Play Megumi's game. Or else.
Crash Team Racing
Other urls found in this thread:
jesus christ how horrifying
Post more megumis
imagine the smell
Am I an faggot
New thread
>fake crash main
you aight senpai
Lost ruins 100%, I wonder how much more I can get done today
plat relics have been going smooth so far
Give me all your autistic webbums.
Post yourself gitting gud, post stupid bugs and shout BEENOX in memory of Dingotard. Give them all to me.
kill yourself, no one cares
this but flip the list
>reminder that all anthro women are built for human cock
Waifufag autism makes me avoid this game like the plague.
I don't get your logic
very nice
I've been playing Judgment since yesterday, did they boost coin rates yet?
They need to reduce the hitbox on those spinning fans in deep sea driving. They're way too big. They take up 60% of the road and you can't risk going up the sides because lmao sewer pipe physics in this game are fucked.
that time of the month, eh?
repulsive and annoying posts about games tend to become associated with said games, so they will repulse and annoy people.
Biggest faggot I've seen
>Blue orb fucks up everyone, me especially, except the first place person
There's increased gain until July 3rd I believe.
This shortcut is impossible
>Play Megumi's game. Or else.
Or else what?
What are you gonna do fatass?
So what's next for Beenox?
inb4 Crash Bash
Shut the fuck up
Don't know. Vicarious Visions is probably making a new mainline game though.
Based Crunchchad
Redpill me on the froggy-turn in turbo track, in the two big Uturns.
Am I supposed to keep hopping and during the 0.1 seconds of air-time of each hop I have to let go of X, press brake+down+direction, release brake and press X again?
Please no
>tend to become associated with said games
You need to shroom boost over it
tranny containment zone
Exactly, it's perfect for you
Just hold L1, square, down and direction and spam R1. Let go of square and press X as soon as possible to not lose your fire.
Should I learn the game with d-pad or stick?
The joycon sticks feel like ass but so does the "" dpad "".
No you don't
Playing the game the way it was meant to be played isn't autism there's nothing in this webm that the game doesn't try to build you up towards.
>fucking hard enough that she leaves you covered in deep scratches and blood
I'm not playing this game until she comes out
D-pad. Playing with the stick fucked up my joycon and d-pad is just more precise.
what's with the god damn speed
So is this game genuinely good or is it N.Sane ""good"" aka just a mediocre version of an namazing game
I stopped paying attention when I heard it was 30fps, but I tried a demo at a theme park and it felt pretty decent.
More importantly you can't anticipate the last two fans at all because they are hidden behind a 90 degree turn.
Nobody wants to be associated with obsessive waifufags and furries
3 years enough development time?
my guess is that they put extra speed on the "downhill" zones of the track
Crash Bash, but there's also a board game
Why is Crash Bash considered bad? I used to play it as a kid and liked it. Granted I haven't played it in like 15 years but I liked it.
>Playing with the stick fucked up my joycon
Is your stick borked? Same thing happened to my PS4 controller
Crash Bash HD is a waste of time and resources
Warp Orbs are absolute fucking cancer a detrimental to the game. It keeps first place in fucking first. It just wins them the game.
Fucking kek. 2 papupapu were waiting in last place to fuck my tropy.
They did their best, but you can't stop the clock...
>unironically wanting crash bash
I'd say do it if they remove the fucking pogo garbage and add some more actually fun games
>invades home
>covered in blood
Justifiable homicide time.
I don't think I could play with that awkwardly placed d-pad. However I recently stopped mashing the stick around during the waiting for other users to be ready to start the race part because I remember people talking about the stick drifting
>beat medium 101%
>go to hard
>mfw some relic races that took me hours to plat now take me 1 try
Yeah. Sometimes in matches my character will move to the left without my input.
You've remade yourself
But that is fun
Everyone who refuses to do a few time trials is robbing themselves of fun.
Questionable hitboxes, oob glitches and bad collision detection that makes you slam into invisible walls. Some mechanics were removed or altered. The game still feels amazing to play.
why do people draw Coco with large boobs, it's revolting
have sex
Fuck off, fatso.
Why haven't you taken the Potoroo Pill?
I can drive as just about everyone.
>Questionable hitboxes, oob glitches and bad collision detection that makes you slam into invisible walls.
What the fuck. Is ANY of this said to be patched?
what gives N-word cortex the right to say the word?
I agree, tits are for Tawna
>first event starts on the 4th
>have to leave out of state on the 3rd
Oxide time trials are the best way to learn the game.
He will teach you practically every shortcut and force you to maintain your boost on most levels.
Hit box is fuck huge so it manages hit mostly everyone unjuiced but is usually too slow to catch anyone who is half the track away to make a difference. Less orbs and more masks and turbos, shit make super engines a non battle exclusive power up
They know and hopefully some of it gets fixed in the next update on the 3rd. They mentioned it in the patch notes but we don't know how well they're going to work on it.
>Collisions of certain maps have been reworked to remove stuck spots and possible exploit areas, along with an improvement to fidelity.
