It's up

Attached: dunkey.jpg (900x900, 98K)

Based ”its up” poster

keep saying it

>le megaman 11 is too hard man


pretty lazy video honestly

What's the point of this video? he spends half of the time talking about unrelated shit and when he speaks of the games he says nothing

so everyone who says "keep saying it" is a fond fan of cuck porn it seems


Keep saying it

It's just to announce the new stuff on his store

Keep saying it.


keep saying it

>cuck porn
every porn is cuck because you watch other people fucking

keep sayin it

keep watching cuck porn

I can belive dunkey was exposed to being a cuckey

He is right about one thing: It's a crime that none of the other Warcraft 3 custom maps caught on as much as DOTA did.
Heroes seige? Gone.
Evolution? Gone.
Sheep? Gone.
Tides of Blood was a better dota than dota, but no one ever talks about that anymore.


>start video
>Not even 1 second in and hearing autistic noises and shilling his shitty merch

I can't believe Yea Forums loves this cuck so much. Can zoomers please fuck off already?


>old dunkey was a fucking spastic that made videos about the most random shit like Glover, League videos always have some fun gimmick out of left field like a butchered karaoke set to Power of Love or having a back and forth between a Will Smith and Jackie Chan impression
>has a Mega Man playthrough where he stops talking about the game entirely after Part 1 and the rest of the playthrough is him talking about a modern-day Iliad he made up about fighting Stienfeld that goes through about six different story genres
>stops making League
>content almost immediately nosedives, comedy videos are formulaic garbage where the whole video is just him recycling the same five unfunny jokes he's already used in other videos and half of all his content is stupid serious shit that's popular because he talks like he doesn't give a shit even though it's basically never any sort of intelligent commentary ever (Shining review literally just talks about the most basic fucking concept of the movie where the antagonistic force is a looming presence as if this wasn't common fucking knowledge)

What a downfall holy shit

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Oh yeah and I forgot

Enfos? Gone.

I liked Enfos more than I liked any other custom map in WC3 or TFT. Yet no one has even tried to make a clone or tried to bring it back. I saw as many Enfos games up back in the day as I did Dota games.

Attached: enfos-td.jpg (648x386, 90K)

>advertising on Yea Forums of all places
Dunkey, I get it
You're not relevant anymore.
But this is just sad.

keep watching cuck porn

Cry some more wh*toid


see this

rent free

the league videos were always fucking garbage

keep sayin it

keep watching cuck porn

That's voyeurism retard

Stupid cuck

keep saying it

keep watching cuck porn

When you really think about it having a daughter is the ultimate form of cuckoldry. You're raising a woman just to get fucked by other men.


>since I quit LoL

He didn't quit LoL, he was banned for being an insufferable piece of shit.

keep saying it

>blacked cuck
who cares he is a fat literal cuck

buy a banner, nigger

Honestly what the fuck happened to the comments section? It used to be chill and now its filled with le epic memers XD

>Dunkey himself is in this thread and he's probably OP
say hi to him!

>ugh i cant believe this fellow weebs dunkey shat on another jrpg grind borefest fanservice garbage again... he cant keep getting away with it..
>whats up weeb bros i was watching this cuck porn as i normally do and i discovered that i could edit in a voice line from dunkey and pretend that it was them in the video... this is bros.. this is how we finally get back at him... IM IN CHARGE HERE!!

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I'm not playing your shitty tencent Chinese chess game.

knack toooo baybeeee

The moles don't match. You people will just have to fantasize about some other e-celeb being a cuck.

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>not starting from SC and Aeon of Strife

Keep saying it

Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard

>incels literally had to make shit up so they can say something bad about basedkey

keep saying it

unironically this

Attached: self-cucking.png (1056x1429, 120K)

hey dunkey

>that shitty photoshop job on the right
pathetic LMFAO

keep saying it

unfortunately Dunkey's hit a sweet spot creatively where he doesn't need to work that much. An average gameplay or review is already enough to get views and cash. Not only that but he doesn't have women issues anymore, he's got a chick who loves him and shit, he's happy, man. He's satisfied.

I personally still think he's good and some of his recent stuff is still killer, but it's a shame nuDonkey will never make a Halo 5 recap or something weird like History of Games anymore. I mean, his last rap was in 2014 and the fact he didn't make Petters on the Low 2 for RDR2 was the sign the old goofy experimental dunkey is gone.

also keep saying it

Why does anybody still watch this guy? I liked the first few vids I saw if his, but his humor NEVER CHANGES and it's so overdone and tiresome.

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