticNG will depend on whether you like 90s Wipeout.

These guys didn't play for very long, Redout is great once you learn the handling and find your favorite ships and powerups, just don't think of it as a 1:1 Wipeout clone.

The tragedy in these wipeout-clones is; why not play the actual wipeouts instead.

Attached: 1536942378909.jpg (1920x1080, 247K)

I just wish the Wipeout Omega collection would be ported to PC.

The tragedy of one-game-ponies is that they claim to like a genre while only actually enjoying what is considered the very best game in that genre.

Depends on what you're looking for. If you want a wipeout clone, get BNG. Redout does its own thing but it's a fun game with a shit load of tracks if you get all the dlc. Both are worth the price.

redout is really good

It you like wipeout 2097 and 3 buy bng, it's practically the same thing

Redout is great too, it handles differently though (very slippery)

Redout isnt a clone of anything, it's its own unique thing. It's more focusd on drifting/grinding

learn to fucking play handling is like the biggest focus of redout

one thing i like about redout was how it handled the cylinder tracks. the boost pads were placed in more intuitive locations so they're much better executed than the f-zero ones. that said i think the f-zero games are overall better.

>Wipeout Omega collection
Nah, the audio/visual changes to the original games in Omega were horrible

Audio I understand, but visual? What do you mean?

>he doesn't like electro bagpipes

Didn't play ballistic but I did enjoy redout quite a lot