How do we fix the sonic franchise?

how do we fix the sonic franchise?

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Other urls found in this thread:

bring back chao garden

why is the sonic fanbase so fucking perverted

Either just let the Mania guys handle it or return to SA and SA2 esque formula. Also bring back Chao Gardens

Find me one sizable fanbase that isn't full of perverts

more spinoffs that aren't just alternative versions of mario spinoffs

perform more benchmark tests


Post it faggot

>bench fox

I want to fuck them both so badly desu.


Get rid of Kishimoto and Nakamura and bring back the guy who directed Generations.

That's a very small tennis court. I don't think it'd be very easy to play on.

Tails is the cutest girl

by letting it die

It was never good in the first place.

Disband sonic team and give the franchise to people that actually care, like Activision did with Crash and Spyro.

Burn it all to the ground. Leave nothing standing.

>let Evening Star make 3D pinball-physics mainline Sonic games
>recombine the IP's and do away with Iizuka's arbitrary rules
>have IDW re-continue nu-252 Archie's story, can add IDW's characters too
>let Sonic Team rebrand and focus on new/other IP's since they've clearly always wanted that

>Sonic Team will never make Chu Chu Rocket on PC
what cosmic power do I need to change this timeline

Did they ever consider more kemoshotas?

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The Crash and Spyro remakes are soulless
I know that words has lost all meaning so I can be more specific. They're made to shamelessly cashgrab. If they made a Sonic Adventure remake, they'd probably find a way to ruin the models, because they are out of touch.

>return to SA and SA2 esque formula.
If you mean, "bring back momentum based gameplay", then I agree. If you mean, "bring back literally anything else from SA1 and 2 that's not the Chao Garden", then I implore you to reconsider.

>one or two guys is the reason why Sonic is stagnating
No. Sonic having problems has been and always will be a group effort at Sonic Team. As easy as it is to scapegoat, the truth of the matter is that it's far more complicated than just one guy making questionable decisions. There are plenty of points during development where a bad idea can get snuffed out, and the fact that they don't tells me that either A) there are people on the team who agree with those bad ideas, or B) they simply don't care. Neither scenario is good, and neither of those is just one guy fucking things up. Believe me, I wish it was just as simple as firing Kishimoto or Nakamura. But that rarely ever fixes things in video games.

I would agree with this but with the caveat that they give it to people who actually understand what made the original games great before Sonic Team turned the series into an amorphous blob of generic action games. This probably means giving it to a group of high functioning autists like what happened with Mania.

>Sure why not
>That's a bad idea because of all the baggage Archie Sonic has, but if it shuts the "muh deeper story in Sonic games" autists up, then fine. Let them have their outlet.
>Also yes. Stop having Sonic be their creative outlet and guinea pig already.

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Go be a mentally ill contrarian shitposter somewhere else.

Still waiting on my apology from you user

>le soul meme

I actually miss-read your first post and I thought you were a sick fuck who wanted to hurt and traumatize cubs. But after seeing you obsess so god damn much over my posts I'm starting to think you are a sick fuck after all.

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I'm not a sick fuck at all user, I want to love and protect cubs, and the reason I obsess over what you said so much is because we are kindred spirits. You don't know it but me and you post very similar things and have similar tastes. You telling me I'm creepy hurts more because it's like someone you thought you could trust and love stabbed you in the back.

Give it to Western Devs.

Ah, that makes sense. I'm sorry user. But I wouldn't advice making friends with shota posters in general.

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Unironically this.

That is an even worse idea, if you think Sonic was bad enough with people, imagine the disaster that would emerge if Western Devs got their hands on the IP. They would fuck with everything much like any other existing franchise they got their hands on.

Imagine furfags who are obsessed with Sanic, now add in all the crap with the shit devs now and their progressivism and shit views. You really want to make a crucible of cancer?

>But I wouldn't advice making friends with shota posters in general.
This desu.
You guys are fucking creepy.


