Play rune factory

play rune factory

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Who hurt you?

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You have my attention, what is the game about

Rune factory?
more like Baby factory
get it? it's because she is so breedable! Haha

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Rune factory 5 never ever.
Also im stuck on 4. I feel like the dungeons get hard fast and the gear i make or buy cant keep up.
Wish there were more chicks though, theyve got some top tier but half as many is weak.

but it has been announced

Harvest moon crossed with an action rpg.

I could be dead by then though.
Also i really need advice. I think im halfway through summer and im in the lava place with the plant boss. Dudes a real cocksucker and ive got no fire resistance and my bros are weak as fuck.

Fantasy harvest moon. Its a mix between an rpg and regular crop growing. Huge amount of skills and stuff to do. Great girls to marry and a pretty tight system.
Id say play in order but maybe skip 2 most of the game is locked behind getting married.

It's a great sandboxy style action RPG game with some incredibly well designed mechanics like one of the best crafting systems I've ever seen.
Of course, you probably wouldn't ever be able to tell that because 99% of the discussion of the game is usually about waifus.

I've tried playing Rune Factory 4 several times, but I always get distracted.

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Dont forget how its about as complex as you want it to be you can minmax like a motherfucker if want or just play casually.
How do you usually get things started? I try to rush the dungeons as early as possible. Fishing and mining are my go tos for the first couple of season.

Unnnnnnngh wanna fugg the birb WANNA FFFFUGGG THE BURBB!

Eat something that gives you temporary fire resistance?

i'm trying too but this MOTHERFUCKER is impossible

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Birbs not for fuggs.
Im also really bad at normal combat so i use like all my items and mp healing right around the 2nd phase. I think my best bet is too grind out my crafting until i can make good armor and weapons.
Like i said up here
I try to rush the dungeons because i hate growing turnips 24/7 and i like getting all the animals.
Only thing i wish runefactory had is the harvest goddess and the harvest sprites.

Protip: hit it until it dies

Karina is superior in every possible way.

>Finally get a gf
>Lose all interest
Couldn't even bother getting married.

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My friend are you high? Karina isnt bad but she is far from best girl. Lazy and unmotivated are not endearing traits.

When is it coming on switch? Was it digital only or something?

I love Raven so much.

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Rf4 switch is 2020 i think. Id imagine 5 not too much later.

The issue about crafting is that it's a lot of trial and error to figure out what does what without a guide. Early on people didn't even know about 10-fold steel in the game and the proper way to farm them.

I think the Japanese release is in fall so I assume the English one will be early to mid next year.

Rune Factory is Harvest Moon for plebs

okay on what game she appears and what console? i am convinced

We getting info in August
July for Japan and I think later this year for the west. Japan is getting a physical release, don't know about elsewhere

Is Raven an Elf or a Dwarf? they looks exactly the same in RF

I don't think they explain what her other half is but the ears could be a part of her monsterness.

Micah doesn't have elf ears though

Most likely a dwarf, his adoptive father is a dwarf.

sorry, I'm etl

I'd imagine she's part dwarf. She's about the same height as most of the other dwarves in the series and her ears are just a bit shorter than the elf ears. Plus she lives with gaius.

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There's a skill that's a charged punch that trivializes the game.
I don't know the name, but you should check if you have it, it will significantly reduce the need to grind significantly.

Raven best girl

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The only one worth playing are 3 and 4, but they're both pretty good.

>tfw ywn eat Raven's lovingly cooked eggs as her husband

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Say something nice to my wife

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>t. salty old muggle

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Is there a way to completely automate the farming in RF4? It was comfy in the beginning but constantly having to babysit the plants and animal helpers got tedious.
Or is the monotony part of the appeal?

I'm sure she'll take great care of my elephant. She wouldn't let it get sick or anything.

Either marry someone already or fuck off you fucking NEET

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Raven is the basic bitch choice.

There are monsters that can tend to the field. I don't recall exactly which ones but from memory one of the mages can be set to water your plants each day but remember, how well they do their job is based on their affection and you need multiple to do a full field.

Saying that doesn't make me like her any less.

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Problem is that they eventually got tired and needed to tag out. Since I already have to check on them to see if they are fine I might as well do the work on the field myself.
If I had two sets and they automatically switched when one got tired it would be fine.

I'm thinking of replaying RF4 and see if I can trigger the 3rd act, but I can't decide who to marry.
Please, help me decide my waifu this time.

