How do you respond without sounding mad?

How do you respond without sounding mad?

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>How do you respond
I don't, but if I win in the next round I say the same

If you respond, you are mad.
Don't respond.

I disable all chat functions. I don't want to hear or read what other assholes in game think.

I only say ggez after I lose but only if the enemy hasn't said it yet, in hopes of baiting my shit teams into getting even more mad at the enemy.

wait for karma.

Have sex.

just stop being weak user, people arent "assholes", and theres always 2 sides of the story, YOU were the asshole that was trying to beat him in videogames

by not making this thread for the nth time

Surely nobody on Yea Forums would actually say GG EZ unironically, right? That's Reddit as fuck.

you're not likely to ever run into them ever again anyway, so why bother

np gg

>so that mad you can't even respond

>not as EZ as your dad last night

why would i respond to something thats just said to get a reaction? thats like unironically responding to the "cope / seethe / dilate / have sex / lurk moar / who are you quoting" posts
dont reply to me niggers

You don't. The whole purpose of that is to make you respond. Now why would you play into some random dudes card and give him the satisfaction of success? No matter what you answer, litereally no matter what, will result in some shitstain comeback.

why not just say gg back and leave it at that? Totally nonchalant and clearly unperturbed

>Totally nonchalant and clearly unperturbed

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>gg wp
>gg it was a tough match
>it was fun

and you can always just not respond

I begin to ERP with them.

I simply write ggwp every game regardless of who won, unless it was a very one sided stomp.

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This but unironically


>so what faggot? I will beat your skull into the PC

>turn on mic
>blow hard as fuck into it
>scream nigger until everyone has me muted

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They're just letters. Why let them make you rage?

>close match in fighting game where they barely win
>teabags you
We need another holocaust

>reported for toxicity

this basically kills them off since it became a big thing in gaming, you can get literally banned if you keep saying things like this in competetive games.

>someone say GG EZ
>"lmao stop crying"
>mark his username
>weeks later
>find him
>focus him and sometimes even risk your entire chance to win just to fuck with him
>win the match
>"gg ez stay mad"

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If no one on your team responds then the person who said GG EZ will be mad because they didn't get a response. I know this thru experience. The only way to make that person mad is to say nothing.

One of the most forgotten internet is the ability to just ignore shit
Someone trying to get a rise out of you in chat? Don't respond, you can't win here
Thread on Yea Forums about some stupid fucking AAA games only underageb&s would like? Don't respond, you're just gonna get mad at their stupidity
Someone needing to have the last word by shitposting about some irrelevant "arguments"?
Let him have it, you're not gonna end up feeling good just cause you had the last word instead

Rent free

F-Fuck you

Its the checkmate of bants
>don't respond
so cucked that you can't even respond
>respond positively
literally BLACKED and thanking other team's asshole
>respond negatively

Only thing you can do is win and say GG EZ yourself next game

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Say it first, every game. Even when you lose.

You should say "noob enemies" if you win and "noob team" if you lose

"Yeah, your team was pretty good, I tried my best, sorry"
Boom, destroyed


I bet you say the similar things when jamal dicks your gf in front of you


''the comments on ur mums pornhub page''

>I've never smelled a woman's cunt in my life

if you have a car/battery just open it and take a whiff

My name is Jamal :DDDDD

I don't need to, I'm married to a woman.

everyone is an asshole to someone. gamers, drivers, pedestrians, bikers, the guy in front of you at the store, the loud guy at a restaurant, the person with a screeching kid who won;t go home. I know I am an asshole, I post here.

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silently report for racism, griefing, intentional feeding. then move on to next game

>everyone is an asshole
nah m8. thats excuse assholes use to be asshole to others.
at least you're right about you being an asshole

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Good game, white penis(?)

>How do you respond without sounding mad?


just respond with gg ez that will confuse him and ill stop

If you're playing an Activision-Blizzard game, report him for harassment/toxicity/buzzword, and laugh in a week when you get a notification that a player you reported was banned

haha, g-good one.

you poor soul

I don't, because I'm the one that said gg ez. Just don't lose, you retards.

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"My team was shit"

Why is my chat enabled?
>turn it back off

just don't get mad. I'm best friends with a GG EZ'er and honestly they need to rub it in your face because that's the only joy they can squeeze from it. Just let them have their fun. They're usually extremely afraid of rejection so they don't get sex because they hate losing.

Agree with them and cede that they are your better, outlining a key reason for your failure that doesn't draw on blaming peers, do not be afraid to find a flaw in yourself either
If they respond politely, maybe some insight can be gained if they engage your line of thinking and you have created positivity from an undesirable situation
Otherwise, if they are mad they cannot invoke ire from you, revel in your politeness and do not engage them further
A true and honest brother is no vessel for wrath or envy, especially over a pittance that is a free-time activity such as video games
In short, redirect the unhappiness to a more desirable avenue, unless you are the most artful of trolls and believe you can fashion a good riposte that will bring you superlative laughter

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>lol u mad bro?