Why is Tekken so popular? Is it actually a good game?

Why is Tekken so popular? Is it actually a good game?

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yes it is.

its not a good game but fighterfags literally can't play with anyting better ATT.

it's the best fighting game, easy.

coming from Street Fighter the huge move list seems really unnecessary.
What's the point? How to get past this?

It's the major fighting game that screwed up the least

Most characters really only use a small amount of those moves often so you just need to learn the 20 moves or so you need to focus on and then study how to beat them/use them yourself

it's ultimately for the casuals I think. even if you mash all kinds of cool strings and moves come out, and importantly different ones each time. if in SF you mash basically nothing exciting happens. if you mash in game with autocombos, it gets boring really fast just doing the same couple of combos by hitting one button. but in Tekken you can feel like a badass without having a clue what you're doing. It also unfortunately makes it really annoying and tedious to learn to play the game seriously, though there's a solid competitive game behind the knowledge barrier all this clutter creates.

Focus on learning the safe pokes for the neutral game, what you would call "standing normals" in SF. Some of them can be hit confirmed or just comboed into strings which extends the move list. Strings will mostly be used for juggle combos. Usually whats left of the movelist after those are the throws, stances if a character has them, and unsafe unblockable attacks.

Thanks, anons. I will dust off my hitbox and get it.
Ever since SFV tore up my group I was looking for something else to get into, this may be just it

what the hell? Didn't MK11 come out last month how is it already doing worst then tekken and SFV? I thought it sold best in its month

Sales don't mean as much as you'd think in regards to the competitive community, especially considering MK's sales have historically been in large part to casuals liking the violence

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variation system is boring and you are left with half baked movesets.

I don't know. I still play tekken 3 from time to time if there's anyone over here.

lmao PL was ducking at release and now he drowned in pools who woulda thunk

As much as people shitpost MK11 is shittier than meh-tier SFV which also has crossplay and shitton of capcom money backed events and tekken is as good as ever

Fighting games are in a bit of a lull lately. Could be an oversaturated market.

Personally I found Tekken Tag Tournament 2 to be slightly superior in terms of mechanics but Tekken 7 isn't much different. It was all over arcades in Tokyo last year.

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MK is a spectacle fighter, it's always horrendously balanced and gimmicky under the hood.

I hate to admit it, but it's always been this way.

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Gotta bunch of people that got animosity towards Mishimas cause their frame advantage is better than them. These are non-Mishimas that are jealous, cause they don't carry, they don't possess, the EWGF. They don't possess that DEVIL GENE that's involved in these Mishimas out here. Keep getting jealous while your wife asks for f+4. While your girlfriends ask for WS1,2 and WISH that they could get LOW PARRIED by these Japanese warriors with these huge WALL CARRIES that could pipe them down to the point where they could FEEL each and every last spectacle of their health bars getting DAMAGED and REDUCED until the loss screen just SPEWS out. Keep saying SCRUB, keep saying CHEAP. Come on you PAUL-MAINS! You love it! You love this shit! I’ll be that devil. I’ll be that devil. Yup, with an EWGF. Enjoy it. Have your Law take this u/f+3. He's imagining a HUGE Wall Carry. Why do you think your mains get huge nerfs!? You guys don’t possess the Devil gene. That’s why you’re upset. No Devil gene equals anger. You’re upset, you’re mad at these Hellsweeps. These Devil Transformations. That’s why you guys like saying scrub so much. I get it.

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Of the ones in the picture, it's by far the best.

It's ok, but kind of done and dull now. Also too many DLC characters to be affordable to new players (rip days of physical bargain bin complete editions).

New MK is better.

Never played Tekken, but is there an invisible meter bar in the game?

its almost like street fighter and tekken are more popular at tournaments you retards

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Why the fuck are you replying to me? I'm not downplaying its sales, but that doesn't mean shit as far as competition is concerned.

I'm not saying you're right, but I'm not saying I disagree - with the statement or the approach.

Games aren't sports. Do what need do, to be fun.

>but that doesn't mean shit as far as competition is concerned
how one tournament?

its the only fighting franchise that isnt pozzed

you literally only use maybe a dozen moves total. you just pick the best moves for each situation, and there's loads of resources out there to find it out instantly. having said that, I like to throw out a few uncommon moves every now and then because they catch people off guard. Tekken inputs are so simple that it's easy to remember a lot of moves.

>Hey man, wanna play rock paper scissors?
>Ok, but only if you rename them as hit, block, and grab
FGs is fundamentally a brainlet luck game, prove me wrong.

>fighting games
definitely not. there's plenty of fighting games to choose from however, the problem is that a lot of them don't check every box the way Tekken 7 does.
>SFV - huge esports push, watered down gameplay sacrificed for more casuals, overall shitty launch
>GG - genuinely good game, but only draws in anime crowd
>BB - not the best anime game, but still only draws in anime crowd
>DBFZ - still anime, carried by the name alone and the World Tournament
>KOF 14 - genuinely good game that no one pays attention to or plays because it's too hard
>DOA - dead on arrival, alienated its fans for the sake of esports, not much substance outside of titties
>SC6 - modest scene but genuinely good game, having trouble getting out of Tekken's shadow
>Samsho - ??? unproven
>MK - see NRS lifecycle

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Tekken is the best because it BTFOs retarded unga bunga button mashing the hardest.

throw out your unsafe moves on me and I'll counter hit half your life bar away, kid.