We'll see on July 3rd how well they fixed it.
For sure, taught me everything I know. I didn't know shit starting out. Hopefully everyone starts doing them after the patch.
>shit make super engines a non battle exclusive power up
As if blueflame DNFers need even more facilitation.
>By the time I get to play the game everyone will be done with it
>make super engines a non battle exclusive power up
So good players USF the whole track while new players crash into walls and fall in pits?
There are anons who will die before the trophy girls are out
First day here I see
>give coins for DNFs
>make clock spot appearing during the 30 second race end count down
Online sorted
Whats stopping the good players from doing that now, I'm sure an average player would appreciate the help.
Same user, here.
Looks like I'll wait for the PC version then. Hopefully it'll have some of the issues patched and I'll be able to force 60fps myself
DNF already get coins
Stop spreading this false info
If you can mantain USF whoever doesnt does not have a single chance of winning said race.
Some tracks don't have USF for a reason.
Just what IS fake crash?
Fuck off
>Never stop drifting: the game
I mean on non-usf tracks. Imagine getting a super turbo on Coco Park and doing lap 2 and 3 in 18 seconds.
They don't show on Switch
Guys I'm sad. I'm trying so hard to beat the Oxide times because I want the digital Tropy skin so bad but... I just can't :( I'm not good enough. It's crushing me
A Japanese knock off of Crash, he can be seen in a few levels as an easter egg in the original games and N sane trilogy.
if you're talking about that jolt at the end, holding a direction at the end of a drift will push you in that direction, it can be good for adjusting trajectory but on speed characters they move so fast that it can fuck you over
This remake is based on a game made before joycons were commonplace on controllers, it's literally designed to be played with d-pad.
feels good man
so good you don't even know
Fair point, honestly I just want less orbs everywhere or at least shrink the non juiced hitbox a tad.
There are legit examples of bad collision, but players are also intentionally trying to clip through obvious solid geometry to go faster and calling the game shit for having collision at all. Give it up dudes you can't drive straight into a wall and keep your boost.
IS the nitro squad cost as much as a normal character? Like 1500 coins?
We don't know yet. They could cost more or be part of one pack. They're giving 2500 free coins so I'm guessing more but we don't know for sure.
bootless japanese crash plushie that the naughty dog developers discovered and adopted as "trash bandicoot"
The goal of powersliding is to stop powersliding. It gives you reserves which keeps you boosted in straights.
The balance right now feels pretty great, I really hope they don't turn this into a grind fest.
>warp orb coming for me
>activate uka uka
>orb passes me and makes another lap
is this normal behaviour
Yeah I know who you mean and he's a retard. Still these glitches happen way too often, multiple times a day for me.
I do, only if you're a girl tho
How does he do that turn instead of slamming into the left wall? □?
Should I get this game ?
It looks fun, though does it have enough content (game modes, race tracks, characters, etc) ?
After im done with gem cups maybe.
I love my wife Coco!
on another note, cant be the only one thats going to ditch his bro Tropy for Ami, dont want half of the players leave when i join the lobby
Which tracks are you failing?
For anyone else that wants to race, add me.
Just bring your switch with you bruh
in a race, be there in a few mins
It's the best Initial D game we've had in a while
get it, we are getting a new map, characters, karts, etc. every month for free
absolutely, it's got all the content of CTR and CNK and a ton more piled on top
importantly, this time the CNK content isn't wasted on garbage mechanics
Definitly am. I feel guilty hiding my power level like that though. And Flexing on the noobs was fun.
So are you a girl or not?
my gf after i eat her out and fuck her on her period
It's without a doubt the absolute best kart racer available today, on any levels.
You NEED this game in your life.
Yes you should.
I'm focusing on the ones that everyone seems to agree are the most difficult - Tiny Temple, Oxide Station and Dragon Mines.
On Xbox people never leave if I'm playing as Trophy and I regularly see other people using him.
Xchads confirmed superior nitro fueled gamers.
my coco got stuck at the sewer shortcut with her legs spread
yes now play
>fuck her on her period
thats fucking disgusting
i remember having sex with my ex gf while she was on her period, my dick was covered in bloody chunks
never again
Why are you guys perverted, this is a kid's game. Grow up
did you record or take pics
but those posts are only on Yea Forums?
Lurk this board more please. Holy fuck.
I thought you got digital Tropy from getting all platinum relics?
well i will still use my platinum paint job, so theres a little bit of flex still remaining
I had a time I was two fingers in and then BLOOD ON MY HANDS and I'm just panicked and simultaneously "oh god what did I do" and "oh god these sheets are WHITE"
huh ? Coco is 18 years old
whats the problem
my wife Lynx Coco is so cute
It was online so I didn't think about using rear view ...
I've been stuck up there for like 5 seconds, watching two other people make it and everyone else drifting by below me. Easiest 1st to 8th in my life.
