Calls Ganondorf "Ganon"

>calls Ganondorf "Ganon"
Please don't tell me you actually do this.

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>not calling him Dorf

Spare me ganonchad I am not worthy

>call Ganondorf Cranando

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I do

is OOT dorf the best VA performance in Zelda? His screams are fucking perfect

I call him shlomo cause he's got a big nose

I call him Gan

calm down, vin

I call him this sometimes even though I don't even know why Vinny calls him that. It just sounds funny to me

Isn’t Ganon just his true pig form or something. Ganondorf is like his avatar

I call him Ganongork.

Agreed. Rolls of the tongue very well i find.

Ganondorf is the name of one particular person that happened to embody Ganon/Demise for a really long time, or something like that.

I call him gandalf

If he is Ganondorf i call him Ganondorf. If he transforms i call him Ganon. But if someone ask me who Ganondorf i tell him he is basically Ganon

>Calamity Ganon

I wish they could've came up with something better than this

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why not it's quicker

I just say Greenyid

>calls Gannon "Ganon"
Please don't tell me you actually do this.


And vice versa

I call him Dragmire.

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Ganon is just a shortened form of Ganondorf.
He doesn't turn into a different person with a coincidentally similar name when he becomes a beast-man.

the story was that he was playing melee with friends on a tiny CRT and a friend read his name as crenando

The Gerudo are based off of Arabs.

ive never played a zelda game
which one should i try? i prefer if i can emulate it

Ganondorf only appears in 3 Zelda games. OOT, WW and TP.

I call him husband

the gerudo are genric middle easterns, while Ganondorf in particular is an evil, sneaky middle eastern that attempts to deceive foreoign rulers and bring their nations to ruin.
Textbook Jew.

I call him daddy

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Dingledorf... aye you stupid fucking muppet

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if you want to play a 2D zelda game play Link to the Past
if you want to play a 3D zelda game play Ocarina of Time

Except that's not at all what happens.
He doesn't "deceive foreign rulers and bring their nations to ruin", he betrays and kills the King, usurps the throne, and becomes King of Hyrule, bringing what is now his OWN nation to ruin.

If anything he's closer to Hitler.

ok thank u ill try ocarina of time
is it worth getting my gamecube out for it? or is emulation fine

get back in the oven

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Hey, at least you don't deny the existence of ovens.
You're smarter than your pals.

What the fuck is taking you so long, eh?

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Oi, Lick! What the fuck are you doing, ay? pissing about?

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you can emulated the gamecube release on dolphin or you can emulate the 3DS remake on citra, I think both work fine.

ok thank u