What are Sonic Mania and first two Sega cart racing games?

Blame archie/SA2B/Ninten-drones/modern sociality filled with the mentally ill.

Wow you've become hypersensitive to that word. It's very interesting how much Yea Forums controls how you think.
Let's consider it from a different angle. Is remaking an old game with updated graphics really a great accomplishment? It's like these Disney "live-action" remakes.None of the charm of the original films. A fraction of the effort. Nothing more but a testimony to current technology. And yet they make millions just because people know the source material. It's shameless moneymaking, and the people making the money don't give a shit about the original films.

There are some good shota posters user. I believe you are one of them. And I made a Discord friend from shotaposting on Yea Forums and he's a really great friend, we talk most days.

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You guys are harmless, but creepy.

I never wanted noteriety in the shota porn community but I guess I'll take it. I'm sure you and the guy I accidentally bullied are nice people but I'm still not a fan of making a discord and all that. Most of it ends badly from what I can recall.

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That's admirable user. You're not going to let silly labels and sexuality conflict your feelings. Whether it's a boy or a girl, you embrace your clearest desire to give into your passion and embrace them. It's not about whether they have a peen or a cun. What matters is they are CUTE! And shotas/lolis/cubs often are cute.

TSR's better than the first game simply by having Transformed's stunt system


Just stop scripting gameplay. That's all it'd take. If I boost up the side of the loop, smack into the side and lose my momentum, I should die.

No more of this hold up or right to win, please


>magine the disaster that would emerge if Western Devs got their hands on the IP.
Name one objectively shit game western devs did PURELY on the level of incompetence and NOT forwarded based on corporate meddling. I'll fucking wait you god damn nigger.

Literally every fucking platformer made in the past 5 years have ALL bested anything Japan could have done, which was shit like 3D World for babbies or Odyssey which was just a modern day DK64, being a collectathon WITHOUT rhyme or reason. Countless fucking people keeps shitting on the fact Nintendo had "random spot to groundpound on to collect item for pointless number gauge to go up" while games like AHiT and Crash gets no complaints at all. They do 3D platforming right, they don't make collecting the GOAL, just the excuse to play the game with the tools you find on the way. And you're telling me, with all these god damn 3D Sonic fan games coming out left and right in HALF the time 2D fan games started to take shape into something seen as "passable", you're telling me there's NO CHANCE western devs wouldn't make something great? At all? Fuck you you fucking spineless Nippon cocksucker.

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No single 3D sonic game has had unscripted gameplay.
Sonic Team can't make a functional game without it.


>No single 3D sonic game has had unscripted gameplay.
Which is why he made that post user. It's been 20 years, it's time to try something else.

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>It's very interesting how much Yea Forums controls how you think
says the one using a Yea Forums buzzword

Fuck off with this autistic shit

Klonoa is so cute

*opens a can of Bang's rootbeer
>I remember the times after a long day of Summer's fishing where I'd start up that Dreamcast and go angling with good old Big the Cat. Wasn't the most exciting activity, but it sure was a good way to relax.
>Running around with Sonic? Now that just felt right. Get some rings, beat the level, and stop Eggman. Can't get much better than that.
>Tails? He ran, he jumped, he flew. Just like Tails should, not throwing around laser beams. Just simply going fast. Heck, even faster than Sonic.
>Now treasure hunting with a radar that isn't busted? That's a treasure in its self. Knuckles and I had a good time exploring what that vast world had to offer.
>Playing Amy is a lot like boxing. You got to learn when to get your punches in and when it's the best time to evade. When you are fighting that adversary for the last time in the ring, it just feels right landing that final blow.
>And who can forget Gamma? Back in my day, a character dying meant something. They didn't just come back all willy-nilly in a sequel. Rest in peace. Never forget.
Yep. *Takes a sip. That sure was an adventure.

