Fire Emblem Three Houses

They ruined her bros. Black Eagles are dropped.

Attached: RUINED.png (1920x1080, 2.55M)

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>No more fluffy hair aka her only defining trait
oh nononononono

My cute wife Beru was not ruined, you dumb niggers

Gained no tits. New hair cut and clothes on the old bodies, isn't it?

Bernfags btfo

Attached: 1558313661919.jpg (835x575, 21K)

She's kind of ugly post-skip desu

I'll love her anyway

She looks good, clean, and pretty. If the same faggots caling her ruined are the ones calling her pre-timeskip appearance a NEET than you're all retarded ironic weebs who don't deserve what you want anyway.

Attached: olderberu.png (306x770, 1.12M)

Attached: Marianne.webm (466x720, 936K)

So you can change someone hairstyle or...?

Pray the gay away

Disgusting. Would intentionally send into a weapon triangle disadvantage.

Actually ruined

Good thing it doesn't exist in this game

She's better with the fluffy disheveled look and her new hair cut is weird and uneven

I’m scared of what they might do to Mercedes and Marianne.
They wouldn’t ruin the two best girls in the game, right bros? right?


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Those tits must be legendary weapons.

Any more news?

Attached: can't leave you for 5 minutes.jpg (805x579, 126K)

All the girls that got shown look worse.

There a collage of all the confirmed time-skip redesigns?

Lysithea looks pretty much exactly the same though

Imagine having an eternally youthful waifu option and still picking an old hag
Literally getting cucked by time

Attached: sothis.jpg (1350x1050, 594K)

We've got these
Bernadetta, Ashe, Lorenz, Hilda, Caspar, Felix, and Lysithea

Attached: 1531994295775.png (1975x675, 2.24M)

Hilda is still gorgeous.

Of course they could. Myself am worried they will fuck up Ingrid's design which is already perfect.

My concubine is very cute.

A new teacher was announced

Attached: D-HPBrqU8AAtrry.png (800x801, 423K)

what the fuck is her hair tucked in to? is there a better picture?

Is this our obligatory Char clone?

Best girl still best

Tell me about this teacher. Why does he wear the mask?

Camus got isekai'ed into this shit?

How far Black Eagles have fallen since their first introduction

No, but it seems to be a kind of veil.

Attached: Ingrid.png (709x529, 757K)

Not a fan of whatever the fuck Felix is wearing.

Am I the only one that thought of Underwater Ray Romano when they saw this guy?

>being such a weak faggot you drop your waifu just because her hair changed
You deserve to be cucked.

This is my husband.

Attached: caspal.jpg (631x883, 105K)

None of the females are particularly attractive anyway due to being drawn by a fujo artist. Heroes is the FE with the god tier semen demons.

Attached: FEHTor.png (1600x1920, 1.63M)

Shitty hair is a valid reason to drop a girl

>posting the edit

All the girls got downgraded post timeskip.
Lysithea still looks mostly the same, but I don't like all the hair ornaments she got. She looked better pre timeskip with plain long hair.

What is it with you men and liking these shy depressive friendless loser girls? I see it everywhere, hex maniac, Tomoko, tharja, frog girl, violet etc.

Why? Why not get a happy cheery girl and not someone who brings you down?

Attached: f2416411143.jpg (892x666, 136K)

>ever thinking of going black eagles.

Men have pretty wide taste. Even more so than women, who usual prefer the guys to be brooding, or stoic.

It's sad that crap has all the best artists.

Friendly reminder that the Camus archetype was a fucking mistake.

It's fiction you fucking normie.

Hello Libra

>implying some generic genki girl is any better
I'd rather a more mature, capable type who still has a sense of humor and some degree of confidence, but those are admittedly not typically very popular.

Doesn't matter. I wonder why you find that attractive.

>He dislikes mingling with others, so much that he will reject people who try to start friendly conversation without hesitation.

Because Incel think Genki Girl is a girl who like suck random dick

The only word you listed there that applies to Bernadetta is shy

Why not both?

Never get over the fact that she reminds me of my friends sister except she's got black hair and a decent chest.

>someone who brings you down
It's about wanting to make her happy. Getting a shy, cute girl to smile at you is the best thing in the world

Be wary of this professor, he is a CHAR.

Wrong as fuck, men love a lively girl. Women actually prefer faces of men who don't smile, funny enough.

Wrong. Saving the smile of a broken girl that had lost it is the best thing in the world.

That can't be true

Depressed tits.

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Nigger, I said Incel, not man. Incel can't considering as a man

That is generally case, but obviously not every woman.

>Why not get a happy cheery girl

Attached: 1550172300202.png (537x683, 140K)

Problem is that this 'happy cheery girl' is only something that exists in fiction. Now if you're talking about that, yeah, genki girls are one of the most popular types along with yamato nadeshikos and shy sweet girls.

Calling her a NEET is just easier than saying that she looks like an introvert shut-in. That said, I do think her post-timeskip design is an improvement. Calling her original look a neet isn't a compliment.

I want someone to be depressed with

Is that SJW haircut type ?

This. I can't found really Genki girl until now. The closer I get is cheerfull girl who turn out more depressed than me

only if there's an undercut

There are a few, like that, the pixie cut and the half-shaven cut. They are typically short though.

Wrong, the best thing is getting a smile from a girl who once hated you



>Why do people have different tastes? Why can't everyone like what I like?
Gee user, I don't know.

>cheerfull girl who turn out more depressed than me
That sounds like best of both worlds desu.

he is gonna betray someone, I can feel it

The more I look at Lysithea's dress the more I hate it. I know costumes are apparently supposed to be DLC but I hope there are at least some in-game. maybe I'll just let her become a crest monster instead

>Liking a greasy haired NEET
>When Ingrid and Hilda exist

>Pre timeskip version reminds me of my friend

Jesus Christ the resemblance is uncanny.

I think she's taller

Because they're just like me

Looks like an half-done short hime cut to me


but then you look at her eyes and everything starts to unravel

>lack of Leonie

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