>play as crash
>lose on crash cove
lol nice
Have you tried the shortcut in Dragon Mines? That's how I beat Oxide in the original.
haha imagine if you did this in a private lobby then had another player up there to look behind them and record what they see lmao that would be so dumb
Can't find any players on switch.
maybe you should SWITCH platform then
When she kills the competition so she can be your one and only bandicute.
I'm having the same issue right now. Think the servers are fucked.
hahaha, cute and funny
>having period sex with my gf for the first time
>her senses are more heightened
>shit got so good I forget about the whole period thing
>pull out
>blood on my dick
>about to lose my shit when I suddenly remember her period and realize it's on the outside of the condom
Anyone else have the infinite stopwatch glitch happen online?
yeah sounds stupid, but ps4 is the way to go for this game
i guess xbox and switch will be deadish soon playerbase wise
gonna reward myself with a nice long and intensive fap to the bandicuties once I get 100%
Saw it happen several times last night.
Digital Tropy is for beating Oxide, for all plat relics you get a platinum paint job
Reminder that the trophy girls are around 6'5" and could probably rip other girl's limbs off with their mutant Bandicoot strength
any good artists? i don't like poking around e621 at random.
Super engine upgrades your current boost level instead of immediately maxing out your boost level. If you aren't boosting at all, it'll give you boost level 1 and you'll still be going faster than cruising speed but if you consistently do other boosts you'll be able to maintain turbo pad or even super turbo pad speeds.
Getting 102 a race online. I was getting 400 on average. What gives? At this rate, with the load times, I would be better off farming the Jungle.
everyone left the Yea Forums lobby already
Put super engines on tracks like Slide Coliseum/Crash Cove/Mystery Caves and reward them to 4th place and under? It could work.
I'm really coming around on this idea after hating it prior to online CTR being a thing, but these matches are fairly snowbally.
If warp orb is coming for me, and I let 2nd pass me, does the warp orb stay locked on on me or does it switch?
My theory at this point is there is some kind of happy hour
>turn hard
>slam the gas
it's a lot easier to do on tracks like cortex castle that give you a ramp to get hangtime for, if you're holding brake when on the ground you lose that speed
so what's the deal with sony owning the rights but this still being multiplat?
>it's a speedruning autist just going ahead of everyone else while the mob buttfuck each other with bombs and chronos
this is getting real tiring, I think I'll just put a weight on the pad to not be flagged afk and grind coins this way
for me it seems to be every day from 5pm to 6pm pacific.
What is the advantage of acceleration characters over just going faster or turning better?
There's a Yea Forums lobby??
being able to recover after behind attacked
there is if u know the pw ;)
On PS4 yes
for online its quicker recovering if you get hit by something and slightly better turning
well, just use speed or acceleration, its your choice
easier to recover from items, turning radius is ideal, most CTR veterans are comfortable with them
It strikes an ideal balance of the stats. There's such a thing as going so fast you slam into a wall or turning so hard you can't snake as effectively.
N Gin was cool back in the day. They made him look and sound so repulsive now. His voice used to be a bit metallic.
Can anyone explain to me how these dlc cups on the 4th will work?
Are they online only?
Do i have to win them to get the new characters?
>He doesn't know about the discord
>With the release of Crash Bash, Vivendi Universal's publishing deal with SCE had ended. Crash's prominent status within the video game community prompted the company to make Crash a multiplatform series, giving the series to Mark Cerny and Vicarious Visions to develop two separate but connected games.
Sony doesn't own the rights and never has, Jesus Christ. IIRC, it's even said in the video you posted, are you daft?
>get shat on like the absolute trash I am
>wait for last turn
>wait in front of a ravine with the mask ready
>blow the fuck out the first runner that will just fall
>get placed 4th
feels good to be a dick sometimes
yeah him and uka uka have stood out to me too, they really lack the menace they had in the old games
Yeah? They were able to make 3 (with a little help) in like 1 so I'm sure 3 is enough.
you need an online connection to access them
for the characters and other stuff, you need to complete challenges, we dont know yet if any of these challenges require an online win, but there will probably a lot of challenges you can do without winning
hard AI is so fucking broken it completely kills any fun, this shit is worse than the online races
Corey Burton is THE worst voice to ever portray the character.
>tfw on xbox
Its not my fault the controller is better.
Different tracks give different amount, depending on how long they are. Tracks like tiger temple, coco park, inferno island, roo tubes give around 200-400 for first place, while longer tracks like electron avenue, hyper spaceway, thunder struck gives around 600 to 800 for first place. Basically, play babby tracks and you get babby rewards
Can anyone who what the golden kart looks like? Won't have this game for awhile.
>he doesn't have a controller adapter so he can play with his controller of choice on any console and PC
lmaoing at your life, dude
sony doesn't own the rights, and never did. Universal used to own the rights, and now activision does.
The big N on his forehead gives him the authority to say the N-word.