That's the flower girl.

thankfully as you get higher in crafts you can start just selling food/gear and make more money from that then growing crops unless you want to go through the process of growing them several levels higher

If you feed them potions I think it heals them. I think being tired is the same as having low health.

do a roll for it, theres no bad rf4 girl besides sleepy maid

>red head
You have my attention and my erection.
Go on.

Marry mistress Dolce.

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I just bought rf4 on impulse since it was on sale for $18, it was honestly pretty great. I beat it with like 60 hours on the clock, and I actually enjoyed nearly all of it. The dungeons were fucking retarded at some points, but mostly good (I had excellent equipment in rune prana, but literally got ohko’d by the traps which got annoying). Also, the characters felt a little weak overall, none really stood out enough to be memorable imo. Finally, it was hilarious when I was using the maze trick to farm high level gear early and found a 6500atk weapon, holy fuck that absolutely destroyed bosses in the late game

Definitely worth playing through tbqh.

>it was hilarious when I was using the maze trick to farm high level gear early and found a 6500atk weapon
I'm tired of the game and want to rush trough it, what is this maze trick?

You have to finish the second arc to unlock Sharance Maze through the prince order system. It’s a randomly generated dungeon that has increasingly powerful monsters (like lv300 to lv1000). Basically, you enter the maze, check the nearby rooms for chests (silver ones carry equipment iirc), then just warp out and try again. If you’re stuck in a monster room, same thing, just warp and try again. It helps to carry those revival flowers in case a mimic attacks too btw.

Anyway, it might take a while, but you can end up with crazy endgame equipment and absolutely destroy the 3rd arc. Get a powerful weapon, then just use cyclone and straight punch and you’re pretty much done.

>2 waifus in one
Hmm, I'll consider it, but can I tell her to get rid of the stupid hat?

I played on hard and I don't recall having that problem, maybe you weren't that well equipped or needed more levels.
>the characters felt a little weak overall, none really stood out enough to be memorable imo
Not even the tsundere dragon waifu?
God, why can't we marry her

you can change it on her model but not her sprite

>Not even the tsundere dragon waifu?
She was cool, but she was pretty much ded for most of my play through lol. I did most of my farming, crafting, etc during the second arc where she was tired out and unable to talk to you at all, so so I kinda forgot about her

>You have to finish the second arc
Guess It won't happen then. Got tired with the tedious micromanagement after the first.

There's a 3rd act where you revive her and she adopts a human form.
It has a chance to trigger each day after you complete the game, but the odds are quite low, unfortunately, I couldn't trigger it and gave up.

>steals your body and become a god

>she adopts her human form

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Oh yeah I did that arc, but still. I wish venti was more involved in the plot tbqh. She spent most of the days either unavailable or ded.

Enjoy getting eaten alive by your own magic. A muggle will always be a muggle.

Btw, I found a way to cheese events, I got the third arc one very easily with it. Basically, just get amber and the wolf dude to friendship over 7, have them in your party, save and keep going to sleep(make sure no other events are active). If the event doesn’t activate within a week or two, just reset and keep doing it. Eventually, they’ll both say they have to do something, and both go to the flower shop, then you’re good

I had fun playing RF1 back in 2015 since it was my first farm+ simulator, then i played RF4 during 2016's summer. I tried to go back to RF1 one week ago in order to play the whole series from the start but i simply cant have fun with it. Please help me.

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Waiting for the switch version

That's the bad thing about the series, you can't go backwards because there are huge improvements.

I was going to as well, but it could be up to 5-6 months for it and I dunno if the improvements are worth the wait and price increase

>nintendo 3ds
Maybe if it was released on a proper platform

I tried playing through RF1 myself but I got bored waiting for winter. I was afraid I would take too long to get to that point but it was the other way around. I still love the game, though.

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Are there any other games like rune factory? As in slice of life, good characters, dungeon crawling, crafting, etc. the closest thing I’ve found is Fantasy Life, which is basically rune factory if it had a bigger budget and went 3D

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Fantasy life doesn't have waifus.

It's an untapped market, especially considering the runaway success of Stardew Valley despite all its faults.

New life simulator with romancable cute and funny anime girls when?

Problem is that most games like that are just visual novels. It’d be cool if there was a modern game life rune factory that had all the good gameplay, as well as the “visual novel” type slice of life stuff. How does this not exist yet? Hopefully RF5 will be a step towards something like that

There's also games that are just the opposite extreme in survival crafting things with no story whatsoever.

desu i was really enjoying emulating undubbed frontier a while back
but halfway through fall literally nothing would grow. turns out i missed talking to one person that needed to explain an extremely important game mechanic and the entire ecosystem was fubar
maybe i'll try again one day

There are several indie games like that on PC, but I didn't find any nowhere as good.