>horrendously balanced and gimmicky under the hood
its bad when mortal kombat does it

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What is better?

>MK - see NRS lifecycle
so you are a retard or something

Just played some earlier today. So fun. And the average skill of the playerbase keeps getting higher which is a great sign for the health of the fighting system.

Lot of smart players, lots of creativity and great improvisation from the guys on PC.

youtube has almost 6k viewers add it or pretend sfv still has more viewers

No, I'm pretty positive that MK11 is a shit game, just like Injustice 2, MKX, and Injustice 1

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I bought it. But why is it so big?
Now I need to kill an hour

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you dense faggot

>I don't actually know know anything about competitive fighting games: the post

I think it might be the only videogame in existence that is fun both to watch and play at the highest, most competitive, level.

>if i call it shit it is
ok dumbass

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> whiff once
>1/2 to 2/3 of your life bar gets taken away

I imagine for the spectacle. It aint because of complexity.

Does anyone actually think UMVC3 was a well made game?

It was passable at best. The music was absolutely grating too. Every theme sounded like nails in a blender.




tekken have good looking females as oposed to mk11, just look at the almost 20k views in diference

>it has a thousand less players than this one so the game is trash
what kind of logic is this

it has a thousand less views

that other one has been out for years

ok so

Exactly, stop making the game play like ass so a few moves that for some gay ass reason last for 5 secons look cool
Stop removing abilities from characters to pad the fucking roster
Actually improve the animations themselves
Put fan favourites back in and stop adding characters nobody would even fucking ever like and make older favorites like them
Fucking learn to make good netcode or hire people who do

>whiffing so badly that you get launch punished
you deserve it

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My biggest gripe with Tekken is that it used to put a lot more emphasis on real world martial arts moves but now it's all fantasy and silly magic shenanigans

Lei Wulong being absent from Tekken 7 is the ultimate example of this shift in priorities

Its a pretty comfy spectator game, but I can't get into it for petty personal reasons. Went through the game once and the roster was very unappealing and the character models and animations across the board are not my cup of tea. Can't get excited about doing strings when what my character is doing isn't aesthetically pleasing.

The closest thing to great for me in the game was Akuma but I'd rather continue playing Street Fighter at that point

Watching high level Tekken is fun though

>Lei Wulong being absent from Tekken 7 is the ultimate example of this shift in priorities
I agree though, newer designs are all animu bullshittery that I dislike
Guest characters like akuma and geese are alright and I can't really hate some over the top shit like yoshi but it feels wrong when nearly ALL the new characters are doing ninjutsu

yes also fortnite is the best game ever because it has the most viewers, nice logic retard

>but it feels wrong when nearly ALL the new characters are doing ninjutsu
>forgetting gigas
its okay, only gigas players cant forget about gigas.

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Join me in prayer for a new VF



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But Marduk is in the game.

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this look at all those better than any fighters

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But those games unironically are better than those fighters both from a gameplay and spectator point of view.

>autochess and slut chatting are better games

Sup MainManSwe

hey alright

Tekken 7 managed to gain far more competitive appeal then all its predecessor, so at this point Harada can pull in the future a Tekken 8 with improved gameplay and roster with only rival matches [a mode where characters face their canon rivals like Kaz. vs Jin], training [with tutorials on mechanics and characters, granting accessibility and training to players] and a goff online [with no lag and problems] and it would to do better than 7.

It's the most balanced fighter out there and extremely fun to watch, wether you know Tekken or not.

Meant good online

All the cool kids played Tekken and the nerds streetfighter

There are a lot of legacy hd fmvs. There is a mod that shaves 25 gigs off unnecessary files

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Unlike MK11, SFV and Marvel I it's actually fun.

It's good, pretty well supported by its developers, has broad appeal because it can appeal to the kinds of people who like Japanese stuff because it is obviously Japanese, but without putting off people who aren't into that kind of thing because it's not like an anime fighter with its artstyle or design, it has a popular streamer's support and it was the only real option for a modern 3D fighting game for a while there. There's probably more to it than even that, and shit like putting Negan in there certainly gave it attention, but in general I think it's just more accessible and with a broader appeal than a lot of other fighting games available, it is and has been a well known brand for a while anyway. It, MK and SF are the only fighting games I've known people to speak about in real life.

You're right, up to a certain point.

Luck is involved on some level, but the fact that the same individuals consistently find their way into Top 8s is proof that these games have a significant skill factor built into them. Rangchu will always beat some random. Punk will always beat some random. Rock paper scissors? Anyone's game.

is there some kind of quiz to find your main?
GG had sth like that