Sony only owns exclusive rights to the first 5 games (hence why they were never put in some kind of multiplat "Crash Collection"). Neither Sony nor Naughty Dog have EVER owned the rights to the character or franchise. It was always Universal Interactive Studios which after several buyouts, mergers, or whatever is now Activision.
just beat n-tropy on sewer speedway without using the shortcut he's definitely coming for my save file now
Reminder that N.Gin/Tiny/Crash/N.Brio's original VA has not had a single VA job since naughty dog stopped making the games despite the fact that he's said he'd be so interested in doing it that he'd do it for free, and that he has contacted vicarious visions about any openings in the remake and never gotten any reply back
You could have had N.Gin's original voice actor FOR FREE. That's how willing he is.
Vicarious Visions, Toys for Bob and Beenox are supposed to be doing alternating yearly games now like Activision’s three studios for Call if Duty to maintain their ‘one kids game a year’ policy. So my guess is a new Crash next year, a new Spyro the year after and a new spinoff by Beenox the following year.
if I write N on my forehead do I get an N-word Pass as well
>He has to buy an adapter for it to work
Lmao applefag
what if it's meant to be a z but they've wrote it the wrong way round
>having sex with a woman
>not expecting her to ever have a period
Lmfao this shit never bothered me. Y'all are gay. It shouldn't freak you out unless you're with literal diseases whores in which case you're already fucked via saliva.
Did I seriously get banned for some comic book titties earlier, lol
Honestly they might take a shortcut approach and have Beenox work on a fuckhuge DLC package for CTR:NF because the foundation is already laid for the game to exist with perpetual updates and a paid DLC itself would require an up-front purchase of the base-game to start with.
Simpsons Otto Uka Uka has grown on me though, it's so hilariously stupid I can't help but love it. I imagine that after Warped he had enough and took up a new life as a surfboard with Cortex
nah not particularly
This. Those tutorial quotes are annoying regardless of the voice.
Megumi is the worst trophy girl. She has the worst design, the dumbest name, she's an eyesore with a shit personality and in the new game she's fat. Megumi should just go away or die or something. Megumi is a worthless character that devalues any game she appears in.
Why is this necessary to have a Yea Forums lobby
What you post bruh?
Is the juiced up shield indefinite? Just had one last from early lap 2 all the way to the end in Tiny Arena.
>dissing the woman who invented the Crash dance
shame on you
user, no...
They are zoomers or trannies that's why.
>Why is this necessary to have a Yea Forums lobby
because how else are you going to RP and exchange underage photos of your femenine penises
I just hope they get Thomas Wilson or whoever is the autist deciding things like Penta's masks involved.
>Yea Forums lobby happening RIGHT now
Yes, it lasts until you fire it away or get hit
which one of you anime butthole sniffers decided to make a crash character with no personality a crazy schizo gf?
Every Crash game had like 1 year development. 3 would be more than enough.
>You will never be murdered by Megumi
Why live?
Switch lobbies are still fucked aaa
Favorite skin(s)
Mine is Beach Coco
Mariogrant. Plus
It was bound to happen.
None of you are Nintendo!
You're... Pretendo!
1 year of development time was fine when the ps1 limitations meant you didn't need to do all that much in that time.
meanwhile wrath of cortex had 1 year of development time and it was atrocious. 1 year isn't enough to develop a full-detailed game from the 6th generation and onward.
I'd tell you to get out of the year 2001 but I'm pretty sure you weren't even alive then.
that's bullshit and kinda sad
hopefully if Beenox does anything else with the series they'll HIRE THIS MAN
I only main this good boy!
>big red anime eyes
>evil scientist outfit
>unpopular choice at E3
blizzard bluff is such a pile of fucking garbage
Literally where, boi?
This image. First I received a 15-minute timeout, and I thought fair enough, I'll pick my images better in the future. Timeout finishes, I start posting again but then later I suddenly receive a three day ban for that picture, lol. I'm starting to think the tranny memes are real. Or maybe that picture is just too wild for Yea Forums?
I think the problem is, he's such a no-name VA barely anyone knows of him. I wish someone would help the poor guy. He sounds like such a great guy too.
On PS4. Reply if you wanna join
Boy shut the fuck up. Nitro Kart was just fine and Twinsanity would have been too if it weren't for poor management. The latter actually had the most dev time of any Crash up until that point.
>SlowMo Kart was just fine
absolute shit taste
Hey plumber boy, mustache man, your worst nightmare has arrived!
It's glorious, isn't it?
>cnk characters being shit and unbased
indeed you are an faggot
I still haven't seen this. The backgrounds have so much shit I haven't seen. Especially since I use the alt camera angle rather than the default which looks up but is too close to the character.
Reminds me of that anime school days where she cut off the guys heads to be with him forever
>play online for the first time, expect to get my ass handed to me
>it's a breeze compared to hard mode
>most obstacles were my own fuckups with shortcuts etc
>everyone except me and the guy in 1st got a DNF on Hot Air Skyway
Fucking hell, I'll be raking the coins in at this rate
Wait what is this?
glacier park area 100%, do I fap now or push through until I get 101%?
