Being an indie gamedev in 2019

>being an indie gamedev in 2019

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better this than having to spend 8 hours a day among normalfags in some gay jewish office

Did you just try to bump your own thread you fucking faggot


not even once

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>tfw someone struggles like this while you were complete human waste for the last year doing nothing in the comfort of your apartment.

I have respect for that guy now. I think its inspirational.
If someone can do it then why can't I?
I should try to do it too. Good thread

we all know you won't do it though

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Screw you. I will.
I am gonna become the man of my dreams.

I would rather kill myself

neither of you are contributing anything meaningful to the world, but at least you get to sleep comfortably. what is remotely inspiring about being homeless? shit sucks

>he fell for the STEM meme

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>bright academic future
that actually made me laugh

He doesn't give up.
He has a plan, he keeps going. Unless he actually split his wrists at this point

he could easily make 60k a year contracting as a web dev while still making his game if he wasnt an idiot.

asexual ugly old british men vs chad life-enjoying american grandpa

If this sucker still has the drive to follow his dream (no matter how fake and gay this whole story may be) then I too have a chance.

i'd never follow my passion if i'd had to live on the street. following your passion comes after security.
doing what you want and getting paid > good job > living at parents > welfare > bad job > doing what you want and living on the street

Take your dumb larp and fuck back to rebbit.
No upboats for you to soak up here.

actually happened in an /agdg/ thread recently, has nothing to do with radish

>some nigger called me gay so I'm gonna kill myself

I swear you sensitive beta fags deserve to die for being so weak

I am helping a friend with sprites for a game we're making.

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