>mfw no new metal gear solid tier games
Mfw no new metal gear solid tier games
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I just want a game like MGS.
I want a new stealth game.
mgs is fucking shit and bottom of the barrel when it comes to stealth
kill yourself you moviegame loving faggot
Share a better game then.
Thief is better in pretty much every aspect but particularly in terms of stealth. It also came out the same year.
Maybe something else?
I'm not really interested.
Not saying it's a bad game, I never played it.
>the salty thiefcuck at it again whenever mgs is mentioned
Are u ok?
Play Splinter Blacklight on professional mode with no hud.
imagine being a thiefag. better play hitman or splinter cell or other non boring games.
both of those games are pretty good. thief is still better. but as I said mgs is still beneath all of them
thief fucking sucks. literally the worst LGS game. now go back.
>I want a new stealth game.
Oh, you're retarded
Well yes I am
How did you know?
tbf looking glass's output was phenomenal
>arguing with thiefcucks
Thinking that MGS is a stealth game was a dead giveaway.
It felt pretty stealthy to me tho
>muh stealth elitism
It came close with mods
mgs3 and mgs5 are probably the only games in the series that have real stealth gameplay and mgs5 did that by becoming a generic sandbox
he's probably 12 yo, dw
MGS has handled stealth very well. Most anons I hear who have something negative to say about MGS is about its plot and how much of the game is game vs cut scenes
Are you ok, stroke kun?
>That one faggot shilling for thief
Literally a meme game and a shit one at that. Also, dead franchise.
t. only played 2014
I'd rather not have any more movie games.
that's part of the problem tbqh, how many times does the game force you into mandatory confrontations with enemies? all because of the shitty story
but apart from that the game has really weak stealth mechanics too, it's almost entirely based on line of sight rather than anything potentially interesting like sound propagation or light.
MG2 SS and Ghost Babel had excellent stealth. Ground Zeroes alone was better than any thief or sc game.
Agreed. The original Tenchu also came out before any of them.
They all sucked.
Left is a Doom map.
Literally Devil May Cry 5 on the right.
Mgs2 messed with light and shadow. MG2 played with sound. Pure stealth games are boring as shit and thus, a dead genre.
hating on a classic doesn't make you any cool you dumb incel piece of shit faggot
>gets btfo and posts the cherrypicked image again
based wrpg-kun
Metal Gear Solid:
>enemy bodies instantly disappear
>sound plays almost no role outside of the odd gimmick like stepping on puddles
>stealth is based around simple line of sight and hiding behind cover
>a radar tells you where enemies are and even shows you the size of their vision cones, so you don't even have to pay attention to your surroundings
>the game constantly forces you into unavoidable combat setpieces and cutscenes that take away your control and render a stealth approach impossible
Meanwhile, in Jagged Alliance 2, 2d game from the 90's:
>enemy bodies don't disappear
>sound plays an integral role, everything you do produces noise. There are four different movement modes (running, walking, crouching, or going prone) that asks you to make a trade-off between how much sound you make, how fast you move and how much stamina and action points it takes. You can also climb on rooftops.
>besides line of sight and sound, stealth also takes into account the level of illumination. Since the game is open world, not only can you choose when and where to tackle missions, during day or night, with obvious consequences (nighttime makes it harder for the enemy to see you, but also makes it harder for you to see them), but enemies will also adjust their tactics and AI behaviour, such as throwing out flares during the night to light up the surroundings.
>varied and creative stealth mechanics, such as the ability to use camouflage to blend in with the environment or launching a throwing knife at an unsuspecting enemy's jugular (the game lets you aim at specific body parts)
>the game never takes away your control as a player
Left side looks like stage 3 of Tenchu: Stealth ASSassins.
but mgs had a better plot
>look i posted the pasta again xd xd xd
Jagged Alliance is a shit tactics game in yet another dead franchise. What is it with all these dead western pc franchises anyway? Were they all just garbage from the start?
Pretty much. But the west needs something, anything to tout. Even if it's literally "who?" games.
The fact that a literal who game has better stealth mechanics than Movie Gear Solid says quite a bit about Kojima's priorities when developing ""games"".
This. No other games combine action + stealth as well along with funny characters.
Even Kojima himself lost his edge now.
Jagged Alliance: zero gamefeel.
this, but dmc fans are delusional
whatever helps you sleep at night westcuck
I'll bet you like Naughty Dog ""games"", too.
not an argument.
>Hitman series
>Dishonored series
>Tenchu series
All of these series are better stealth/action hybrids than MGS.