I'm getting uneasy down there
Waiting for the shop to change cycle.
>waifuisem and headcanon shit
welp that's it. it's gone full general.
off to /vg/ with you all
Fap now, and approach the citadel with a clear mind.
>Posting your gamertag on Yea Forums
This is every thread on Yea Forums. Learn to LURK.
Shame, his Brio in particular was fucking great.
Never want to see ballerina n gin ever again
Cloudy-AM2 add me then
nitrous oxide is easy, just like i remember him
relic races are cancer
Thread theme:
excuse me it's called yandere and it's highly sophisticated.
Nice boat tho!
>Not shitting or pissing at the maximum volume while making sounds of discomfort constantly.
uh oh guys dont let him near your behind we got an ass bandit here
Fuck you, here's a better theme.
This game needs less items and more activated stage hazards. Feels like playing Split Second and I loved that game.
Nah I'm thinking Isabella
It's a piranha plant teaching little piranha plants that they have to eat the karts.
Don't pay him any attention, he's just an ass-mad autist who keeps spamming every thread like it's gonna do anything
Suits you, faggot
>play as crash
>game crashes
Here's your Halloween season bro All their own characters btw
What I have to do in options for better resolution and quality for captured videos on PS4?
>Do time trials
>Lose all data
fuck you user you know I have to listen to this every time it's posted
Huh, I got off pretty easy.
I just wish they'd give us an indication of how much the trophy girls will cost.
I don't know whether I should keep saving coins
Take my fucking money desu
Fuck you and your time shenanigans, Tropy.
So, what do you guys think of the Remake? Based and redpilled or Cringe and bluepilled?
Chose your fighter
The remake is good. You're an embarrassment.
That's hilarious
It was a finished functioning game
apyr looks most kissable
Accel is going to get nerfed
Megumi is currently the most popular trophy girl. So people are waifuing her. Styles include yandere and butterface.
Based frog
Dude, I love Droog
where did you find this fucking render
Feed me.
videos on ps4 are hardcoded 720p30, nothing you can do about that, sorry
>Megumi is currently the most popular trophy girl
Don't get delusional. Megumi is worthless. She's got the worst hair style. Her clothes are ugly. She's fat. She's loud, annoying and erratic. Really she's a borderline retard that Ripper Roo would be embarrassed to be around. She's never allowed to eat with the other trophy girls. She's the friend they keep around to make themselves look better. They talk shit about her behind her back, rightfully so. She's never made the cover of any magazine like them. She's never been contacted for pinups, every in-universe character that's a fan of the other girls is revolted by the idea. Megumi is a fat slovenly waste of space.
Generally based and redpilled. Some minor physics issues (Sewer Speedway shortcut is trash now), and personally I think Crash looks a little too much like a clueless minor now - which is still way better than the retard he was in Crash Twinsanity anyway.
I was getting 300 for not even finishing a race in time.
Maybe it was a first time online bonus?
Get an Elgato.
>He doesn't have the pro that records at 1080p60
Ohhhhhhhhhhh you will regret that, you pudgy halfwit baboon!
is it possible that normal races are the only ways to achieve truly optimal times because of the boosts from crates and the wuma fruit speed bonus?
just go faster than it lol
>so people are ironically waifuing her
fixed that for you
>>Megumi is currently the most popular trophy girl
>Don't get delusional. Megumi is worthless. She's got the worst hair style. Her clothes are ugly. She's fat. She's loud, annoying and erratic. Really she's a borderline retard that Ripper Roo would be embarrassed to be around. She's never allowed to eat with the other trophy girls. She's the friend they keep around to make themselves look better. They talk shit about her behind her back, rightfully so. She's never made the cover of any magazine like them. She's never been contacted for pinups, every in-universe character that's a fan of the other girls is revolted by the idea. Megumi is a fat slovenly waste of space.
You okay there buddy?
Doubt its ironic, its because she's the only one who actually has a design consistent with the original game
How soon can I expect a sale on ps4 to buy this game? I really want it, but don't feel like paying full price for it since I played the original to death.
>t. Never done development work on anything more complex than a school PowerPoint presentation
And boy does it show.
Just watch the entire fucking credits if you think it's so damn easy and fast to make something that meets today's market-demanded fidelity, you entitled fuck.
Only the Oxide edition is full price, you cheapass.
Knowing Activision, probably Christmas
Are all the Nitro Kart tracks supposed to be shit?