I love my witchnurse wife!

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>no sense of right and wrong

>Start RF4
>See all the available girls
>Immediately like Forte
>Get her to Lv7, ask her out
>Go on several dates
>Do her pre marriage events
>Eventually start her marriage event
>The whole thing with her brother comes out
>”You may need to accept that her brother is more important to her than you”
>”If I had to choose my brother over you, I would”
>Immediately ditch her and go for someone else
Fucking weird ass bitch, god damn. You just know she fucks him every night.

does she really say that? Glad I went with Dolly. She says that all precious things are equal in rank.

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>she will never develop new aphrodisiacs and sneak them into your food/drinks to have them tested first hand
fuckin sucks bro.

To be fair, she does eventually take it back. But it was a little off putting

Dolce would be worth it if you got to fuck Pico.

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Oh dude the marriage events are a fucking chore to follow. took me like 3 days of savescumming to marry my clorica

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See? This is why she's a bitch.

The diary that you buy for her and can write in/read was the most heartwarming shit ever.

Do you think pico watches when lest and dolce go at it?

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Pico always watches, so yes.

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To be fair, you're supposed to be in a relationship with Dolce, not pico. Her jealousy is logical.

Reminder to romance best girl, Xiao Pai.

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Why is she best girl? She seemed kinda meh whenever I talked to her


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She's cute and clumsy, and that's sexy.

Is the most relatable and has the most depth. Her entire life is a failure and she was even born due to a mistake, but by marrying you she manages to turn it around and make something of herself. It's a nice deconstruction of the clumsy girl anime archetype.

There is something about this game.

I absolutely despise weeb fucking garbage, but holy fuck, RF3 and RF4 scratch an itch like no other, and even though its weebish, it also has a FUCKLOAD of dialog, especially 4 and some of it is pretty enjoyable, but I love how I almost never saw repeated shit and I did everything, even the bullshit RNG final act of RF4 for Rune Prama or whatever.

My only gripe is that 90% of monsters are useless on the farm.

I can't tell if the dwarf thing makes me like her more or less

>never ever
>not even in 4S

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I love her for her heart, so it doesn't make much of a difference to me. That said, short girls are lewd in their own way.

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>are there any other games like RF, a series created by the original creators and pioneers of the entire genre well before making RF

No user, RF is the peak of this genre. That said i do think HM:A Wonderful Life is the most comfy game in existence even if its painfully slow.

>we'll never be able to marry Venti
>we'll never be able to marry any of the milfs

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And I wish there were a tomboy bachelorette in RF4, but you don't see me filling half the thread with my whining about it.

>When you finally figure out the crafting actually has hidden and insanely powerful mechanics

Legit multiple weapons ive made crash my game.

>We'll never be able to grant Illuminata's end of the year wish to meet someone special.
Saying you like her during the sleepover event with all the guys is the best shit.

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It was funnier when leon did it.

If you dont marry fellow earth mate, you are filthy mixerblood.

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>implying there's anything wrong with being mixed

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Are they earthmates? I thought they were just randos that Venti made friends with.
That's a tiny Amber.

Only earthmate can became guardian.

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When did they say that?

Amber is cute

Tiny girls are wonderful

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Your equipment matters. Moreso than your levels. Get the best materials (easiest ones are high lv. vegetables) and use them to upgrade your fists (the only correct choice)

They're becoming like keyblade wielders. I guess 5 will be full of them.

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Incorrect, only an earthmate can perform the ritual, but anyone can become a guardian

Shame they never went back to that model again, so much potential in actually raising the kid while you and everyone else ages, but no, every game after everyone must be eternally stuck at the same age/relationship

Use hidden craft bonus by leveling your craft level to minimum 50 then craft using best material / seed trick.
And another tips, befriend with monster and leveling along side them. Monster has good stats on early in trade can't use equipment. Give them an item per day will boost their stat. Food also work but only last a day.

Earthmate ability is drawing rune power around and fuse them to earth. That's why they sacrifice them self to became guardian and stay on certain place to help Venti.

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The thing is, I like dwarves, just not RFs portrayal of them

This. It's why Lest had to be the one to set them free.

What don't you like about it?