Combat in MGS was dogshit until MGS3 despite them forcing you to use the combat on a regular basis. The stealth was also literally just Pac-Man until MGS3 made it more complex. What I'm trying to say is that MGS3 and GZ were cases of Kojima catching lightning in a bottle (mostly by ripping off better stealth games). The other MGS are either hampered by poor stealth and combat mechanics, or (MGS4's case) hampered by an overly intrusive story that kills replay value.
No new Splinter Cell 1-4 tier games either. Which is even worse because Splinter Cell was better than MGS
I like Jak and Daxter
Then why do the boss fights suck so much?
>Splinter Cell was better than MGS
That's not a particularly high bar to surpass.
Even Dark Souls has better stealth than MGS
>he still at it.
lmao have sex westcel
Yeah I agree. SC were better than Hitman and Thief too.
How do I find and get sex.
If you tell me nobody gets hurt.
>fun action games
neck yourself, holy shit
Probably an assmad Thiefag, they get so booty blasted that they like an irrelevant dead franchise that was never that successful to begin with
why do they suck?
This. Only Splinter Cell did stealth right.
MGS=Hitman=Splinter Cell>Tenchu>shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Thief
>MGS=Hitman=Splinter Cell
You can't compare movies to games.
>thief fags
every fucking time
you can't go a single MGS thread without one of these FUCKS barging in to shit on everything. How often do you see MGS fans shitting on thief, huh? HUH???
came here to say this
>Splinter Cell tier
Duuude lol just avoid the triangles and the enemies can't see you ahah
Meanwhile in SC
>have to actually use shadows
>have to actually use infra red vision and other stealth tools
>have to actually climb on to pipes
MG doesn't really compare my dude.
you can eat shit all you like just don't pretend you're a connoisseur for it
stay mad
Since when does Yea Forums like movie games?
Can you even trigger alarms in MGS?? If you trigger alarms in Splinter Cell you're pretty much fucked
Do you mean MGS boss fights?
With a few exceptions, most of them are memorable because of their backstory and all the little Easter eggs you can trigger when fighting them. Remove the context, and most of the boss fights in the game are quite basic-- you either shoot them to death with an assault rifle or shoot them repeatedly with a tranq gun. The series needed more fights like The End, The Boss and Volgin, and far fewer bosses like The Pain and Sniper Wolf.
This might sound like a controversial opinion, but I think the Tenchu games do boss fights better mechanically because all bosses encourage you to use your tools and fight cleverly rather than just mashing the attack button.
go back to they have this conversation every week
yeah thiefags love to eat shit and pretend they are gaming experts. Agree.
Yea Forums always liked mgs, newfag.
Nah, the other games.
You're confusing Yea Forums with reddit. Yea Forums has always games with shallow mechanics that emphasize cinematics above all else.
MGS4 was a fucking movie.
>not having liked MGS before Yea Forums loved it
reddit wasn't shitposting on Yea Forums until 2010s.
keep pretending Yea Forums always hated this series, thiefcucks.
seething 7th genner
I think MGS3 boss fights are notable for being some of the only ones in the series in which stealth may play an essential role.
Peace walker.
I'm the Splinter Cell chad.
You have nothing on me, MGShill. You can't refute that SC is the best in its genre. Because it's true.
>MGS has handled stealth very well
>MGS has handled stealth very well
>haha i posted the pics again
feels good to not have mgs living in my head rent free. so much for splinter cell chads.
The only way to enjoy metal gear is to remove all stealth and replace it with over the top, flashy, nonstop action.
i.e. mindless fun
>I can't live without cringe dialogue and asinine character names
This but unironically.
>it came close with mods
implying mgsV is not stealth
>Half of your time is spent in action set pieces and watching cutscenes
>Stealth game
maybe splinter cell fags should make their own thread. oh wait no one cares about that series.
Who said anything about the story?
I just want to play with doggo.
>bait images
>game series that panders to the lowest common denominator is more popular
Who would have guessed?
more memes ebic
>it's bait because i don't like it
MGS is the thinking man's vidya.
>102 posts
>25 IP
Yeah it uses all 7 that the average MGScuck has.
keep posting wrpg clown.
Sniper elite is a fine alternative if you never played it.
>no new batshit crazy series that spans over 4 console generations
>asinine character names
kill yourself tasteless nigger
One of my most anticipated VR games.
Lmao all this samefagging. Someone is very obsessed with this series
i guess wrpg-kun left for good.
And that's why 3 has by far the best collection of bosses in the series. Even in fights where stealth isn't possible, there are coutless different strategies you can come up with.
MGS2's bosses were pretty bad by comparison. Vamp was the only truly great fight, and even then it's a simple shooting gallery.