3 years is enough time to make a platformer and that's final
Shit taste
If you show that you have the original you can get a 85% discount on the 39.99 price
It’s because she’s Japanese
Depends on how you want to define "Supposed to". Nitro Kart was a worse game than CTR in all respects though, so yes, the NK tracks were inevitably going to be worse than the CTR tracks.
why are the ps2 crash games so ugly? twinsanity is the only one that even looks decent but they're all much worse looking than their ps1 counterparts
>already being hit makes you immune to clocks
>firm grip around the back that nestles right under the bust
Crash x megumi are going to do the original crash dance together complete with hip thrusting and theres nothing that can stop them
I'm fine. Is Megumi? Is she fine with being so ugly and despised? Probably not. Probably suicidal, but who cares. Nobody is going to listen to her whine about her complexes and her problems, she deserves every bit of it. She should be pushed down in the mud and have her face held under. She should have her kart stolen to save it from having to support her fat body. She deserves to be stood up by a fake "secret admirer". I hope Megumi chokes on her next cheeseburger and someone films it. All of her "friends" would see it and laugh. I hope it makes her cry and never show her face again out of shame
>Is Megumi? Is she fine with being so ugly and despised? Probably not. Probably suicidal, but who cares.
she's not real, user
The original idiot thought that 1 year was enough but nice moving goalposts, retard
>Shitting on electric avenue
>she's not real, user
Good, we don't need such a stain on our world
Besides, you have readily available tools now that they could only dream of in the mid-2000's
Why? They're the worst class.
no it is ironic, 99% of people calling a character their waifu really mean female character i find attractive and theyll forget about that particular circlejerk fad in about a week
well we've got you on it so we're stuck with one anyway
>TFW if this goes smoothly it'll mean Activision of all companies has better management of their established IPs than Capcom, Square Enix, etc
Why do people keep saying this?
>get hit by a shield
>controller goes berserk
Crash looks like shit in Twinsanity
user you don't have to virtue signal by defending Megumi's honor. We both know you find her as disgusting as I do, deep down. Megumi is impossible to like
They could do it in 1 if they wanted to.
Cnk overall has better tracks than ctr. Ctr is held back by having way too many easy courses.
I really don't care about any of the trophy girls, their existence is pointless
you're just weird and you ought to know it
Pit stop change when?
Hour and 14 minutes
Please don't ban
people agree that the tracks are either uninspired, a chore to play or just so full of boring quirks
the only good one is electron avenue
You're a delusional retard who has never had to work on anything in your life other than stock shelves or flip burgers.
Tracks are okay, it was the stiff gameplay in CNK that was bad.
Inferno Island is the only bad track in the NK category. Everything else is Roo's Tubes tier or higher.
the question is what is she gonna do
with her fat ass
to my penis
>want to do Trophy/Oxide time trials
>worried my save will get destroyed
What have you made then?
tfw shitty at this game but anons in CTR threads are supportive
>Ami is speed
>have the nitro sticker and neon green paint jobs
Soon brothers
I only played CTR back in the day, and I actually like most of the "new" tracks we got.
I play on Switch and backup my file every night.
what track is this
A very heavy repulsive drawing
Can't afford Nitro Fueled yet, but I decided to go and finish Adventure Mode and Tropy ghosts on PS1 to polish my skills. Afterwards, decided to try Oxide's ghost on Sewer Speedway and holy fuck it's bonkers. This is the most fun I've had getting good since I first got into fightan games.
hey dude i dont even play this game and i want to cuddle with megumi
A lot of people love Crash Bash, but there's room for improvement.
Unlike CTRNF, which strived to emulate the original, I think a new Crash Bash should improve upon the feel of the original while also going the NG route of a shitton of characters and new stuff.
I guess I should back up my save to my external drive on PS4 if I attempt this
Why do they all look like shit?
> Crash on Switch
Oxide Station
>>Megumi is currently the most popular trophy girl
>Don't get delusional. Megumi is worthless. She's got the worst hair style. Her clothes are ugly. She's fat. She's loud, annoying and erratic. Really she's a borderline retard that Ripper Roo would be embarrassed to be around. She's never allowed to eat with the other trophy girls. She's the friend they keep around to make themselves look better. They talk shit about her behind her back, rightfully so. She's never made the cover of any magazine like them. She's never been contacted for pinups, every in-universe character that's a fan of the other girls is revolted by the idea. Megumi is a fat slovenly waste of space.
>I'm fine. Is Megumi? Is she fine with being so ugly and despised? Probably not. Probably suicidal, but who cares. Nobody is going to listen to her whine about her complexes and her problems, she deserves every bit of it. She should be pushed down in the mud and have her face held under. She should have her kart stolen to save it from having to support her fat body. She deserves to be stood up by a fake "secret admirer". I hope Megumi chokes on her next cheeseburger and someone films it. All of her "friends" would see it and laugh. I hope it makes her cry and never show her face again out of shame
It's time to stop posting user.
I'd like to introduce you all to some very special women. They're 20 years old, 500 feet tall, and weigh 400... tons.
Just back it up on a USB or psplus
I like crash girls
I also like chonky/thicc girls
Recommend me a waifu
He looks like a little kid now.
Only one console has Crashs, and it ain't the Switch
Judge me harshly. Also, why the fuck are there two Spyros?
megumi's icon is weird
like she's wearing a metal box
Your mom LMAO
I've made some videogames for game jams and college projects some years back but my current project/career is being a sysadmin.