Did they really? Such a shame. A Wonderful Life has speed issues, in the sense literally everything takes time, you can spend almost an entire day just watering crops.

Yet it always had some of the best comfy feels and it was a rather "real" game. Everyone did age, and you eventually died. It was a really somber experience, probably why I love it so much, but honestly, if I replayed it, id use the "Everything is watered" cheat because you really have to choose between farming or raising lifestock, which was def pushed in wonderful life.

They look like a different race of elf to me. The most dwarf-like guy we got was the blacksmith in the first game, who was a human who had a dwarven teacher.

Hmm that means at least one of the 4 needed to have been an earthmate right?

I wish there was more to differentiate them from elfy looking dudes who work the forge.

I guess that's fair, but they still need to be cute. If they followed the typical dwarf characteristics they wouldn't be cute anymore.

It needed a lot of QoL tweaks and the villagers coulda used more depth as time went on, maybe added some arcs as people got older etc. But the only other game to do that was RF2 of sorts which gives you a time skip but thats not remotely the same.

They could just make the women lolis and the men gruff and old.

I wish the game let you swap protags back to your dad once you save him.

I didn't even know Gaius was a dwarf until the game told me, the game makes no effort to differentiate them from elves other than how they act

Gaius? I couldn't tell Doug (RF4) was a dwarf until the game explicitly told me.

Leon confirmed it when you save him in the end of part I.
Dylan also when talking about his past.
Amber a bit vague but I'm sure she said it on her pre marriage event.
Dolce probably.

cucking elves

You need to raise your water resistance by equipping a ring or a brooch. Also eating food that will raise your water resistance will help too. The crystal mammoth is a massive cunt, but you can beat him, have faith.

Remake when?


>You can't marry Shinonome
What is even the point of playing?

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It's coming out next month in japan with worldwide soon after. Rf5 is in 2020

been trying to decide between reinstalling 3 or Stardew.

Not really, the generic NPCs actually had a lot of tidbits about crafting I didn't know about. Well, only for indivual material effects...

You really did need to look up a guide for levelstacking items for that sweet 2.5k bonus.

Why are all the girls so fucking good bros? I'm gonna need like 6 save files

Don't qorry, RF4S is going to have near-infinite save files.

I wish stardew had cute girls

Thank god switch is finally getting a good release

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Portrait mods help, but yeah interacting with them is pretty meh.

>Replaying my old save RF4
>A new short scene with dolce try to crossdress lest while feeling jealous afterward

Holy shit.
Is there a complete guide where it list all random short event (not town event).

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Did you have to marry her for that to happen? Not sure if I want to go with Dolly, Clorica, or (my favorite) xiao pai

It's like he went out of his way to make them unattractive. Though it fits the art direction (which is otherwise great desu)

Didn't they ask the director about that in that Japanese interview, and he gave some cocktease non-answer instead of a flat out no?

I love her.

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You talking about the runey system? You can just use a cheat to max them out so you don't have to bother.

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Good girl.

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YWN wake up early and make sweets for her with her finding you, blushing while protesting that she doesn't like them or anything

>making sweets
>in the morning
eggs for breakfast user, sweets for later

Eh maxing them feels unfair cause of the bonus to growing speed. Max-1 is probably the best way to do it. In the end, runeys wouldn't have been so bad if there was an easier way to gather them up instead of making it such a tedious chore (or maybe there was but I didn't play the game long enough to get there).

You gotta make the sweet in secret so she doesn't find out

Too bad she loves her brother more than she’ll ever love her husband

Don't worry, Illuminata will take good care of her brother.

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Doesn't she take it back later?

Before marrying her.
I try to get all pre marriage event before settle to one because I want to watch them all.
For now I got two short event, the other one is dolce want to open a bottle.

For the girl my preference is dolce > Xiao > clorica
But I think you should get pre marriage event before deciding which candidate attract to you the most

Wonderful life is not fucking comfy. That games makes me depressed.

She takes it, alright.

Not in that way, though. Her protective love for her brother is understandable considering her and Kiel's backstory.

How do you get premarriage? Do you have to be dating her or is it just a random event that occurs after you hit 7LP? (All of mine are at 7 btw)

What the fuck. This implies that Forte has canonically fucked her brother.

Ever Oasis is pretty comfy.

I can't believe she actually ate all the eggs

I played RF3 just after it was FotM on Yea Forums a number of years ago, but I never got 4. What would the recommended way of playing it be? I know a lot of people did an undub thing for 3 which I never did but is it easily emulated or should I just find a way to buy it?