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Resident Evil franchise


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The internet broke them at their most vulnerable. Unlimited connectivity in tandem with a shared interest became a vector for fetishes-as-memes as thousands of developing minds and bodies spread it around without realizing what they were doing. Now there's no going back for them.

I think we can't appreciate how much the internet changed the game because of how normal it feels.

Literally this with a hub world to play around with game physics. Also boss battles can be formatted like Metal Gear Rising

>Playable characters
Sonic, Shadow, Blaze and maybe Silver ( I say maybe because his play style is different)

> Plot
Sonic should still have shonen tier plots like Sa2, where there are actual stakes and the characters aren’t just one dimensional flanderizations. I’m ok with Eggman being like a Team Rocket villain, but I think they really fucked up with Infinite’s character.

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Yeah I know, which is why I said Sonic Team can't make a functional game without it. They don't have the talent or money to actually implement a barebones physics system.


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Who's justpassingthrough?


>We well never get a in game story told ala S3K in 3D gameplay EVER
Fuck my life up famalam

Origins/Legends fucked that up mate.



Either focus on 2D games or remake Adventure over and over to appeal to autists.

Uhh, Call of Duty

Rayman has a pretty big fanbase

Sportsballs makes them so horny they fuck after victories.

reboot 3d sonic and leave the current incarnation of modern sonic to spinoffs. leave 2d sonic to evening star and iizuka because they're the only ones close to sega who understand it

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Hire competent game designers. People blamed alot of things on sonic's decline like the surplus of sonics friends, too many playstyles, the too serious stories, but sega proved they can make shitty games with sonic being the only character, having a focused playstyle, and having kiddie plots. Mania team went in and showed them how to make a good sonic game, its sega that sucks.

Remove jap boomers

Jackie Chan

Took you this long to come up with that?

Being a Sonic fan is fucking suffering. People make fun of you whether the games are good, bad, or great. I fucking hate Shadow The Hedgehog (the game) and Sonic '06 for existing, sometimes.

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I changed my answer to

>Another boost-engine rip off
No. Get rid of the boost entirely. I liked Unleashed and Generations but it doesn't lend itself well to good level design. Most boost levels are forgettable aside from a couple of setpieces.
Something like this would be better;

>Sonic, Shadow, Blaze, maybe silver
Sonic and perhaps silver definitely, but Shadow and Blaze are A) Shit characters and B) Just Sonic clones. Put Tails and Knuckles in instead.

>Plots more like the era where effort was put into stories.
Definitely. Anything after Unleashed was shit-tier writing. It says a lot that the best story in the past 10 years was in the Sonic Boom games.I'd prefer something more like Unleashed than Adventure 2, as I think at points SA2, as SA2's story was a mess (aside from the retarded back and forth translation of the script, stuff like Eggman's cousin having space aids and Shadow somehow misinterpreting her last words to mean "get revenge on humanity" is too retarded, even for Sonic. Unleashed Sonic didn't have SA2's personality, but the story in the background is pretty solid.
But stupid stuff like Eggman pulling a gun on Amy would be good.

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It's full of horny teenagers that constantly talk about raping each other
Try again

>one of the most iconic game series of all time
>no good Tails doujins at all

Really makes me think

>A) Shit characters and B) Just Sonic clones

>Shadow and Blaze are shit characters
>but Silver is fine
yup, it's retarded

No thanks janny, I like my autism

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Having stupid gimmick attacks doesn't change their core gameplay in any way

>Implying that's wrong

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Stalker's niche and I've seen the bloodsucker porn

I never said he wasn't a shit character.
He's just not shit AND a sonic clone.

make Tails cute again

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Tom Clancy series

R6 Siege IQ/anyfemaleoperator porn and general waifufaggotry

I agree with the gameplay, It looks less linear and scripted than the boost engine which I like. Also Unleashed Sonic is better than Sa2 Sonic personality wise. I like to think that Sonic had character development between those games.

Dude it doesn't exist give it up
Sonic only has the reputation it does because the fans were doing the shit all fandoms do today but in the 90s