I'm not a AAA studio but I have way more experience making shit than you do.
I LOVE MY WIFE LIZ!! Here are 10 reasons I love her:
1. Liz is tall.
2. She is very very SEXY.
3. Liz is British!
4. Liz is sexy!
5. Liz has black hair!
6. Liz is a girl!
7. Liz has ear piercings!
8. Liz can dance!
9. Liz is smoking hot!
10. I love her!
Megumi can't dance.
She may be fat and yandere, but she’s still beautiful.
someone draw her trying to break into your house but getting stuck in the window haha haha that would be funny
Why not the external drive? Can I not keep data on there?
Liz is doing shitty meme dances.
Megumi looks like a better dancer to me.
Strange bullying for strange reasons. I bet I'm going to see her online most of the time. I'm also going to main her as well.
You sound like a right cunt
As long as it's in fat32 or exfat
>mfw Papu Pyramid plat
Fuck those man-eating plants, seriously. I did it but shit, what a fucking ball-buster. Took forever to figure out that the plants only eat you if they are crouched.
She's just dancing like a goth
>drifting in time trial with initial D
I see you are a gentleman of impecable tastes
My advice is to do electron avenue and a steer character, might be the comfiest thing I've ever done in this game
Because they have to take all platforms into account instead of just the playstation
It's definitely going to be Megumi > Ami > power gap > Liz > Isabella
> someone draw her trying to break into your house but getting stuck in the window haha haha that would be funny
Fuck off
That sounds funny haha it’s be funny if someone drew that haha
maybe but he sounds like a right cunt with more credible insight into game development than you
Where's the Yea Forums lobby?
Same, fellow megumibro.i don't care what anyone thinks, she will always be in my heart
No CTR for PC
Fuck i'm not gonna spend 400 dollars + game just to play a few fucking games. I did that with a Wii U. What a fucking ripoff.
Madame Amberly
On PS4
Is grenuinely an amazing version of the old ''good'' game.
>play as crash
>crash a lot
all of the tracks seem to be based on a character except sewer speedway and mystery caves, am i missing something or are these tracks exceptions?
>got the electron pink wheels
aw yeah, let's go
shut the fuck up and just wait for it to come out on PC like the rest of us, as it inevitably will
cute spats
>there will never be a boat race mode in CTR
>these many threads and these many posts in each thread for a fucking kart racing game
GROW UP and play real games wtf. if you insist on kfucking kart racing games play mario kart at least holy shit
low quality bait
But they said they wouldn't
Fucking please god let someone rip these animations soon. Also does anyone have pics of the Trophy Girls' banners from that map?
I know that I'm an asshole to try to work with. I go off on people at work for taking shortcuts that jeopardize data security at least 3 times a year. Director of IT where I work likes that im a hardass about that kind of thing.
Still doesnt make me wrong, though.
activision likes money too much for that to be true
Add cloudy-am2
Crash team racing tourney
Well the one I'm already for my PS4 isn't so I guess I shouldn't try and format it to make it one.
they're fucking garbage i cant watch it
Stop being a contrarian faggot, the tracks are great
>bootleg Victoria Beckham
I'm still mad at the fucking pit stop being buggy.
I wanted my boy Ripper Roo to get his gentleman outfit but I wasn't fucking getting coins for anything.
Then I restarted the game and fucking shithead Ballerina N.Gin took the spot and the timer hadn't even reset.
I will forever be mad about this.
Bout to go buy it for switch lads. There's no reason I shouldln't just get it pre-owned right?
The game is just 40 bucks dude, but I like that you're still generally interested enough to do that.
Is there a more boring map that Inferno Island?
God I almost fall asleep every time I try to play that piece of shit, it's like it was supposed to be the CNK Crash Cove but it's even more boring and flat
>literally drives headfirst into a completely avoidable super obvious green potion sitting in the middle of the track
Yeah I'm outro, fuck this and fuck you for linking this garbage
>literally tune in for 10 seconds
>the n gin guy keeps falling off every turn in cortex castle
>nobody is boosting
I thought you were exaggerating but Christ this is really bad
I am. And I intend to main her.
For mi is Ami.
Yea Forums lobby on PS4 right now
There was exclusive skins if you preordered but when I got my copy it had the download inside despite never preordering it
I know man, but I'm a gigapoorfag looking for a proper job. It sucks to say, but even at 21, 40 bucks is still a large amount for my wallet.
So do the devs know that 1st place is 100% immune to items? Any news on a new item that actually targets 1st place and doesn't screw over everyone else instead?
>"Why yes, I'm dabbing on dumb zoomer shits who cannot even grasp the basics with my digital N.Trophy skin, how did you know?"
They better get more costumes.
>That gameplay
>They don't even know how to turn off the AI players
Well, if there's a guy who's at least half decent at maintaining USF that's an easy $500 for them.
because you got DNF by a Gangster Pinstripe driving a retro purple kart
after racing several of them, most don't know what they fuck they're doing either. they can't handle items.
