Who's excited?
Who's excited?
looking forward to it
I am it feels so much smoother and streamlined than the last one going by the demo. Perhaps this time I'll actually finish it
It looks terrible, but everyone I know who played the first one loved it so I'll probably get this.
you can only do multiplayer in free mode so if the game isn't fun for you you'll have to wade through a lot of it before it becomes fun with friends
>only in free mode
o really? guess ill wait for the price drop on this one too, loved the first one considering I got it for 20 CAD, but no way I would have paid 80 dollars for it, but thats most games
loved the first one. Top tier Demo too. the demo for 2 is a little underwhelming though. still gonna get it
>loved the first one. Top tier Demo too. the demo for 2 is a little underwhelming though.
i feel the total opposite
Why is that evil lookin' guy named Malroth? Is he Malroth reincarnated as a human?
Played the demo and I'm floored. It really is a perfect sequel.
I cant get off the gay pirate ship in the demo
talk to everyone and open all doors
seriously? is there more when you get to the pirate guy?
you mean Brownbeard? I thought you meant the skellies
What will the online be like?
There's a demo for both of them.
>looks terrible
Do you have a brain tumor?
You don't really build anything in the new demo
yeah. i know some of the new stuff cuz i've been following the game but if i went by just the demo the only thing i could tell was new was that you have a perma hammer
it's bascially just creative mode. no missions from what i can tell unless thats part of some of the updates
yeah but he's totally not evil anymore and definitely not going to betray you, just trust us bro
but you get to play with someone else and just build a world like minecraft right?
>the noticeboard isn't separated by region
imminent disaster ahead
show me an example of this violent and sexual expression
I imagine the whole arc is going to be him learning about the value of building along with the builder learning about the necessity of destruction.
what's the point of this game? is it just minecraft with objectives, and dragon quest aesthetics?
Only interested in what online co-op building is like.
that's actually very funny. I thought it was going to be a bunch of tranny posting like Splatoon became once it went from Miiverse to Twitter
Essentially, though I would say it's mostly 70% dragon quest and 30% minecraft, at least based on the first one. You were mostly playing a small, self-contained Action RPG with lots of fun building mechanics.
Does anyone know if anything carries over from the demo? I want to collect seaweed and rocks...
Yes I'm excited.
Haven't played DQ at all, but do the dangerous monsters appear at night like Minecraft?
probably not
Even after specifically looking into it to try and figure out what you're supposed to do in this game I still don't really know.
All I can figure out is that you walk around, building stuff, for some reason, and occasionally kill stuff. I have no actual idea what the gameplay loop is or how combat works or what you're supposed to build or why or how.
Can't fuckin' wait. DQB1 was a ton of fun, best take on minecraft since terraria. This one looks like it's just improving on everything, which is great.
I still haven't finished the first one because my Vita stick is ghosting and I'm too much of a pussy to open it and fix it.
Hopefully they removed the speed running achievements
Anyone else feel that the text is atrociously small in portable mode on Switch?
You won't have to play through the awful tutorial again from what I can tell.
Get it on the switch instead. It has new content.
I haven't played the demo yet, but I have a question, is the space you get to build in, as in the space that counts toward your town, still small as fuck? that was my biggest problem I had with DQB1
the demo takes place on a tutorial island. you'd have to watch full game game play to know the size of towns
everything is bigger but it may still be too small for your grand ambitions
Basically a non-shit Minecraft, so yeah.
Hear hear