ITT we post the undisputed, definitive best girl in their respective video games

ITT we post the undisputed, definitive best girl in their respective video games
I'll start with an obvious ones

Attached: haley.png (256x256, 3K)

Reading over Haleys dialogue makes me wish I had gone for her.

Penny is a solid wife though.

Kumatora is best MOTHER girl.

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OP was not a faggot for once.
Good job on you, OP.

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She looks like she ___ ___ ___.

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cherishes her husband

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pic unrelated

I love Fuuka!

Attached: Fuuka Happy.jpg (515x641, 59K)

user, you posted the wrong pic, i'll post the right one, there we go

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Not like theres any competittion

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For a second I thought you wouldn't show up. Now we just need the Reisen poster to complete the thread

Best girl, best knight, best wife.

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Magic Knight is the best girl to me. She is my one and only.

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For me it's Anne and I love her very much.

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Pretty sure I posted the right one.

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>tfw it's too hot outside

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i love haley

Attached: Lohannah_Endings.jpg (1920x1200, 294K)

My absolute nigga.
>finished the story last night
>still wanted more

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Only good thing of that shit game

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Did you do the sidequest for her fox?

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What makes Haley so great? I'm in Fall year one, gone to seven hearts with Haley, four with Leah, three with Abigail, and eight with Penny. Penny seems like the best by a pretty wide margin.

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I don't believe so? Would you mind elaborating homie

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Sorta related: bare shoulders are fucking hot on a woman, especially if they're wearing a strapless dress or bathing suit.

Whoa there buddy, you misclicked

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Penny cucks you with her shota student

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Palutena for best Kid Icarus girl

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Misty isn't even the best girl in her family let alone the series. Get a grip man.

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do you have a single fact to back that up

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Large hat+Long hair is never not appealing.

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It's a shame they put 0 effort into her gameplay, because she should have been doing all sorts of cool shit with her scrolls.


You only like her because she's a pseudo-loli

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Based Guildmarm can't be touched

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Do NOT talk about my wife like that!

Your wife has multiple men inside her behind your back

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Who's better in v3? I could hear the argument for Maki but Kaede, Miu, and Kirumi don't get enough screen time to develop in a meaningful way. Himiko is a lazy troll while Maki is a tired trope. Neither compare to Chiaki or Kyoko though.

Magnolia Arch, Ba'al Buster!

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Based and Ninapilled

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>blonde Hair
>BLUE eyes
Fuck of white supremacist

>Chiaki or Kyoko
Literal waifubait.

I guess that would leave Angie or Tenko

They're not on the table, they're in the game purely to piss you off. Tenko is a meme and Angie is psychotic.

Attached: Danganronpa_V3_Tenko_Chabashira_Halfbody_Sprite_%2830%29.png (684x931, 608K)

Then I guess V3 just plain doesn't have any good girls.

Mahiru isn't too bad if you do the Island mode and learn more about her. Peko is also pretty top tier but all you really learn about her is that she likes cute animals. Toko gets more development in UDG but I don't think that counts. Celeste and Hina are both retarded. I was actually wrong about Kyoko though, Sakura is the best girl. Loyal homie to the end.

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What game?

How about Hiyoko and Mikan?

Mia when she possesses Maya

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God damn she was awesome.
First playthrough I waifu'd the fuck out of her and ignored all the rest.

Hiyoko is just too much of a sadistic asshole but Mikan isn't too bad. She's cute and caring but her self esteem makes her a bit undesirable. I'd say Mikan is high tier and her character is interesting in her trial too.

Inazuma Eleven 3

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I can't decide between reinstalling Stardew or Rune Factory 3.
Farming is lame in RF3 but the dialog and interaction is better.

She gets dicked in some tree by Sam.

I'm on team Ayla

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BASED. I love her storyline

too bad she only gets like ten lines of dialogue
>most interesting looking character
>has no personality other than "im loud and black"

Plebs will say Charlotte.

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el ogro...

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Samus is one of the only girls in her series. I think the only other one is Gandrayda if that's how you spell her name.

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worships the Lord.

fucks black guys.

I'm more of a fan of A2 or Popola but I respect it. The ass is too good to ignore. The commander is also pretty based o7

How can she be definitive best girl in their video game when her sister Emily is far better in every way?

Attached: Emily_2.png (185x185, 33K)

>The ass is too good to ignore
She's more than just a pair of cheeks

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Attached: Rei_Ayanami.jpg (197x300, 30K)

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Yeah but that's one of her best assets.

>not penny
Shit taste

>Abigail: tumblrette
>Emily: mentally ill
>Leah: used goods
>Maru: 56%er
>Penny: trailertrash cheater
I don't think this cum slurping game is for me.

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>Emily: mentally ill
What the fuck makes her mentally ill?
She's easily the most optimistic female without baggage besides her bitch of a sister.
She drops her sister anyway when you marry Emily so it's all good.
Plus you get to cuck that virgin Clint from the love of his life like the little beta orbiter he is.

>Emily: mentally ill
>I don't think this cum slurping game is for me.
stick to your japanese waifu sims

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the bro-esque rivalry granberia and luka have is great.

>ywn strangle your waifu's bully together with her

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>best assets
cheeky bastard

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Rei isn't vidya but you're still right

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Extremely based

D.Va is probably more popular.

But she doesn't illicit that elicit a need to breed like Mei.

>ywn be able to hug her

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She is, actually. N64 had a NGE title

>liking crazy crystal slut

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>generic blonde thot
kek fucking americans

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amen, brother

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I LOVE Emily!

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El ogro de la Inazuma ciudad...

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Tikal tho

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My beautiful wife.

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I love Reisen!

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>dumb blonde bimbo is the only female that's not used goods, tumblr, or both
>best girl is a redhead BLACKED milf
What did the dev mean by this?


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I picked Emily cause she kept giving me shit. I vote Haru

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Sakura is best FSN girl

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>village whore
>best girl

Attached: Priscilla.jpg (1280x720, 130K)