Why is nu-Tawna so repulsive?
Shit, I love your spirit, if I could gift games on the switch online service I would send it over to you, sorry, only console I have atm other than my PC.
Shit lighting
Ironic because so far every other model has better lighting than N. Sane
Worst nose, worst hair, worst clothes, worst lips.
It's cool brah, I'm sure all see you anons on the track someday. That said, is the handling any different in Nitro Fueled?
Dragon Mines is such an absolute shit track, even when you do it right it feels awful
>I'm sure all see you anons
Same, i hate that fucking wood bridge.
How's the Switch version? Worth it?
Very cute!!
Yes, you can tell because they are full for sharp 90 degree turns, probably because the devs used that as a clutch for difficulty, some of them also have weird random gimmicks like the saw blades in deep sea ,althoug Electron Avenue, and Android Alley are alright in my book, some are just plain boring, like inferno Island.
Did you get plat or gold relics? I just finished completing everything in the original CTR but I only went for gold relics. Still got platinum in Tiny Arena and Slide Coliseum without even trying lol, those tracks are too easy.
A bootleg that naughty dog officially adopted
The blue chick reminds me of the mememe grills
they shouldve drawn every racer icon in this style
debate me
>no moe Big Norm art
Truly a waste
Blue fire has ruined the game, once people figure out air turning they don't want to play tracks without blue fire.
Not yet, I started with them and decided to do Tropy's time trials first since it's more straightforward. Was using Cortex in Adventure Mode and I'm dedicated to at least get all gold with my N.sane scientist. Will go for Plats, but not sure if I'm a bad enough dude just yet.
>5 fingers on Isabella
Make up your mind
>"The best trophy girl? Isabella is the absolute best"
It´s pretty much the same IMO, it´s also kinda faster so some turns now are a bit trickier than before. I played a SHITLOAD of CTR back in the day and then every now and then and I pretty much steamrolled the time trials in NF, so if you are good on PS1, you´re good here.
Beenox still hasn't fixed switch online
>Isabella is always showing her hands
>she's referencing pic related that confirmed them pre-E3
I kinda was hoping they'd have four colors at least.
>isabella is an acceleration shit
And yet that image implies they reprised their role as Trophy girls. Were they cut late? What's the lore here?
How long left til the store change, 15-20mins?
>Playing Electron Avenue
>Maintain USF
>Feel the controller vibration
>Perfectly execute a U turn off the ramp onto another ramp
>Blasting eurobeat the whole time
Holy shit this is the most fun I've had playing a racing game in a long time
I can already see that they're going to be sold with their skin alternative and flag stickers for 4000+ coins. Best start saving boys.
>fav girl is fav style
very nice
>oxide station
>manage to hold USF pretty well
>online multiplayer time beats oxide time with 5 seconds despite getting hit by warp orb time
despite getting hit by warp orb twice*
You're crazy.
Crazy based.
Isn't that just one of their holograms?
Left to right
>Just copies famous dance moves from memory, can't actually dance but has fun
>An obvious rhythm and flow, can actually dance and it comes naturally
>Likes music videos and copies them dancing and signing along, can't actually dance
>Shitty k-pop style choreography "dancing" (literally the fucking worst style of dance), has natural dance talent but only knows choreography so can't actually dance
t. autist
Initial C: Battle Stage
If I pulled off those clocks would he die?
nah man thats 8 fingers
>fisherman polar and gentleman ripper roo in stock
my dick
Very close user, you'd have an easier time staying in SF for the entirety of the second/third lap if you hit the second turbo pad before the finish line.
better than a turntard
Henchman Grand Prix when
>wuma fruit speed bonus?
Doesn't exist, at least not in the original. All 10x Wumpa fruits does is make SF/USF slightly easier to maintain I think, extends time gained in terms of reserves.
I'm going to make my damnedest to try maining her
I want to race on PC
and yet..
Electron Avenue, Hyper Spaceway, Clockwork Wumpa, Out of Time are great, fuck you
I hate the west
So what are the actual hardest Oxide ghosts in the game?
pants are great for ripping open to get to the goods, especially skin tight leggings shes wearing
where is he now?
The tracks also take inspiration from levels of previous games. Sewer Speedway from the sewer levels of 2, Mystery Caves from the prehistoric levels of 3.
What even happened? I missed it
can I get a edit of this where the blood is white?
What is this shitty webm supposed to show?
So jungle boogie is the best coin farm right?
dingo dude who posted a lot of webms of him fucking up and blaming beenox
only maybe two of his tons of webms ended up being actual issues
Someone got the store update?
It's a pretty good lap. From my experience online not many people are capable of holding SF on Tiny Arena for more than a couple of bends, especially those playing speed/acceleration characters who aren't gods.
Is this considered straight shota?
Yes, if you can keep sf and take the shortcuts and not get fucked by AI when you lap them you get 40 coins for a 1:20 race.
They're actually just really tall and Crash is really short
wonder if ted kaczynski is on the curriculum